public void update(IContainerRootMarshalled model, UpdateCallback callback) { _service.update(model, callback, _caller); }
public UUIDModelImpl(Guid guid, IContainerRootMarshalled cc) { this.guid = guid; = cc; }
public void compareAndSwap(IContainerRootMarshalled model, Guid uuid, UpdateCallback callback) { _service.compareAndSwap(model, uuid, callback, _caller); }
public AdaptationModel plan(IContainerRootMarshalled current, IContainerRootMarshalled target, ITracesSequence sequence) { return((_node as NodeType).plan(current, target, sequence)); }
public UpdateContext(IContainerRootMarshalled currentModel, IContainerRootMarshalled proposedModel, String callerPath) { this.currentModel = currentModel; this.proposedModel = proposedModel; this.callerPath = callerPath; }
public AdaptationModel plan(IContainerRootMarshalled current, IContainerRootMarshalled target, ITracesSequence sequence ) { return (_node as NodeType).plan(current, target, sequence); }
public void compareAndSwap(IContainerRootMarshalled model, Guid uuid, UpdateCallback callback, String callerPath) { scheduler.Add(() => UpdateModelRunnable(model, uuid, callback, callerPath)); }
private void switchToNewModel(IContainerRootMarshalled c) { ContainerRoot cc = CloneContainerRoot(c); if (!c.isReadOnly()) { cc = (ContainerRoot)kevoreeFactory.createModelCloner().clone(cc, true); } // current model is backed-up UUIDModel previousModel = model; if (previousModel != null) { models.AddLast(previousModel); } // TODO : MAGIC NUMBER ;-) , ONLY KEEP 10 PREVIOUS MODEL if (models.Count > 15) { models.RemoveFirst(); } // Changes the current model by the new model if (cc != null) { UUIDModel uuidModel = new UUIDModelImpl(Guid.NewGuid(), new ContainerRootMarshalled(cc)); this.model = uuidModel; // Fires the update to listeners modelListeners.notifyAllListener(); } }
private void UpdateModelRunnable(IContainerRootMarshalled targetModel, Guid? uuid, UpdateCallback callback, string callerPath) { bool res = false; if (this.getCurrentLock() != null) { if (uuid.Equals(this.getCurrentLock().getGuid())) { res = this.internalUpdateModel(targetModel, callerPath); } else { //Log.debug("Core Locked , bad UUID {}", uuid); res = false; // LOCK REFUSED ! } } else { // COMMON CHECK if (uuid != null) { if (this.model != null && uuid.Equals(this.model.getUUID())) { res = this.internalUpdateModel(targetModel, callerPath); } else { res = false; } } else { res = this.internalUpdateModel(targetModel, callerPath); } } bool finalRes = res; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { if (callback != null) { callback(finalRes); } })).Start(); }
private bool internalUpdateModel(IContainerRootMarshalled proposedNewModel, string callerPath) { if (proposedNewModel.findNodesByID(this.nodeName) == null) { return false; } try { var readOnlyNewModel = CloneContainerRoot(proposedNewModel); if (readOnlyNewModel.isReadOnly()) { readOnlyNewModel = (ContainerRoot)kevoreeFactory.createModelCloner().clone(readOnlyNewModel, false); readOnlyNewModel.setGenerated_KMF_ID(nodeName + "@" + callerPath + "#" + java.lang.System.nanoTime()); readOnlyNewModel = (ContainerRoot)kevoreeFactory.createModelCloner().clone(readOnlyNewModel, true); } else { readOnlyNewModel.setGenerated_KMF_ID(nodeName + "@" + callerPath + "#" + java.lang.System.nanoTime()); } pending = proposedNewModel; // Model check is OK. ContainerRoot currentModel; if (this.model != null) { var serialized = this.model.getModel().serialize(); var kf = new org.kevoree.factory.DefaultKevoreeFactory(); currentModel = (ContainerRoot)kf.createJSONLoader().loadModelFromString(serialized).get(0); } else { currentModel = null; } UpdateContext updateContext = new UpdateContext(new ContainerRootMarshalled(currentModel), new ContainerRootMarshalled(readOnlyNewModel), callerPath); bool preCheckResult = modelListeners.preUpdate(updateContext); bool initUpdateResult = modelListeners.initUpdate(updateContext); if (preCheckResult && initUpdateResult) { IContainerRootMarshalled newmodel = new ContainerRootMarshalled(readOnlyNewModel); // CHECK FOR HARA KIRI IContainerRootMarshalled previousHaraKiriModel = null; // Checks and bootstrap the node checkBootstrapNode(newmodel); if (this.model != null) { var serialized = this.model.getModel().serialize(); var kf = new org.kevoree.factory.DefaultKevoreeFactory(); currentModel = (ContainerRoot)kf.createJSONLoader().loadModelFromString(serialized).get(0); } else { currentModel = null; } long milli = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); bool deployResult; try { if (nodeInstance != null) { // Compare the two models and plan the adaptation //"Comparing models and planning // adaptation.") var dkf = new DefaultKevoreeFactory(); var modelCompare = dkf.createModelCompare(); // TODO : clean up -> cloned var newmodel2 = CloneContainerRoot(newmodel); var traces = modelCompare.diff(currentModel, newmodel2); AdaptationModel adaptationModel = nodeInstance.plan(new ContainerRootMarshalled(currentModel), newmodel, new TracesMarshalled(traces)); // Execution of the adaptation updateContext = new UpdateContext(new ContainerRootMarshalled(currentModel), new ContainerRootMarshalled(newmodel2), callerPath); UpdateContext final_updateContext = updateContext; Func<bool> afterUpdateTest = () => { return modelListeners.afterUpdate(final_updateContext); }; Func<bool> postRollbackTest = () => { modelListeners.postRollback(final_updateContext); return true; }; Func<bool> preCmdPreRollbackTest = getPreCmdPreRollbackTest(updateContext, modelListeners); IContainerNodeMarshalled rootNode = newmodel.findNodesByID(getNodeName()); deployResult = PrimitiveCommandExecutionHelper.execute(this, rootNode, adaptationModel, nodeInstance, afterUpdateTest, preCmdPreRollbackTest, postRollbackTest); if (deployResult) { this.model = new UUIDModelImpl(Guid.NewGuid(), newmodel); } } else { deployResult = false; } } catch (Exception e) { loggerMaster.Error(e.StackTrace); deployResult = false; } if (deployResult) { switchToNewModel(newmodel); } else { // KEEP FAIL MODEL, TODO // IF HARAKIRI if (previousHaraKiriModel != null) { internalUpdateModel(previousHaraKiriModel, callerPath); previousHaraKiriModel = null; // CLEAR } } long milliEnd = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - milli; //pending = null; return deployResult; } else { return false; } } catch (java.lang.Throwable) { return false; } }
private ContainerRoot CloneContainerRoot(IContainerRootMarshalled newmodel) { var kf = new DefaultKevoreeFactory(); JSONModelLoader loader = new JSONModelLoader(kf); var serialized = newmodel.serialize(); return (ContainerRoot)loader.loadModelFromString(serialized).get(0); }
private void checkBootstrapNode(IContainerRootMarshalled currentModel) { try { if (nodeInstance == null) { IContainerNodeMarshalled foundNode = currentModel.findNodesByID(getNodeName()); if (foundNode != null) { nodeInstance = bootstrapNodeType(currentModel, getNodeName()); if (nodeInstance != null) { nodeInstance.Start(); UUIDModelImpl uuidModel = new UUIDModelImpl(Guid.NewGuid(), new ContainerRootMarshalled(kevoreeFactory.createContainerRoot())); // TODO : check for concurrency problems here. this.model = uuidModel; } } } } catch (java.lang.Throwable) { // TODO is it possible to display the following log ? try { if (nodeInstance != null) { // TODO : Mieux gérer les erreurs /*Method met = resolver.resolve(org.kevoree.annotation.Stop.class); met.invoke(nodeInstance); */ } } catch (java.lang.Throwable) { } finally { } nodeInstance = null; // resolver = null; } }
private INodeRunner bootstrapNodeType(IContainerRootMarshalled model, String nodeName) { var containerNode = model.findNodesByID(nodeName); if (containerNode != null) { return bootstrapService.createInstance(containerNode); } else { return null; } }
public void update(IContainerRootMarshalled model, UpdateCallback callback, string callerPath) { scheduler.Add(() => UpdateModelRunnable(model, null, callback, callerPath)); }