public FormController(ICacheService cacheService, IDynamicService service, IFormService formService, IFormContext formContext, IEntityContext entityContext) { _cacheService = cacheService; _service = service; _formService = formService; _formContext = formContext; _entityContext = entityContext; }
public TransactionsController(ILog log, IDynamicService dynamicService, IBuildRepository buildRepository) { _log = log; _dynamicService = dynamicService; _buildRepository = buildRepository; }
public FormController(UserManager <GearUser> userManager, RoleManager <GearRole> roleManager, ICacheService cacheService, ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext, EntitiesDbContext context, INotify <GearRole> notify, IDynamicService service, IFormService formService, IFormContext formContext, IEntityContext entityContext) : base(userManager, roleManager, applicationDbContext, context, notify) { _cacheService = cacheService; _service = service; FormService = formService; _formContext = formContext; _entityContext = entityContext; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="dataService"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="hub"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> /// <param name="emailSender"></param> /// <param name="userManager"></param> public NotifyWithDynamicEntities(IDynamicService dataService, TContext context, ICommunicationHub hub, ILogger <NotifyWithDynamicEntities <TContext, TRole, TUser> > logger, IEmailSender emailSender, IUserManager <GearUser> userManager) { _dataService = dataService; _context = context; _hub = hub; _logger = logger; _emailSender = emailSender; _userManager = userManager; }
public ServiceBrokerService(IServiceRepository serviceRepository, IDynamicService dynamicService, ICachedService cachedService, IStaticService staticService, ITaskScheduler taskScheduler, ICache cache) { _serviceRepository = serviceRepository; _dynamicService = dynamicService; _cachedService = cachedService; _taskScheduler = taskScheduler; _cache = cache; _staticService = staticService; }
public BalancesController(ILog log, IDynamicService dynamicService, IBalanceRepository balanceRepository, IBalancePositiveRepository balancePositiveRepository) { _log = log; _dynamicService = dynamicService; _balanceRepository = balanceRepository; _balancePositiveRepository = balancePositiveRepository; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="dynamicService"></param> public DataInjectorController(IDynamicService dynamicService) { _dynamicService = dynamicService; _jsonSerializeOptions = new JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatString = GearSettings.Date.DateFormat, ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(), NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; }
public string this[int i, DateTime d, IDynamicService s, string t, object o, double f, byte b] { get { throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(typeof(IChoucrouteService)); } set { throw new ServiceNotAvailableException(typeof(IChoucrouteService)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="appContext"></param> /// <param name="service"></param> /// <param name="pageRender"></param> /// <param name="formContext"></param> /// <param name="pagesContext"></param> public PageRenderController(ApplicationDbContext appContext, IDynamicService service, IPageRender pageRender, IFormContext formContext, IDynamicPagesContext pagesContext) { _appContext = appContext; _service = service; _formContext = formContext; _pagesContext = pagesContext; _pageRender = pageRender; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="appContext"></param> /// <param name="service"></param> /// <param name="pageRender"></param> /// <param name="formContext"></param> /// <param name="pagesContext"></param> /// <param name="viewModelService"></param> public PageRenderController(GearIdentityDbContext appContext, IDynamicService service, IPageRender pageRender, IFormContext formContext, IDynamicPagesContext pagesContext, IViewModelService viewModelService) { _appContext = appContext; _service = service; _formContext = formContext; _pagesContext = pagesContext; _viewModelService = viewModelService; _pageRender = pageRender; }
public InlineEditController(IDynamicPagesContext pagesContext, IDynamicService service, UserManager <GearUser> userManager) { _pagesContext = pagesContext; _service = service; _userManager = userManager; _jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore, ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; }
public string this[int i, DateTime d, IDynamicService s, string t, object o, double f, byte b] { get { RegisterCall(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()); return(i.ToString() + d.Ticks.ToString() + t + o.ToString() + f.ToString() + b.ToString()); } set { RegisterCall(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
public string this[int i, DateTime d, IDynamicService s, string t, object ob, double f, byte b] { get { LogMethodEntry e; ServiceLogMethodOptions o = GetLoggerForRunningCall(7, out e); if ((o & ServiceLogMethodOptions.LogParameters) != 0) { e._parameters = new object[] { i, d, s, t, ob, f, b } } ; try { return(StandardHandleLogReturn(o, e, _impl[i, d, s, t, ob, f, b])); } catch (Exception ex) { if ((o & ServiceLogMethodOptions.LogError) != 0) { OnCallException(7, ex, e); } throw; } } set { LogMethodEntry e; ServiceLogMethodOptions o = GetLoggerForRunningCall(8, out e); if ((o & ServiceLogMethodOptions.LogParameters) != 0) { e._parameters = new object[] { i, d, s, t, o, f, b } } ; try { _impl[i, d, s, t, o, f, b] = value; if ((o & ServiceLogMethodOptions.Leave) != 0) { LogEndCall(e); } } catch (Exception ex) { if ((o & ServiceLogMethodOptions.LogError) != 0) { OnCallException(8, ex, e); } throw; } } }
public WalletsController(IDynamicService dynamicService) { _dynamicService = dynamicService; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="dynamicService"></param> public DataInjectorController(IDynamicService dynamicService) { _dynamicService = dynamicService; }
public static ObjectId DeepCreate(DynamicRecord parentRecord, DynamicRecord record, SchemaView view, ObjectId tenantId, ObjectId loggedUser, string roleCode, IDynamicService <DynamicRecord> dynamicService, ISchemaService schemaService, bool allowUpdate = false) { var complexRecords = record.Values().Where(v => view.Schema.Attributes.ContainsKey(v.Key) && (view.Schema.Attributes[v.Key].IsComplex || view.Schema.Attributes[v.Key].IsSubCatalog)); complexRecords.ToList().ForEach(r => { var subcatalogView = schemaService.GetView(view.Schema.Attributes[r.Key].DataType, ViewCategory.Create, tenantId, roleCode); //this should go to cache all of the time, it would be expensive not to. // When manually creating an invoice, we need to check if Count > 0, otherwise FindExisting throws an exception if (r.Value is Dictionary <string, object> && ((Dictionary <string, object>)r.Value).Count > 0) { var subRecord = new DynamicRecord().Initialize <DynamicRecord>((Dictionary <string, object>)r.Value, null, ViewCategory.Create); bool isValidInput = true; subRecord._id = FindExisting(subRecord, subcatalogView, tenantId, loggedUser, dynamicService, out isValidInput); if (subcatalogView != null && subcatalogView.Schema.AllowQuickCreate && subRecord._id == ObjectId.Empty && isValidInput) { var fieldId = DeepCreate(parentRecord ?? record, subRecord, subcatalogView, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode, dynamicService, schemaService); var field = ((Dictionary <string, object>)r.Value); var arrayOfKeys = field.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (var k in arrayOfKeys) { if (subRecord.ContainsKey(k)) { field[k] = subRecord[k]; } } } else if (subRecord._id != ObjectId.Empty) { ((Dictionary <string, object>)r.Value)["_id"] = subRecord._id; } } else if (subcatalogView?.Schema != null && subcatalogView.Schema.AllowQuickCreate && r.Value is List <Dictionary <string, object> > && ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)r.Value).Count > 0) { ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)r.Value).ForEach(v => { var subRecord = new DynamicRecord().Initialize <DynamicRecord>(v, subcatalogView, ViewCategory.Create); var fieldId = DeepCreate(parentRecord ?? record, subRecord, subcatalogView, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode, dynamicService, schemaService, true); var field = v; var arrayOfKeys = field.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (var k in arrayOfKeys) { if (subRecord.ContainsKey(k)) { field[k] = subRecord[k]; } } }); } }); if (record._id != ObjectId.Empty && allowUpdate) { record.ParentRecord = parentRecord; dynamicService.Update(record, view.Schema.CollectionName, view.Schema.Name, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode); return(record._id); } else { var isValidInput = false; record._id = FindExisting(record, view, tenantId, loggedUser, dynamicService, out isValidInput); if (record._id == ObjectId.Empty) { record.ParentRecord = parentRecord; return(dynamicService.Add(record, view.Schema.Name, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode)); } else if (allowUpdate) { record.ParentRecord = parentRecord; dynamicService.Update(record, view.Schema.CollectionName, view.Schema.Name, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode); return(record._id); } else { return(ObjectId.Empty); } } }
public static ObjectId DeepCreate(DynamicRecord record, SchemaView view, ObjectId tenantId, ObjectId loggedUser, string roleCode, IDynamicService <DynamicRecord> dynamicService, ISchemaService schemaService, bool allowUpdate = false) { return(DeepCreate(null, record, view, tenantId, loggedUser, roleCode, dynamicService, schemaService, allowUpdate)); }
public static Dictionary <string, object> SetComplexValue(object value, ColumnSchema attribute, ObjectId tenantId, ObjectId userId, string roleCode, IDynamicRepository dynamicRepository, IDynamicService <DynamicRecord> dynamicService, ISchemaService schemaService) { var complexAttributeView = schemaService.GetView(attribute.DataType, ViewCategory.Create, tenantId, roleCode); //TODO: gutierfe. I think it should be .Catalog. var complexAttributeSchema = complexAttributeView.Schemas[attribute.DataType]; var isValid = true; //Create complex field value var fieldValue = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { complexAttributeSchema.UniqueIndex.Count() == 1 ? complexAttributeSchema.UniqueIndex.First() : attribute.ComplexFieldName, value } }; //assumming it has only one unique index, otherwise, use complex value field var dynamicRecordValue = new DynamicRecord().Initialize <DynamicRecord>(fieldValue as Dictionary <string, object>, null, ViewCategory.Catalog); ThrowExceptionIfViewIsNull(complexAttributeView); var id = ControllerHelper.FindExisting(dynamicRecordValue, complexAttributeView, tenantId, userId, dynamicService, out isValid); if (id != ObjectId.Empty) { dynamicRecordValue = dynamicRepository.Get <DynamicRecord>(attribute.DataType, id, tenantId); } return(dynamicRecordValue.Values()); }
public NotificationTypeController(IDynamicService service) { _service = service; }
public static ObjectId FindExisting(DynamicRecord record, SchemaView view, ObjectId tenantId, ObjectId loggedUser, IDynamicService <DynamicRecord> dynamicService, out bool isValidInput) { isValidInput = true; //check if the current record exists... only check for quick create ones if ((record._id == null || record._id == ObjectId.Empty) && view != null && view.Schema.UniqueIndex != null) { var filter = view.Schema.UniqueIndex.ToDictionary(v => v, v => v.Contains("$") ? //v.Split('$')[0] = View (View$Name) //v.Split('$')[1] = Name (record[v.Split('$')[0]] as IDictionary <string, object>)[v.Split('$')[1]].ToString() : record[v]?.ToString() ); // If all filters are empty that's because we're receiving an object without a unique index, // which can't be compared if (filter.All(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))) { // We received something without a valid uniqueIndex isValidInput = false; } else { var existingRecords = dynamicService.GetAll(view, tenantId, loggedUser, RecordLevelSecurityEnum.NoRestriction).ToList(); var existingRecord = existingRecords.Where(e => e.Contains(filter)).ToList(); if (existingRecord != null && existingRecord.Count() > 0) { return(existingRecord.First()._id); } } } return(ObjectId.Empty); }
public AddressesController(IDynamicService dynamicService) { _dynamicService = dynamicService; }
public SignController(IDynamicService dynamicService) { _dynamicService = dynamicService; }