Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a list of actions which will be performed on the next renewal of this managed certificate, populating
        /// the description of each action with a Markdown format description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="serverProvider"></param>
        /// <param name="certifyManager"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <ActionStep> > GeneratePreview(
            ManagedCertificate item,
            ICertifiedServer serverProvider,
            ICertifyManager certifyManager,
            ICredentialsManager credentialsManager
            var newLine = "\r\n";
            var steps   = new List <ActionStep>();

            var stepIndex = 1;

            var hasDomains = true;

            var allTaskProviders = await certifyManager.GetDeploymentProviders();

            var certificateAuthorities = await certifyManager.GetCertificateAuthorities();

            // ensure defaults are applied for the deployment mode, overwriting any previous selections

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RequestConfig.PrimaryDomain))
                hasDomains = false;

            if (hasDomains)
                var allCredentials = await credentialsManager.GetCredentials();

                var allDomains = new List <string> {

                if (item.RequestConfig.SubjectAlternativeNames != null)
                allDomains = allDomains.Distinct().OrderBy(d => d).ToList();

                // certificate summary
                var certDescription = new StringBuilder();
                var ca = certificateAuthorities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == item.CertificateAuthorityId);

                    $"A new certificate will be requested from the *{ca?.Title ?? "Default"}* certificate authority for the following domains:"

                certDescription.AppendLine($"\n**{item.RequestConfig.PrimaryDomain}** (Primary Domain)");

                if (item.RequestConfig.SubjectAlternativeNames.Any(s => s != item.RequestConfig.PrimaryDomain))
                    certDescription.AppendLine($" and will include the following *Subject Alternative Names*:");

                    foreach (var d in item.RequestConfig.SubjectAlternativeNames)
                        certDescription.AppendLine($"* {d} ");

                steps.Add(new ActionStep
                    Title       = "Summary",
                    Description = certDescription.ToString()

                // validation steps :
                // TODO: preview description should come from the challenge type provider

                var challengeInfo = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var challengeConfig in item.RequestConfig.Challenges)
                        $"{newLine}Authorization will be attempted using the **{challengeConfig.ChallengeType}** challenge type." +

                    var matchingDomains = item.GetChallengeConfigDomainMatches(challengeConfig, allDomains);
                    if (matchingDomains.Any())
                            $"{newLine}The following matching domains will use this challenge: " + newLine

                        foreach (var d in matchingDomains)
                            challengeInfo.AppendLine($"{newLine} * {d}");

                            $"{newLine}**Please review the Deployment section below to ensure this certificate will be applied to the expected website bindings (if any).**" + newLine
                            $"{newLine}*No domains will match this challenge type.* Either the challenge is not required or domain matches are not fully configured."


                    if (challengeConfig.ChallengeType == SupportedChallengeTypes.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP)
                            $"This will involve the creation of a randomly named (extensionless) text file for each domain (website) included in the certificate." +

                        if (CoreAppSettings.Current.EnableHttpChallengeServer)
                                $"The *Http Challenge Server* option is enabled. This will create a temporary web service on port 80 during validation. " +
                                $"This process co-exists with your main web server and listens for http challenge requests to /.well-known/acme-challenge/. " +
                                $"If you are using a web server on port 80 other than IIS (or other http.sys enabled server), that will be used instead." +

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RequestConfig.WebsiteRootPath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(challengeConfig.ChallengeRootPath))
                                $"The file will be created at the path `{item.RequestConfig.WebsiteRootPath}\\.well-known\\acme-challenge\\` " +

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challengeConfig.ChallengeRootPath))
                                $"The file will be created at the path `{challengeConfig.ChallengeRootPath}\\.well-known\\acme-challenge\\` " +

                            $"The text file will need to be accessible from the URL `http://<yourdomain>/.well-known/acme-challenge/<randomfilename>` " +

                            $"The issuing Certificate Authority will follow any redirection in place (such as rewriting the URL to *https*) but the initial request will be made via *http* on port 80. " +

                    if (challengeConfig.ChallengeType == SupportedChallengeTypes.CHALLENGE_TYPE_DNS)
                            $"This will involve the creation of a DNS TXT record named `` for each domain or subdomain included in the certificate. " +

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challengeConfig.ChallengeCredentialKey))
                            var creds = allCredentials.FirstOrDefault(c => c.StorageKey == challengeConfig.ChallengeCredentialKey);
                            if (creds != null)
                                    $"The following DNS API Credentials will be used:  **{creds.Title}** " + newLine);
                                    $"**Invalid credential settngs.**  The currently selected credential does not exist."
                                $"No DNS API Credentials have been set.  API Credentials are normally required to make automatic updates to DNS records."

                            newLine + $"The issuing Certificate Authority will follow any redirection in place (such as a substitute CNAME pointing to another domain) but the initial request will be made against any of the domain's nameservers. "

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challengeConfig.DomainMatch))
                            $"{newLine}This challenge type will be selected based on matching domain **{challengeConfig.DomainMatch}** ");
                        if (item.RequestConfig.Challenges.Count > 1)
                                $"{newLine}This challenge type will be selected for any domain not matched by another challenge. ");
                                $"{newLine}**This challenge type will be selected for all domains.**");


                steps.Add(new ActionStep
                    Title       = $"{stepIndex}. Domain Validation",
                    Category    = "Validation",
                    Description = challengeInfo.ToString()

                // pre request tasks
                if (item.PreRequestTasks?.Any() == true)
                    var substeps = item.PreRequestTasks.Select(t => new ActionStep {
                        Key = t.Id, Title = $"{t.TaskName} ({allTaskProviders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == t.TaskTypeId)?.Title})", Description = t.Description

                    steps.Add(new ActionStep
                        Title       = $"{stepIndex}. Pre-Request Tasks",
                        Category    = "PreRequestTasks",
                        Description = $"Execute {substeps.Count()} Pre-Request Tasks",
                        Substeps    = substeps.ToList()

                // cert request step
                var certRequest =
                    $"A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) will be submitted to the Certificate Authority, using the **{item.RequestConfig.CSRKeyAlg}** signing algorithm.";
                steps.Add(new ActionStep
                    Title       = $"{stepIndex}. Certificate Request",
                    Category    = "CertificateRequest",
                    Description = certRequest

                // deployment & binding steps

                var deploymentDescription = new StringBuilder();
                var deploymentStep        = new ActionStep
                    Title       = $"{stepIndex}. Deployment",
                    Category    = "Deployment",
                    Description = ""

                if (
                    item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.Auto ||
                    item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.AllSites ||
                    item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.SingleSite
                    // deploying to single or multiple Site

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentBindingMatchHostname)
                            "* Deploy to hostname bindings matching certificate domains.");

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentBindingBlankHostname)
                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* Deploy to bindings with blank hostname.");

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentBindingReplacePrevious)
                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* Deploy to bindings with previous certificate.");

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentBindingOption == DeploymentBindingOption.AddOrUpdate)
                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* Add or Update https bindings as required");

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentBindingOption == DeploymentBindingOption.UpdateOnly)
                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* Update https bindings as required (no auto-created https bindings)");

                    if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.SingleSite)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ServerSiteId))
                                var siteInfo = await serverProvider.GetSiteById(item.ServerSiteId);

                                deploymentDescription.AppendLine($"## Deploying to Site" + newLine + newLine +
                                                                 $"`{siteInfo.Name}`" + newLine);
                            catch (Exception exp)
                                deploymentDescription.AppendLine($"Error: **cannot identify selected site.** {exp.Message} ");
                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine($"## Deploying to all matching sites:");

                    // add deployment sub-steps (if any)
                    var bindingRequest = await certifyManager.DeployCertificate(item, null, true);

                    if (bindingRequest.Actions == null || !bindingRequest.Actions.Any())
                        deploymentStep.Substeps = new List <ActionStep>
                            new ActionStep {
                                Description = newLine + "**There are no matching targets to deploy to. Certificate will be stored but currently no bindings will be updated.**"
                        deploymentStep.Substeps = bindingRequest.Actions;

                        deploymentDescription.AppendLine(" Action | Site | Binding ");
                        deploymentDescription.Append(" ------ | ---- | ------- ");
                else if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.DeploymentStoreOnly)
                    deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* The certificate will be saved to the local machines Certificate Store only (Personal/My Store)");
                else if (item.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.NoDeployment)
                    deploymentDescription.AppendLine("* The certificate will be saved to local disk only.");

                deploymentStep.Description = deploymentDescription.ToString();


                // post request deployment tasks
                if (item.PostRequestTasks?.Any() == true)
                    var substeps = item.PostRequestTasks.Select(t => new ActionStep {
                        Key = t.Id, Title = $"{t.TaskName} ({allTaskProviders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == t.TaskTypeId)?.Title})", Description = t.Description

                    steps.Add(new ActionStep
                        Title       = $"{stepIndex}. Post-Request (Deployment) Tasks",
                        Category    = "PostRequestTasks",
                        Description = $"Execute {substeps.Count()} Post-Request Tasks",
                        Substeps    = substeps.ToList()

                stepIndex = steps.Count;
                steps.Add(new ActionStep
                    Title       = "Certificate has no domains",
                    Description = "No domains have been added to this certificate, so a certificate cannot be requested. Each certificate requires a primary domain (a 'subject') and an optional list of additional domains (subject alternative names)."

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares IIS to respond to a http-01 challenge
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Test the challenge response locally. </returns>
        private async Task <ActionResult> PerformChallengeResponse_Http01(ILog log, ICertifiedServer iisManager, string domain, ManagedCertificate managedCertificate, PendingAuthorization pendingAuth)
            var requestConfig = managedCertificate.RequestConfig;
            var httpChallenge = pendingAuth.Challenges.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ChallengeType == SupportedChallengeTypes.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP);

            if (httpChallenge == null)
                var msg = $"No http challenge to complete for {managedCertificate.Name}. Request cannot continue.";
                return(new ActionResult {
                    IsSuccess = false, Message = msg

            log.Information($"Preparing challenge response for the issuing Certificate Authority to check at: {httpChallenge.ResourceUri} with content {httpChallenge.Value}");
            log.Information("If the challenge response file is not accessible at this exact URL the validation will fail and a certificate will not be issued.");

            // get website root path (from challenge config or fallback to deprecated
            // WebsiteRootPath), expand environment variables if required
            var websiteRootPath = requestConfig.WebsiteRootPath;
            var challengeConfig = managedCertificate.GetChallengeConfig(domain);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challengeConfig.ChallengeRootPath))
                websiteRootPath = challengeConfig.ChallengeRootPath;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managedCertificate.ServerSiteId))
                var siteInfo = await iisManager.GetSiteById(managedCertificate.ServerSiteId);

                if (siteInfo == null)
                    return(new ActionResult {
                        IsSuccess = false, Message = "IIS Website unavailable. Site may be removed or IIS is unavailable"

                // if website root path not specified, determine it now
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(websiteRootPath))
                    websiteRootPath = siteInfo.Path;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(websiteRootPath) && websiteRootPath.Contains("%"))
                    // if websiteRootPath contains %websiteroot% variable, replace that with the
                    // current physical path for the site
                    if (websiteRootPath.Contains("%websiteroot%"))
                        // sets env variable for this process only
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("websiteroot", siteInfo.Path);
                    // expand any environment variables present in site path
                    websiteRootPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(websiteRootPath);

            log.Information("Using website path {path}", websiteRootPath ?? "[Auto]");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(websiteRootPath) || !Directory.Exists(websiteRootPath))
                // our website no longer appears to exist on disk, continuing would potentially
                // create unwanted folders, so it's time for us to give up

                var msg = $"The website root path for {managedCertificate.Name} could not be determined. Request cannot continue.";
                return(new ActionResult {
                    IsSuccess = false, Message = msg

            // copy temp file to path challenge expects in web folder
            var destFile = Path.Combine(websiteRootPath, httpChallenge.ResourcePath);
            var destPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(destFile);

            if (!Directory.Exists(destPath))
                catch (Exception exp)
                    // failed to create directory, probably permissions or may be invalid config

                    var msg = $"Pre-config check failed: Could not create directory: {destPath}";
                    log.Error(exp, msg);
                    return(new ActionResult {
                        IsSuccess = false, Message = msg

            // copy challenge response to web folder /.well-known/acme-challenge. Check if it already
            // exists (as in 'configcheck' file) as can cause conflicts.
            if (!File.Exists(destFile) || !destFile.EndsWith("configcheck"))
                    File.WriteAllText(destFile, httpChallenge.Value);
                catch (Exception exp)
                    // failed to create configcheck file, probably permissions or may be invalid config

                    var msg = $"Pre-config check failed: Could not create file: {destFile}";
                    log.Error(exp, msg);
                    return(new ActionResult {
                        IsSuccess = false, Message = msg

            // prepare cleanup - should this be configurable? Because in some case many sites
            // renewing may all point to the same web root, we keep the configcheck file
            pendingAuth.Cleanup = () =>
                if (!destFile.EndsWith("configcheck") && File.Exists(destFile))
                    log.Debug("Challenge Cleanup: Removing {file}", destFile);
                    catch { }

            // if config checks are enabled but our last renewal was successful, skip auto config
            // until we have failed twice
            if (requestConfig.PerformExtensionlessConfigChecks)
                if (managedCertificate.DateRenewed != null && managedCertificate.RenewalFailureCount < 2)
                    return(new ActionResult {
                        IsSuccess = true, Message = $"Skipping URL access checks and auto config (if applicable): {httpChallenge.ResourceUri}. Will resume checks if renewal failure count exceeds 2 attempts."

                // first check if it already works with no changes
                if (await _netUtil.CheckURL(log, httpChallenge.ResourceUri))
                    return(new ActionResult {
                        IsSuccess = true, Message = $"Verified URL is accessible: {httpChallenge.ResourceUri}"

                // initial check didn't work, if auto config enabled attempt to find a working config
                if (requestConfig.PerformAutoConfig)
                    // FIXME: need to only overwrite config we have auto populated, not user
                    // specified config, compare to our preconfig and only overwrite if same as ours?
                    // Or include preset key in our config, or make behaviour configurable
                    LogAction($"Pre-config check failed: Auto-config will overwrite existing config: {destPath}\\web.config");

                    var configOptions = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Scripts", "Web.config"), "*.config");

                    foreach (var configFile in configOptions)
                        // create a web.config for extensionless files, then test it (make a request
                        // for the extensionless configcheck file over http)

                        var webConfigContent = File.ReadAllText(configFile);

                        // no existing config, attempt auto config and perform test
                        LogAction($"Testing config alternative: " + configFile);

                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(destPath, "web.config"), webConfigContent);
                        catch (Exception exp)
                            LogAction($"Failed to write config: " + exp.Message);

                        if (await _netUtil.CheckURL(log, httpChallenge.ResourceUri))
                            return(new ActionResult {
                                IsSuccess = true, Message = $"Verified URL is accessible: {httpChallenge.ResourceUri}"

                // failed to auto configure or confirm resource is accessible
                return(new ActionResult
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    Message = $"Could not verify URL is accessible: {httpChallenge.ResourceUri}"
                return(new ActionResult
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    Message = $"Config checks disabled. Did not verify URL access: {httpChallenge.ResourceUri}"