Esempio n. 1
 internal void RemoveEventHandler(IDiscordInterface e)
     if (e is IDiscordAPIEvents a)
     if (e is IDiscordChannelEvents c)
     if (e is IDiscordServerEvents s)
     if (e is IDiscordInviteEvents i)
     if (e is IDiscordMessageEvents m)
     if (e is IDiscordStatusEvents st)
     if (e is IDiscordVoiceEvents v)
     if (e is IDiscordWebhookEvents w)
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            foreach (var token in await _apiTokenData.GetAllKeys())
                _logger.Info($"Setting up discord client for Server {token.ServerName}");

                _discordSocketClient = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig
                    MessageCacheSize    = 0,
                    ExclusiveBulkDelete = true,
                    AlwaysDownloadUsers = true,

                    GatewayIntents =
                        GatewayIntents.Guilds |
                        GatewayIntents.GuildMembers |
                        GatewayIntents.GuildMessageReactions |
                        GatewayIntents.GuildMessages |

                _discordSocketClient.Log += message =>
                    if (message.Exception != null)
                        _logger.Warn($"DiscordClient: {message.Message} - {message.Exception.Message}");
                        _logger.Info($"DiscordClient: {message.Message}");
                _discordSocketClient.Ready += () =>
                    _logger.Info($"Discord client for {token.ServerName} is ready");

                _discordSocketClient.Disconnected += exception =>
                    _logger.Error($"Discord Client disconnected: {exception.Message}");
                //TODO handle disconnected event and try to reconnect

                await _discordSocketClient.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token.ApiKey);

                await _discordSocketClient.StartAsync();

                _discordInterface         = new DiscordInterface(_discordSocketClient);
                _commandProcessingService = new CommandProcessingService(_discordInterface, _schedulerFactory, _activityMonitor);
                await _commandProcessingService.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                //TODO when monitoring users in channels create that service here

                break; //TODO only use 1 server at a time for now
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discordInterface">Interface to send and receive discord messages</param>
        /// <param name="schedulerFactory">Generator for Reactive Schedulers</param>
        /// <param name="activityMonitor">Allows the commands to log an event occuring</param>
        public CommandProcessingService(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, ISchedulerFactory schedulerFactory, IActivityMonitor activityMonitor)
            _discordInterface = discordInterface;
            _schedulerFactory = schedulerFactory;
            _activityMonitor  = activityMonitor;
            _scheduler        = schedulerFactory.GenerateScheduler();

            _commandDict = new Dictionary <string, BaseDiscordCommand>();
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a game of trivia with the provided trivia source.
        /// Expected args:
        ///    1. Trivia source name that matches a provider in _questionProviders
        ///    2. (Optional) The number of rounds to play, default is 10
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discordInterface"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="rawMessage"></param>
        protected override async Task Execute(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage)
            if (!TryExtractArgs(args, out var questionProvider, out var gameLength))
                // Command was used wrong, print usage info and exit
                await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, FullHelpText);


            Subject <DiscordMessage> subject = new Subject <DiscordMessage>();

            .Where(message => message.Channel.Id == rawMessage.Channel.Id)
            .Subscribe(message =>
                subject.OnNext(new DiscordMessage(message.Channel, message.Author.Username, message.Content));

            var gameResult = new GameResults();

            // Start asking questions
            var questions = await questionProvider.GetQuestions(gameLength); //TODO this might need to be async

            for (int i = 0; i < questions.Count; i++)
                await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, $"Question {i + 1}:\n{questions[i].Question}");

                var result = await questions[i].ExecuteQuestion(subject.AsObservable(), questionProvider.QuestionDuration);

                if (result.Scores.Count == 0)
                    // No one was correct
                    await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, $"No one was correct! Answer:\n{questions[i].Answer}");
                    //Someone was correct
                    await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, $"{String.Join(", ", result.Scores.Where(score => score.Value > 0).Select(score => score.Key))} was correct!\n" +

            // Game is over, inform everyone of the winner
            await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel,
                                                    $"Game over, winner was {gameResult.GetWinner()}\n" +
Esempio n. 5
        protected override async Task Execute(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage)
            var response = new StringBuilder();

            response.AppendLine("Test command:");
            response.AppendLine($"From User: {rawMessage.Author.Username}");
            response.AppendLine($"Channel: {rawMessage.Channel.Name}");

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                response.AppendLine($"Arg{i}: {args[i]}");

            await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, response.ToString());
        public async Task ExecuteCommand(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage)
                bool   allowed = true;
                string reason  = "";

                // Check if we are allowed to do this command in this channel
                if (AllowedChannels.Length != 0 && !AllowedChannels.Contains(rawMessage.Channel.Name))
                    allowed = false;
                    reason += $"In channel {rawMessage.Channel.Name} but allowed channels are {String.Join(',', AllowedChannels)}\n";

                // Check if this user has a role that is in the whitelist
                if (AllowedRoles.Length != 0 && !rawMessage.Author.GetRolesAsString().ToList().Intersect(AllowedRoles).Any())
                    allowed = false;
                    reason += $"Allowed roles are {String.Join(',', AllowedRoles)} but user {rawMessage.Author.Username} " +
                              $"only has roles {String.Join(',', rawMessage.Author.GetRolesAsString())}\n";

                // Check if this user has a role that is in the blacklist
                if (DisallowedRoles.Length != 0 && rawMessage.Author.GetRolesAsString().Intersect(DisallowedRoles).Any())
                    allowed = false;
                    reason += $"User {rawMessage.Author.Username} has blacklisted role/s " +
                              $"{String.Join(',', rawMessage.Author.GetRolesAsString().Intersect(DisallowedRoles))}\n";

                if (allowed)
                    await Execute(discordInterface, args, rawMessage);
                    _logger.Warn($"User {rawMessage.Author.Username} tried to execute command {CommandString} but it failed because:\n{reason.Trim()}");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, $"Unexpected error when attmpeting to exectue a command: {e.Message}");
Esempio n. 7
 public static void UnregisterEventsHandler(IDiscordInterface e)
 => interfaces.RemoveEventHandler(e);
Esempio n. 8
 public static void RegisterEventsHandler(IDiscordInterface e)
 => interfaces.AddEventHandler(e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute the discord command
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="discordInterface"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 /// <param name="rawMessage"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected abstract Task Execute(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage);
Esempio n. 10
 protected override Task Execute(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage)
Esempio n. 11
        protected override async Task Execute(IDiscordInterface discordInterface, string[] args, SocketMessage rawMessage)
            // Get the current username. This can be either the current nickname, or the discord username, or the discord user id (if it is an integer)
            // Can also be surround in quotes f**k my life

            args = Utils.ArgumentParseUtils.ParseArgsWithQuotes(args);

            if (args.Length < 3)
                await SendMessage("Read how to use this command you peppeg");

                _logger.Debug($"Received invalid Rename user: {String.Join(',', args)}");

            var currentName = args[1];
            var newName     = args[2];

            SocketGuildUser user = null;

            // Try with user ID
            if (long.TryParse(currentName, out long userId))
                    user = discordInterface.RawClient.GetUser((ulong)userId) as SocketGuildUser;
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error(e, $"Cannot find user with id {userId}: {e.Message}");

            // Try with nickname or username
            if (user == null)
                foreach (var guild in discordInterface.RawClient.Guilds)
                    user = guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Username == currentName || p.Nickname == currentName);
                    if (user != null)

            if (user != null)
                    await user?.ModifyAsync(x => x.Nickname = newName);
                    await SendMessage($"Changed {currentName} to {newName}");

                    await ActivityMonitor.LogActivity(new Activity()
                        CommandName = CommandString,
                        Author      = rawMessage.Author.Username,
                        Channel     = rawMessage.Channel.Name,
                        Succeeded   = true,
                        Result      = $"Changed user {user.Username} nickname from {currentName} to {newName}"
                catch (Exception e)
                    await SendMessage($"ERROR: {e.Message}");

                    await ActivityMonitor.LogActivity(new Activity()
                        CommandName = CommandString,
                        Author      = rawMessage.Author.Username,
                        Channel     = rawMessage.Channel.Name,
                        Succeeded   = false,
                        Result      = $"Failed to change username for user {user.Username}: {e.Message}"
                await SendMessage($"Cannot find user with name {currentName}");

                await ActivityMonitor.LogActivity(new Activity()
                    CommandName = CommandString,
                    Author      = rawMessage.Author.Username,
                    Channel     = rawMessage.Channel.Name,
                    Succeeded   = false,
                    Result      = $"Cannot find user with name {currentName}"

            async Task SendMessage(string message) => await discordInterface.SendMessageAsync(rawMessage.Channel, message);