Esempio n. 1
        void AddCodonsToExtension(Extension e, XmlElement el)
            foreach (object o in el.ChildNodes)
                if (!(o is XmlElement))
                XmlElement curEl = (XmlElement)o;

                switch (curEl.Name)
                default:                          //默认为一个代码子节点如:<MenuItem>,<Pad>,等等
                    ICodon codon = AddInTreeSingleton.AddInTree.CodonFactory.CreateCodon(this, curEl);
                    AutoInitializeAttributes(codon, curEl);

                    if (codon.InsertAfter == null && codon.InsertBefore == null && e.CodonCollection.Count > 0)
                        codon.InsertAfter = new string[] { ((ICodon)e.CodonCollection[e.CodonCollection.Count - 1]).ID };
                    if (curEl.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                        Extension newExtension = new Extension(e.Path + '/' + codon.ID);
                        AddCodonsToExtension(newExtension, curEl);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified ICodon to a signed integer with a max value of the specified maxValue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codon"></param>
        /// <param name="maxValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected IConvertedCodon ConvertCodonToSignedInteger(ICodon codon, int maxValue)
            // Don't process the first INucleotide because we will use it as our
            // "signed" position to indicate whether the int is positive or negative
            var value = 0;
            var actualNucleotidePosition = 1;
            for (var digitPlace = codon.Count - 2; digitPlace >= 0; digitPlace--)
                var baseValueAtDigitPlace = GetBaseValueAtDigitPlace(digitPlace, this.Parent.Nucleotides.Count);
                var nucleotideValue = this.GetValueOfNucleotide(codon[actualNucleotidePosition]);

                value += baseValueAtDigitPlace * nucleotideValue;

            // Determine if the int is positive or negative based on the "signed" place
            var signedValue = this.GetValueOfNucleotide(codon[0]);
            var isNegative = signedValue < (this.Parent.Nucleotides.Count / 2);

            value = value > maxValue ? value % maxValue : value;
            return new ConvertedCodon(isNegative ? -value : value);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the given ICodon to an IConvertedCodon.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="codon"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract IConvertedCodon ConvertCodon(ICodon codon);
Esempio n. 4
        void AddCodonsToExtension(Extension e, XmlElement el, ConditionCollection conditions)
            foreach (object o in el.ChildNodes)
                if (!(o is XmlElement))
                XmlElement curEl = (XmlElement)o;

                switch (curEl.Name)
                case "And":                         // these nodes are silently ignored.
                case "Or":
                case "Not":
                case "Condition":

                case "Conditional":
                    ICondition condition = null;

                    // 若当前条件结点的属性个数为零或者(个数为1并且包含action属性),
                    if (curEl.Attributes.Count == 0 || (curEl.Attributes.Count == 1 && curEl.Attributes["FailedAction"] != null))
                        condition = BuildComplexCondition(curEl);

                        // set condition action manually
                        if (curEl.Attributes["FailedAction"] != null)
                            condition.FailedAction = (ConditionFailedAction)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConditionFailedAction), curEl.Attributes["FailedAction"].InnerText);

                        if (condition == null)
                            throw new AddInTreeFormatException("empty conditional, but no condition definition found.");
                    {                               //当前条件结点为一个简单条件结点,该条件结点不会包含<Or>,<And>等子结点
                        condition = AddInTreeSingleton.AddInTree.ConditionFactory.CreateCondition(this, curEl);
                        AutoInitializeAttributes(condition, curEl);

                    // put the condition at the end of the condition 'stack'

                    // traverse the subtree
                    AddCodonsToExtension(e, curEl, conditions);

                    // now we are back to the old level, remove the condition
                    // that was applied to the subtree.
                    conditions.RemoveAt(conditions.Count - 1);

                    ICodon codon = AddInTreeSingleton.AddInTree.CodonFactory.CreateCodon(this, curEl);

                    AutoInitializeAttributes(codon, curEl);

                    // Ensure that the codon is inserted after the codon which is defined
                    // before in the add-in definition.
                    // The codons get topologically sorted and if I don't set the InsertAfter they may
                    // change it's sorting order.
                    e.Conditions[codon.ID] = new ConditionCollection(conditions);
                    if (codon.InsertAfter == null && codon.InsertBefore == null && e.CodonCollection.Count > 0)
                        codon.InsertAfter = new string[] { ((ICodon)e.CodonCollection[e.CodonCollection.Count - 1]).ID };

                    if (curEl.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                        Extension newExtension = new Extension(e.Path + '/' + codon.ID);
                        AddCodonsToExtension(newExtension, curEl, conditions);
        internal static object ParseCommandId(ICodon codon)
            string id = codon.ID;
            if (id.StartsWith ("@"))
                return id.Substring (1);

            Type enumType = null;
            string typeName = id;

            int i = id.LastIndexOf (".");
            if (i != -1)
                typeName = id.Substring (0,i);

            enumType = codon.AddIn.GetType (typeName);

            if (enumType == null)
                enumType = Type.GetType (typeName);

            if (enumType == null)
                enumType = typeof(Command).Assembly.GetType (typeName);

            if (enumType == null || !enumType.IsEnum)
                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Could not find an enum type for the command '" + id + "'.");

            try {
                return Enum.Parse (enumType, id.Substring (i+1));
            } catch {
                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Could not find an enum value for the command '" + id + "'.");
 protected AminoAcidBase(ICodon codon)
     this.Codon = codon;
 public override void AddCodon(ICodon codon)
     this.AddCodon((IGEPCodon) codon);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an ICodon to a signed 5-bit integer (max value of 31)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="codon"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override IConvertedCodon ConvertCodon(ICodon codon)
     return base.ConvertCodonToSignedInteger(codon: codon, maxValue: 31);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the specified ICodon using the specified ICodonConverterIdentifier.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="codon"></param>
 /// <param name="codonConverterIdentifier"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IConvertedCodon ConvertCodon(ICodon codon, ICodonConverterIdentifier codonConverterIdentifier)
     return this.CodonConverters[codonConverterIdentifier].ConvertCodon(codon);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified ICodon to the IGeneticCode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="codon"></param>
 public abstract void AddCodon(ICodon codon);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified ICodon to a signed float with a max value of the specified maxValue and can have a
        /// maximum of "wholeNumberDigits" digits to the left of the decimal point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codon"></param>
        /// <param name="maxValue">The maximum value of the resulting signed float.</param>
        /// <param name="wholeNumberDigits">The number of digits to the left of the decimal place that the resulting float can potentially have.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected IConvertedCodon ConvertCodonToSignedFloat(ICodon codon, int maxValue, int wholeNumberDigits)
            // We will add 1 digit to account for the "signed" position at the start of the ICodon.
            // The rest of the digit places will be beyond the decimal point.
            var nucleotidesBeforeDecimalPoint = wholeNumberDigits + 1;

            var minimumCodonLength = nucleotidesBeforeDecimalPoint + 1;
            if (this.Parent.CodonLength < minimumCodonLength)
                throw new CodonConverterException("The current CodonNumberConverterBase requires that the parent IGeneticCode have ICodons with a minimum length of " + minimumCodonLength + " INucleotides.");

            var value = 0f;

            // Process the "whole" numbers that are after the "signed" place
            var actualNucleotidePosition = 1;
            for (var digitPlace = nucleotidesBeforeDecimalPoint - (this.Parent.CodonLength - nucleotidesBeforeDecimalPoint); digitPlace >= 0; digitPlace--)
                var baseValueAtDigitPlace = GetBaseValueAtDigitPlace(digitPlace, this.Parent.Nucleotides.Count);
                var nucleotideValue = this.GetValueOfNucleotide(codon[actualNucleotidePosition]);

                value += baseValueAtDigitPlace * nucleotideValue;

            // Process the "decimal" numbers that are after the decimal point.
            for (var digitPlace = 1; digitPlace <= this.Parent.CodonLength - nucleotidesBeforeDecimalPoint; digitPlace++)
                var baseValueAtDigitPlace = 1f / GetBaseValueAtDigitPlace(digitPlace, this.Parent.Nucleotides.Count);
                var nucleotideValue = this.GetValueOfNucleotide(codon[actualNucleotidePosition]);

                value += baseValueAtDigitPlace * nucleotideValue;

            // Determine if the float is positive or negative based on the "signed" place
            var signedValue = this.GetValueOfNucleotide(codon[0]);
            var isNegative = signedValue < (this.Parent.Nucleotides.Count / 2);

            //value = value > float.MaxValue ? float.MaxValue : value;
            value = value > maxValue ? value % maxValue : value;
            return new ConvertedCodon(isNegative ? -value : value);
Esempio n. 12
 public bool Equals(ICodon other)
     return this.CodonIdentifier.Equals(other.CodonIdentifier);
Esempio n. 13
 public int CompareTo(ICodon other)
     return this.CodonIdentifier.CompareTo(other.CodonIdentifier);