Esempio n. 1
        public void Save(string fileName, PixelFormat requestedFormat)
            // create a memory stream, setting the initial capacity
            MemoryStream bufferStream = new MemoryStream(width * height * 3);

            // save the data to the memory stream
            Save(bufferStream, requestedFormat);

            int pos = fileName.LastIndexOf('.');

            // grab the file extension
            string extension = fileName.Substring(pos + 1);

            // grab the codec for the requested file extension
            ICodec codec = CodecManager.Instance.GetCodec(extension);

            // setup the image file information
            ImageCodec.ImageData imageData = new ImageCodec.ImageData();
            imageData.width  = width;
            imageData.height = height;
            imageData.format = requestedFormat;

            // reset the stream position
            bufferStream.Position = 0;

            // finally, save to file as an image
            codec.EncodeToFile(bufferStream, fileName, imageData);
