public DeviceControl(Device device, List <Device> deviceList, IDeviceControl specialControl, DeviceManager manager) { this.device = device; devices = deviceList; CTR = specialControl; this.manager = manager; InitializeType(); CTR.Initializer(); InitializerBase(); }
public AudioSettingsControl(IUpdatableControl updatableControl) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // this.updatableControl = updatableControl; this.deviceControl = null; }
public Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>[] ToAssignmentArray(IDeviceControl device = null) { Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>[] result = new[] { new Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>(), new Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>(), new Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>(), new Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection>() }; AddAssignments(result[0], MainAssignments, device); AddAssignments(result[1], RedAssignments, device); AddAssignments(result[2], BlueAssignments, device); AddAssignments(result[3], GreenAssignments, device); return(result); }
private void AddDeviceControl(IDeviceControl deviceCtrl) { Action EmptyDelegate = delegate(){ }; if (deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices.Count == 0) { RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(); radioButton.Checked += DeviceSelected; radioButton.Unchecked += DeviceDeselected; radioButton.Content = deviceCtrl.ToString(); radioButton.IsChecked = false; radioButton.IsEnabled = true; radioButton.Style = this.FindResource("IZRadioButton") as Style; radioButton.ToolTip = deviceCtrl.ToString(); TestDevicePanel.Children.Add(radioButton); radioButton.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate); } else { for (var dev = 0; dev < deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices.Count; dev++) { RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(); radioButton.Checked += DeviceSelected; radioButton.Unchecked += DeviceDeselected; radioButton.Content = deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices[dev]; radioButton.IsChecked = false; radioButton.Style = this.FindResource("IZRadioButton") as Style; radioButton.ToolTip = deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices[dev].Description.Replace(", ", "\n"); TestDevicePanel.Children.Add(radioButton); radioButton.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate); } } }
private void AddDeviceControl(IDeviceControl deviceCtrl) { RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(); radioButton.Checked += DeviceSelected; radioButton.Unchecked += DeviceDeselected; if (deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices.Count == 0) { radioButton.Content = deviceCtrl.ToString(); radioButton.IsChecked = false; radioButton.IsEnabled = true; radioButton.Style = this.FindResource("IZRadioButton") as Style; TestDevicePanel.Children.Add(radioButton); } else { radioButton.Content = deviceCtrl.ActiveDevices[0]; radioButton.IsChecked = false; radioButton.Style = this.FindResource("IZRadioButton") as Style; TestDevicePanel.Children.Add(radioButton); } }
private void AddAssignments(Dictionary <string, AssignmentCollection> mapping, List <AssignmentPair> assignmentPairs, IDeviceControl device = null) { foreach (var pair in assignmentPairs) { var collection = pair.GetCollection(); foreach (var assignment in collection) { if (assignment is ShiftAssignment) { (assignment as ShiftAssignment).SetControl(device); } } mapping.Add(pair.input, pair.GetCollection()); } }
public ShiftAssignment(IDeviceControl control) { _control = control; ToggleStates = new List <ShiftState>(); }
public void SetControl(IDeviceControl control) { _control = control; }
public void InitializerControl(IDeviceControl specialControl) { CTR = specialControl; Controls.Add(CTR.Initializer()); }
private void BiometricsEnrolled(Object sender,List <FingerTemplate> bios) { try { if (_controlType == ControlTypeEnum.PALM_CONTROL_TYPE) { if (isVerifyingPalm == false) { enrollmentToVerify = bios; isVerifyingPalm = true; currentDevice.Dispatch(COMMAND.SINGLECAPTURE_START); return; } } if (bios != null) { // Check whether it is already enrolled IDeviceControl currDeviceControl = null; List <FingerTemplate> matchedTemplates; foreach (var devCtrl in Owner.PluginManager.DeviceControls) { if (devCtrl.ActiveDevices.Contains(currentDevice)) { currDeviceControl = devCtrl; } } if (isVerifyingPalm) { int matchesCount = currDeviceControl.Match(bios[0],enrollmentToVerify,out matchedTemplates); isVerifyingPalm = false; } foreach (var user in Owner.Users) { if (user.SID == Owner.SID) { continue; } foreach (var fingerCred in user.credentials_List.OfType <FingerCredential>()) { if (fingerCred.device.Equals(currentDevice.ToString())) { var candidates = new ComparsionCandidates(fingerCred.fingers); foreach (var bio in bios) { // int fingerIndex = currentDevice.Match(bio, candidates.Candidates); int matchesCount = currDeviceControl.Match(bio,candidates.Candidates,out matchedTemplates); if (matchesCount != 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => showMessagePopup("Already registered as " + FingerCredential.GetFingerName(candidates.PositionOf(matchedTemplates[0])) + (_controlType == ControlTypeEnum.PALM_CONTROL_TYPE ? " " : " finger") + " of user " + user.ToString()))); goto end; } } } } } ////check if it is first time enrollment if (currentCredential != null) { var candidates = new ComparsionCandidates(currentCredential.fingers); foreach (var bio in bios) { //int fingerIndex = currentDevice.Match(bio, candidates.Candidates); //if (fingerIndex != -1) int matchesCount = currDeviceControl.Match(bio,candidates.Candidates,out matchedTemplates); if (matchesCount != 0) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => showMessagePopup("Already registered as " + FingerCredential.GetFingerName(candidates.PositionOf(matchedTemplates[0])) + (_controlType == ControlTypeEnum.PALM_CONTROL_TYPE ? " " : " finger") + " of user " + Owner.Username))); goto end; } } } //// if (_controlType == ControlTypeEnum.FINGERPRINT_CONTROL_TYPE) { foreach (var tmpl in bios) { String str = Convert.ToBase64String(tmpl.Serialize()); currentCredential.AddFinger(new Finger(fingerNum,str,tmpl)); } } else if (_controlType == ControlTypeEnum.PALM_CONTROL_TYPE) { showMessagePopup((fingerNum == 10 ? "Left palm" : "Right palm") + " has been successfully registered"); foreach (var tmpl in enrollmentToVerify) { String str = Convert.ToBase64String(tmpl.Serialize()); currentCredential.AddFinger(new Finger(fingerNum,str,tmpl)); } } } end: Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => endEnrollment())); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("enrollment exception" + ex); } }
void DriverTypeComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { HostApiItem selectedItem = (HostApiItem) driverTypeComboBox.SelectedItem; audioSettingsPanel.Controls.Clear(); this.deviceControl = (IDeviceControl) selectedItem.HostApiDeviceControl; audioSettingsPanel.Controls.Add(selectedItem.HostApiDeviceControl); update(); }
public void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IDeviceControl deviceControl = DependencyService.Get <IDeviceControl>(); deviceControl.BluetoothManager(); }