Esempio n. 1
        public Rental RentCarToCustomer(string loginEmail, int carId, DateTime rentalDate, DateTime dateDueBack)
            if (rentalDate > DateTime.Now)
                throw new UnableToRentForDateException(string.Format("Cannot rent for date {0} yet.", rentalDate.ToShortDateString()));

            IAccountRepository accountRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAccountRepository>();
            IRentalRepository  rentalRepository  = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IRentalRepository>();

            bool carIsRented = IsCarCurrentlyRented(carId);

            if (carIsRented)
                throw new CarCurrentlyRentedException(string.Format("Car {0} is already rented.", carId));

            Account account = accountRepository.GetByLogin(loginEmail);

            if (account == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(string.Format("No account found for login '{0}'.", loginEmail));

            Rental rental = new Rental()
                AccountId  = account.AccountId,
                CarId      = carId,
                DateRented = rentalDate,
                DateDue    = dateDueBack

            Rental savedEntity = rentalRepository.Add(rental);

Esempio n. 2
 public IEnumerable <Rental> GetCarRentalHistory(string loginEmail)
     return(HandleFaultHandledOperation(() =>
         IRentalRepository rentalRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IRentalRepository>();
         IAccountRepository accountRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAccountRepository>();
         Account account = accountRepository.GetByLogin(loginEmail);
         if (account == null)
             NotFoundException ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format("User with email Id {0} not found ", loginEmail));
             throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);
         IEnumerable <Rental> rentalHistory = rentalRepository.GetRentalHistoryByAccountId(account.AccountId);
         return rentalHistory;
Esempio n. 3
        [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = Security.CarRentalUser)]      //Y también a los que se acrediten con este usuario de Windows
        public Car GetCar(int carId)
            return(ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                ICarRepository carRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ICarRepository>();

                Car carEntity = carRepository.Get(carId);
                if (carEntity == null)
                    NotFoundException ex
                        = new NotFoundException(string.Format("Car with Id {0} is not in the database", carId));
                    //WCF gestiona las excepciones como mensaje SOAP con FaultException: FaultContract attribute
                    throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);
                return carEntity;
Esempio n. 4
        public Car GetCar(int carId)
            return(ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                var carRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ICarRepository>();

                var carEntity = carRepository.Get(carId);

                if (carEntity == null)
                    var ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format("Car with ID of {0} is not in the database.", carId));
                    throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message); // wcf compatible

                return carEntity;
Esempio n. 5
        public Car UpdateCar(Car car)
            return(ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                ICarRepository carRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ICarRepository>();

                Car updatedEntity = null;

                if (car.CarId == 0)
                    updatedEntity = carRepository.Add(car);
                    updatedEntity = carRepository.Update(car);

                return updatedEntity;
        public string GetDataConnection()
            string connectionString = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataConnector.CompanyCode))
                IDatabaseRepository databaseRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IDatabaseRepository>();
                var companydb = databaseRepository.Get().Where(c => c.CompanyCode == DataConnector.CompanyCode).FirstOrDefault();

                if (companydb == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load company database.");

                connectionString = string.Format("Data Source= {0};Initial Catalog={1};User ={2};Password={3};Integrated Security={4}", companydb.ServerName, companydb.DatabaseName, companydb.UserName, companydb.Password, companydb.IntegratedSecurity);

Esempio n. 7
        void use_repository_factory_to_get_non_generic_repositories_and_create_record()
            IJarsJobRepository jarsRep = _repFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsJobRepository>();


            //test create
            JarsJob jj = jarsRep.CreateUpdate(new JarsJob(), "NONGEN_FACT_TEST");

            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id > 0);

            //test read
            jj = jarsRep.GetById((long)1);
            Assert.IsTrue(jj.Id == 0);
Esempio n. 8
        public void UpdateProduct_update_existing()
            Product existingProduct = new Product()
                ProductId = 1
            Product updatedProduct = new Product()
                ProductId = 1, Name = "Updated Product"

            IDataRepositoryFactory mockedRepositoryFactory = Substitute.For <IDataRepositoryFactory>();

            mockedRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IProductRepository>().Update(existingProduct).Returns(updatedProduct);

            InventoryManager manager = new InventoryManager(mockedRepositoryFactory);
            ProductDto       results = manager.UpdateProduct(Mapper.Map <ProductDto>(existingProduct));

            Assert.IsTrue(results.Name == updatedProduct.Name);
        private void InitRepositories(List <Type> entities)
            _errorsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Error>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(UserEntity).FullName))
                _userRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <UserEntity>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Location).FullName))
                _locationRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Location>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Menu).FullName))
                _memuRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Menu>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MenuPrivilege).FullName))
                _memupriRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MenuPrivilege>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Privilege).FullName))
                _priRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Privilege>(RequestMessage);
            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(RoleDefine).FullName))
                _roleRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <RoleDefine>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(UserRole).FullName))
                _userroleRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <UserRole>(RequestMessage);
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestProductAddNew()
            Product newProduct   = new Product();
            Product addedProduct = new Product()
                ProductId = 1
            ProductDto newProductDto   = Mapper.Map <ProductDto>(newProduct);
            ProductDto addedProductDto = Mapper.Map <ProductDto>(addedProduct);

            IDataRepositoryFactory mockedRepositoryFactory = Substitute.For <IDataRepositoryFactory>();

            mockedRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IProductRepository>().Add(newProduct).Returns(addedProduct);

            InventoryManager manager = new InventoryManager(mockedRepositoryFactory);
            ProductDto       results = manager.AddProduct(newProductDto);

            //cannot test InventoryManager with Fake Repository, because of Mapper
            Assert.IsTrue(results == addedProductDto);
Esempio n. 11
        protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, ClientApplicationAccessRequirement requirement)
            var defaultMessage = "No Autorizado";

            var authHeader = _HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader) && authHeader.ToString().StartsWith("Basic"))
                string accessKey = authHeader.ToString().Substring("Basic ".Length).Trim();

                _ApplicationProfile.ApplicationId = await _CacheService.GetCachedAsync(accessKey, async() =>
                    var repo = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ApplicationKey>();

                    var result = await repo.GetAsync(x => x.Select(r => r.ApplicationId), x => !x.IsDeleted && x.AccessKey == accessKey);

                }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

                if (_ApplicationProfile.ApplicationId != null)

                defaultMessage = "The provided Access Key is invalid.";

            var responseModel = new ApiErrorResponseModel()
                Message = defaultMessage

            var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseModel);

            _HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
            _HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode  = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
            await _HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync(result);
Esempio n. 12
        public IEnumerable <UserList> GetUserListsById(int userId)
            return(ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                IUserRepository userRepository = _repositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IUserRepository>();
                IRoleRepository roleRepository = _repositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IRoleRepository>();
                IUserListRepository userListRepository = _repositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IUserListRepository>();

                User userAccount = userRepository.Get(userId);
                if (userAccount == null)
                    NotFoundException ex =
                        new NotFoundException(string.Format("{0} kimlik numarasına sahip herhangi bir hesap bulunamadı!", userId));
                    throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);

                IEnumerable <UserList> userLists = userListRepository.GetByUserId(userAccount.Id);

                return userLists;
        public string GenerateLocSerialsMovedReport(string custCode, string locCode)
            var repo = _dataRepositoryFactory
                       .GetDataRepository <ILRyderCiscoSncycCntRepository>();

            var items = repo.GetScannedQtyMismatches("H2", custCode, locCode);

            if (items.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Location Serials Moved Report has no data");

            var path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}_{2}.csv",
                                     "loc_serials_moved", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm"));

            using (var fs = File.Create(path))
                using (StreamWriter bw = new StreamWriter(fs))
                    foreach (var item in items)


Esempio n. 14
        private void InitRepositories(List <Type> entities)
            _errorsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Error>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Event).FullName))
                _eventsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Event>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Poster).FullName))
                _postersRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Poster>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(News).FullName))
                _newsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <News>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Report).FullName))
                _reportsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Report>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Book).FullName))
                _booksRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Book>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Quote).FullName))
                _quotesRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Quote>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Leaflet).FullName))
                _leafletsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Leaflet>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(LeafletCategory).FullName))
                _leafletCategoriesRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <LeafletCategory>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(FreeDownload).FullName))
                _freeDownloadRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <FreeDownload>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Model).FullName))
                _modelsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Model>(RequestMessage);
Esempio n. 15
        bool VerifyWithActiveDirecory(IServiceBase authService, string adUserName, bool isLive)
            //for AD we will set up the user by compiling the relevant criteria.
            //we will only ever use the name part of AD so we need to add the domain and other details to do the AD query
            //we also need to check if a user with that name does exist in the database

            IJarsUserAccountRepository userRepo = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsUserAccountRepository>();

            //log that a request was made that failed for the user.. this might help with identifying attacks on the system.
            IErrorLogRepository errRepo = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IErrorLogRepository>();
            string domain = Environment.UserDomainName;

            //string userName = $"{domain}\\{adUserName}";

            if (isLive)
                JarsUserAccount acc = userRepo.GetByUserNameEagerly(adUserName);
                if (acc != null)
                    //while in dev we will just say the current user is authorized
                    authService.Request.Items.Add("account", acc);

                    //the user was found, but now we need to make sure that the user exists in AD.
                    if (acc.IsActive.HasValue && !acc.IsActive.Value)
                        authService.Request.Items.Add("IsActive", acc.IsActive.Value);
                        //now check if AD can be accessed
                        return(true);//as this computer does not sit on an AD domain

                            using (var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain))
                                using (var foundUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, adUserName))
                                    //we could update the user settings here if they were assigned to another group or principal.
                                    authService.Request.Items.Add("account", acc);
                                    return(foundUser != null);
                        catch (PrincipalServerDownException pex)
                            errRepo.CreateUpdate(new ErrorLog
                                EnvironmentUserName = Environment.UserName,
                                ErrorText           = pex.Message,
                                ErrorTime           = DateTime.Now,
                                ErrorType           = "LoginFailed"
                            }, "CustomAuthProvider");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            errRepo.CreateUpdate(new ErrorLog
                                EnvironmentUserName = Environment.UserName,
                                ErrorText           = ex.Message,
                                ErrorTime           = DateTime.Now,
                                ErrorType           = "LoginFailed"
                            }, "CustomAuthProvider");
                            throw ex;
                    JarsUserAccount nacc = new JarsUserAccount {
                        AccountName = adUserName, IsActive = false, UserPermissions = "NONE"
                    };                                                                                                                  // userRepo.GetByUserName(adUserName);
                    acc = userRepo.CreateUpdate(nacc, "AUTOREGISTER");
                    errRepo.CreateUpdate(new ErrorLog
                        EnvironmentUserName = Environment.UserName,
                        ErrorText           = "Failed login attempt.",
                        ErrorTime           = DateTime.Now,
                        ErrorType           = "LoginFailed"
                    }, "CustomAuthProvider");

                    //!This needs changing, but for testing purposes this has been made so any new sign in will just create a user and continue
                    nacc.IsActive = true;
                    acc           = userRepo.CreateUpdate(nacc, "AUTOREGISTER");
                    acc           = userRepo.GetByUserNameEagerly(adUserName);
                    authService.Request.Items.Add("account", acc);

                    //the user was found, but now we need to make sure that the user exists in AD.
                    if (acc.IsActive.HasValue && !acc.IsActive.Value)
                        authService.Request.Items.Add("IsActive", acc.IsActive.Value);
                        return(false);//userName == "Dev" && password == "Pass";
                if ("TestAccount" == adUserName)
Esempio n. 16
        public void Test()
            var data = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <UserRepository>();

Esempio n. 17
        protected override Account LoadAuthorizationValidationAccount(string loginName)
            IAccountRepository accountRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAccountRepository>();
            Account            authAcct          = accountRepository.GetByLogin(loginName);

            if (authAcct == null)
                NotFoundException ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find account for login name {0} to use for security trimming.", loginName));
                throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);

Esempio n. 18
        public IEnumerable <DiasLaborables> GetDiasLaborales(int Anio)
            IDiasLaborablesRepository diasLaborablesRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IDiasLaborablesRepository>();

Esempio n. 19
        public County Get(int entityId)
            var countyRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ICountyRepository>();

Esempio n. 20
        protected override Account LoadAuthorizationValidationAccount(string loginName)
            IAccountRepository accountRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAccountRepository>();
            Account            authAccount       = accountRepository.GetByLogin(loginName);

            if (authAccount == null)
                NotFoundException ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find account for login name {0} to use for security trimming.", loginName));
                //WCF gestiona las excepciones como mensaje SOAP con FaultException: FaultContract attribute
                throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);

Esempio n. 21
        public IList <ContentType> GetContentTypeList()
            IContentTypeRepository contentTypeRepository = _dataFactoryRepository.GetDataRepository <IContentTypeRepository>();

Esempio n. 22
 public List <Category> GetCategories()
     return(_repoFactory.GetDataRepository <ICategoryRepository>().Get().ToList());
Esempio n. 23
 public IEnumerable <Rental> GetCarRentalHistory(string loginEmail)
     return(ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() => {
         IAccountRepository accountRep = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAccountRepository>();
         IRentalRepository rental = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IRentalRepository>();
         Account account = accountRep.GetByLogin(loginEmail);
         if (account == null)
             NotFoundException ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format($"No account found for login {loginEmail}"));
             throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);
         IEnumerable <Rental> rentalHistory = rental.GetRentalHistoryByAccount(account.AccountId);
         return rentalHistory;
Esempio n. 24
        public override void RegisterModule()
            ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                systemCoreData.ISolutionRepository solutionRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.ISolutionRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IModuleRepository moduleRepository     = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IModuleRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IMenuRepository menuRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IMenuRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IRoleRepository roleRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IRoleRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IMenuRoleRepository menuRoleRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IMenuRoleRepository>();
                IGLTypeRepository glTypeRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IGLTypeRepository>();

                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    //check if module has been installed
                    systemCoreEntities.Module module = moduleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == MODULE_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (module == null)
                        //check if module category exit
                        systemCoreEntities.Solution solution = solutionRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == SOLUTION_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (solution == null)
                            //register solution
                            solution = new systemCoreEntities.Solution()
                                Name      = SOLUTION_NAME,
                                Alias     = SOLUTION_ALIAS,
                                Active    = true,
                                Deleted   = false,
                                CreatedBy = "Auto",
                                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                                UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                                UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                            solution = solutionRepository.Add(solution);

                        //register module
                        module = new systemCoreEntities.Module()
                            Name       = MODULE_NAME,
                            Alias      = MODULE_ALIAS,
                            SolutionId = solution.EntityId,
                            Active     = true,
                            Deleted    = false,
                            CreatedBy  = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn  = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy  = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn  = DateTime.Now

                        module = moduleRepository.Add(module);

                        var adminRole = new systemCoreEntities.Role()
                            SolutionId  = solution.SolutionId,
                            Name        = GROUP_ADMINISTRATOR,
                            Description = "For IFRS solution unlimited users",
                            Type        = systemCoreFramework.RoleType.Application,
                            Active      = true,
                            Deleted     = false,
                            CreatedBy   = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy   = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now


                        var userRole = new systemCoreEntities.Role()
                            SolutionId  = solution.SolutionId,
                            Name        = GROUP_USER,
                            Description = "For IFRS solution limited users",
                            Type        = systemCoreFramework.RoleType.Application,
                            Active      = true,
                            Deleted     = false,
                            CreatedBy   = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy   = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now


                        int menuIndex = 0;

                        //register menu
                        var root = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS",
                            Alias     = "IFRS",
                            Action    = "",
                            ActionUrl = "",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "ifrs_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = null,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        root = menuRepository.Add(root);

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = root.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = root.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = userRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        var loan = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS_LOAN",
                            Alias     = "Loans",
                            Action    = "IFRS_LOAN",
                            ActionUrl = "",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "ifrs_loan_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = loan.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = loan.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = userRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        var finInstrument = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS_FINANCIAL_INSTRUMENT",
                            Alias     = "Financial Instrument",
                            Action    = "IFRS_FINANCIAL_INSTRUMENT",
                            ActionUrl = "",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "ifrs_financialinstrument_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = finInstrument.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = finInstrument.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = userRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        var dataview = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS_DATA_VIEW",
                            Alias     = "IFRS Processed Data",
                            Action    = "IFRS_DATA_VIEW",
                            ActionUrl = "",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "ifrs_dataview_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = dataview.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = dataview.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = userRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        var finstat = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "FINSTAT",
                            Alias     = "Finstat",
                            Action    = "FINSTAT",
                            ActionUrl = "",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "finstat_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = finstat.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = finstat.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = userRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        var actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS_REGISTRY",
                            Alias     = "Registries",
                            Action    = "IFRS_REGISTRY",
                            ActionUrl = "finstat-registry-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = finstat.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "DERIVED_CAPTIONS",
                            Alias     = "Derived Captions",
                            Action    = "DERIVED_CAPTIONS",
                            ActionUrl = "finstat-derivedcaption-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = finstat.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

        private void InitRepositories(List <Type> entities)
            _errorsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Error>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Customer).FullName))
                _customersRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Customer>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Supplier).FullName))
                _suppliersRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Supplier>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(ThirdPartyInspection).FullName))
                _thirdPartyInspectionsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ThirdPartyInspection>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Specifications).FullName))
                _specificationsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Specifications>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Dimension).FullName))
                _dimensionRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Dimension>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(RawMaterialForm).FullName))
                _rawMaterialFormsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <RawMaterialForm>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Test).FullName))
                _testsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Test>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(Error).FullName))
                _errorsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <Error>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MaterialRegisterHeader).FullName))
                _materialRegisterHeadersRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MaterialRegisterHeader>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MaterialRegisterSubSeries).FullName))
                _materialRegisterSubseriessRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MaterialRegisterSubSeries>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(HeatChartHeader).FullName))
                _heatChartHeadersRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <HeatChartHeader>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(HeatChartDetails).FullName))
                _heatChartDetailsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <HeatChartDetails>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(LabReport).FullName))
                _labReportssRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <LabReport>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MillDetail).FullName))
                _millDetailsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MillDetail>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MaterialRegisterSubseriesTestRelationship).FullName))
                _materialRegisterSubseriesTestRelationshipRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MaterialRegisterSubseriesTestRelationship>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(MaterialRegisterFileDetail).FullName))
                _materialRegisterFileDetailsRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <MaterialRegisterFileDetail>(RequestMessage);

            if (entities.Any(e => e.FullName == typeof(HeatChartMaterialHeaderRelationship).FullName))
                _heatChartMaterialHeaderRelationshipRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <HeatChartMaterialHeaderRelationship>(RequestMessage);
Esempio n. 26
        public IEnumerable <AporteEmpleador> GetAportesEmpleador()
            IAporteEmpleadorRepository aporteEmpleadorRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IAporteEmpleadorRepository>();

        public override void RegisterModule()
            ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                ISolutionRepository solutionRepository            = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <ISolutionRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IModuleRepository moduleRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IModuleRepository>();
                IMenuRepository menuRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IMenuRepository>();
                IRoleRepository roleRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IRoleRepository>();
                IMenuRoleRepository menuRoleRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IMenuRoleRepository>();

                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    //check if module has been installed
                    systemCoreEntities.Module module = moduleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == OpexModuleDefinition.MODULE_NAME).FirstOrDefault();

                    var register = false;
                    if (module == null)
                        register = true;
                        register = module.CanUpdate;

                    if (register)
                        //check if module category exit
                        Solution solution = solutionRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == OpexModuleDefinition.SOLUTION_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (solution == null)
                            //register solution
                            solution = new Solution()
                                Name      = OpexModuleDefinition.SOLUTION_NAME,
                                Alias     = OpexModuleDefinition.SOLUTION_ALIAS,
                                Active    = true,
                                Deleted   = false,
                                CreatedBy = "Auto",
                                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                                UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                                UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                            solution = solutionRepository.Add(solution);

                        //register module
                        if (module == null)
                            module = new systemCoreEntities.Module()
                                Name       = OpexModuleDefinition.MODULE_NAME,
                                Alias      = OpexModuleDefinition.MODULE_ALIAS,
                                SolutionId = solution.EntityId,
                                Active     = true,
                                Deleted    = false,
                                CreatedBy  = "Auto",
                                CreatedOn  = DateTime.Now,
                                UpdatedBy  = "Auto",
                                UpdatedOn  = DateTime.Now

                            module = moduleRepository.Add(module);

                        var existingRoles = roleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.SolutionId == solution.SolutionId && c.Type == RoleType.Application).ToList();
                        //var updatedRoles = new List<Role>();

                        //foreach (var role in OpexModuleDefinition.GetRoles())
                        //    var localRole = existingRoles.Where(c => c.Name == role.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                        //    if (localRole == null)
                        //    {
                        //        localRole = new Role() { Name = role.Name, Description = role.Description, SolutionId = solution.SolutionId, Type = RoleType.Application, Active = true, Deleted = false, CreatedBy = "Auto", CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "Auto", UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now };

                        //        localRole = roleRepository.Add(localRole);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        localRole.Description = role.Description;
                        //        localRole.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                        //        localRole = roleRepository.Update(localRole);
                        //    }

                        //    updatedRoles.Add(localRole);

                        var existingMenus = menuRepository.Get().Where(c => c.ModuleId == module.ModuleId).ToList();
                        var updatedMenus  = new List <Menu>();

                        var menuIndex = 0;

                        foreach (var menu in OpexModuleDefinition.GetMenus())
                            menuIndex      += 1;
                            Menu parentMenu = null;

                            int?parentId = null;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menu.Parent))
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menu.ParentModule))
                                    parentMenu = existingMenus.Where(c => c.Name == menu.Parent).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (parentMenu == null)
                                        parentMenu = menuRepository.Get().Where(c => c.ModuleId == module.ModuleId && c.Name == menu.Parent).FirstOrDefault();
                                    var parentModule = moduleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == menu.ParentModule).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (parentModule != null)
                                        parentMenu = menuRepository.Get().Where(c => c.ModuleId == parentModule.ModuleId && c.Name == menu.Parent).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (parentMenu != null)
                                    parentId = parentMenu.MenuId;

                            var localMenu = existingMenus.Where(c => c.Name == menu.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (localMenu == null)
                                localMenu = new Menu()
                                    Name = menu.Name, Alias = menu.Alias, Action = menu.Action, ActionUrl = menu.ActionUrl, ImageUrl = menu.ImageUrl, ModuleId = module.ModuleId, Position = menuIndex, ParentId = parentId, Active = true, Deleted = false, CreatedBy = "Auto", CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "Auto", UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                                localMenu = menuRepository.Add(localMenu);
                                localMenu.Alias     = menu.Alias;
                                localMenu.Action    = menu.Action;
                                localMenu.ActionUrl = menu.ActionUrl;
                                localMenu.ImageUrl  = menu.ImageUrl;
                                localMenu.ModuleId  = module.ModuleId;
                                localMenu.Position  = menuIndex;
                                localMenu.ParentId  = parentId;
                                localMenu.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;

                                localMenu = menuRepository.Update(localMenu);


                        var menuIds           = updatedMenus.Select(c => c.MenuId).Distinct().ToArray();
                        var existingMenuRoles = menuRoleRepository.Get().Where(c => menuIds.Contains(c.MenuId)).ToList();

                        foreach (var menuRole in OpexModuleDefinition.GetMenuRoles())
                            var myMenu = updatedMenus.Where(c => c.Name == menuRole.MenuName).FirstOrDefault();
                            var myRole = existingRoles.Where(c => c.Name == menuRole.RoleName).FirstOrDefault();

                            var localMenuRole = existingMenuRoles.Where(c => c.MenuId == myMenu.MenuId && c.RoleId == myRole.RoleId).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (localMenuRole == null)
                                localMenuRole = new MenuRole()
                                    MenuId = myMenu.MenuId, RoleId = myRole.RoleId, Active = true, Deleted = false, CreatedBy = "Auto", CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "Auto", UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                                localMenuRole.MenuId    = myMenu.MenuId;
                                localMenuRole.RoleId    = myRole.RoleId;
                                localMenuRole.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;


        public override void RegisterModule()
            ExecuteFaultHandledOperation(() =>
                systemCoreData.ISolutionRepository solutionRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.ISolutionRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IModuleRepository moduleRepository     = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IModuleRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IMenuRepository menuRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IMenuRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IRoleRepository roleRepository         = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IRoleRepository>();
                systemCoreData.IMenuRoleRepository menuRoleRepository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <systemCoreData.IMenuRoleRepository>();

                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    //check if module has been installed
                    systemCoreEntities.Module module = moduleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == MODULE_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (module == null)
                        //check if module category exit
                        systemCoreEntities.Solution solution = solutionRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == SOLUTION_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (solution == null)
                            //register solution
                            solution = new systemCoreEntities.Solution()
                                Name      = SOLUTION_NAME,
                                Alias     = SOLUTION_ALIAS,
                                Active    = true,
                                Deleted   = false,
                                CreatedBy = "Auto",
                                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                                UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                                UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                            solution = solutionRepository.Add(solution);

                        //register module
                        module = new systemCoreEntities.Module()
                            Name       = MODULE_NAME,
                            Alias      = MODULE_ALIAS,
                            SolutionId = solution.EntityId,
                            Active     = true,
                            Deleted    = false,
                            CreatedBy  = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn  = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy  = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn  = DateTime.Now

                        module = moduleRepository.Add(module);

                        int menuIndex = 0;
                        var root      = menuRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Alias == "IFRS Processed Data").FirstOrDefault();
                        var adminRole = roleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == GROUP_ADMINISTRATOR && c.SolutionId == solution.SolutionId).FirstOrDefault();
                        var userRole  = roleRepository.Get().Where(c => c.Name == GROUP_USER && c.SolutionId == solution.SolutionId).FirstOrDefault();

                        //register menu
                        var actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "IFRS_BOND_PERIODIC_SCHEDULE",
                            Alias     = "Bond Periodic Data",
                            Action    = "IFRS_BOND_PERIODIC_SCHEDULE",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-bondperiodicschedule-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now
                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "DAILY_BOND_AMORTIZATION",
                            Alias     = "Daily Bond Amortization",
                            Action    = "DAILY_BOND_AMORTIZATION",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-bondamortization-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now
                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "ZERO_COUPON_BOND",
                            Alias     = "Zero Coupon Bond",
                            Action    = "ZERO_COUPON_BOND",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-zerocouponbond-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "LOAN_PERIODIC_SCHEDULE",
                            Alias     = "Loan Periodic Schedule",
                            Action    = "LOAN_PERIODIC_SCHEDULE",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-loanperiodicschedule-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "LOAN_DAILY_SCHEDULE",
                            Alias     = "Loan Daily Schedule",
                            Action    = "LOAN_DAILY_SCHEDULE",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-loandailyschedule-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "LOAN_IMAPIRMENT_RESULT",
                            Alias     = "Loan Impairment Result",
                            Action    = "LOAN_IMAPIRMENT_RESULT",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-loanimpairmentresult-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "TREASURY_BILL_COMPUTATION",
                            Alias     = "Treasury Bills",
                            Action    = "TREASURY_BILL_COMPUTATION",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-treasurybillscomputation-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        actionMenu = new systemCoreEntities.Menu()
                            Name      = "EQUITY_STOCK_COMPUTATION",
                            Alias     = "Equity Stock",
                            Action    = "EQUITY_STOCK_COMPUTATION",
                            ActionUrl = "ifrs-equitystock-list",
                            Image     = null,
                            ImageUrl  = "action_image",
                            ModuleId  = module.EntityId,
                            ParentId  = root.EntityId,
                            Position  = menuIndex += 1,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now


                        menuRoleRepository.Add(new systemCoreEntities.MenuRole()
                            MenuId    = actionMenu.EntityId,
                            RoleId    = adminRole.EntityId,
                            Active    = true,
                            Deleted   = false,
                            CreatedBy = "Auto",
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdatedBy = "Auto",
                            UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

Esempio n. 29
        // BaseService class'ındaki metodu override ediyoruz.
        protected override User LoadAuthorizationValidationAccount(string loginName)
            IUserRepository userRepository = _dataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IUserRepository>();
            User            authAccount    = userRepository.GetByEmail(loginName);

            if (authAccount == null)
                NotFoundException ex = new NotFoundException(string.Format("{0} isminde kullanıcı bulunamadı!", loginName));
                throw new FaultException <NotFoundException>(ex, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 30
        public User GetOnlyUserForNow()
            var userRepo = _repoFactory.GetDataRepository <IUserRepository>();
