public void Init() { var baseUrl = "http://localhost/openretail_webapi/"; _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CustomerWebAPIBllTest)); _bll = new CustomerBll(true, baseUrl, _log); }
public FrmListCustomer(string header, Pengguna pengguna, string menuId) : base(header) { InitializeComponent(); this.btnImport.Visible = true; this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.btnImport, "Import Data Customer"); this.mnuBukaFileMaster.Text = "Buka File Master Customer"; this.mnuImportFileMaster.Text = "Import File Master Customer"; _log = MainProgram.log; _bll = new CustomerBll(_log); // set hak akses untuk SELECT var role = pengguna.GetRoleByMenuAndGrant(menuId, GrantState.SELECT); if (role != null) { if (role.is_grant) { LoadData(); } } InitGridList(); // set hak akses selain SELECT (TAMBAH, PERBAIKI dan HAPUS) RolePrivilegeHelper.SetHakAkses(this, pengguna, menuId, _listOfCustomer.Count); }
public FrmEntryCustomer(string header, ICustomerBll bll) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); base.SetHeader(header); this._bll = bll; this._isNewData = true; }
public FrmEntryCustomer(string header, ICustomerBll bll) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); base.SetHeader(header); this._bll = bll; this._listOfWilayah = MainProgram.ListOfWilayah; this._isNewData = true; LoadProvinsi(); }
public FrmEntryCustomer(string header, Customer customer, ICustomerBll bll) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); base.SetHeader(header); base.SetButtonSelesaiToBatal(); this._bll = bll; this._customer = customer; txtCustomer.Text = this._customer.nama_customer; txtAlamat.Text = this._customer.alamat; txtKontak.Text = this._customer.kontak; txtTelepon.Text = this._customer.telepon; txtPlafonPiutang.Text = this._customer.plafon_piutang.ToString(); }
public FrmListCustomer(string header, Pengguna pengguna, string menuId) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); this.btnImport.Visible = true; this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.btnImport, "Import/Export Data Customer"); this.mnuBukaFileMaster.Text = "Buka File Master Customer"; this.mnuImportFileMaster.Text = "Import File Master Customer"; this.mnuExportData.Text = "Export Data Customer"; base.SetHeader(header); base.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; _log = MainProgram.log; _bll = new CustomerBll(MainProgram.isUseWebAPI, MainProgram.baseUrl, _log); _pengguna = pengguna; _menuId = menuId; cmbJenisCustomer.Enabled = false; // set hak akses untuk SELECT var role = _pengguna.GetRoleByMenuAndGrant(menuId, GrantState.SELECT); if (role != null) { if (role.is_grant) { cmbJenisCustomer.SelectedIndex = 0; } cmbJenisCustomer.Enabled = role.is_grant; btnImport.Enabled = _pengguna.is_administrator; } InitGridList(); // set hak akses selain SELECT (TAMBAH, PERBAIKI dan HAPUS) RolePrivilegeHelper.SetHakAkses(this, _pengguna, _menuId, _listOfCustomer.Count); }
public FrmEntryCustomer(string header, Customer customer, ICustomerBll bll) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); base.SetHeader(header); base.SetButtonSelesaiToBatal(); this._bll = bll; this._listOfWilayah = MainProgram.ListOfWilayah; this._customer = customer; LoadProvinsi(); txtCustomer.Text = this._customer.nama_customer; if (this._customer.Provinsi != null) { cmbProvinsi.SelectedItem = this._customer.Provinsi.nama_provinsi; } if (this._customer.Kabupaten != null) { cmbKabupaten.SelectedItem = this._customer.Kabupaten.nama_kabupaten; } if (this._customer.Kecamatan != null) { cmbKecamatan.SelectedItem = this._customer.Kecamatan.nama_kecamatan; } txtAlamat.Text = this._customer.alamat; txtKodePos.Text = this._customer.kode_pos; txtKontak.Text = this._customer.kontak; txtTelepon.Text = this._customer.telepon; txtDiskon.Text = this._customer.diskon.ToString(); txtPlafonPiutang.Text = this._customer.plafon_piutang.ToString(); }
public FrmListCustomer(string header, Pengguna pengguna, string menuId) : base(header) { InitializeComponent(); _log = MainProgram.log; _bll = new CustomerBll(_log); // set hak akses untuk SELECT var role = pengguna.GetRoleByMenuAndGrant(menuId, GrantState.SELECT); if (role != null) { if (role.is_grant) { LoadData(); } } InitGridList(); // set hak akses selain SELECT (TAMBAH, PERBAIKI dan HAPUS) RolePrivilegeHelper.SetHakAkses(this, pengguna, menuId, _listOfCustomer.Count); }
public FrmEntryCustomer(string header, Customer customer, ICustomerBll bll) : base() { InitializeComponent(); ColorManagerHelper.SetTheme(this, this); base.SetHeader(header); base.SetButtonSelesaiToBatal(); this._bll = bll; this._customer = customer; txtCustomer.Text = this._customer.nama_customer; txtAlamat.Text = this._customer.alamat; txtDesa.Text = this._customer.desa; txtKelurahan.Text = this._customer.kelurahan; txtKecamatan.Text = this._customer.kecamatan; txtKota.Text = this._customer.kota; txtKabupaten.Text = this._customer.kabupaten; txtKodePos.Text = this._customer.kode_pos; txtKontak.Text = this._customer.kontak; txtTelepon.Text = this._customer.telepon; txtDiskon.Text = this._customer.diskon.ToString(); txtPlafonPiutang.Text = this._customer.plafon_piutang.ToString(); }
public void CleanUp() { _bll = null; }
public void Init() { _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CustomerBllTest)); _bll = new CustomerBll(_log); }
public CustomerController(ICustomerBll customerbll) { customerBll = customerbll; }
public CustomerController(ICustomerBll theCustomerBll) { customerBll = theCustomerBll; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EmployeeBll"/> class. /// 构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="theEmployeedal">员工dal</param> /// <param name="theCustomerDal">客户dal</param> public EmployeeBll(IEmployeeDal theEmployeedal, ICustomerBll theCustomerDal) { employeedal = theEmployeedal; customerBll = theCustomerDal; }