Esempio n. 1
        public async void Test()


            // create a Writer to write to the database
            IWriter writer = new Writer(_databaseConnection);
            // create a Reader to read from the database
            IReader reader = new Reader(_databaseConnection);
            // create an Updater to update the database
            IUpdater updater = new Updater(_databaseConnection);

            Entry exampleMongoDBEntry = new Entry();

            exampleMongoDBEntry.Message = "Hello";

            // write the object to the "MyFirstCollection" Collection that exists within the
            // previously referenced "MyFirstDatabase" that was used to create the "writer" object
            writer.Write <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", exampleMongoDBEntry);

            IEnumerable <Entry> readEntrys = reader.Read <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", // within this collection...
                                                                 "Message",           // for the object field "Description"
                                                                 "Hello");            // return matches for 'Hello'

            Assert.AreEqual(1, readEntrys.Count());


            // read, write and update asynchronously using System.Threading.Task
            IAsyncReader asyncReader = new AsyncReader(reader);

            readEntrys = await asyncReader.ReadAsync <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", "Message", "Hello");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, readEntrys.Count());

            IAsyncWriter  asyncWriter  = new AsyncWriter(writer);
            IAsyncUpdater asyncUpdater = new AsyncUpdater(updater);

            // or delegate call backs
            IAsyncDelegateReader asyncDelegateReader = new AsyncDelegateReader(reader);

            asyncDelegateReader.AsyncReadCompleted += new ReadCompletedEvent(readerCallBack);
            asyncDelegateReader.ReadAsync <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", "Message", "Hello");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _asyncReadResults.Count());

            IAsyncDelegateWriter  asyncDelegateWriter  = new AsyncDelegateWriter(writer);
            IAsyncDelegateUpdater asyncDelegateUpdater = new AsyncDelegateUpdater(updater);


            // get a little higher level with the EasyMongo.Database namespace to target a database for operations
            IDatabaseReader  databaseReader  = new DatabaseReader(reader, asyncReader);
            IDatabaseWriter  databaseWriter  = new DatabaseWriter(writer, asyncWriter);
            IDatabaseUpdater databaseUpdater = new DatabaseUpdater(updater, asyncUpdater);

            // or a little lower level with the EasyMongo.Collection namespace to target a specific Collection
            ICollectionReader  collectionReader  = new CollectionReader(databaseReader, "MyFirstCollection");
            ICollectionWriter  collectionWriter  = new CollectionWriter(databaseWriter, "MyFirstCollection");
            ICollectionUpdater collectionUpdater = new CollectionUpdater(databaseUpdater, "MyFirstCollection");


            // operate only against "MyFirstDatabase"'s "MySecondCollection"
            readEntrys = collectionReader.Read <Entry>("Message", "Hello");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, readEntrys.Count());

            // GENERIC CLASSES //

            // Instead of defining generic type arguments at the method level,
            // you can do it once at the class declaration
            IWriter <Entry> writerT = new Writer <Entry>(writer);

            writerT.Write("MySecondCollection", new Entry()
                Message = "Goodbye World (Generically)"

            // SIMPLIFY CREATION VIA IoC //

            // because EasyMongo is a componentized framework built with blocks of functionality, EasyMongo
            // works great with DI containers and Inversion of Control.
            // here's an example of using the nuget Ninject extension to load EasyMongo mappings and a conn
            // string from configuration
            Ninject.IKernel            kernel             = new Ninject.StandardKernel();
            ICollectionUpdater <Entry> collectionUpdaterT = kernel.TryGet <ICollectionUpdater <Entry> >();

            // the alternative to this would be:
            IServerConnection   serverConn     = new ServerConnection(LOCAL_MONGO_SERVER_CONNECTION_STRING);
            IDatabaseConnection databaseConnn  = new DatabaseConnection(serverConn, "MyFirstDatabase");
            IDatabaseUpdater    databaseUpdatr = new DatabaseUpdater(updater, asyncUpdater);
            ICollectionUpdater  collectionUpdaterTheHardWay = new CollectionUpdater(databaseUpdater, "MySecondCollection");

            // SIMPLE QUERIES...   //

            databaseReader.Read <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", "Message", "Hello");
            readEntrys = await databaseReader.ReadAsync <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", "Message", "Hello");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, readEntrys.Count());

            // POWERFUL QUERIES... //

            // when more robust querying is needed leverage power of underlying MongoDB driver IMongoQuery
            IMongoQuery query1 = Query.Matches("Message", new BsonRegularExpression("HE", "i"));

            IEnumerable <Entry> queryResults = reader.Execute <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", query1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, queryResults.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello", queryResults.ElementAt(0).Message);

            // AND COMBINATIONS //

            Entry exampleMongoDBEntry2 = new Entry();

            exampleMongoDBEntry2.Message = "Hello Again";

            Entry exampleMongoDBEntry3 = new Entry();

            exampleMongoDBEntry3.Message = "Goodbye";

            writer.Write <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", exampleMongoDBEntry2);
            writer.Write <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", exampleMongoDBEntry3);

            // "AND" multiple IMongoQueries...
            IMongoQuery query2 = Query.Matches("Message", new BsonRegularExpression("Again"));

            queryResults = reader.ExecuteAnds <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", new [] { query1, query2 });
            Assert.AreEqual(1, queryResults.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Again", queryResults.ElementAt(0).Message);

            // "OR" multiple IMongoQueries...
            IMongoQuery query3 = Query.Matches("Message", new BsonRegularExpression("Goo"));

            queryResults = reader.ExecuteOrs <Entry>("MyFirstCollection", new[] { query1, query2, query3 });
            Assert.AreEqual(3, queryResults.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello", queryResults.ElementAt(0).Message);
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Again", queryResults.ElementAt(1).Message);
            Assert.AreEqual("Goodbye", queryResults.ElementAt(2).Message);