Esempio n. 1
        public virtual IClientCache Create(WebPageContext context)
            var value = context.GetConfigValue <string>("Page", "ClientCache", string.Empty).ToLower();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                switch (value)
                case "forever": return(ForeverClientCache.Instance);

                case "delay": return(DelayClientCache.Instance);

                default: return(NonClientCache.Instance);

            IClientCache cache = null;

            if (_caches.TryGetValue(context.PathExtension, out cache))

Esempio n. 2
 public HttpSendTransport(IClientCache clientCache, HttpSendSettings sendSettings, IReceiveObserver receiveObserver, ReceiveEndpointContext topology)
     _clientCache     = clientCache;
     _sendSettings    = sendSettings;
     _receiveObserver = receiveObserver;
     _topology        = topology;
     _observers       = new SendObservable();
Esempio n. 3
 public HostConnectorWorker(IClientCache clientCache,
                            IOptionsMonitor <AppConfig> config,
                            ILogger <HostConnectorWorker> logger)
     _clientCache = clientCache;
     _config      = config;
     _logger      = logger;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CacheClientFactoryDecorator"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientFactory">The instance to decorate</param>
        /// <param name="cache">The instance to cache client instances</param>
        public CacheClientFactoryDecorator(
            IClientFactory clientFactory,
            IClientCache cache) : base(clientFactory)
            Argument.NotNull(clientFactory, nameof(clientFactory));
            Argument.NotNull(cache, nameof(cache));

            _clientFactory = clientFactory;

            _cache = cache;
Esempio n. 5
        public ReceiveTransport(IServiceBusHost host, ClientSettings settings, IPublishEndpointProvider publishEndpointProvider,
                                ISendEndpointProvider sendEndpointProvider, IClientCache clientCache, IPipe <ClientContext> clientPipe, ReceiveTransportObservable transportObserver)
            _host     = host;
            _settings = settings;
            _publishEndpointProvider = publishEndpointProvider;
            _sendEndpointProvider    = sendEndpointProvider;
            _clientCache             = clientCache;
            _clientPipe = clientPipe;

            _observers          = new ReceiveObservable();
            _transportObservers = transportObserver;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// 注册缓存处理器,请保证cache是单例的
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="extension"></param>
 /// <param name="cache"></param>
 public void RegisterCache(string extension, IClientCache cache)
     if (!_caches.ContainsKey(extension))
         lock (_caches)
             if (!_caches.ContainsKey(extension))
                 if (extension.StartsWith("."))
                     extension = extension.Substring(1);
                 _caches.Add(extension, cache);
                 _caches.Add(string.Format(".{0}", extension), cache);
        public static IClientCache Create(WebPageContext context)
            IClientCache clientCache = null;
            var          config      = WebPagesConfiguration.Global.PageConfig;

            if (config == null || config.ClientCacheFactory == null)
                clientCache = InjectionClientCacheFactory.Instance.Create(context);
                IClientCacheFactory factory = config.ClientCacheFactory.GetInstance <IClientCacheFactory>();
                clientCache = factory.Create(context);
                if (clientCache == null)
                    clientCache = InjectionClientCacheFactory.Instance.Create(context);                      //配置文件没有设置的就由系统自动设置
Esempio n. 8
        protected virtual string ExecuteWithCacheAndSlidingExpiration(IClientCache cache,
                                                                      string url,
                                                                      string key,
                                                                      TimeSpan expiry,
                                                                      Func<IClientCache, string, TimeSpan, string>
            var fetch = cache.Get<string>(CreateCacheKey(key, url));
            if (fetch != null)
                return fetch;

            var result = cacheScheme.Invoke(cache, url, expiry);
            return result;
Esempio n. 9
        protected virtual string ExecuteWithCache(IClientCache cache,
                                                  string url,
                                                  string key,
                                                  Func<IClientCache, string, string> cacheScheme)
            var fetch = cache.Get<string>(CreateCacheKey(key, url));
            if (fetch != null)
                return fetch;

            var result = cacheScheme.Invoke(cache, url);
            return result;
Esempio n. 10
        protected virtual IAsyncResult ExecutePostOrPutAsync(PostOrPut method, string url, string prefixKey,
                                                             IClientCache cache, TimeSpan slidingExpiration)
            WebResponse = null;

            byte[] content;
            var request = BuildPostOrPutWebRequest(method, url, out content);

            var state = new Pair<WebRequest, Pair<byte[], Triplet<IClientCache, TimeSpan, string>>>
                                First = request,
                                Second = new Pair<byte[], Triplet<IClientCache, TimeSpan, string>>
                                                 First = content,
                                                 Second = new Triplet<IClientCache, TimeSpan, string>
                                                                  First = cache,
                                                                  Second = slidingExpiration,
                                                                  Third = prefixKey

            var args = new WebQueryRequestEventArgs(url);

            return request.BeginGetRequestStream(PostAsyncRequestCallback, state);
Esempio n. 11
        protected virtual void ExecuteGetAsync(string url, string prefixKey, IClientCache cache,
                                               TimeSpan slidingExpiration)
            WebResponse = null;

            var client = CreateWebQueryClient();
            var key = CreateCacheKey(prefixKey, url);

                                            work =>
                                            ExecuteGetAsyncAndCacheWithExpiry(cache, key, url, slidingExpiration, client)
Esempio n. 12
        // expects real cache key, not prefix
        private void ExecuteGetAsyncAndCacheWithExpiry(IClientCache cache, string key, string url,
                                                       TimeSpan slidingExpiration, IWebQueryClient client)
            var fetch = cache.Get<string>(key);

            if (fetch != null)
                var args = new WebQueryResponseEventArgs(fetch);
                var state = new Pair<IClientCache, Pair<string, TimeSpan>>
                                    First = cache,
                                    Second = new Pair<string, TimeSpan> {First = key, Second = slidingExpiration}

                var args = new WebQueryRequestEventArgs(url);

                client.OpenReadCompleted += client_OpenReadCompleted;
                client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(url), state);
Esempio n. 13
 private string ExecutePostOrPutAndCacheWithExpiry(PostOrPut method, IClientCache cache, string url, string key,
                                              TimeSpan slidingExpiration, out WebException exception)
     var result = ExecutePostOrPut(method, url, out exception);
     if (exception == null)
         cache.Insert(CreateCacheKey(key, url), result, slidingExpiration);
     return result;
Esempio n. 14
 protected virtual string ExecuteGet(string url, string key, IClientCache cache, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, out WebException exception )
     WebException ex = null; 
     var ret = ExecuteWithCacheAndSlidingExpiration(cache, url, key, slidingExpiration,
                                                 (c, u, e) =>
                                                 ExecuteGetAndCacheWithExpiry(cache, url, key, slidingExpiration, out ex));
     exception = ex;
     return ret; 
Esempio n. 15
 public virtual string ExecutePostOrPut( PostOrPut method, string url, string key, IClientCache cache, out WebException exception)
     WebException ex = null; 
     var ret = ExecuteWithCache(cache, url, key, (c, u) => ExecutePostOrPutAndCache(method, cache, url, key, out ex));
     exception = ex;
     return ret; 
Esempio n. 16
 public virtual void RequestAsync(string url, string key, IClientCache cache, TimeSpan slidingExpiration)
     switch (Method)
         case WebMethod.Get:
             ExecuteGetAsync(url, key, cache, slidingExpiration);
         case WebMethod.Post:
             ExecutePostOrPutAsync(PostOrPut.Post, url, key, cache, slidingExpiration);
         case WebMethod.Put:
             ExecutePostOrPutAsync(PostOrPut.Put, url, key, cache, slidingExpiration);
         case WebMethod.Delete:
             ExecuteDeleteAsync(url, key, cache, slidingExpiration);
             throw new NotSupportedException(
                 "Unsupported web method: {0}".FormatWith(Method.ToUpper())
 public static void Register(string extension, IClientCache cache)
     InjectionClientCacheFactory.Instance.RegisterCache(extension, cache);
Esempio n. 18
        protected virtual IAsyncResult ExecuteDeleteAsync(string url, string prefixKey, IClientCache cache,
                                                          DateTime absoluteExpiration)
            WebResponse = null;

            var request = BuildDeleteWebRequest(url);

            var state = new Pair<WebRequest, Pair<byte[], Triplet<IClientCache, DateTime, string>>>
                                First = request,
                                Second = new Pair<byte[], Triplet<IClientCache, DateTime, string>>
                                                 First = null,
                                                 Second = new Triplet<IClientCache, DateTime, string>
                                                                  First = cache,
                                                                  Second = absoluteExpiration,
                                                                  Third = prefixKey

            var args = new WebQueryRequestEventArgs(url);

            return request.BeginGetRequestStream(PostAsyncRequestCallback, state);
Esempio n. 19
        protected virtual IAsyncResult ExecuteDeleteAsync(string url, string key, IClientCache cache)
            WebResponse = null;

            var request = BuildDeleteWebRequest(url);
            var state = new Pair<WebRequest, Triplet<byte[], IClientCache, string>>
                                First = request,
                                Second = new Triplet<byte[], IClientCache, string>
                                                 First = null,
                                                 Second = cache,
                                                 Third = key

            var args = new WebQueryRequestEventArgs(url);

            return request.BeginGetRequestStream(PostAsyncRequestCallback, state);
Esempio n. 20
 private string ExecuteGetAndCacheWithExpiry(IClientCache cache, string url, string key,
                                             DateTime absoluteExpiration, out WebException exception)
     var result = ExecuteGet(url, out exception );
     if (exception == null)
         cache.Insert(CreateCacheKey(key, url), result, absoluteExpiration);
     return result;
Esempio n. 21
 private string ExecuteGetAndCache(IClientCache cache, string url, string key, out WebException exception )
     var result = ExecuteGet(url, out exception);
     if (exception == null)
         cache.Insert(CreateCacheKey(key, url), result);
     return result;
Esempio n. 22
 public virtual string ExecutePostOrPut(PostOrPut method, string url, string key, IClientCache cache, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, out WebException exception )
     WebException ex = null; 
     var ret = ExecuteWithCacheAndSlidingExpiration(cache, url, key, slidingExpiration,
                                                 (c, u, e) =>
                                                 ExecutePostOrPutAndCacheWithExpiry(method, cache, url, key, slidingExpiration, out ex));
     exception = ex; 
     return ret; 
Esempio n. 23
 public virtual string Request(string url, string key, IClientCache cache, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, out WebException exception)
     switch (Method)
         case WebMethod.Get:
             return ExecuteGet(url, key, cache, slidingExpiration, out exception);
         case WebMethod.Put:
             return ExecutePostOrPut(PostOrPut.Put, url, key, cache, slidingExpiration, out exception);
         case WebMethod.Post:
             return ExecutePostOrPut(PostOrPut.Post, url, key, cache, slidingExpiration, out exception);
         case WebMethod.Delete:
             // todo implement delete with cache (for mocking and completeness)
             throw new NotImplementedException("HTTP DELETE not supported yet; use HTTP POST instead");
             throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown web method");
Esempio n. 24
        protected virtual string ExecuteGet(string url, string key, IClientCache cache, out WebException exception)
            WebException ex = null; 
            var ret = ExecuteWithCache(cache, url, key, (c, u) => ExecuteGetAndCache(cache, url, key, out ex));
            exception = ex;
            return ret; 
