private void InitConfig() { AddLog("Loading configuration values..."); // _configHandler = new AppConfigHandler(); _configHandler = new JsonConfigHandler(); var config = _configHandler.GetConfig(); _ipChecker = new AwsIpChecker(); IAmazonRoute53 _amazonClient = new AmazonRoute53Client(config.Route53AccessKey, config.Route53SecretKey, RegionEndpoint.EUWest1); _dnsUpdater = new DnsUpdater(_configHandler, _ipChecker, _amazonClient); AddLog($"Found {config.DomainList.Count} domain(s)"); foreach (HostedDomainInfo domainInfo in config.DomainList) { AddLog($"{domainInfo.DomainName}"); } if (_timer != null) { // Stop to avoid multiple timer_Tick invocations _timer.Stop(); } int interval = config.UpdateInterval; _timer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); _timer.Tick += timer_Tick; _timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, interval, 0); _timer.Start(); AddLog($"Time set to update domains every {interval} minutes"); SetAutoStart(); }
public LogInMassage GetConfig(JObject content) { return(_configHandler.GetConfig(content)); }