Esempio n. 1
        private async Task SeedBooksAndAuthors()
            Author aStugatsky = new Author()
                Id        = 1,
                Firstname = "Arkady",
                Lastname  = "Strugatski",
                Bio       = "He was exelent writer"

            Author bStugatsky = new Author()
                Id        = 2,
                Firstname = "Boris",
                Lastname  = "Strugatski",
                Bio       = "He was exelent writer and scientist"

            Author iAzymov = new Author()
                Id        = 3,
                Firstname = "Isaak",
                Lastname  = "Azimov",
                Bio       = "He is excellent writer and scientis"

            Book mondayStartsSaturday = new Book()
                Id      = 1,
                Title   = "Monday starts saturday",
                Year    = 1960,
                Isbn    = "978-5-17-106224-8",
                Summary = "Exelent partody to scientists community",
                Authors = new Author[] { aStugatsky, bStugatsky }

            Book hardToBeTheGod = new Book()
                Id      = 2,
                Title   = "Hard to be the God",
                Year    = 1960,
                Isbn    = "978-5-17-106224-8",
                Summary = "Another view what happens to civilizations",
                Authors = new Author[] { aStugatsky, bStugatsky }

            Book theGodsThemselves = new Book()
                Id      = 3,
                Title   = "The Gods Themselves",
                Year    = 1972,
                Isbn    = "978-8-49-800851-7",
                Summary = "Another view what happens to civilizations",
                Authors = new Author[] { iAzymov }

            aStugatsky.Books = new List <Book> {
                mondayStartsSaturday, hardToBeTheGod
            bStugatsky.Books = new List <Book> {
                mondayStartsSaturday, hardToBeTheGod
            iAzymov.Books = new List <Book> {
            await _BookStore.Authors.CreateAsync(aStugatsky);

            await _BookStore.Authors.CreateAsync(bStugatsky);

            await _BookStore.Authors.CreateAsync(iAzymov);

            await _BookStore.Books.CreateAsync(mondayStartsSaturday);

            await _BookStore.Books.CreateAsync(hardToBeTheGod);

            await _BookStore.Books.CreateAsync(theGodsThemselves);

            if (!await _BookStore.SaveData())
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Failed to seed all data in the database");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([ModelBinder(typeof(BookModelBinder))] BookUpsertDTO book)
            _Logger.LogTrace("Attempt to create the book");
            try {
                if (book == null)
                    return(BookBadRequest("Attempt to insert empty book"));

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    return(BookBadRequest("Attempt to insert the invalid book", ModelState));
                Task <ImageData>        imageUpload = null;
                CancellationTokenSource cts         = null;
                if (book.ImageWasChanged)
                    cts         = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    imageUpload = _ImageService.SetImage(book.Image, cts.Token, String.Empty);
                    book.Image  = String.Empty;
                var user = await _SignInManager.UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(this.GetCurrentUserEmail());

                Book bookRecord = _Mapper.Map <Book>(book);
                bookRecord.OwnerId = user.Id;
                var differences = DataTools.FindDifferences <BookAuthor, AuthorUpsertDTO>(
                    bookRecord.BookAuthors, book.Authors, (old, nw) => old.AuthorId == nw.Id);
                foreach (var inserted in differences.InsertedItems)
                    Author author = await _BookStore.Authors.FindAsync(x => x.Id == inserted.Id);

                    if (author != null)
                        bookRecord.BookAuthors.Add(new BookAuthor()
                            AuthorId = inserted.Id, Author = author, Book = bookRecord
                        return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status422UnprocessableEntity, "One of the book authors not exists in database, operation cancelled"));
                foreach (var removed in differences.RemovedItems)
                if (imageUpload != null)
                    ImageData imageData = await imageUpload;
                    bookRecord.Image     = imageData.Name;
                    bookRecord.Thumbnail = imageData.Base64ThumbNail;
                bool result = await _BookStore.Books.CreateAsync(bookRecord);

                result &= await _BookStore.SaveData();

                if (result)
                    _Logger.LogInformation($"Book succesfully created, assigned id {bookRecord.Id}");
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created, bookRecord));
                    return(InternalError("Failed to create book"));
            catch (AggregateException e) {
                _Logger.LogError(e.Flatten(), e.Flatten().Message, e.Flatten().InnerExceptions?.Select(ie => $"{ie.Message}/n{new string('-', 20)}/n{ie.StackTrace}"));
                return(InternalError("Failed to create the book", e));
            catch (Exception e) {
                _Logger.LogError(e, e.Message);
                return(InternalError("Failed to create bool", e));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([ModelBinder(typeof(AuthorModelBinder))] AuthorUpsertDTO author)
            _Logger.LogInformation($"Author submition");
            try {
                if (author == null)
                    _Logger.LogWarning($"Empty request was submited");
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                        $"Attempting to submit invalid data: {ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).Aggregate((fm, lm) => fm + '\n' + lm)}");
                var user = await _SignInManager.UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(this.GetCurrentUserEmail());

                var similarAuthors = await _BookStore.Authors.WhereAsync(filter : x =>
                                                                         x.Firstname.ToLower().Equals(author.Firstname.ToLower()) &&
                                                                         x.Lastname.ToLower().Equals(author.Firstname.ToLower()) &&
                                                                         x.OwnerId == user.Id

                if (similarAuthors.Count > 0)
                    _Logger.LogWarning($"Possible duplicate for author {author.Firstname} {author.Lastname.ToUpper()}");
                Author writer = _Mapper.Map <Author>(author);
                writer.OwnerId = user.Id;
                var differences = DataTools.FindDifferences <Book, BookUpsertDTO>(
                    writer.Books, author.Books, (o, n) => o.Id == n.Id);
                if (differences.InsertedItems?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var newAuthorBook in differences.InsertedItems)
                        var authorBook = await _BookStore.Books.FindAsync(b => b.Id == newAuthorBook.Id);

                        if (authorBook != null)
                            writer.AuthorBooks.Add(new BookAuthor()
                                Author = writer, BookId = authorBook.Id, Book = authorBook
                            string message = $"Failed to find book with id {newAuthorBook.Id}";
                            return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status422UnprocessableEntity, message));
                var isSucceed = await _BookStore.Authors.CreateAsync(writer);

                isSucceed &= await _BookStore.SaveData();

                if (!isSucceed)
                    _Logger.LogError("No records was inserted to database when creating the author");
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Failed to save author"));
                    _Logger.LogInformation("Author creates successfully");
                    return(Created("Create", _Mapper.Map <AuthorUpsertDTO>(writer)));
            catch (Exception e) {
                return(InternalError(e, $"Unable to create author {author.Firstname} {author.Lastname}"));