/// <summary>
        /// Adds all the colors from a source image to a given color quantizer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image to be processed.</param>
        /// <param name="quantizer">The target color quantizer.</param>
        public static void AddColorsToQuantizer(this Image image, IColorQuantizer quantizer)
            // checks whether a source image is valid
            if (image == null)
                const String message = "Cannot add colors from a null image.";
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            // checks whether the quantizer is valid
            if (quantizer == null)
                const String message = "Cannot add colors to a null quantizer.";
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            // determines which method of color retrieval to use
            Boolean isImageIndexed = image.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();
            ColorPalette palette = image.Palette;

            // use different scanning method depending whether the image format is indexed
            Action<Pixel> scan = isImageIndexed ? (Action<Pixel>)
                (pixel => quantizer.AddColor(palette.Entries[pixel.Index])) :
                (pixel => quantizer.AddColor(pixel.Color));

            // performs the image scan, using a chosen method
            image.ProcessImagePixels(ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, scan);
Esempio n. 2
        public static List <Color> SynthetizeImagePalette(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                return(source.SynthetizePalette(quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount));
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ScanImageColors(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                source.ScanColors(quantizer, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void CorrectImageGamma(Image sourceImage, Single gamma, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                source.CorrectGamma(gamma, quantizer, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 5
        public static void ChangeFormat(Image sourceImage, PixelFormat targetFormat, IColorQuantizer quantizer, out Image targetImage, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                ChangeFormat(source, targetFormat, quantizer, out targetImage, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 6
        public void ChangeFormat(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // gathers some information about the target format
            Boolean hasSourceAlpha    = PixelFormat.HasAlpha();
            Boolean hasTargetAlpha    = target.PixelFormat.HasAlpha();
            Boolean isTargetIndexed   = target.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();
            Boolean isSourceDeepColor = PixelFormat.IsDeepColor();
            Boolean isTargetDeepColor = target.PixelFormat.IsDeepColor();

            // step 1 to 3 - prepares the palettes
            if (isTargetIndexed)
                SynthetizePalette(quantizer, target.PixelFormat.GetColorCount(), parallelTaskCount);

            // prepares the quantization function
            TransformPixelFunction changeFormat = (sourcePixel, targetPixel) =>
                // if both source and target formats are deep color formats, copies a value directly
                if (isSourceDeepColor && isTargetDeepColor)
                    //UInt64 value = sourcePixel.Value;
                    // retrieves a source image color
                    Color color = GetColorFromPixel(sourcePixel);

                    // if alpha is not present in the source image, but is present in the target, make one up
                    if (!hasSourceAlpha && hasTargetAlpha)
                        Int32 argb = 255 << 24 | color.R << 16 | color.G << 8 | color.B;
                        color = Color.FromArgb(argb);

                    // sets the color to a target pixel
                    SetColorToPixel(targetPixel, color, quantizer);

                // allows to write (obviously) the transformed pixel

            // step 5 - generates the target image
            IList <Point> standardPath = new StandardPathProvider().GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            TransformPerPixel(target, standardPath, changeFormat, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 7
        // TODO: Make quantizer optional?
        public Index2(int indexDepth, IImageFormat paletteFormat, IColorQuantizer quantizer, ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian)
            if (indexDepth % 8 != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("IndexDepth needs to be dividable by 8.");

            _indexDepth    = indexDepth;
            _paletteFormat = paletteFormat;
            _byteOrder     = byteOrder;
            _quantizer     = quantizer;
Esempio n. 8
        public List <Color> SynthetizePalette(IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // Step 1 - prepares quantizer for another round

            // Step 2 - scans the source image for the colors
            ScanColors(quantizer, parallelTaskCount);

            // Step 3 - synthetises the palette, and returns the result
        private void ChangeQuantizer()
            activeQuantizer = quantizerList[listMethod.SelectedIndex];

            // turns off the color option for the uniform quantizer, as it doesn't make sense
            listColors.Enabled = turnOnEvents && listMethod.SelectedIndex != 1;

            if (listMethod.SelectedIndex == 1)
                turnOnEvents             = false;
                listColors.SelectedIndex = 7;
                turnOnEvents             = true;
        public ImageQuantizerViewModel(GeneralSettings generalSettings, IFileDialog fileDialog, IImageBuffer imageBuffer, IEnumerable <IColorQuantizer> quantizerList, ILogger logger)
            _generalSettings = generalSettings;
            _imageBuffer     = imageBuffer;
            _fileDialog      = fileDialog;

            QuantizerList      = quantizerList.ToList();
            selectedQuantizer  = QuantizerList[0];
            selectedColorCount = ColorCountList[4];

            OpenCommand = new DelegateCommand(LoadImageAndQuantize);
            SaveCommand = new DelegateCommand(DialogSaveImage);
            _logger     = logger;
Esempio n. 11
        public static Image QuantizeImage(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // lock mode
            ImageLockMode lockMode = ditherer == null ? ImageLockMode.ReadOnly : ImageLockMode.ReadWrite;

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, lockMode))
                return(QuantizeImage(source, quantizer, ditherer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount));
Esempio n. 12
        public void Dither(ImageBuffer target, IColorDitherer ditherer, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(ditherer, "ditherer");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // prepares ditherer for another round
            ditherer.Prepare(quantizer, colorCount, this, target);

            // processes the image via the ditherer
            IList <Point> path = ditherer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            TransformPerPixel(target, path, ditherer.ProcessPixel, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 13
        private void SetPalette(ColorPalette palette)
            if (!_pixelFormat.IsIndexed())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not possible to set palette for non-indexed pixel formats.");
            if (palette == null || palette.Entries == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("palette");

            _palette   = palette;
            _quantizer = null;
Esempio n. 14
    public Pattern(PatternEditor editor, DesignPattern pattern)
        _Type      = pattern.Type;
        Result     = new Bitmap(1, 1);
        Quantizer  = Quantizers[0];
        ColorCache = ColorCaches[0];

        Editor        = editor;
        DesignPattern = pattern;
        Colors        = pattern.GetPixels();

        Info = DesignPatternInformation.Types[pattern.Type];

        UpscaledPreviewTexture = new UnityEngine.Texture2D(Width * 4, Height * 4, UnityEngine.TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
        PreviewTexture         = new UnityEngine.Texture2D(Width, Height, UnityEngine.TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
Esempio n. 15
        private void UpdateQuantizer()
            if (!_pixelFormat.IsIndexed() || _quantizer != null)

            _quantizer = new DistinctSelectionQuantizer();

            // Pass: scan
            ImageBuffer.ProcessPerPixel(this, null, ParallelTaskCount, (passIndex, pixel) =>
                var color = pixel.GetColor();
                _quantizer.AddColor(color, pixel.X, pixel.Y);
Esempio n. 16
        public void ScanColors(IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // determines which method of color retrieval to use
            IList <Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            // use different scanning method depending whether the image format is indexed
            ProcessPixelFunction scanColors = pixel =>
                quantizer.AddColor(GetColorFromPixel(pixel), pixel.X, pixel.Y);

            // performs the image scan, using a chosen method
            ProcessPerPixel(path, scanColors, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 17
        public static Image QuantizeImage(ImageBuffer source, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(source, "source");

            // creates a target bitmap in an appropriate format
            PixelFormat targetPixelFormat = Extend.GetFormatByColorCount(colorCount);
            Image       result            = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height, targetPixelFormat);

            // lock mode
            ImageLockMode lockMode = ditherer == null ? ImageLockMode.WriteOnly : ImageLockMode.ReadWrite;

            // wraps target image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer target = new ImageBuffer(result, lockMode))
                source.Quantize(target, quantizer, ditherer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 18
 public void SetColorToPixel(Pixel pixel, Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer)
     // determines whether the format is indexed
     if (pixel.IsIndexed)
         // last chance if quantizer is provided, use it
         if (quantizer != null)
             Byte index = (Byte)quantizer.GetPaletteIndex(color, pixel.X, pixel.Y);
             pixel.Index = index;
         else // cannot write color to an index format
             String message = string.Format("Cannot retrieve color for an indexed format. Use GetPixelIndex() instead.");
             throw new NotSupportedException(message);
     else // sets color to a non-indexed format
         pixel.Color = color;
Esempio n. 19
 public void SetColor(Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer)
     // determines whether the format is indexed
     if (IsIndexed)
         // last chance if quantizer is provided, use it
         if (quantizer != null)
             Byte index = (Byte)quantizer.GetPaletteIndex(color, X, Y);
             ((IIndexedPixel)pixelData).SetIndex(bitOffset, index);
         else // cannot write color to an index format
             String message = string.Format("Cannot retrieve color for an indexed format. Use GetPixelIndex() instead.");
             throw new NotSupportedException(message);
     else // sets color to a non-indexed format
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="QuantizationSettings"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quantizer">The quantizer to use.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the image.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the image.</param>
        public QuantizationSettings(IColorQuantizer quantizer, int width, int height)
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(width));
            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(height));

            Quantizer = quantizer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(quantizer));

            Width  = width;
            Height = height;

            Ditherer      = null;
            ColorCache    = new EuclideanDistanceColorCache();
            ColorModel    = ColorModel.RGB;
            ColorCount    = 256;
            ParallelCount = 8;
Esempio n. 21
        private void ChangeQuantizer()
            activeQuantizer = quantizerList[(int)Method];

            // applies current UI selection
            if (activeQuantizer is BaseColorCacheQuantizer)
                BaseColorCacheQuantizer quantizer = (BaseColorCacheQuantizer)activeQuantizer;

            if (Method == EMethod.UniformQuantization ||
                Method == EMethod.NeuQuantQuantizer ||
                Method == EMethod.OptimalPalette)
                ColorCount = EColor.Color256;

            if (Method == EMethod.NESQuantizer)
                ColorCount = EColor.Color64;
Esempio n. 22
        // <T>序列化位图数据。</T>
        // @params output     输出流
        // @params colorCount 调色板颜色数量
        // @params pixelCount 分块的像素个数
        public bool Serialize(IOutput output, SIntRectangle rect, int colorCount)
            // 写入设置
            // 写入属性
            // 若不支持半透明,去掉一个颜色,添加一个透明色
            //if (!_optionAlpha) {
            //   colorCount--;
            // 写入头信息
            FPictureQuantizer pictureQuantizer = null;
            IColorQuantizer   colorQuantizer   = null;

            if (_optionAlpha)
                pictureQuantizer = new FPictureQuantizer(EColorQuantizer.Octree);
                colorQuantizer   = pictureQuantizer.LoadQuantizerColors(_bitmap, rect, FPictureQuantizer.EQuantizedMode.Rgb);
                pictureQuantizer = new FPictureQuantizer(EColorQuantizer.Octree16);
                colorQuantizer   = pictureQuantizer.LoadQuantizerColors(_bitmap, rect, FPictureQuantizer.EQuantizedMode.Color);
            using (FByteStream stream = new FByteStream()) {
                SerializeUnpack(stream, colorQuantizer, rect, colorCount);
                output.WriteBytes(stream.Memory, 0, stream.Length);
Esempio n. 23
 private Graphics(Image bitmap)
     _bitmap     = bitmap;
     _quantizer  = new DistinctSelectionQuantizer();
     this.matrix = new Matrix();
Esempio n. 24
        public static void ScanImageColors(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                source.ScanColors(quantizer, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 25
        public static void DitherImage(ImageBuffer source, ImageBuffer target, IColorDitherer ditherer, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(source, "source");

            // use other override to calculate error
            source.Dither(target, ditherer, quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 26
        private void SetPalette(ColorPalette palette)
            if (!_pixelFormat.IsIndexed())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not possible to set palette for non-indexed pixel formats.");
            if (palette == null || palette.Entries == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("palette");

            _palette = palette;
            _quantizer = null;
Esempio n. 27
        public static void DitherImage(Image sourceImage, Image targetImage, IColorDitherer ditherer, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");
            Guard.CheckNull(targetImage, "targetImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
            using (ImageBuffer target = new ImageBuffer(targetImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                // use other override to calculate error
                source.Dither(target, ditherer, quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 28
        // <T>序列化位图的一个区块。</T>
        // @params output         输出流
        // @params colorQuantizer 颜色优化器
        // @params rect           序列化的矩形区域
        // @params colorCount     颜色数量
        protected bool SerializeUnpackBlock(IOutput output, IColorQuantizer colorQuantizer, SIntRectangle rect, int colorCount)
            int blockWidth  = rect.Width;
            int blockHeight = rect.Height;

            // 构造调色板
            Color[] palette = null;
            if (_optionAlpha)
                palette = colorQuantizer.MakePalette(colorCount).ToArray();
                if (0 == palette.Length)
                    RMoCore.TrackConsole.Write(this, "SerializeBlock", "Palette color is empty.");
                List <Color> colorList = colorQuantizer.MakePalette(colorCount);
                if (0 == colorList.Count)
                    RMoCore.TrackConsole.Write(this, "SerializeBlock", "Palette color is empty.");
                palette = colorList.ToArray();
            // 输出颜色数组
            int x = rect.Left;
            int y = rect.Top;

            // 写入数组
            if (_optionAlpha)
                // 写入索引颜色和透明度
                for (int h = 0; h < blockHeight; h++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < blockWidth; w++)
                        Color color = _native.GetPixel(x + w, y + h);
                        int   index = colorQuantizer.FindPaletteIndex(Color.FromArgb(255, color));
                        Color c     = Color.FromArgb(color.A, palette[index]);
                // 写入带透明的索引颜色
                for (int h = 0; h < blockHeight; h++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < blockWidth; w++)
                        Color color = _native.GetPixel(x + w, y + h);
                        int   index = colorQuantizer.FindPaletteIndex(color);
Esempio n. 29
        // <T>序列化位图的一个区块。</T>
        // @params output         输出流
        // @params colorQuantizer 颜色优化器
        // @params rect           序列化的矩形区域
        // @params colorCount     颜色数量
        protected bool SerializeBlock(IOutput output, IColorQuantizer colorQuantizer, SIntRectangle rect, int colorCount)
            int blockWidth  = rect.Width;
            int blockHeight = rect.Height;

            // 构造调色板
            Color[] palette = null;
            if (_optionAlpha)
                palette = colorQuantizer.MakePalette(colorCount).ToArray();
                if (0 == palette.Length)
                    RMoCore.TrackConsole.Write(this, "SerializeBlock", "Palette color is empty.");
                List <Color> colorList = colorQuantizer.MakePalette(colorCount);
                if (0 == colorList.Count)
                    RMoCore.TrackConsole.Write(this, "SerializeBlock", "Palette color is empty.");
                palette = colorList.ToArray();
            // 输出调色板
            int paletteCount = palette.Length;

            foreach (Color color in palette)
                if (_optionAlpha)
                    output.WriteInt32(color.ToArgb() & 0x00FFFFFF);
            // _logger.Debug(this, "SerializeIndexed", "block_size={0}x{1}, color={2}, alpha={3}", blockWidth, blockHeight, paletteCount, _optionAlpha);
            // 输出颜色数组
            int x = rect.Left;
            int y = rect.Top;
            // 透明色索引
            int transparentIndex = palette.Length - 1;
            int size             = blockWidth * blockHeight;
            // 写入数组
            int postion = 0;

            byte[] bytes = null;
            if (_optionAlpha)
                // 写入索引颜色和透明度
                bytes = new byte[size * 2];
                for (int h = 0; h < blockHeight; h++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < blockWidth; w++)
                        Color color = _native.GetPixel(x + w, y + h);
                        int   index = colorQuantizer.FindPaletteIndex(Color.FromArgb(255, color));
                        bytes[postion++] = (byte)index;
                        bytes[postion++] = color.A;
                // 写入带透明的索引颜色
                bytes = new byte[size];
                for (int h = 0; h < blockHeight; h++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < blockWidth; w++)
                        Color color = _native.GetPixel(x + w, y + h);
                        int   index = colorQuantizer.FindPaletteIndex(color);
                        bytes[postion++] = (byte)index;
            output.WriteBytes(bytes, 0, postion);
Esempio n. 30
 public static Image QuantizeImage(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
     // performs the pure quantization wihout dithering
     return QuantizeImage(sourceImage, quantizer, null, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 31
        public static void ChangeFormat(Image sourceImage, PixelFormat targetFormat, IColorQuantizer quantizer, out Image targetImage, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                ChangeFormat(source, targetFormat, quantizer, out targetImage, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 32
        public void Dither(ImageBuffer target, IColorDitherer ditherer, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(ditherer, "ditherer");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // prepares ditherer for another round
            ditherer.Prepare(quantizer, colorCount, this, target);

            // processes the image via the ditherer
            IList<Point> path = ditherer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);
            TransformPerPixel(target, path, ditherer.ProcessPixel, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 33
 public void Quantize(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
     // performs the pure quantization wihout dithering
     Quantize(target, quantizer, null, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 34
        public void CorrectGamma(Single gamma, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // determines which method of color retrieval to use
            IList<Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            // calculates gamma ramp
            Int32[] gammaRamp = new Int32[256];

            for (Int32 index = 0; index < 256; ++index)
                gammaRamp[index] = Clamp((Int32) ((255.0f*Math.Pow(index/255.0f, 1.0f/gamma)) + 0.5f));

            // use different scanning method depending whether the image format is indexed
            ProcessPixelFunction correctGamma = pixel =>
                Color oldColor = GetColorFromPixel(pixel);
                Int32 red = gammaRamp[oldColor.R];
                Int32 green = gammaRamp[oldColor.G];
                Int32 blue = gammaRamp[oldColor.B];
                Color newColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                SetColorToPixel(pixel, newColor, quantizer);
                return true;

            // performs the image scan, using a chosen method
            ProcessPerPixel(path, correctGamma, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 35
        public void ChangeFormat(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // gathers some information about the target format
            Boolean hasSourceAlpha = PixelFormat.HasAlpha();
            Boolean hasTargetAlpha = target.PixelFormat.HasAlpha();
            Boolean isTargetIndexed = target.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();
            Boolean isSourceDeepColor = PixelFormat.IsDeepColor();
            Boolean isTargetDeepColor = target.PixelFormat.IsDeepColor();

            // step 1 to 3 - prepares the palettes
            if (isTargetIndexed) SynthetizePalette(quantizer, target.PixelFormat.GetColorCount(), parallelTaskCount);

            // prepares the quantization function
            TransformPixelFunction changeFormat = (sourcePixel, targetPixel) =>
                // if both source and target formats are deep color formats, copies a value directly
                if (isSourceDeepColor && isTargetDeepColor)
                    //UInt64 value = sourcePixel.Value;
                    // retrieves a source image color
                    Color color = GetColorFromPixel(sourcePixel);

                    // if alpha is not present in the source image, but is present in the target, make one up
                    if (!hasSourceAlpha && hasTargetAlpha)
                        Int32 argb = 255 << 24 | color.R << 16 | color.G << 8 | color.B;
                        color = Color.FromArgb(argb);

                    // sets the color to a target pixel
                    SetColorToPixel(targetPixel, color, quantizer);

                // allows to write (obviously) the transformed pixel
                return true;

            // step 5 - generates the target image
            IList<Point> standardPath = new StandardPathProvider().GetPointPath(Width, Height);
            TransformPerPixel(target, standardPath, changeFormat, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 36
        public static List<Color> SynthetizeImagePalette(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                return source.SynthetizePalette(quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 37
        private void ChangeQuantizer()
            activeQuantizer = quantizerList[listMethod.SelectedIndex];

            // turns off the color option for the uniform quantizer, as it doesn't make sense
            listColors.Enabled = listMethod.SelectedIndex != 1 && listMethod.SelectedIndex != 6 && listMethod.SelectedIndex != 7;

            // enables the color cache option; where available
            listColorCache.Enabled = activeQuantizer is BaseColorCacheQuantizer;
            // listColorModel.Enabled = listColorCache.Enabled && turnOnEvents && activeColorCache is BaseColorCache && ((BaseColorCache)activeColorCache).IsColorModelSupported;

            // enables dithering when applicable
            listDitherer.Enabled = listMethod.SelectedIndex != 5;

            // enabled parallelism when supported
            listParallel.Enabled = activeQuantizer.AllowParallel;

            // applies current UI selection
            if (activeQuantizer is BaseColorCacheQuantizer)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(activeQuantizer.ToString() + " is a BaseColorCacheQuantizer");
                BaseColorCacheQuantizer quantizer = (BaseColorCacheQuantizer) activeQuantizer;

            if (listMethod.SelectedIndex == 1 ||
                listMethod.SelectedIndex == 6 ||
                listMethod.SelectedIndex == 7)
                turnOnEvents = false;
                listColors.SelectedIndex = 7;
                turnOnEvents = true;
Esempio n. 38
 public void SetColorToPixel(Pixel pixel, Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer)
     // determines whether the format is indexed
     if (pixel.IsIndexed)
         // last chance if quantizer is provided, use it
         if (quantizer != null)
             Byte index = (Byte)quantizer.GetPaletteIndex(color, pixel.X, pixel.Y);
             pixel.Index = index;
         else // cannot write color to an index format
             String message = string.Format("Cannot retrieve color for an indexed format. Use GetPixelIndex() instead.");
             throw new NotSupportedException(message);
     else // sets color to a non-indexed format
         pixel.Color = color;
Esempio n. 39
 public void Prepare(IColorQuantizer quantizer, int width, int height)
     _quantizer = quantizer;
     _width     = width;
Esempio n. 40
 private Graphics(Image bitmap)
     _bitmap = bitmap;
     _quantizer = new DistinctSelectionQuantizer();
Esempio n. 41
        // <T>序列化位图数据。</T>
        // @params output     输出流
        // @params colorCount 调色板颜色数量
        // @params pixelCount 分块的像素个数
        public bool SerializeUnpackIndexed(IOutput output, int colorCount, int pixelCount)
            // 若不支持半透明,去掉一个颜色,添加一个透明色
            SIntRectangle rect = new SIntRectangle();

            rect.Left   = 0;
            rect.Top    = 0;
            rect.Width  = _native.Width;
            rect.Height = _native.Height;
            // 计算分割信息
            int width       = rect.Width;
            int height      = rect.Height;
            int totalPixel  = width * height;
            int splitWidth  = width;
            int splitCount  = totalPixel / pixelCount;
            int splitHeight = height;

            if (0 == splitCount)
                splitHeight = height;
                splitCount  = 1;
                splitHeight = height / splitCount;
                splitCount  = height / splitHeight;
                if (0 != (height % splitHeight))
            // 写入头信息
            ushort option = 0;

            if (_optionAlpha)
                option |= (ushort)EBitmapOption.Alpha;
            // 要序列化的源矩形区域
            SIntRectangle subrect = new SIntRectangle();

            subrect.Left   = rect.Left;
            subrect.Top    = rect.Top;
            subrect.Width  = splitWidth;
            subrect.Height = splitHeight;
            // 源矩形数据
            FByteStream bs = new FByteStream();

            for (int n = 0; n < splitCount; n++)
                subrect.Bottom = Math.Min(subrect.Top + splitHeight, rect.Top + height);
                // 创建图片优化器
                FPictureQuantizer pictureQuantizer = null;
                IColorQuantizer   colorQuantizer   = null;
                if (_optionAlpha)
                    pictureQuantizer = new FPictureQuantizer(EColorQuantizer.Octree);
                    colorQuantizer   = pictureQuantizer.LoadQuantizerColors(_native, subrect, FPictureQuantizer.EQuantizedMode.Rgb);
                    pictureQuantizer = new FPictureQuantizer(EColorQuantizer.Octree16);
                    colorQuantizer   = pictureQuantizer.LoadQuantizerColors(_native, subrect, FPictureQuantizer.EQuantizedMode.Color);
                // 存储图片优化数据
                if (SerializeUnpackBlock(bs, colorQuantizer, subrect, colorCount))
                    output.WriteBytes(bs.Memory, 0, bs.Length);
                    // _logger.Debug(this, "SerializeIndexed", "index={0}/{1}, rect={2}, size={3}", n, splitCount, rect.ToString(), bs.Length);
                    subrect.Top += splitHeight;
                    RMoCore.TrackConsole.Write(this, "SerializeIndexed", "Picture is all transparent.");
Esempio n. 42
    public void FromBytes(byte[] bytes)
        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
            BinaryReader reader  = new BinaryReader(stream);
            byte         version = reader.ReadByte();
            if (version == 0x00)
                var t = (DesignPattern.TypeEnum)reader.ReadByte();
                if (this._Type == DesignPattern.TypeEnum.SimplePattern && t != DesignPattern.TypeEnum.SimplePattern)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Simple design spot can't hold pro design.", "project");
                if (this._Type != DesignPattern.TypeEnum.SimplePattern && t == DesignPattern.TypeEnum.SimplePattern)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Pro design spot can't hold simple design.", "project");
                this._Type = t;
                Quantizer  = Quantizers[reader.ReadByte()];
                ColorCache = ColorCaches[reader.ReadByte()];

                var info = DesignPatternInformation.Types[this._Type];
                this.SubPatterns = new List <SubPattern>();
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Parts.Count; i++)
                    var subPattern = new SubPattern(this, info.Parts[i], true);

                    int layerCount = reader.ReadByte();
                    for (int j = 0; j < layerCount; j++)
                        var layerType = reader.ReadByte();
                        if (layerType == 0x01)
                            int    objectX      = reader.ReadInt32();
                            int    objectY      = reader.ReadInt32();
                            int    objectW      = reader.ReadInt32();
                            int    objectH      = reader.ReadInt32();
                            byte   crop         = reader.ReadByte();
                            byte   resampling   = reader.ReadByte();
                            int    nameLength   = reader.ReadInt32();
                            string name         = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(nameLength));
                            int    bitmapWidth  = reader.ReadInt32();
                            int    bitmapHeight = reader.ReadInt32();
                            byte[] bitmapPixels = reader.ReadBytes(bitmapWidth * bitmapHeight * 4);
                            var    bitmap       = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                            SmartObjectLayer layer = new SmartObjectLayer(subPattern, name, bitmap, objectX, objectY, objectW, objectH);
                            layer.Crop      = SmartObjectLayer.Crops[crop];
                            layer.Resampler = SmartObjectLayer.Resamplers[resampling];
                            layer.Colors    = new UnityEngine.Color[layer.Width * layer.Height];
                        else if (layerType == 0x00)
                            int         nameLength = reader.ReadInt32();
                            string      name       = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(nameLength));
                            RasterLayer layer      = new RasterLayer(subPattern, name);
                            layer.Colors = new UnityEngine.Color[layer.Width * layer.Height];
                            for (int y = 0; y < layer.Height; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < layer.Width; x++)
                                    layer.Colors[x + y * layer.Width] = new UnityEngine.Color(reader.ReadByte() / 255f, reader.ReadByte() / 255f, reader.ReadByte() / 255f, reader.ReadByte() / 255f);
        _CurrentSubPattern = 0;
        Editor.SetSize(CurrentSubPattern.Width, CurrentSubPattern.Height);
        Editor.Show(null, null, null);
        for (int i = 0; i < SubPatterns.Count; i++)
Esempio n. 43
        private void UpdateQuantizer()
            if (!_pixelFormat.IsIndexed() || _quantizer != null) return;

            _quantizer = new DistinctSelectionQuantizer();

            // Pass: scan
            ImageBuffer.ProcessPerPixel(this, null, ParallelTaskCount, (passIndex, pixel) =>
                var color = pixel.GetColor();
                _quantizer.AddColor(color, pixel.X, pixel.Y);
                return true;
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColorImageQuantizer"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="quantizer">Color quantization algorithm to use for processing images.</param>
 public ColorImageQuantizer(IColorQuantizer quantizer)
     this.quantizer = quantizer;
Esempio n. 45
 private void ResetPalette()
     _palette = _pixelFormat.IsIndexed() ? new ColorPalette(new Color[_pixelFormat.GetColorCount()]) : null;
     _quantizer = null;
Esempio n. 46
        public static Image QuantizeImage(ImageBuffer source, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(source, "source");

            // creates a target bitmap in an appropriate format
            PixelFormat targetPixelFormat = Extend.GetFormatByColorCount(colorCount);
            Image result = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height, targetPixelFormat);

            // lock mode
            ImageLockMode lockMode = ditherer == null ? ImageLockMode.WriteOnly : ImageLockMode.ReadWrite;

            // wraps target image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer target = new ImageBuffer(result, lockMode))
                source.Quantize(target, quantizer, ditherer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
                return result;
Esempio n. 47
 private void ResetPalette()
     _palette   = _pixelFormat.IsIndexed() ? new ColorPalette(new Color[_pixelFormat.GetColorCount()]) : null;
     _quantizer = null;
Esempio n. 48
        public static Image QuantizeImage(Image sourceImage, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // lock mode
            ImageLockMode lockMode = ditherer == null ? ImageLockMode.ReadOnly : ImageLockMode.ReadWrite;

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, lockMode))
                return QuantizeImage(source, quantizer, ditherer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 49
 public void ChangeQuantizer(int num)
     Quantizer = Quantizers[num];
Esempio n. 50
        public static void ChangeFormat(ImageBuffer source, PixelFormat targetFormat, IColorQuantizer quantizer, out Image targetImage, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(source, "source");

            // creates a target bitmap in an appropriate format
            targetImage = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height, targetFormat);

            // wraps target image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer target = new ImageBuffer(targetImage, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly))
                source.ChangeFormat(target, quantizer, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 51
        public void WriteColorUsingPixelAt(Pixel pixel, Int32 x, Int32 y, Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Byte[] buffer = null)
            // redirects pixel -> [x, y]
            pixel.Update(x, y);

            // writes color to bitmap/buffer using pixel
            WriteColorUsingPixel(pixel, color, quantizer, buffer);
Esempio n. 52
 public void SetColor(Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer)
     // determines whether the format is indexed
     if (IsIndexed)
         // last chance if quantizer is provided, use it
         if (quantizer != null)
             Byte index = (Byte) quantizer.GetPaletteIndex(color, X, Y);
             ((IIndexedPixel) pixelData).SetIndex(bitOffset, index);
         else // cannot write color to an index format
             String message = string.Format("Cannot retrieve color for an indexed format. Use GetPixelIndex() instead.");
             throw new NotSupportedException(message);
     else // sets color to a non-indexed format
         ((INonIndexedPixel) pixelData).SetColor(color);
Esempio n. 53
 static Bitmap()
     Quantizer = new DistinctSelectionQuantizer();
Esempio n. 54
        private Bitmap(Bitmap source)
            this._width = source._width;
            this._height = source._height;
            this._stride = source._stride;
            this._pixelFormat = source._pixelFormat;

            var size = source._height * source._stride;
            var bytes = new byte[size];
            Marshal.Copy(source._scan0, bytes, 0, size);

            this._scan0 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
            Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, this._scan0, size);

            this._freeScan0 = true;

            if (this._pixelFormat.IsIndexed())
                this.SetPalette(new ColorPalette(source._palette.Entries));
                this._quantizer = null;
                this._palette = null;
Esempio n. 55
        public List<Color> SynthetizePalette(IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // Step 1 - prepares quantizer for another round

            // Step 2 - scans the source image for the colors
            ScanColors(quantizer, parallelTaskCount);

            // Step 3 - synthetises the palette, and returns the result
            return quantizer.GetPalette(colorCount);
Esempio n. 56
        public static void CorrectImageGamma(Image sourceImage, Single gamma, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(sourceImage, "sourceImage");

            // wraps source image to a buffer
            using (ImageBuffer source = new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly))
                source.CorrectGamma(gamma, quantizer, parallelTaskCount);
Esempio n. 57
        public void Quantize(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // initializes quantization parameters
            Boolean isTargetIndexed = target.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();

            // step 1 - prepares the palettes
            List<Color> targetPalette = isTargetIndexed ? SynthetizePalette(quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount) : null;

            // step 2 - updates the bitmap palette

            // step 3 - prepares ditherer (optional)
            if (ditherer != null) ditherer.Prepare(quantizer, colorCount, this, target);

            // step 4 - prepares the quantization function
            TransformPixelFunction quantize = (sourcePixel, targetPixel) =>
                // reads the pixel color
                Color color = GetColorFromPixel(sourcePixel);

                // converts alpha to solid color
                color = QuantizationHelper.ConvertAlpha(color);

                // quantizes the pixel
                SetColorToPixel(targetPixel, color, quantizer);

                // marks pixel as processed by default
                Boolean result = true;

                // preforms inplace dithering (optional)
                if (ditherer != null && ditherer.IsInplace)
                    result = ditherer.ProcessPixel(sourcePixel, targetPixel);

                // returns the result
                return result;

            // step 5 - generates the target image
            IList<Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);
            TransformPerPixel(target, path, quantize, parallelTaskCount);

            // step 6 - preforms non-inplace dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null && !ditherer.IsInplace)
                Dither(target, ditherer, quantizer, colorCount, 1);

            // step 7 - finishes the dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null) ditherer.Finish();

            // step 8 - clean-up
Esempio n. 58
        public void WriteColorUsingPixel(Pixel pixel, Color color, IColorQuantizer quantizer, Byte[] buffer = null)
            // sets color to pixel (pixel is updated with color)
            SetColorToPixel(pixel, color, quantizer);

            // writes pixel to a bitmap/buffer
            WritePixel(pixel, buffer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColorImageQuantizer"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="quantizer">Color quantization algorithm to use for processing images.</param>
 public ColorImageQuantizer( IColorQuantizer quantizer )
     this.quantizer = quantizer;
Esempio n. 60
        public void ScanColors(IColorQuantizer quantizer, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // determines which method of color retrieval to use
            IList<Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            // use different scanning method depending whether the image format is indexed
            ProcessPixelFunction scanColors = pixel =>
                quantizer.AddColor(GetColorFromPixel(pixel), pixel.X, pixel.Y);
                return false;

            // performs the image scan, using a chosen method
            ProcessPerPixel(path, scanColors, parallelTaskCount);