/// <summary>
        ///    Handles a power state change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "batteryService">The battery service.</param>
        public void HandlePowerStateChange(IBatteryService batteryService)
            // State change, make sure we're in a valid state
            if (batteryService.IsValidState)
                if (_lastPowerEvent == null
                    // FSIGAP - just keep track of ac state changes.. battery level changes were causing battery/AC code to run
                    || _lastPowerEvent == EventType.SwitchToAc && batteryService.OnBattery || // changed from ac to on battery
                    _lastPowerEvent == EventType.SwitchToBattery && batteryService.OnAcPower     // changes from battery to on ac
                    EventType eventType;
                    if (batteryService.OnAcPower)
                        eventType = EventType.SwitchToAc;
                        eventType = EventType.SwitchToBattery;

                    // Check the event state
                    _lastPowerEvent = eventType;
                    // Execute all of the actions for this event if they are within the threshold
                    var batteryLifePercent = batteryService.GetSystemPowerStatus().BatteryLifePercent;
                    .TakeWhile(a => batteryLifePercent >= (a.BatteryPercentMin) && batteryLifePercent <= (a.BatteryPercentMax))
                    .Each(a => a.Execute());
Esempio n. 2
        public HomePageViewModel(IModuleManager moduleManager, INavigationService navigationService, IBatteryService batteryService, IPageDialogService pageDialogService)
            _moduleManager     = moduleManager;
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _batteryService    = batteryService;
            _pageDialogService = pageDialogService;

            GetBatteryStatusCommand = new DelegateCommand(GetBatteryStatus).ObservesCanExecute(() => AllFieldsAreValid);
Esempio n. 3
        public BatteryServiceTests()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb").Options;

            this.connection        = new ApplicationDbContext(options);
            this.batteryRepository = new EfRepository <Battery>(this.connection);
            this.batteryService    = new BatteryService(this.batteryRepository);
Esempio n. 4
        public EstadoBateriaPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService,
                                          IBatteryService batteryService,
                                          IPageDialogService pageDialogService)
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _batteryService    = batteryService;
            _pageDialogService = pageDialogService;

            GetBatteryStatusCommand = new DelegateCommand(GetBatteryStatus).ObservesCanExecute(() => true);
Esempio n. 5
        static BatterySaverCore()
            _batteryService = new BatteryService();

            // Remove the event listener on application exit
            Application.ApplicationExit += (sender, e) =>
                SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged -= OnSystemEventsOnPowerModeChanged;
Esempio n. 6
        public NewReminderViewModel(INavService navService, IDataStore <Reminder> dataStore, IVibrationService vibrationService, IHapticsService hapticsService, IBatteryService batteryService) : base(navService, dataStore)
            _vibrationService = vibrationService;
            _hapticsService   = hapticsService;
            _batteryService   = batteryService;

            SaveCommand           = new Command(OnSave, ValidateSave);
            CancelCommand         = new Command(OnCancel);
            this.PropertyChanged +=
                (_, __) => SaveCommand.ChangeCanExecute();
 public SpeakPageViewModel(
     INavigationService navigationService,
     IPageDialogService pageDialog,
     IBatteryService batteryService,
     IScanBarcode scanBarcode)
     : base(navigationService)
     SpeakCommand    = new DelegateCommand(Speak);
     _pageDialog     = pageDialog;
     _batteryService = batteryService;
     _scanBarcode    = scanBarcode;
Esempio n. 8
 public BatteryAdminController(
     ICategoriesService categoriesService,
     IBrandsService brandsService,
     IBatteryService batteryService,
     ICapacityService capacityService,
     IAmperageService amperageService,
     ITechnologyService technologyService)
     this.categoriesService = categoriesService;
     this.brandsService     = brandsService;
     this.batteryService    = batteryService;
     this.capacityService   = capacityService;
     this.amperageService   = amperageService;
     this.technologyService = technologyService;
Esempio n. 9
 public void Dispose()
     _service                      = null;
     _mockBatteryRepo              = null;
     _mockComponentRepo            = null;
     _batteryStaticData1           = null;
     _batteryStaticData            = null;
     _batteryFullChargedCapacity1  = null;
     _batteryFullChargedCapacities = null;
     _win32Battery1                = null;
     _win32Batteries               = null;
     _battery1                     = null;
     _batteries                    = null;
        /// <summary>
        ///    Monitors the state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "batteryService">The battery service.</param>
        private void MonitorBatteryLevel(IBatteryService batteryService)
            if (_lastKnownState == null)
                _lastKnownState = batteryService.GetSystemPowerStatus();
            var currentState = batteryService.GetSystemPowerStatus();

            if (currentState.BatteryLifePercent != _lastKnownState.BatteryLifePercent)
                _lastKnownState = currentState;
                HandleBatteryLevelChange(batteryService, currentState.BatteryLifePercent, currentState.BatteryLifePercent - _lastKnownState.BatteryLifePercent);
            _lastKnownState = currentState;
        /// <summary>
        ///    Handles a battery level change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "batteryService">The battery service.</param>
        /// <param name = "batteryLifePercent">The battery life percent.</param>
        /// <param name = "percentageDelta">The amout of change in percent.</param>
        public void HandleBatteryLevelChange(IBatteryService batteryService, int batteryLifePercent, int percentageDelta)
            EventType eventType = EventType.BatteryPercentDecreased;

            if (percentageDelta > 0)
                eventType = EventType.BatteryPercentIncreased;

            // Check the event state

            // Execute all of the actions that are within the battery threshold and have not yet been executed
            // NOTE: actions are only executed ONCE after they've reached their threshold
            .TakeWhile(a => !a.HasExecuted && batteryLifePercent >= (a.BatteryPercentMin) && batteryLifePercent <= (a.BatteryPercentMax))
            .Each(a => a.Execute());
Esempio n. 12
 public AddMaintenanceForm()
     logger              = new Logger.Logger();
     oilService          = new OilService();
     taxService          = new TaxService();
     tiresService        = new TiresService();
     clutchService       = new ClutchService();
     batteryService      = new BatteryService();
     reviewService       = new ReviewService();
     coolantService      = new CoolantService();
     oilFilterService    = new OilFilterService();
     brakeFluidService   = new BrakeFluidService();
     rearBrakesService   = new RearBrakesService();
     frontBrakesService  = new FrontBrakesService();
     maintenanceService  = new MaintenanceService();
     contributionService = new ContributionService();
        /// <summary>
        ///    Starts the power state monitor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///    We could register for the power setting notifications via RegisterPowerSettingNotification, but this only availablein Vista+
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "batteryService">The battery service.</param>
        public void StartBatteryLevelMonitor(IBatteryService batteryService)
            if (_monitorThread == null)
                // Save the battery service
                _batteryService = batteryService;
                if (batteryService.OnAcPower)
                    _lastPowerEvent = EventType.SwitchToAc;
                    _lastPowerEvent = EventType.SwitchToBattery;

                // Create monitoring thread
                var threadStart = new ThreadStart(MonitorBatteryLevel);
                _monitorThread = new Thread(threadStart)
                    Name = "Batter State Monitor - BW Worker"
Esempio n. 14
 public BatteriesController(IBatteryService batteryService, IMapper mapper)
     _batteryService = batteryService;
     _mapper         = mapper;
Esempio n. 15
 public BatteryController(IBatteryService batteryService)
     _batteryService = batteryService;
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Konstruktor bezparametryczny
 /// snippet - ctor + tab tab
 /// </summary>
 public BatteryController(IBatteryService _batteryService)
     _batteries     = new ApplicationDbGeneric <Battery>();
     batteryService = _batteryService;
Esempio n. 17
 public BatteryController(IBatteryService service, ILogger <BatteryController> logger) : base(service, logger)
     this.service = service;
Esempio n. 18
        public BatteryAlarmForm()

            //Registry Model
            _regModel = new RegistryModel()
                KeyName = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",
                ValueName = "ARTHA.BatteryAlarm.AutoRun",
                Value = "C:\\Program Files\\ARTHA.BatteryAlarm\\ARTHA.BatteryAlarm.exe\" -autorun",
                RegValueKind = RegistryValueKind.String

            //registry Factory Instansiate
            _regFactory = new RegistryFactory(_regModel);

            //Checked or not
            if (_regFactory.IsRegistryExist())
                chkAutorun.Checked = true;
                chkAutorun.Checked = false;

            // general seting for xml model and factory
            _xmlFactory = new XmlValueFactory(XmlConstant.XmlFileLocation);
            _xmlModel = new XmlModel()
                ElementName = XmlConstant.XmlElementName,
                AttrKeyName = XmlConstant.XmlKey,
                AttrValueName = XmlConstant.XmlValue

            this.ShowInTaskbar = false;

            //sound Player
            _soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer();

            _timer = new Timer();
            _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(BatteryTimer_Tick);
            _timer.Interval = Constant.DefaultIntervalTimer;

            //instansiate service and model
            _batteryService = new BatteryService();
            _alarmService = new AlarmService();
            _alarmModel = new AlarmModel();
            _batteryModel = new BatteryModel();

            //populate Batery Level combobox
            cmbBateryLevel.DataSource = PopulateComboBox(Constant.MinBateryLevel, Constant.MaxBateryLevel, Constant.MultipleIterationValue);


            //button close Event Handler
            btnMinimize.Click += new EventHandler(btnMinimize_Click);

            //button open file event Handler
            btnOpenFile.Click += new EventHandler(btnOpenFile_Click);

            //button save setting event handler
            btnSaveSetting.Click += new EventHandler(btnSaveSetting_Click);

            //label Warning
            LabelTitle.Text = Constant.AppName;
            LabelTitle.AutoSize = Constant.LabelSet.AutoSize;
            LabelTitle.Font = Constant.LabelSet.Font;

            //button Stop Sound Event Handler
            btnStopSound.Click += new EventHandler(btnStopSound_Click);

            //label prosen
            label2.Text = Constant.Prosen;
Esempio n. 19
 private void SetupService()
     _service = new BatteryService(_mockBatteryRepo.Object, _mockComponentRepo.Object);
 public BatteryMonitorController(IBatteryService batteryService)
     this.batteryService = batteryService;