Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Execute <TMessage>(IDeviceDefinition <TMessage> definition, Func <int, TMessage> messageFactory = null)
            async Task HandleStream(IDeviceAdapter device)
                if (device.TryOpen(out var stream))
                    using (stream ?? throw new ApplicationException())
                        var streamDevice = new StreamDevice <TMessage>(device, definition, _token);//stream,
                        streamDevice.MessageReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e);
                        // streamDevice.DeviceStatus += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Status: {e}");
                        streamDevice.MessageReceivedError += (s, e) =>
                            e.ErrorHandling = ErrorHandling.Ignore;
                        streamDevice.MessageTrasmitterError += (s, e) =>
                            e.ErrorHandling = ErrorHandling.Ignore;

                        Task?uiTasks = null;
                        if (messageFactory != null && streamDevice is IDeviceTransmitter <TMessage> transmitter)
                            uiTasks = UserInteractionAsync(transmitter, messageFactory);

                        await Task.WhenAll(
                            Task.Run(() =>
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit");
                        }, _tokenSource.Token),
                            uiTasks ?? Task.FromResult(0),
                throw new ApplicationException($"{device} Not found");

            if (usbHid.CanGetDevice(definition))
                var device = GetHidDevice(definition);
                await HandleStream(device);
            else if (serial.CanGetDevice(definition))
                var device = GetSerialPort(definition);
                await HandleStream(device);
Esempio n. 2
        public StreamDevice(
            IDeviceAdapter adapter,
            IDeviceDefinition device,
            CancellationToken token     = default,
            int minimumTrasmissionDelay = 1000 //TODO should this default be overideable from the devicedefinition or it's attributes?
            _tokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);
            _token       = _tokenSource.Token;

            _adapter = adapter;
            _device  = device;
            _minimumTrasmissionDelay = minimumTrasmissionDelay;

            Task?messageReceiver    = null;
            Task?messageTransmitter = null;
            Task?deviceInitializer  = null;

            var mre = new AsyncManualResetEvent();

            if (_device is IDeviceDefinitionInitialize)
                deviceInitializer = Initializer(mre);
                //Assumed to start in set state but just be sure anyway

            if (_device is IDeviceDefinitionReceiver <TMessage> receiver)
                _decoder          = receiver.Decoder;
                _segmentDefintion = receiver.SegmentDefintion;
                messageReceiver   = Receiver(mre);
            if (_device is IDeviceDefinitionTransmitter <TMessage> transmitter)
                _encoder           = transmitter.Encoder;
                messageTransmitter = Transmitter(mre);

            Runner = Task.WhenAll(
                deviceInitializer ?? Task.FromResult(0),
                messageReceiver ?? Task.FromResult(0),
                messageTransmitter ?? Task.FromResult(0)
        /// <summary>
        /// populate DeviceDefinition object with config strings from mednafen config
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceDef"></param>
        public static void PopulateConfig(IDeviceDefinition deviceDef)
            // get all config strings from the mednafen config file that match the 'CommandStart' property of deviceDef
            List <string> cfgs = File.ReadAllLines(Paths.GetPaths().mednafenExe + @"\mednafen-09x.cfg").Where(a => a.Contains(deviceDef.CommandStart)).ToList();

            // iterate through each mapping and set the config string
            for (int i = 0; i < deviceDef.MapList.Count; i++)
                string cName = deviceDef.MapList[i].MednafenCommand;

                // look up the config command in the string list
                string lookup = (from a in cfgs
                                 where a.Contains(cName + " ")
                                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

                if (lookup == null || lookup == "" || lookup == " ")
                    // command wasnt found

                // if there is no config set for this command - continue
                if (!lookup.Contains(" "))

                // command was found - get just the config details
                string[] arr = lookup.Split(' ');

                // build the new string without the command
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int c = 1; c < arr.Length; c++)
                    sb.Append(" ");
                string cfg = sb.ToString().TrimEnd();

                // update deviceDef with the config
                deviceDef.MapList[i].Config = cfg;
        /// <summary>
        /// populate DeviceDefinition object with config strings from mednafen config
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceDef"></param>
        public static void PopulateConfig(IDeviceDefinition deviceDef)
            // get all config strings from the mednafen config file that match the 'CommandStart' property of deviceDef
            List <string> cfgs = File.ReadAllLines(Paths.GetPaths().mednafenExe + @"\mednafen.cfg").Where(a => a.Contains(deviceDef.CommandStart)).ToList();

            // iterate through each mapping and set the config string
            for (int i = 0; i < deviceDef.MapList.Count; i++)
                string cName = deviceDef.MapList[i].MednafenCommand;

                // look up the config command in the string list
                string lookup = (from a in cfgs
                                 where a.Contains(cName + " ")
                                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

                if (lookup == null || lookup == "" || lookup == " ")
                    // command wasnt found

                // if there is no config set for this command - continue
                if (!lookup.Contains(" "))

                // command was found - get just the config details
                string[] arr = lookup.Split(' ');

                if (arr.Length < 3)
                    // command is not set

                // get the string again without the command
                string justBindings = lookup.Replace(cName, "").TrimStart();
                arr = justBindings.Split(' ');

                // our array should now have the full config command - skip the first index (mednafen command)
                // and iterate through - each 'block'

                // denotes the position within the string
                // i.e. if logic functions are involved
                int location = 0;

                int lastLength = 0;

                // calculate the blocks lengths
                int blockPri = 0;
                int blockSec = 0;
                int blockTer = 0;

                int  blockIndex = 0;
                bool isFin      = false;

                for (int cou = 0; cou < arr.Length; cou++)
                    if (isFin)

                    switch (blockIndex)
                    case 0:
                        if (arr[cou] == "||" || arr[cou] == "&&" || arr[cou] == "&!")
                            // this is a logic operator

                    case 1:
                        if (arr[cou] == "||" || arr[cou] == "&&" || arr[cou] == "&!")
                            // this is a logic operator

                    case 2:
                        if (arr[cou] == "||" || arr[cou] == "&&" || arr[cou] == "&!")
                            // this is a logic operator

                        // we dont support more than 3
                        isFin = true;

                // now process each block
                if (blockPri > 2)
                    string[] blockPriArr = arr.Take(blockPri).ToArray();
                    deviceDef.MapList[i].Primary = ProcessBlock(blockPriArr);
                if (blockSec > 2)
                    string[] blockSecArr = arr.Skip(blockPri).Take(blockSec).ToArray();
                    deviceDef.MapList[i].Secondary = ProcessBlock(blockSecArr);
                if (blockTer > 2)
                    string[] blockTerArr = arr.Skip(blockPri + blockSec).Take(blockTer).ToArray();
                    deviceDef.MapList[i].Tertiary = ProcessBlock(blockTerArr);

                // update deviceDef with the full config string
                deviceDef.MapList[i].Config = justBindings;

            // iterate through the custom objects
            if (deviceDef.CustomOptions != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < deviceDef.CustomOptions.Count(); i++)
                    string cName = deviceDef.CustomOptions[i].MednafenCommand;

                    // look up the config command in the string list
                    string lookup = (from a in cfgs
                                     where a.Contains(cName + " ")
                                     select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (lookup == null || lookup == "" || lookup == " ")
                        // command wasnt found

                    // if there is no config set for this command - continue
                    if (!lookup.Contains(" "))

                    // command was found - get just the config details
                    string[] arr = lookup.Split(' ');

                    // [0] should be the command, [1] the value
                    deviceDef.CustomOptions[i].Config = arr[1].Trim();