/// <summary>Converts a percentage string into a decimal or decimal? value.</summary>
        public object GetReadData(Type targetType, string value, string columnName, int columnIndex, int rowNumber)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                if (targetType.HelpIsNullable())


            // If there is a percentage sign attempt to handle it;
            // otherwise, differ to the default converter.
            int indexOfPercentSign = value.IndexOf("%");

            if (indexOfPercentSign != -1)
                // Remove the percentage sign
                value = value.Remove(indexOfPercentSign);

            // Assign the decimal
            object someData = _decimalConverter.GetReadData(targetType, value, columnName, columnIndex, rowNumber);

            if (someData != null)
                return((decimal)someData / 100.0m);

            throw new ArgumentException($"The {nameof(CsvConverterPercentage)} converter cannot parse the string " +
                                        $"'{value}' as a {targetType.Name} on row number {rowNumber} in " +
                                        $"column {columnName} at column index {columnIndex}.");
        /// <summary>Converts a string to an int</summary>
        public object GetReadData(Type inputType, string value, string columnName, int columnIndex, int rowNumber)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                if (inputType.HelpIsNullable())


            var number = (decimal)_readDecimalConverter.GetReadData(typeof(decimal), value, columnName, columnIndex, rowNumber);
