Esempio n. 1
        //Returns the details for a selected asset
        public IActionResult Detail(int id)
            //Selects the required asset
            LibraryAsset asset = _assets.GetById(id);

            var currentHolds = _checkouts.GetCurrentHolds(id)
                               .Select(a => new AssetHoldModel
                HoldPlaced = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPlaced(a.Id).ToString("d"),
                PatronName = _checkouts.GetCurrentHoldPatronName(a.Id)

            var currentCheckoutHistory = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id)
                                         .Select(a => new AssetCheckoutHistoryModel
                Id            = id,
                PatronName    = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckedOutPatronName(a.Id),
                CheckedOut    = _checkouts.CheckedOut(a.Id),
                CheckedIn     = _checkouts.CheckedIn(a.Id),
                LibraryCardId = a.LibraryCard.Id

            //Creates the ViewModel
            //Populate the AssetDetail model with:
            // LibraryAsset properties OR
            // services from the _assets ILibrary service
            AssetDetailModel model = new AssetDetailModel()
                AssetId                = id,
                Title                  = asset.Title,
                Year                   = asset.Year,
                Status                 = asset.Status.Name,
                Cost                   = asset.Cost,
                ImageUrl               = asset.ImageUrl,
                AuthorOrDirector       = _assets.GetAuthorOrDirector(id),
                CurrentLocation        = _assets.GetCurrentLocation(id).Name,
                Type                   = _assets.GetType(id),
                DeweyCallNumber        = _assets.GetDeweyIndex(id),
                ISBN                   = _assets.GetIsbn(id),
                CheckoutHistory        = _checkouts.GetCheckoutHistory(id),
                LatestCheckOut         = _checkouts.GetLatestCheckout(id),
                PatronName             = _checkouts.GetCurrentCheckoutPatron(id),
                CurrentHolds           = currentHolds,
                CurrentCheckoutHistory = currentCheckoutHistory
