Esempio n. 1
        public static IEnumerable <Coordinate2D> GetChunksInRect(this IBlockRectOptions options, Coordinate2D regionPt)
            // Calculate the bounds of the plot area, in blocks
            var(block1, block2) = GetBounds(options);

            // TODO
            yield return(new Coordinate2D());    // HACK!
Esempio n. 2
        private static (Coordinate2D, Coordinate2D) GetBounds(IBlockRectOptions options)
            // Calculate the bounds of the plot area, in blocks
            var x1 = options.CenterX - (options.Width / 2);
            var z1 = options.CenterZ - (options.Height / 2);

            var x2 = x1 + options.Width;
            var z2 = z1 + options.Height;

            var block1 = new Coordinate2D(x1, z1, CoordinateType2D.Block);
            var block2 = new Coordinate2D(x2, z2, CoordinateType2D.Block);

            // Return what we've got
            return(block1, block2);
Esempio n. 3
        public static IEnumerable <Coordinate2D> GetRegionsInRect(this IBlockRectOptions options)
            // Calculate the bounds of the plot area, in blocks
            var(block1, block2) = GetBounds(options);

            // Convert both to region coords
            var region1 = block1.ToRegion();
            var region2 = block2.ToRegion();

            // Enumerate and return all the regions
            for (var dx = region1.X; dx <= region2.X; dx++)
                for (var dz = region1.Z; dz <= region2.Z; dz++)
                    yield return(new Coordinate2D(dx, dz, CoordinateType2D.Region));