protected MessageHandlerFunc GetMessageHandler(IBindingContext context, MethodInfo method) { var allowBinding = false; MiddlewareHelper.Go(bindingMiddleware, (handler, next) => handler.Handle(context, next), () => { allowBinding = true; }); if (!allowBinding) { return(null); } if (context.MessageClass == null) { throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} does not resolve to a message class"); } var invalidBindings = context.Parameters.Where(p => !p.HasBinding).ToList(); // ReSharper disable once InvertIf if (invalidBindings.Count > 0) { var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", invalidBindings.Select(p => p.Info.Name)); throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} has unknown parameters: {parameterNames}"); } var resultHandler = ((IBindingResultAccess)context.Result).GetHandler(); return(WrapMethod(method, context.Parameters.Select(p => ((IBindingParameterAccess)p).GetBinding()), resultHandler)); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); Bind(type, instance, context); return instance; }
protected override void Start() { VariableViewModel viewModel = new VariableViewModel() { Username = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", Remember = true }; viewModel.Color = this.variables.Get <Color>("color"); viewModel.Vector = this.variables.Get <Vector3>("vector"); IBindingContext bindingContext = this.BindingContext(); bindingContext.DataContext = viewModel; /* databinding */ BindingSet <VariableExample, VariableViewModel> bindingSet = this.CreateBindingSet <VariableExample, VariableViewModel>(); bindingSet.Bind(this.variables.Get <InputField>("username")).For(v => v.text, v => v.onEndEdit).To(vm => vm.Username).TwoWay(); bindingSet.Bind(this.variables.Get <InputField>("email")).For(v => v.text, v => v.onEndEdit).To(vm => vm.Email).TwoWay(); bindingSet.Bind(this.variables.Get <Toggle>("remember")).For(v => v.isOn, v => v.onValueChanged).To(vm => vm.Remember).TwoWay(); bindingSet.Bind(this.variables.Get <Button>("submit")).For(v => v.onClick).To(vm => vm.OnSubmit); bindingSet.Build(); }
static public void FallBack(this IBindingContext me, IBindingContext other) { me.FallBack((name, key, extras) => { return(other.Unsafe.TryGet(name, key, extras)); }); }
public void PopulateProperty(Type type, PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var propertyBinder = _propertyBinders.BinderFor(property); context.Logger.ChosePropertyBinder(property, propertyBinder); propertyBinder.Bind(property, context); }
/// <summary> /// Not yet implemented /// </summary> private static string ScriptAsDelete( IBindingContext bindingContext, ConnectionInfo connInfo, ObjectMetadata metadata) { return(null); }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { property.ForAttribute<BindingAttribute>(att => { att.Bind(property, context); }); }
private void populate(Type type, IBindingContext context) { _typeCache.ForEachProperty(type, prop => { _propertyBinders.BinderFor(prop).Bind(prop, context); }); }
public static object GetViewForViewModel(this IDataTemplate template, IBindingContext context, object viewModel, Func<object, object> getConvertView, params object[] args) { if (template != null) { var cell = getConvertView(template.Id); if (cell != null && template.ViewType != null) { if (!template.ViewType.IsAssignableFrom(cell.GetType())) { cell = null; } } if (cell == null) { cell = template.CreateView(args); } template.InitializeView(cell); context.Bindings.ClearBindings(cell); template.BindViewModel(context, viewModel, cell); return cell; } return null; }
public override void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { context.Service<IRequestHeaders>().Value<string>(_headerName, val => { property.SetValue(context.Object, val, null); }); }
public virtual void TransferToUnityComponents(Entity entity, IBindingContext context) { var text2DRenderer = context.GetComponentData <Text2DRenderer>(entity); var text2DStyle = context.GetComponentData <Text2DStyle>(entity); var text = context.GetUnityComponent <TText>(entity); if (context.HasComponent <TextString>(entity)) { var textString = context.GetBufferRO <TextString>(entity).Reinterpret <char>().AsString(); text.text = textString; } else { text.text = string.Empty; } text.fontStyle = FontStyles.Normal; text.lineSpacing = 1; text.richText = false; text.alignment = Fonts.GetTextAlignmentFromPivot(text2DRenderer.pivot); var c = text2DStyle.color; text.color = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);; text.fontSize = text2DStyle.size * SizeFactor; text.isOrthographic = true; text.enableWordWrapping = false; Transfer(entity, text, context); }
protected override void Transfer(Entity entity, TextMeshProUGUI text, IBindingContext context) { base.Transfer(entity, text, context); try { if (context.HasComponent <Text2DAutoFit>(entity)) { var autoFit = context.GetComponentData <Text2DAutoFit>(entity); text.enableAutoSizing = true; text.fontSizeMin = autoFit.minSize * SizeFactor; text.fontSizeMax = autoFit.maxSize * SizeFactor; text.enableWordWrapping = false; } else { text.enableAutoSizing = false; text.enableWordWrapping = false; } } finally { Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(context.GetUnityComponent <RectTransform>(entity).root as RectTransform); } }
public override void TransferToUnityComponents(Entity entity, IBindingContext context) { base.TransferToUnityComponents(entity, context); var rt = context.GetUnityComponent <RectTransform>(entity); rt.sizeDelta =; }
public void Handle(IBindingContext context, Action next) { next(); if (context.Result.HasHandler) { return; } bool isTaskOf; Type actualType; if (!context.Result.Info.ParameterType.IsTypeOrTaskOf(t => t.IsClass, out isTaskOf, out actualType)) { return; } if (isTaskOf) { var handler = GetType().GetMethod("PublishGenericTaskResult", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).MakeGenericMethod(actualType); context.Result.SetHandler(async(messageContext, value) => { await(Task) handler.Invoke(null, new[] { messageContext, value }); }); } else { context.Result.SetHandler((messageContext, value) => value == null ? null : Reply(value, messageContext)); } }
public static Game NewGame(IBindingContext context) { WorldLogicCoordinateTransform transformer = new WorldLogicCoordinateTransform(0.32f,10,10); var boardView = context.Get<BoardView> (InnerBindingNames.Empty,10,10,transformer); return new Game(boardView); }
public object Bind(Type inputModelType, IBindingContext context) { //we determine the type by sniffing the ctor arg var entityType = inputModelType .GetConstructors() .Single(x => x.GetParameters().Count() == 1) .GetParameters() .Single() .ParameterType; var entity = tryFindExistingEntity(entityType, context) ?? createNewEntity(entityType, context); var model = (EditEntityModel)Activator.CreateInstance(inputModelType, entity); context.BindProperties(model); // Get the binding errors from conversion of the EditEntityModel context.Problems.Each(x => { model.Notification.RegisterMessage(x.Property, FastPackKeys.PARSE_VALUE); }); return model; }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { property.ForAttribute <BindingAttribute>(att => { att.Bind(property, context); }); }
public override void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var chain = context.Service<ICurrentChain>(); var resource = ResourceHash.For(new VaryByResource(chain)); property.SetValue(context.Object, resource, null); }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var type = property.PropertyType; var itemType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (type.IsInterface) { type = _collectionTypeProvider.GetCollectionType(type, itemType); } object collection = Activator.CreateInstance(type); var collectionType = collection.GetType(); Func<object, bool> addToCollection = obj => { if (obj != null) { var addMethod = _addMethods[collectionType]; addMethod.Invoke(collection, new[] {obj}); return true; } return false; }; var formatString = property.Name + "[{0}]"; int index = 0; string prefix; do { prefix = formatString.ToFormat(index); index++; } while (addToCollection(context.BindObject(prefix, itemType))); property.SetValue(context.Object, collection, null); }
public void TransferFromUnityComponents(Entity entity, IBindingContext context) { context.SetComponentData(entity, new RectHitBox2D { box = context.GetUnityComponent <Unity.Tiny.RectHitBox2D>(entity).Box.Convert() }); }
public void FillValues(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var requests = context.GetEnumerableRequests(property.Name).ToList(); // TODO -- need an end to end test on this behavior if (!requests.Any()) { return; } var data = new T[requests.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < requests.Count; i++) { var requestData = requests[i]; context.Logger.PushElement(typeof(T)); // TODO -- got to add the BindResult to context to store it later context.BindObject(requestData, typeof(T), o => { data[i] = (T)o; }); } property.SetValue(context.Object, data, null); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var model = Activator.CreateInstance(type); Bind(type, model, context); return model; }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether or not a request is an Ajax request by searching for a value of the "X-Requested-With" header /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsAjaxRequest(this IBindingContext context) { bool returnValue = false; context.Data.ValueAs <object>(XRequestedWithHeader, val => returnValue = val.IsAjaxRequest()); return(returnValue); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { object model = Activator.CreateInstance(type); context.BindProperties(model); return(model); }
public CacheKey(IdentifierCollection identifiers, bool ignoreCase, IBindingContext bindingContext, BoundExpressionOptions options) { Options = options; OwnerType = bindingContext.OwnerType; var imports = bindingContext.Imports; Imports = new Import[imports == null ? 0 : imports.Count]; if (Imports.Length > 0) { imports.CopyTo(Imports, 0); } IdentifierTypes = new Type[identifiers.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++) { IdentifierTypes[i] = bindingContext.GetVariableType( identifiers[i].Name, ignoreCase ); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ModelTemperature"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="context"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> public ModelTemperature(IBindingContext context) : base(context) { context.ThrowIfNull(nameof(context)); _temperature = context.GetState <ITemperatureSimulationState>(); Parameters = context.GetParameterSet <ModelParameters>(); }
public void FillValues(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { if (_conversionPropertyBinder.CanBeParsed(property.PropertyType)) { bool convertedAsIs = context.Data.ValueAs <string>(property.Name, value => _conversionPropertyBinder.Bind(property, context)); if (convertedAsIs) { return; } } var collection = property.GetValue(context.Object, null) as ICollection <T>; if (collection == null) { collection = new List <T>(); property.SetValue(context.Object, collection, null); } context.GetEnumerableRequests(property.Name).Each(request => { context.Logger.PushElement(typeof(T)); // TODO -- got to add the BindResult to context to store it later context.BindObject(request, typeof(T), @object => { collection.Add((T)@object); }); }); }
/// <summary> /// Script create statements for metadata object /// </summary> private static string ScriptAsCreate( IBindingContext bindingContext, ConnectionInfo connInfo, ObjectMetadata metadata) { Scripter scripter = new Scripter(bindingContext.ServerConnection, connInfo); StringCollection results = null; if (metadata.MetadataType == MetadataType.Table) { results = scripter.GetTableScripts(metadata.Name, metadata.Schema); } else if (metadata.MetadataType == MetadataType.SProc) { results = scripter.GetStoredProcedureScripts(metadata.Name, metadata.Schema); } else if (metadata.MetadataType == MetadataType.View) { results = scripter.GetViewScripts(metadata.Name, metadata.Schema); } StringBuilder builder = null; if (results != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var result in results) { builder.AppendLine(result); builder.AppendLine(); } } return(builder != null?builder.ToString() : null); }
void Start() { viewModel = new ListViewViewModel(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { viewModel.AddItem(); } viewModel.Items[0].IsSelected = true; IBindingContext bindingContext = this.BindingContext(); bindingContext.DataContext = viewModel; BindingSet <ListViewDatabindingExample, ListViewViewModel> bindingSet = this.CreateBindingSet <ListViewDatabindingExample, ListViewViewModel>(); bindingSet.Bind(this.listView).For(v => v.Items).To(vm => vm.Items).OneWay(); bindingSet.Bind(this.listView).For(v => v.OnSelectChanged).To <int>(vm => vm.Select).OneWay(); bindingSet.Bind(this.addButton).For(v => v.onClick).To(vm => vm.AddItem); bindingSet.Bind(this.removeButton).For(v => v.onClick).To(vm => vm.RemoveItem); bindingSet.Bind(this.clearButton).For(v => v.onClick).To(vm => vm.ClearItem); bindingSet.Bind(this.changeIconButton).For(v => v.onClick).To(vm => vm.ChangeItemIcon); bindingSet.Build(); }
public void TransferFromUnityComponents(Entity entity, IBindingContext context) { var image = context.GetUnityComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(entity); context.SetComponentData(entity, new Sprite2DRenderer() { sprite = context.GetEntity(image.sprite), color = image.color.Convert() }); var rt = context.GetUnityComponent <UnityEngine.RectTransform>(entity); var optionsData = new Sprite2DRendererOptions() { size = rt.rect.size }; if (image.type == UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type.Simple || image.type == UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type.Sliced) { optionsData.drawMode = DrawMode.Stretch; } else { optionsData.drawMode = DrawMode.ContinuousTiling; } if (context.HasComponent <Sprite2DRendererOptions>(entity)) { context.SetComponentData(entity, optionsData); } else { context.AddComponentData(entity, optionsData); } }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { if (context.Object == null) { return; } Type entityType = context.Object.GetTrueType(); // If there is no Extends<> for the entity type, do nothing if (!ExtensionProperties.HasExtensionFor(entityType)) { return; } Type extensionType = ExtensionProperties.ExtensionFor(entityType); // direct the FubuMVC model binding to resolve an object of the // extensionType using "entityType.Name" as the prefix on the form data, // and place the newly created object using the specified property var childRequest = context.GetSubRequest(property.Name); context.BindObject(childRequest, property.PropertyType, o => { property.SetValue(context.Object, o, null); }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Time"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The binding context.</param> public Time(IBindingContext context) : base(context) { _bp = context.GetParameterSet <Parameters>(); // Create derivatives for the numerator and denominator _state = context.GetState <ITimeSimulationState>(); _method = context.GetState <IIntegrationMethod>(); if (_bp.Numerator.Length > 1) { _dNumerator = new IDerivative[_bp.Numerator.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < _dNumerator.Length; i++) { _dNumerator[i] = _method.CreateDerivative(); } } else { _dNumerator = null; } if (_bp.Denominator.Length > 1) { _dDenominator = new IDerivative[_bp.Denominator.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < _dDenominator.Length; i++) { _dDenominator[i] = _method.CreateDerivative(); } } else { _dDenominator = null; } }
private void Update(object source) { if (_parentContext != null) { var src = _parentContext.Source; if (src != null) { WeakEventManager.GetBindingContextListener(src).Remove(this); } } if (source == null) { _parentContext = null; } else { _parentContext = GetParentBindingContext(source); if (_parentContext != null) { var src = _parentContext.Source; if (src != null) { WeakEventManager.GetBindingContextListener(src).Add(this); } } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IWaveform Create(IBindingContext context) { IIntegrationMethod method = null; TimeParameters tp = null; context?.TryGetState(out method); context?.TryGetSimulationParameterSet(out tp); double step = 1.0; if (!RiseTime.Given || !FallTime.Given) { if (tp is SpiceMethod sm) { step = sm.InitialStep; } else if (tp != null) { step = tp.StopTime / 50.0; } } return(new Instance(method, InitialValue, PulsedValue, Delay, RiseTime.Given ? RiseTime.Value : step, FallTime.Given ? FallTime.Value : step, PulseWidth, Period)); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var entityType = type.GetConstructors().Single(x => x.GetParameters().Count() == 1).GetParameters().Single().ParameterType; // This is our convention. var prefix = entityType.Name; var prefixedContext = context.PrefixWith(prefix); DomainEntity entity = tryFindExistingEntity(context, prefixedContext, entityType) ?? createNewEntity(entityType, prefixedContext); var model = (EditEntityModel)Activator.CreateInstance(type, entity); // Get the binding errors from conversion of the Entity prefixedContext.Problems.Each(x => { model.Notification.RegisterMessage(x.Properties.Last(), FastPackKeys.PARSE_VALUE); }); _innerBinder.Bind(type, model, context); // Get the binding errors from conversion of the EditEntityModel context.Problems.Each(x => { model.Notification.RegisterMessage(x.Properties.Last(), FastPackKeys.PARSE_VALUE); }); return model; }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var entityType = type.GetConstructors().Single(x => x.GetParameters().Count() == 1).GetParameters().Single().ParameterType; // This is our convention. var prefix = entityType.Name; var prefixedContext = context.PrefixWith(prefix); DomainEntity entity = tryFindExistingEntity(context, prefixedContext, entityType) ?? createNewEntity(entityType, prefixedContext); var model = (EditEntityModel)Activator.CreateInstance(type, entity); // Get the binding errors from conversion of the Entity prefixedContext.Problems.Each(x => { model.Notification.RegisterMessage(x.Properties.Last(), FastPackKeys.PARSE_VALUE); }); _innerBinder.Bind(type, model, context); // Get the binding errors from conversion of the EditEntityModel context.Problems.Each(x => { model.Notification.RegisterMessage(x.Properties.Last(), FastPackKeys.PARSE_VALUE); }); return(model); }
public static BindingSet <TBehaviour, TSource> CreateBindingSet <TBehaviour, TSource>(this TBehaviour behaviour, TSource dataContext) where TBehaviour : Behaviour { IBindingContext context = behaviour.BindingContext(); context.DataContext = dataContext; return(new BindingSet <TBehaviour, TSource>(context, behaviour)); }
private void SetCubeRed(IBindingContext panel) { if (instence) { instence.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color =; } }
public override void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { context.Service <IRequestHeaders>().Value <string>(_headerName, val => { property.SetValue(context.Object, val, null); }); }
public BoundExpression GetOrCreateBoundExpression(IBindingContext binder, BoundExpressionOptions options) { Require.NotNull(binder, "binder"); Require.NotNull(options, "options"); var key = new CacheKey( _dynamicExpression.ParseResult.Identifiers, !DynamicExpression.IsLanguageCaseSensitive(_dynamicExpression.Language), binder, options ); lock (_syncRoot) { BoundExpression boundExpression; if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out boundExpression)) { boundExpression = new BoundExpression( _dynamicExpression, key.OwnerType, key.Imports, key.IdentifierTypes, key.Options ); _cache.Add(key, boundExpression); } return boundExpression; } }
public BoundExpression GetOrCreateBoundExpression(IBindingContext binder, BoundExpressionOptions options) { Require.NotNull(binder, "binder"); Require.NotNull(options, "options"); var key = new CacheKey( _dynamicExpression.ParseResult.Identifiers, !DynamicExpression.IsLanguageCaseSensitive(_dynamicExpression.Language), binder, options ); lock (_syncRoot) { BoundExpression boundExpression; if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out boundExpression)) { boundExpression = new BoundExpression( _dynamicExpression, key.OwnerType, key.Imports, key.IdentifierTypes, key.Options ); _cache.Add(key, boundExpression); } return(boundExpression); } }
/// <summary> /// Use a ConnectionInfo item to create a connected binding context /// </summary> /// <param name="connInfo">Connection info used to create binding context</param> /// <param name="overwrite">Overwrite existing context</param> public virtual string AddConnectionContext(ConnectionInfo connInfo, string featureName = null, bool overwrite = false) { if (connInfo == null) { return(string.Empty); } // lookup the current binding context string connectionKey = GetConnectionContextKey(connInfo); if (BindingContextExists(connectionKey)) { if (overwrite) { RemoveBindingContext(connectionKey); } else { // no need to populate the context again since the context already exists return(connectionKey); } } IBindingContext bindingContext = this.GetOrCreateBindingContext(connectionKey); if (bindingContext.BindingLock.WaitOne()) { try { bindingContext.BindingLock.Reset(); SqlConnection sqlConn = connectionOpener.OpenSqlConnection(connInfo, featureName); // populate the binding context to work with the SMO metadata provider bindingContext.ServerConnection = new ServerConnection(sqlConn); if (this.needsMetadata) { bindingContext.SmoMetadataProvider = SmoMetadataProvider.CreateConnectedProvider(bindingContext.ServerConnection); bindingContext.MetadataDisplayInfoProvider = new MetadataDisplayInfoProvider(); bindingContext.MetadataDisplayInfoProvider.BuiltInCasing = this.CurrentSettings.SqlTools.IntelliSense.LowerCaseSuggestions.Value ? CasingStyle.Lowercase : CasingStyle.Uppercase; bindingContext.Binder = BinderProvider.CreateBinder(bindingContext.SmoMetadataProvider); } bindingContext.BindingTimeout = ConnectedBindingQueue.DefaultBindingTimeout; bindingContext.IsConnected = true; } catch (Exception) { bindingContext.IsConnected = false; } finally { bindingContext.BindingLock.Set(); } } return(connectionKey); }
private DomainEntity createNewEntity(Type entityType, IBindingContext prefixedContext) { var entity = (DomainEntity)_innerBinder.Bind(entityType, prefixedContext); entity.Id = Guid.Empty; _entityDefaults.ApplyDefaultsToNewEntity(entity); return entity; }
public EmbeddedPipelineBindingContext(IBindingContext parent) { _parent = Ensure.IsNotNull(parent, nameof(parent)); _correlationMapping = new Dictionary<Expression, Guid>(); _expressionMapping = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>(); _memberMapping = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, Expression>(); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var contentType = context.Data.ValueAs<string>("Content-Type"); var acceptType = context.Data.ValueAs<string>("Accept"); var currentMimeType = new CurrentMimeType(contentType, acceptType); return currentMimeType; }
public ViewHolderImpl(View itemView, int viewType) : base(itemView) { if (viewType != global::Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1) { _bindingContext = BindingServiceProvider.ContextManager.GetBindingContext(itemView); _bindingContext.Value = null; } }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var fubuRequest = context.Service<IFubuRequest>(); var modelType = property.PropertyType; if (fubuRequest.Has(modelType)) { property.SetValue(context.Object, fubuRequest.Get(modelType), null); } }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { var httpContext = context.Service<HttpContextBase>(); var ipAddress = httpContext.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ipAddress)) ipAddress = httpContext.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ipAddress)) ipAddress = httpContext.Request.UserHostAddress; property.SetValue(context.Object, ipAddress, null); }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var jsonModel = context .Service<IFubuRequest>() .Get<JsonModel>(); return context .Service<IJsonService>() .Deserialize(type, jsonModel.Body); }
public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { context.ForProperty(property, () => { ValueConverter converter = _converters.FindConverter(property); object value = converter(context); property.SetValue(context.Object, value, null); }); }
public static void PopulatePropertyWithBinder(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context, IPropertyBinder propertyBinder) { context.Logger.Chose(property, propertyBinder); context.ForProperty(property, propertyContext => { propertyBinder.Bind(property, context); }); }
public void Bind(Type type, object instance, IBindingContext context) { var request = context.Service<IFubuRequest>(); _types.ForEachProperty(type, prop => { var value = request.Get(prop.PropertyType); prop.SetValue(instance, value, null); }); }
public bool Bind(object instance, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, IBindingContext bindingContext) { if (!bindingSourceCollection.ContainsKey(bindingContext.GetKey(propertyInfo.Name))) return false; propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, valueConverterCollection.Convert(propertyInfo.PropertyType, bindingSourceCollection.Get(bindingContext.GetKey(propertyInfo.Name))), new object[0]); return true; }
public void TryBindModel(Type type, IBindingContext context, Action<BindResult> continuation) { var binder = _binders.BinderFor(type); if (binder != null) { var result = executeModelBinder(type, binder, context); continuation(result); } }
public object Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context) { var path = FindPath(context.Service<IRequestData>()); object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, path); // Setting additional properties // TODO -- have this delegate to a new method on BindingContext instead context.BindProperties(instance); return instance; }
public static SelectExpression BindSelect(PipelineExpression pipeline, IBindingContext bindingContext, LambdaExpression lambda) { bindingContext.AddExpressionMapping(lambda.Parameters[0], pipeline.Projector); var selector = bindingContext.Bind(lambda.Body); return new SelectExpression( pipeline.Source, lambda.Parameters[0].Name, selector); }
public static WhereExpression BindWhere(PipelineExpression pipeline, IBindingContext bindingContext, LambdaExpression lambda) { bindingContext.AddExpressionMapping(lambda.Parameters[0], pipeline.Projector); var predicate = bindingContext.Bind(lambda.Body); return new WhereExpression( pipeline.Source, lambda.Parameters[0].Name, predicate); }
public bool Bind(object instance, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, IBindingContext bindingContext) { using (bindingContext.OpenChildContext(string.Format("{0}_", propertyInfo.Name))) { var obj = bindingContext.Bind(propertyInfo.PropertyType); if (obj == null) return false; propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, obj, new object[0]); return true; } }
void Start() { DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject); var bindingFinder = new ReflectiveBindingFinder (GetType ().Assembly); m_masterContext = new ReflectiveBindingContextFactory (bindingFinder).CreateContext(); m_masterContext.Get<Game> (); }
// TODO -- need an integrated test with Connection String providers public void Bind(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context) { context.ForProperty(property, () => { ValueConverter converter = _cache[property]; var value = converter(context); property.SetValue(context.Object, value, null); }); }