public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(int id, UserRatingsModel userRatings)
                //1. Validate Model State
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    List <BeersReviewsModel> results   = new List <BeersReviewsModel>();
                    List <RatingsEntity>     dbRatings = null;

                    //2. Validate if beer exisis in Punk API
                    var beer = await _beerRepository.GetBeer(id);

                    if (beer == null)

                    //3. If ID exists in Punk API, add rating and save to database.json
                    if (beer.Any())
                        //4. Read Json and increment Rating Id
                        dbRatings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RatingsEntity> >(_jsonUtility.Read("database.json", "Data"));
                        var count = dbRatings?.Max(x => x.Id);
                        count = count == null ? 1 : count + 1;

                        //5. Create Ratings Entity to be saved to json
                        //   Beer ID mapping to user rating request before saving to json
                        var ratings = new RatingsEntity
                            Id          = count.Value,
                            UserRatings = userRatings,
                            BeerId      = id

                        //6. Add to json entity

                        //7. Write and Save to database.json
                        string dbRatingsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dbRatings);
                        _jsonUtility.Write("database.json", "Data", dbRatingsJson);

                        //8. Return Success with rating info
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Return Internal Server Error for unhandled exceptions

            //Return Bad Request with error messages for invalid inputs