Esempio n. 1
        public KeyValuePair <double[, , ], double[, , ]> GetRandom()
            var pair = enumer.GetRandom();
            var data = network.GetOutput(pair.Key);

            return(new KeyValuePair <double[, , ], double[, , ]>(data, pair.Value));
        public override double[] TrainBatchContinue(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int max_found = 0;

                double[] loc_errors = new double[batch];
                int[]    loc_found  = new int[batch];

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                double   err   = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, batch, b =>
                    var pair      = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    var res       = network.ParallelWriteG(b, pair.Key, pair.Value, k);
                    loc_errors[b] = res.Key;

                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    network.ActionTwoG(b, batch, batch, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
                    err       += loc_errors[b];
                    max_found += loc_found[b];

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => val / batch);
                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => 0);
                errors[c] = err / batch;

Esempio n. 3
        public IOPair GetRandom(ref Network network)
            var pair = enumer.GetRandom(ref network);
            var data =;

            return(new IOPair(data, pair.Value));
Esempio n. 4
        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int    max_found = 0;
                double max       = 0;
                double err       = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < batch; j++)
                    max = -1;
                    var pair    = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    int max_arg = -1;
                    pair.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) => {
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg = x;
                            max     = val;

                    max = 0;
                    int max_arg2 = -2;

                    var res = network.WriteG(0, pair.Key, pair.Value, k);
                    res.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg2 = x;
                            max      = val;

                    err += res.Key;
                    network.ActionTwoG(0, 1, 1, (x, y) => x + y);

                    if (max_arg == max_arg2)

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => val / batch);
                network.ActionG(1, 1, x => 0);

                errors[c] = err / batch;
                Console.WriteLine(err / batch);

Esempio n. 5
        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                double err = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < batch; j++)
                    var pair = data.GetRandom(ref network);

                    var res = network.WriteG(0, pair.Key, pair.Value, 1);

                    err += res.Key;
                    network.ActionTwoG(0, 1, 1, (x, y) => x + y);

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => val / batch);

                double norm       = 0;
                int    norm_count = 0;

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => {
                    norm += val * val;

                norm /= norm_count;

                r += norm;

                double k = 1e-1 / (d + Math.Sqrt(r));

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => k * val);

                network.ActionG(1, 1, x => 0);

                errors[c] = err / batch;
                Console.WriteLine(err / batch);

Esempio n. 6
        public IOPair GetRandom(ref Network network)
            var pair = enumer.GetRandom(ref network);

            return(new IOPair(pair.Key, pair.Key));
        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            network.CreateGradients(batch + 2);
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int max_found = 0;

                double[] loc_errors = new double[batch];
                int[]    loc_found  = new int[batch];

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                double   err   = 0;
                //for(int b = 0;b < batch;b++)
                Parallel.For(0, batch, b =>
                    var pair = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    var res  = network.ParallelWriteG(b, pair.Key, pair.Value, k, 0);

                    loc_errors[b] = res.Key;

                    if (need_max)
                        double max  = -1;
                        int max_arg = -1;
                        pair.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                            if (val > max)
                                max_arg = x;
                                max     = val;

                        max          = -1;
                        int max_arg2 = -2;

                        res.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                            if (val > max)
                                max_arg2 = x;
                                max      = val;

                        if (max_arg == max_arg2)
                            loc_found[b] = 1;

                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    network.ActionTwoG(b, batch, batch, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
                    err       += loc_errors[b];
                    max_found += loc_found[b];

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => val / batch);

                if (firstSet)
                    network.ActionTwoG(batch, batch + 1, batch + 1, (g, v) => g);
                    firstSet = false;
                    network.ActionTwoG(batch, batch + 1, batch + 1, (g, v) => a * v + g);

                network.GradWeights(batch + 1);

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => 0);

                errors[c] = err / batch;

                double dw      = 0;
                int    w_count = 0;
                //network.ActionG(batch + 1, batch + 1, x =>
                //    dw += x * x;
                //    w_count++;
                //    return x;
                //Console.WriteLine("{2}: {0} : {1}", err / batch, Math.Sqrt(dw / w_count), c);
                //Console.WriteLine("A: {0} ", (float)(DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Found {0} of {1} {2}%", max_found, batch, 100.0f * max_found / batch);
                //if (c % 10 == 0)
                //    File.WriteAllText(c + "_" + err / batch, network.SaveJSON());
                if (err / batch <= 1e-7)
                    if (acc > 10)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopped at {0}", c);
                    acc = 0;

                //Console.WriteLine("Norm: {0}", network.layers[0].NormG(2));

        public List <KeyValuePair <double, double> > TrainBatchPercent(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            List <KeyValuePair <double, double> > pairs = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();

            network.CreateGradients(batch + 2);
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int max_found = 0;

                double[] loc_errors = new double[batch];
                int[]    loc_found  = new int[batch];

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                double   err   = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, batch, b =>
                    var pair = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    var res  = network.ParallelWriteG(b, pair.Key, pair.Value, k);

                    loc_errors[b] = res.Key;

                    double max  = -1;
                    int max_arg = -1;
                    pair.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg = x;
                            max     = val;

                    max          = -1;
                    int max_arg2 = -2;

                    res.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg2 = x;
                            max      = val;

                    if (max_arg == max_arg2)
                        loc_found[b] = 1;

                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    network.ActionTwoG(b, batch, batch, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
                    err       += loc_errors[b];
                    max_found += loc_found[b];

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => val / batch);
                network.ActionTwoG(batch, batch + 1, batch + 1, (g, v) => a * v + g);

                network.GradWeights(batch + 1);

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => 0);

                pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(err / batch, 100.0f * max_found / batch));

                //double dw = 0;
                //int w_count = 0;
                //network.ActionG(batch + 1, batch + 1, x =>
                //    dw += x * x;
                //    w_count++;
                //    return x;
                //Console.WriteLine("{2}: {0} : {1}", err / batch, Math.Sqrt(dw / w_count), c);
                //Console.WriteLine("A: {0} ", (float)(DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);
                //Console.WriteLine("Found {0} of {1} {2}%", max_found, batch, 100.0f * max_found / batch);

                //Console.WriteLine("Norm: {0}", network.layers[0].NormG(2));

        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                double   err   = 0;
                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    var pair = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    var res  = network.WriteG(0, pair.Key, pair.Value, 1);
                    err += res.Key;
                    network.ActionTwoG(0, 1, 1, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);

                double norm       = 0;
                int    norm_count = 0;

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => {
                    norm += val * val;

                norm = norm / norm_count;

                r = r * gamma + (1 - gamma) * norm;

                double k2 = k / (Math.Sqrt(r) + d) / batch;

                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => val * k2);
                network.ActionTwoG(1, 2, 2, (g, v) => a * v + g);


                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => 0);

                errors[c] = err / batch;

                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", err / batch, Math.Sqrt(norm));
                //Console.WriteLine("A: {0}", (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);

                if (err / batch <= 1e-7)
                    if (acc > 10)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopped at {0}", c);
                    acc = 0;

                //Console.WriteLine("Norm: {0}", network.layers[0].NormG(2));

Esempio n. 10
        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            network.CreateGradients(batch + 2);
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int max_found = 0;

                double[] loc_errors = new double[batch];
                int[]    loc_found  = new int[batch];

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                double   err   = 0;
                //Parallel.For(0, batch, b =>
                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    var pair = data.GetRandom();
                    var res  = network.ParallelWriteG(b, pair.Key, pair.Value, 1);

                    loc_errors[b] = res.Key;

                    double max     = -1;
                    int    max_arg = -1;
                    pair.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg = x;
                            max     = val;

                    max = -1;
                    int max_arg2 = -2;

                    res.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg2 = x;
                            max      = val;

                    if (max_arg == max_arg2)
                        loc_found[b] = 1;

                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    network.ActionTwoG(b, batch, batch, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
                    err       += loc_errors[b];
                    max_found += loc_found[b];

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => val / batch);
                double dw      = 0;
                int    w_count = 0;
                network.ActionG(batch, batch, x =>
                    dw += x * x;
                dw /= w_count;
                dw *= 1000;
                k   = ro * k + (1 - ro) * e / Math.Sqrt(1 + dw);
                network.ActionTwoG(batch, batch + 1, batch + 1, (g, v) => a * v + g * k);

                network.GradWeights(batch + 1);

                network.ActionG(batch, batch, val => 0);

                errors[c] = err / batch;

                Console.WriteLine("{2}: {0} : {1}", err / batch, k, c);
                Console.WriteLine("A: {0} ", (float)(DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} of {1} {2}%", max_found, batch, 100.0f * max_found / batch);

                //Console.WriteLine("Norm: {0}", network.layers[0].NormG(2));

Esempio n. 11
        public KeyValuePair <double[, , ], double[, , ]> GetRandom()
            var pair = enumer.GetRandom();

            return(new KeyValuePair <double[, , ], double[, , ]>(pair.Key, pair.Key));
Esempio n. 12
        public override double[] TrainBatch(IDataEnumerator data, int batch, int count)
            double[] errors = new double[count];
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                int    max_found = 0;
                double max       = 0;

                var      g_write = new TimeSpan();
                var      a_time  = new TimeSpan();
                DateTime start;
                double   err = 0;
                for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++)
                    var pair = data.GetRandom(ref network);
                    start = DateTime.Now;
                    var res = network.ParallelWriteG(0, pair.Key, pair.Value, k);
                    g_write += (DateTime.Now - start);
                    err     += res.Key;
                    start    = DateTime.Now;
                    network.ActionTwoG(0, 1, 1, (v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
                    a_time += (DateTime.Now - start);

                    max = -1;
                    int max_arg = -1;
                    pair.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) => {
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg = x;
                            max     = val;

                    max = -1;
                    int max_arg2 = -2;

                    res.Value.ForEach((val, z, y, x) =>
                        if (val > max)
                            max_arg2 = x;
                            max      = val;

                    if (max_arg == max_arg2)

                start = DateTime.Now;
                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => val / batch);
                network.ActionTwoG(1, 2, 2, (g, v) => a * v + g * (1 - a));
                a_time += (DateTime.Now - start);


                start = DateTime.Now;
                network.ActionG(1, 1, val => 0);
                a_time += (DateTime.Now - start);

                errors[c] = err / batch;

                double dw      = 0;
                int    w_count = 0;
                network.ActionG(2, 2, x =>
                    dw += x * x;
                Console.WriteLine("{2}: {0} : {1}", err / batch, Math.Sqrt(dw / w_count), c);
                Console.WriteLine("A: {0} G:{1}", a_time.TotalSeconds, g_write.TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} of {1} {2}%", max_found, batch, 100.0f * max_found / batch);

                if (err / batch <= 1e-7)
                    if (acc > 10)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopped at {0}", c);
                    acc = 0;

                //Console.WriteLine("Norm: {0}", network.layers[0].NormG(2));
