public async void regAndSync() { //// Obtaining a handle to the data service updateBaseUrl(); IDataAgent agent = MEAData.Agent( username: "******", baseUrl: baseUrl ); //// Registering a resource in the service agent.Register( name: resourceUrl, url: resourceUrl, // the url of the resource registree: "MiCoTestApp", // a string identifying who's requesting this resource poll: 12 // the desired frequency to poll the resource for changes, in hours ); var cache = agent.Cache(resourceUrl); if (cache == null) { // no such resource has been registered } else { // request that a resource be synced right now var response = await cache.Sync(); if (!response.Status.IsError()) { // sync succeeded } else { // sync failed, perhaps b/c we're offline } // perform an SQLite query against the data using (var conn = cache.GetDbConnection()) { //var results = conn.Query<dynamic>("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"); SampleData = conn.Query <SampleData>("SELECT * FROM [Entity 1]"); } // fetch a resource's metainformation if (DateTime.UtcNow - cache.LastSyncDate > new TimeSpan(36, 0, 0)) { // time since last successful sync //WarnUserCacheIsStale(); } if (DateTime.UtcNow - cache.LastModifiedDate > new TimeSpan(120, 0, 0)) { // time since data last updated on server. Always >= CacheAge. //WarnUserServerDataIsOld(); } } }
public async void getData() { //// Obtaining a handle to the data service updateBaseUrl(); IDataAgent agent = MEAData.Agent( username: "******", baseUrl: baseUrl ); //// Registering a resource in the service if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateResourceUrl())) { messages.Text = PLEASE_ENTER_CONFIG_INFO; return; } else { messages.Text = string.Empty; agent.Register( name: resourceUrl, url: resourceUrl, // the url of the resource registree: "TestAdventureWorks", // a string identifying who's requesting this resource poll: 1, // the desired frequency to poll the resource for changes, in hours auth: AuthType.MiCo, // The authentication method type user: MEASUsername.Text, // The MEAS User username pass: MEASPassword.Text // The MEAS User password ); var cache = agent.Cache(resourceUrl); if (cache == null) { // no such resource has been registered } else { // request that a resource be synced right now var response = await cache.Sync(); if (!response.Status.IsError()) { // sync succeeded messages.Text = SYNC_COMPLETE; } else { // sync failed, perhaps b/c we're offline messages.Text = SYNC_FAILED; } } } }
public async void register() { //// Obtaining a handle to the data service updateBaseUrl(); IDataAgent agent = MEAData.Agent( username: "******", baseUrl: baseUrl ); //// Registering a resource in the service if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateResourceUrl())) { messages.Text = PLEASE_ENTER_CONFIG_INFO; return; } else { messages.Text = string.Empty; agent.Register( name: resourceUrl, url: resourceUrl, // the url of the resource registree: "TestAdventureWorks", // a string identifying who's requesting this resource poll: 1, // the desired frequency to poll the resource for changes, in hours auth: AuthType.MiCo, // The authentication method type user: MEASUsername.Text, // The MEAS User username pass: MEASPassword.Text // The MEAS User password ); var cache = agent.Cache(resourceUrl); if (cache == null) { // no such resource has been registered messages.Text = REGISTRATION_FAILED; } else { messages.Text = REGISTRATION_COMPLETE; } } }
private void dataGridView1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { personName.Text = string.Empty; personAddress.Text = string.Empty; personAddress2.Text = string.Empty; personCityStateZip.Text = string.Empty; personPhone.Text = string.Empty; if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } DataTable dt = (DataTable)dataGridView1.DataSource; var drv = (DataRowView)dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem; var bizEntId = drv.Row["ID"]; //// Obtaining a handle to the data service updateBaseUrl(); IDataAgent svc = MEAData.Agent( username: "******", baseUrl: baseUrl ); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateResourceUrl())) { messages.Text = PLEASE_ENTER_CONFIG_INFO; return; } else { messages.Text = string.Empty; var res = svc.Cache(resourceUrl); if (res == null) { // no such resource has been registered } else { // perform an SQLite query against the data using (var conn = res.GetDbConnection()) { // Address Lookup var sql = "SELECT * FROM Address " + "INNER JOIN BusinessEntityAddress on Address.AddressID = BusinessEntityAddress.AddressID " + "INNER JOIN StateProvince on Address.StateProvinceID = StateProvince.StateProvinceID " + "where BusinessEntityAddress.BusinessEntityID = " + bizEntId; var results = conn.Query <dynamic>(sql); personName.Text = (string)drv.Row["First"] + " " + (string)drv.Row["Last"]; if (results.Count() == 0) { personAddress.Text = ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND; return; } var result = results.First(); personAddress.Text = result.AddressLine1; if (result.AddressLine2 != null) { personAddress2.Text = result.AddressLine2; } personCityStateZip.Text = result.City + ", " + result.StateProvinceCode + " " + result.PostalCode; // Phone Lookup sql = "SELECT * FROM PersonPhone where BusinessEntityID = " + bizEntId; results = conn.Query <dynamic>(sql); if (results.Count() == 0) { personPhone.Text = PHONE_NOT_FOUND; } else { if (results.First().PhoneNumber != null) { personPhone.Text = results.First().PhoneNumber; } } } } } }
private void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //// Obtaining a handle to the data service if (updateBaseUrl() == string.Empty) { messages.Text = PLEASE_ENTER_CONFIG_INFO; return; } else { messages.Text = String.Empty; IDataAgent svc = MEAData.Agent( username: "******", baseUrl: baseUrl ); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateResourceUrl())) { messages.Text = PLEASE_ENTER_CONFIG_INFO; return; } else { messages.Text = string.Empty; var res = svc.Cache(resourceUrl); if (res == null) { // no such resource has been registered messages.Text = RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; } else { messages.Text = String.Empty; // perform an SQLite query against the data using (var conn = res.GetDbConnection()) { // var results = conn.Query<dynamic>("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"); // SampleData = conn.Query<SampleData>("SELECT * FROM [Entity 1]"); var results = conn.Query <dynamic>("SELECT * FROM [Person] where LastName LIKE '%" + SearchText.Text + "%'"); // listPeople.Items.Clear(); var dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID"); dt.Columns.Add("First"); dt.Columns.Add("Last"); // Update List foreach (var result in results) { //var item = new ListViewItem(); //item.Text = result.FirstName + ' ' + result.LastName; //item.Tag = result.BusinessEntityID; //listPeople.Items.Add(item); var dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["First"] = result.FirstName; dr["Last"] = result.LastName; dr["ID"] = result.BusinessEntityID; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; } } } } }
public DatabaseReporter(IDataAgent dataAgent) { agent = dataAgent; }