Esempio n. 1
        private void schedulerStorage1_AppointmentsInserted(object sender, DevExpress.XtraScheduler.PersistentObjectsEventArgs e)
            //gets the newly created Devexpress appointment;
            Appointment app = e.Objects[0] as Appointment;

            //questo codice è inserito per risolvere il problema dell'assegnazione della risorsa
            //dopo il grag drop
            DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Resource ee = app.ResourceId as DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Resource;
            //questa situazione si verifica quando lo scheduler non è stato in grado
            //di assegnare una risorsa all'appuntamento creato nella funzione GetDragData
            //e pertanto assegna la risorsa "All" all'appuntamento
            //if (ee != null)
            //    Customer ccc = app.GetValue(schedulerStorage1, "Customer") as Customer;
            //    if (ccc != null)
            //    {
            //        app.SetValue(schedulerStorage1, "Resource", ccc.Resource);
            //        app.ResourceId = ccc.Resource.Id;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        WIN.SCHEDULING_APPLICATION.DOMAIN.ComboElements.Resource t = new ResourceHandler().GetAll()[0] as WIN.SCHEDULING_APPLICATION.DOMAIN.ComboElements.Resource;
            //        app.SetValue(schedulerStorage1, "Resource", t);
            //        app.ResourceId = t.Id;
            //    }
            app.SetValue(schedulerStorage1, "Resource", new BookingResourceHandler().GetElementById(app.ResourceId.ToString()) as WIN.SCHEDULING_APPLICATION.DOMAIN.Booking.BookingResource);

            //imposto per sicurezza il campo allday a true;
            app.AllDay = true;

            ////i get my custom object
            Assignment a = app.GetSourceObject(schedulerStorage1) as Assignment;

            //i add the created assignment to the booking
            IBooking b = a.Booking;


            ////i save on my db
            AssignmentHandler h = new AssignmentHandler();

            catch (Exception ex)


            //notifico l'id all'oggetto appena creato
            Key newId = a.Key;

            app.SetValue(schedulerStorage1, "Key", newId);

            //Appointment app1 = app.Copy();
            //app1.Start = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2);


            //foreach (Appointment item in schedulerStorage1.Appointments.Items)
            //    MyAppointment a1 = app.GetSourceObject(schedulerStorage1) as MyAppointment;
