Esempio n. 1
 public CollisionContact(ICutlassCollidable a, ICutlassCollidable b, Vector2 normal, float distance)
     A        = a;
     B        = b;
     Normal   = normal;
     Distance = distance;
Esempio n. 2
 public CollisionContact(ICutlassCollidable a, ICutlassCollidable b, Vector2 normal, float distance)
     A = a;
     B = b;
     Normal = normal;
     Distance = distance;
        private void AddCollidableObject(ICutlassCollidable collidableObject)
            //Want to extend collisions slightly outside visible screen.
            BoundingRectangle collisionSpace = BoundingRectangle.Scale(_ViewScreen.VisibleArea, 1.1f, _ViewScreen.VisibleArea.Center);

            BoundingRectangle intersection = BoundingRectangle.Intersection(collidableObject.CurrentFrameBoundingRect, collisionSpace);

            int minHorizontalGroup = -1,
                maxHorizontalGroup = -1,
                minVerticalGroup   = -1,
                maxVerticalGroup   = -1;

            if (!intersection.IsZero)
                float groupWidth  = collisionSpace.Width / _HorizontalGroups;
                float groupHeight = collisionSpace.Height / _VerticalGroups;

                minHorizontalGroup = Math.Max(0, (int)((intersection.Left - collisionSpace.Left) / groupWidth));
                maxHorizontalGroup = Math.Min(_HorizontalGroups - 1, (int)((intersection.Right - collisionSpace.Left) / groupWidth));
                minVerticalGroup   = Math.Max(0, (int)((intersection.Top - collisionSpace.Top) / groupHeight));
                maxVerticalGroup   = Math.Min(_VerticalGroups - 1, (int)((intersection.Bottom - collisionSpace.Top) / groupHeight));

                for (int i = minHorizontalGroup; i <= maxHorizontalGroup; i++)
                    for (int j = minVerticalGroup; j <= maxVerticalGroup; j++)
                        if (_CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j] == null)
                            _CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j] = new List <ICutlassCollidable>();
                        _CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j].Add(collidableObject);
Esempio n. 4
        public void CollisionDetectedWithCorrection(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget, Vector2 normal, float distance)
            //Check for jumping through top-only collisions, or level-transition zones.
            if ((collisionTarget.Side == CollisionSide.Top && normal.Y == -1 && _IsJumpingDown) ||
                collisionTarget is LevelTransition)

            //get the separation and penetration separately, this is to stop penetration
            //from causing the obejcts to ping apart
            float separation  = Math.Max(distance, 0.0f);
            float penetration = Math.Min(distance, 0.0f);

            //get relative normal velocity so object will stop exactly on surface.
            float relativeNormalVelocity = 0.0f;

            relativeNormalVelocity = VectorUtilities.DotProduct(Velocity, normal);

            if (relativeNormalVelocity < 0)
                //remove normal velocity
                Velocity -= normal * relativeNormalVelocity;

            //is this ground?
            if (normal.Y < 0.0f)
                _WasOnGround = true;
        private void CheckCollisionsInGroup(GameTime gameTime, List <ICutlassCollidable> collidableObjects)
            if (collidableObjects == null || collidableObjects.Count <= 1)

            for (int i = 0; i < collidableObjects.Count; i++)
                ICutlassCollidable first = collidableObjects[i];

                for (int j = i + 1; j < collidableObjects.Count; j++)
                    ICutlassCollidable second = collidableObjects[j];

                    bool collisionCategoriesOverlap = CheckCollisionCategories(first, second);

                    //If both are stationary, or neither is stationary, detect collision but don't do anything about it.
                    if (first.Stationary == second.Stationary)
                        if (collisionCategoriesOverlap && first.NextFrameBoundingRect.Intersects(second.NextFrameBoundingRect))
                    //If only one is stationary, detect collision and correct non-stationary object
                        //contact.A is non-stationary object.
                        CollisionContact collisionContact;

                        if (first.Stationary)
                            collisionContact = new CollisionContact()
                                A = second, B = first
                            collisionContact = new CollisionContact()
                                A = first, B = second

                        if (collisionCategoriesOverlap && CalculateCollisionCorrection(gameTime, ref collisionContact) && !IsInternalEdge(collisionContact))
                            collisionContact.A.CollisionDetectedWithCorrection(collisionContact.B, collisionContact.Normal, collisionContact.Distance);
        public void AddObject(ICutlassSceneObject o)
            SceneObjectId sceneObjectId;

            lock (_SceneObjectIdLock)
                sceneObjectId = _NextSceneObjectId++;

            Objects.Add(sceneObjectId, o);

            //Add object to necessary lists.
            ICutlassLoadable loadable = o as ICutlassLoadable;

            if (loadable != null)
                LoadableObjects.Add(sceneObjectId, loadable);

            ICutlassMovable movable = o as ICutlassMovable;

            if (movable != null)
                MovableObjects.Add(sceneObjectId, movable);

            ICutlassCollidable collidable = o as ICutlassCollidable;

            if (collidable != null)
                CollidableObjects.Add(sceneObjectId, collidable);

            ICutlassUpdateable updateable = o as ICutlassUpdateable;

            if (updateable != null)
                UpdateableObjects.Add(sceneObjectId, updateable);

            ICutlassDrawable drawable = o as ICutlassDrawable;

            if (drawable != null)
                DrawableObjects.Add(sceneObjectId, drawable);

            //If this scene has already been initialized, initialize this object now.
            if (_Initialized && loadable != null)
Esempio n. 7
 public virtual void CollisionDetectedWithCorrection(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget, Vector2 normal, float distance)
Esempio n. 8
 public virtual void CollisionDetected(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget)
        private void AddCollidableObject(ICutlassCollidable collidableObject)
            //Want to extend collisions slightly outside visible screen.
            BoundingRectangle collisionSpace = BoundingRectangle.Scale(_ViewScreen.VisibleArea, 1.1f, _ViewScreen.VisibleArea.Center);

            BoundingRectangle intersection = BoundingRectangle.Intersection(collidableObject.CurrentFrameBoundingRect, collisionSpace);

            int minHorizontalGroup = -1,
                  maxHorizontalGroup = -1,
                  minVerticalGroup = -1,
                  maxVerticalGroup = -1;

            if (!intersection.IsZero)
                float groupWidth = collisionSpace.Width / _HorizontalGroups;
                float groupHeight = collisionSpace.Height / _VerticalGroups;

                minHorizontalGroup = Math.Max(0, (int)((intersection.Left - collisionSpace.Left) / groupWidth));
                maxHorizontalGroup = Math.Min(_HorizontalGroups - 1, (int)((intersection.Right - collisionSpace.Left) / groupWidth));
                minVerticalGroup = Math.Max(0, (int)((intersection.Top - collisionSpace.Top) / groupHeight));
                maxVerticalGroup = Math.Min(_VerticalGroups - 1, (int)((intersection.Bottom - collisionSpace.Top) / groupHeight));

                for (int i = minHorizontalGroup; i <= maxHorizontalGroup; i++)
                    for (int j = minVerticalGroup; j <= maxVerticalGroup; j++)
                        if (_CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j] == null)
                            _CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j] = new List<ICutlassCollidable>();
                        _CurrentCollidableObjects[i, j].Add(collidableObject);
Esempio n. 10
 private bool CheckCollisionCategories(ICutlassCollidable first, ICutlassCollidable second)
     //No collision if their catgories don't overlap.
     return ((first.Category & second.CategoryMask) != 0 &&
         (second.Category & first.CategoryMask) != 0);
Esempio n. 11
 public virtual void CollisionDetectedWithCorrection(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget, Vector2 normal, float distance)
Esempio n. 12
 public virtual void CollisionDetected(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget)
Esempio n. 13
        public void CollisionDetectedWithCorrection(ICutlassCollidable collisionTarget, Vector2 normal, float distance)
            //Check for jumping through top-only collisions, or level-transition zones.
            if ((collisionTarget.Side == CollisionSide.Top && normal.Y == -1 && _IsJumpingDown) ||
                collisionTarget is LevelTransition)

            //get the separation and penetration separately, this is to stop penetration
            //from causing the obejcts to ping apart
            float separation = Math.Max(distance, 0.0f);
            float penetration = Math.Min(distance, 0.0f);

            //get relative normal velocity so object will stop exactly on surface.
            float relativeNormalVelocity = 0.0f;

            relativeNormalVelocity = VectorUtilities.DotProduct(Velocity, normal);

            if (relativeNormalVelocity < 0)
                //remove normal velocity
                Velocity -= normal * relativeNormalVelocity;

            //is this ground?
            if (normal.Y < 0.0f)
                _WasOnGround = true;
Esempio n. 14
        private bool CalculateCollisionCorrection(GameTime gameTime, ref CollisionContact contact)
            //Non-stationary object
            ICutlassCollidable first = contact.A;
            //Stationary object
            ICutlassCollidable second = contact.B;

            Vector2           halfExtents          = new Vector2(second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Width / 2, second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Height / 2);
            BoundingRectangle firstPlusHalfExtents = new BoundingRectangle(first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Left - halfExtents.X,
                                                                           first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Top - halfExtents.Y,
                                                                           first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Width + 2 * halfExtents.X,
                                                                           first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Height + 2 * halfExtents.Y);

            //Get closest point
            Vector2 closestPoint = second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Center;

            //X Axis
            float x = second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Center.X;

            if (x < firstPlusHalfExtents.Left)
                x = firstPlusHalfExtents.Left;
            if (x > firstPlusHalfExtents.Right)
                x = firstPlusHalfExtents.Right;
            closestPoint.X = x;

            //Y Axis
            float y = second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Center.Y;

            if (y < firstPlusHalfExtents.Top)
                y = firstPlusHalfExtents.Top;
            if (y > firstPlusHalfExtents.Bottom)
                y = firstPlusHalfExtents.Bottom;
            closestPoint.Y = y;

            //Check if second's center is inside fisrtPlusHalfExtents. If so, find closest edge for negative distance.
            if (closestPoint == second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Center)
                Vector2 distanceToClosestEdge;
                //X Axis
                if (Math.Abs(closestPoint.X - firstPlusHalfExtents.Right) > Math.Abs(closestPoint.X - firstPlusHalfExtents.Left))
                    distanceToClosestEdge.X = closestPoint.X - firstPlusHalfExtents.Left;
                    distanceToClosestEdge.X = closestPoint.X - firstPlusHalfExtents.Right;

                //Y Axis
                if (Math.Abs(closestPoint.Y - firstPlusHalfExtents.Bottom) > Math.Abs(closestPoint.Y - firstPlusHalfExtents.Top))
                    distanceToClosestEdge.Y = closestPoint.Y - firstPlusHalfExtents.Top;
                    distanceToClosestEdge.Y = closestPoint.Y - firstPlusHalfExtents.Bottom;

                Vector2 axisMinor = VectorUtilities.MinorAxis(distanceToClosestEdge);
                closestPoint = closestPoint + axisMinor;

            //Calculate distance and Normal
            Vector2 distance = closestPoint - second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Center;

            contact.Distance = VectorUtilities.MaximumComponent(distance);

            if (contact.Distance == 0.0f)//right up against each other, will get invalid normal.
                //On Top
                if (first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Bottom == second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Top)
                    contact.Normal = new Vector2(0.0f, -1.0f);
                    if ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Bottom) == 0 ||
                        (second.Side & CollisionSide.Top) == 0)
                //To the Right
                else if (first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Left == second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Right)
                    contact.Normal = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f);
                    if ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Left) == 0 ||
                        (second.Side & CollisionSide.Right) == 0)
                //On Bottom
                else if (first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Top == second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Bottom)
                    contact.Normal = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    if ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Top) == 0 ||
                        (second.Side & CollisionSide.Bottom) == 0)
                //To the Left
                else if (first.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Right == second.CurrentFrameBoundingRect.Left)
                    contact.Normal = new Vector2(-1.0f, 0.0f);
                    if ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Right) == 0 ||
                        (second.Side & CollisionSide.Left) == 0)
                contact.Normal = VectorUtilities.NormalizedMajorAxis(distance);

            //On top
            if (contact.Normal.Y == -1.0f &&
                ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Bottom) == 0 ||
                 (second.Side & CollisionSide.Top) == 0))
            //To the Right
            else if (contact.Normal.X == 1.0f &&
                     ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Left) == 0 ||
                      (second.Side & CollisionSide.Right) == 0))
            //On Bottom
            else if (contact.Normal.Y == 1.0f &&
                     ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Top) == 0 ||
                      (second.Side & CollisionSide.Bottom) == 0))
            //To the Left
            else if (contact.Normal.X == -1.0f &&
                     ((first.Side & CollisionSide.Right) == 0 ||
                      (second.Side & CollisionSide.Left) == 0))

            Boolean returnValue = false;

            //Collision Direction is X
            if (Math.Abs(contact.Normal.X) >= Math.Abs(contact.Normal.Y) &&
                (((first.Velocity.X * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds) + contact.Distance) * contact.Normal.X < 0))
                returnValue = true;

            //Collision Direction is Y
            if (Math.Abs(contact.Normal.X) <= Math.Abs(contact.Normal.Y) &&
                (((first.Velocity.Y * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds) + contact.Distance) * contact.Normal.Y < 0))
                returnValue = true;

Esempio n. 15
 private bool CheckCollisionCategories(ICutlassCollidable first, ICutlassCollidable second)
     //No collision if their catgories don't overlap.
     return((first.Category & second.CategoryMask) != 0 &&
            (second.Category & first.CategoryMask) != 0);