//The constructor for the GUI
        public SystemSchedulerGUI(ISimulationEnvironment env, SystemScheduler systemScheduler, ICTCOffice ctc)
            //Get everything up and running on the form

            //Copy all of our incoming data to our globals
            _environment = env;
            _ctcOffice = ctc;
            _systemScheduler = systemScheduler;

            //Subscribed to the environment tick event
            _environment.Tick += EnvironmentTickHandler;
        //The constructor for the system scheduler
        public SystemScheduler(ISimulationEnvironment env, ICTCOffice ctc)
            //Store all of the incoming data to our globals
            _env = env;
            _ctc = ctc;

            //Get the current time
            _currentTime = DateTime.Now;
            _currentTime.AddMilliseconds(_currentTime.Millisecond * -1);

            //Subscribed to the environment tick event
            _env.Tick += _environment_Bollocks;

            //Also listen for when we are asked to start and stop
            _ctc.StartAutomation += _ctc_StartAutomation;
            _ctc.StopAutomation += _ctc_StopAutomation;