Esempio n. 1
        private void LbEditBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //a button on list view has been clicked
            Button button = sender as Button;
            //walk up the tree to find the ListboxItem
            DependencyObject tvi = Helpers.ListUtility.FindParentTreeItem(button, typeof(ListBoxItem));

            //if not null cast the Dependancy object to type of Listbox item.
            if (tvi != null)
                ListBoxItem lbi = tvi as ListBoxItem;
                IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint timeSeriesPoint = (IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint)lbi.DataContext;
                // Open edit window for this point
                if (timeSeriesPoint is DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint scadaTimeSeriesPoint)
                    ScadaTimeSeriesPointEditWindow scadaTimeSeriesPointEditWindow = new ScadaTimeSeriesPointEditWindow(new DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint(scadaTimeSeriesPoint));
                    if (scadaTimeSeriesPointEditWindow.DialogResult == true)
                        // update the point
                        int pointIndex = dataPointsVM.dashboardTimeSeriesPoints.IndexOf(timeSeriesPoint);
                        if (pointIndex >= 0)
                            dataPointsVM.dashboardTimeSeriesPoints[pointIndex] = scadaTimeSeriesPointEditWindow.scadaTimeSeriesPointVM.ScadaTimeSeriesPoint;
                            ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(dataPointsVM.dashboardTimeSeriesPoints);
        // Implementing interface
        public List <IPointResult> FetchHistoricalPointData(IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint dashboardTimeSeriesPoint)
            if (dashboardTimeSeriesPoint.GetType().FullName == typeof(DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint).FullName)
                List <ScadaPointResult> scadaPointResults = FetchHistoricalPointData((DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint)dashboardTimeSeriesPoint);

                List <IPointResult> pointResults = new List <IPointResult>();

                for (int i = 0; i < scadaPointResults.Count; i++)

Esempio n. 3
 private void LbDeleteBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (MessageBox.Show("Remove Data Point ?", "Cell Data Points Configuration", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
         //do no stuff
         //a button on list view has been clicked
         Button button = sender as Button;
         //walk up the tree to find the ListboxItem
         DependencyObject tvi = Helpers.ListUtility.FindParentTreeItem(button, typeof(ListBoxItem));
         //if not null cast the Dependancy object to type of Listbox item.
         if (tvi != null)
             ListBoxItem lbi = tvi as ListBoxItem;
             // Delete the object from Observable Collection
             IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint timeSeriesPoint = (IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint)lbi.DataContext;
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task FetchAndPlotData()
            // stop running fetch tasks
            if (cts != null)

            // ***Instantiate the CancellationTokenSource.
            cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // clear the current series of the plot

            // get each point data and bind it to the Series Collection
            // iterate through each timeseries point in the config
            for (int i = 0; i < LinePlotCellConfig_.TimeSeriesPoints_.Count; i++)
                IDashboardTimeSeriesPoint pnt = LinePlotCellConfig_.TimeSeriesPoints_.ElementAt(i);
                if (pnt.GetType().FullName == typeof(DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint).FullName)
                    // handle if the point is a scada point
                    ScadaFetcher scadaFetcher = new ScadaFetcher();
                    DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint scadaTimeseriesPnt = (DashboardScadaTimeSeriesPoint)pnt;

                    // fetch the results from the data fetcher
                    List <ScadaPointResult> results = new List <ScadaPointResult>();

                        // ***Send a token to carry the message if cancellation is requested.
                        results = await scadaFetcher.FetchHistoricalPointDataAsync(scadaTimeseriesPnt, cts.Token);
                    // *** If cancellation is requested, an OperationCanceledException results.
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        AddLinesToConsole("Existing Fetch task cancelled");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        AddLinesToConsole($"Error in running fetch task: {e.Message}");

                    if (results == null)
                        // handle the null results by printing in the console
                        AddLinesToConsole("No values returned after fetching");
                        results = new List <ScadaPointResult>();

                    // Get Plot Values from ScadaResults
                    List <double> plotVals = new List <double>();
                    for (int resCounter = 0; resCounter < results.Count; resCounter++)
                        ScadaPointResult res = results[resCounter];

                    // change the plot values spacing in secs and the starting dateTime
                    if (i == 0)
                        MeasPeriodSecs_ = scadaTimeseriesPnt.FetchPeriodSecs_;
                        if (plotVals.Count > 0)
                            StartDateTime_ = new DateTime(results[0].ResultTime_.Ticks);
                    // getting the required color
                    string colorString = scadaTimeseriesPnt.ColorString_;
                    if (colorString == null)
                        colorString = "NULL";
                    SolidColorBrush requiredColorBrush;
                        requiredColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(colorString));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        requiredColorBrush = null;
                        //AddLinesToConsole($"Unable to parse the color string \"{colorString}\"");

                    // Add the Data Point fetch results to the Plot lines Collection
                    SeriesCollection.Add(new GLineSeries()
                        Title = scadaTimeseriesPnt.ScadaPoint_.Name_, Values = new GearedValues <double>(plotVals), PointGeometry = null, Fill = Brushes.Transparent, StrokeThickness = scadaTimeseriesPnt.StrokeThickness_, LineSmoothness = 0, Stroke = requiredColorBrush

            // ***Set the CancellationTokenSource to null when the download is complete.
            cts = null;