public IActionResult Dashboard() { string investmentDataRetrieved = HttpContext.Session.GetString("InvestmentDataRetrieved"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(investmentDataRetrieved)) { IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect("BXGO930UI9P053HT"); string stockDataRetrieved = HttpContext.Session.GetString("StockDataRetrieved"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockDataRetrieved)) { RetrieveStockData(connection); } string cryptoDataRetrieved = HttpContext.Session.GetString("CryptoDataRetrieved"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cryptoDataRetrieved)) { RetrieveCryptoData(connection); } HttpContext.Session.SetString("InvestmentDataRetrieved", "true"); } return(View()); }
public Ativo CotarPrecoAtivo(string ativoString) { var config = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; string apiKey = config.Get("apikeyAV"); // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect(apiKey); // Get the TIME_SERIES_DAILY query object Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY(); ativoString += ".SA"; // Perform the TIME_SERIES_DAILY request and get the result IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_dailyResponse = time_series_daily.Query( ativoString, //Work SA prices Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_outputsize.compact); var ativo = MapeamentoServico.MapearParaAtivo(time_series_dailyResponse.Data.MetaData); var cotacoes = MapeamentoServico.MapearParaCotacoes(time_series_dailyResponse.Data.TimeSeries); ativo.Cotacoes = cotacoes; return(ativo); }
public IViewComponentResult Invoke() { double netWorth = _saveRepo.Accounts.Sum(x => x.Amount); netWorth -= _payRepo.PaymentMethods.Where(x => x.IsCredit).Sum(x => x.CreditBalance.Amount); IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect("BXGO930UI9P053HT"); Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY(); List<Share> shares = _sharesRepo.Shares.ToList(); List<Stock> stocks = _stockRepo.Stocks.ToList(); try { foreach (var stock in stocks) { Dictionary<DateTime, double> stockData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<DateTime, double>>(HttpContext.Session.GetString(stock.Ticker)); var sData = stockData.First(); List<Share> listOfShares = shares.Where(e => e.StockID == stock.ID).ToList(); int totalShares = listOfShares.Select(e => e.NumOfShares).Sum(); netWorth += Convert.ToDouble(sData.Value) * (double)totalShares; } } catch(Exception e) { } Int_DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY crypto_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY(); List<CryptoCurrency> cryptos = _cryptoRepo.CryptoCurrencies.ToList(); List<Coin> coins = _coinRepo.Coins.ToList(); try { foreach (var crypto in cryptos) { Dictionary<DateTime, double> cryptoData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<DateTime, double>>(HttpContext.Session.GetString(crypto.Ticker)); var sData = cryptoData.First(); List<Coin> coinList = coins.Where(e => e.CryptoCurrencyID == crypto.ID).ToList(); decimal totalCoins = coinList.Select(e => e.NumOfCoins).Sum(); netWorth += Convert.ToDouble(sData.Value) * (double)totalCoins; } } catch (Exception e) { } netWorth = Math.Round(netWorth); return View(netWorth); }
public IActionResult EditStock(StockFormViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Boolean shouldAddToSession = model.Stock.ID == 0; _stockRepo.Save(model.Stock); TempData["message"] = $"{model.Stock.Company} has been saved"; if (shouldAddToSession) { IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect("BXGO930UI9P053HT"); Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY(); try { IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_dailyResponse = time_series_daily.Query( model.Stock.Ticker, Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_outputsize.compact ); Dictionary <DateTime, double> stockData = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>(); foreach (var d in time_series_dailyResponse.Data.TimeSeries) { stockData.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(d.DateTime), Convert.ToDouble( ?? d.close)); } string stockDataString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stockData); HttpContext.Session.SetString(model.Stock.Ticker, stockDataString); } catch (Exception e) { } } return(RedirectToAction("Stocks")); } else { if (model.Stock.ID == 0) { ViewBag.FormTitle = "Create Stock"; } else { ViewBag.FormTitle = "Edit Stock"; } model.Sectors = new SelectList(_sectorRepo.Sectors.ToList(), "ID", "Name"); return(View(model)); } }
private async void DisplayPricingData(string ticker) { List <double> priceslastyear = new List <double>(); List <string> dateslastyear = new List <string>(); // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect("7NIMRBR8G8UB7P8C"); // Get the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED query object Int_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED time_series_monthly_adjusted = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED request and get the result m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse = await time_series_monthly_adjusted.QueryPrimitiveAsync( ticker); var data = m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); } else { int counter = 0; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { //Grab 1 year worth of months data if (counter < 12) { //add raw prices and dates to arrays priceslastyear.Add(double.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)); Debug.WriteLine(float.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)); Debug.WriteLine(timeseries.DateTime); Microcharts.Entry tempEntry = new Microcharts.Entry(float.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)) { Label = timeseries.DateTime, ValueLabel = timeseries.adjustedclose//Color = investmentList[i].color.ToSKColor() }; entries.Add(tempEntry); } counter = counter + 1; } } var chart = new LineChart() { Entries = entries, LineMode = LineMode.Straight, LineSize = 8, PointSize = 18, LabelTextSize = 25 }; this.chartView.Chart = chart; }
static void Main() { // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect("391C9AJGB8WP0FO5"); // Get the TIME_SERIES_DAILY query object Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_DAILY request and get the result IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_dailyResponse = time_series_daily.Query( "SPY", Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_outputsize.compact, Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_datatype.json); // Printout the results Console.WriteLine("******** RAW DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); Console.WriteLine(time_series_dailyResponse.RawData); Console.WriteLine("******** STRUCTURED DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); var data = time_series_dailyResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); } else { Console.WriteLine("Information: " + data.MetaData.Information); Console.WriteLine("Symbol: " + data.MetaData.Symbol); Console.WriteLine("LastRefreshed: " + data.MetaData.LastRefreshed); Console.WriteLine("OutputSize: " + data.MetaData.OutputSize); Console.WriteLine("TimeZone: " + data.MetaData.TimeZone); Console.WriteLine("========================"); Console.WriteLine("========================"); foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { Console.WriteLine("open: " +; Console.WriteLine("high: " + timeseries.high); Console.WriteLine("low: " + timeseries.low); Console.WriteLine("close: " + timeseries.close); Console.WriteLine("volume: " + timeseries.volume); Console.WriteLine("DateTime: " + timeseries.DateTime); Console.WriteLine("========================"); } } }
static async Task <int> FetchandUpdateCurrentPriceDataforCompany(string ticker) { IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; float recentprice = 0; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED m_time_series_daily_adjustedResponse; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect("7NIMRBR8G8UB7P8C"); // Get the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED query object Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED time_series_daily_adjusted = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED request and get the result m_time_series_daily_adjustedResponse = await time_series_daily_adjusted.QueryAsync( ticker); var data = m_time_series_daily_adjustedResponse.Data; WebClient client = new WebClient(); Uri uri = new Uri(""); NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(); if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); return(0); } else { int counter = 0; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { if (counter < 1) { recentprice = float.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } counter = counter + 1; } } Console.WriteLine(recentprice); Console.WriteLine(ticker); parameters.Add("tickersymbol", ticker); parameters.Add("currentprice", recentprice.ToString()); client.UploadValuesAsync(uri, parameters); return(1); }
public DigitalCurrencyHisotryTrendind() { InitializeComponent(); temp = new LineSeries(); _added = false; var gradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush { StartPoint = new Point(0, 0), EndPoint = new Point(0, 1) }; gradientBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Color.FromRgb(64, 224, 208), 0)); gradientBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Transparent, 1)); _connection.Connect("5XQ6Y6JJKEOQ7JRU"); _args = new FetchArgs { DefaultCurrency = Configuration.Instance.DefaultCurrency, Symbol = Configuration.Instance.Symbol, FullName = Configuration.Instance.FullName, RefreshRate = Configuration.Instance.RefreshRate }; XFormatter = val => new DateTime((long)val).ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); YFormatter = val => val.ToString("0.##") + " " + _args.DefaultCurrency; SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Values = GetData(), Fill = gradientBrush, StrokeThickness = 1, PointGeometrySize = 0, Title = _args.FullName, } }; ZoomingMode = ZoomingOptions.Xy; Title = _args.FullName; DataContext = this; }
public RealtimeViewer() { InitializeComponent(); addRefreshRates(); _connection.Connect("5XQ6Y6JJKEOQ7JRU"); _args = new FetchArgs { DefaultCurrency = Configuration.Instance.DefaultCurrency, Symbol = Configuration.Instance.Symbol, FullName = Configuration.Instance.FullName, RefreshRate = Configuration.Instance.RefreshRate, Type = Configuration.Instance.Type }; Init(); DataContext = this; }
private async Task <Finance[]> parseFinance() { IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect($"{BadAPI.Startup.Configuration["APIKeys:AlphaVantage"]}"); // Get the Int_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY query object Int_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY time_intraday = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY(); // Perform the Int_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY request and get the result IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY time_series_intradayResponse = time_intraday.Query( "MS", Const_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY.TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY_interval.n_1min, Const_TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY.TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY_outputsize.compact); List <Finance[]> financeResults = new List <Finance[]>(); var data = time_series_intradayResponse.Data; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { Finance[] finance = new Finance[1]; finance[0] = new Finance(); if (finance[0] != null) { finance[0].symbol = data.MetaData.Symbol; finance[0].date = timeseries.DateTime.ToString(); finance[0].open =; finance[0].close = timeseries.close; finance[0].high = timeseries.high; finance[0].low = timeseries.low; finance[0].volume = timeseries.volume; financeResults.Add(finance); } } return(CombineResponses(financeResults)); }
private void testLib() { // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect(API_KEYS.AVAPI_API_KEY); Int_DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY digital_cur_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY(); IAvapiResponse_DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY apiResponse = digital_cur_daily.QueryPrimitive("BTC", "CNY"); // Printout the results Console.WriteLine("******** RAW DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); Console.WriteLine(apiResponse.RawData); /*Console.WriteLine("******** STRUCTURED DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); * var data = apiResponse.Data; * if (data.Error) * { * Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); * } * else * { * Console.WriteLine("Information: " + data.MetaData.Information); * Console.WriteLine("Symbol: " + data.MetaData.DigitalCurrencyCode); * Console.WriteLine("LastRefreshed: " + data.MetaData.LastRefreshed); * Console.WriteLine("OutputSize: " + data.MetaData.DigitalCurrencyName); * Console.WriteLine("TimeZone: " + data.MetaData.TimeZone); * Console.WriteLine("========================"); * Console.WriteLine("========================"); * foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) * { * * Console.WriteLine("DateTime: " + timeseries.DateTime); * Console.WriteLine("========================"); * } * }*/ }
public string GetPrices() { string csv = string.Empty; try { IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect(ApiKey); Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_daily = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY(); IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY time_series_dailyResponse = time_series_daily.Query( Symbol, Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_outputsize.compact); var data = time_series_dailyResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); } else { csv = "open;high;low;close;volume;date" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { csv += + ";" + timeseries.high + ";" + timeseries.low + ";" + timeseries.close + ";" + timeseries.volume + ";" + timeseries.DateTime + Environment.NewLine; } } } catch (Exception ex) { csv = "ERROR"; Console.WriteLine("Get Prices API error" + ex.Message); } return(csv); }
public void AlphaVantageDownloader(ProgramContext programContext, string symbol) { // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect(programContext.AlphaVantageKey); // Get the TIME_SERIES_DAILY query object Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED time_series_daily_adjusted = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_DAILY request and get the result IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED time_series_dailyResponse = time_series_daily_adjusted.Query( symbol, Const_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED.TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED_outputsize.full); // Printout the results Console.WriteLine("******** RAW DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); Console.WriteLine(time_series_dailyResponse.RawData); Console.WriteLine("******** STRUCTURED DATA TIME_SERIES_DAILY ********"); var data = time_series_dailyResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); } else { Console.WriteLine("Information: " + data.MetaData.Information); Console.WriteLine("Symbol: " + data.MetaData.Symbol); Console.WriteLine("LastRefreshed: " + data.MetaData.LastRefreshed); Console.WriteLine("OutputSize: " + data.MetaData.OutputSize); Console.WriteLine("TimeZone: " + data.MetaData.TimeZone); Console.WriteLine("========================"); Console.WriteLine("========================"); //data.TimeSeries.OrderBy(x => x.DateTime); //testing this out foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { DailyStockRecord tempDailyStockRecord = new DailyStockRecord(); Console.WriteLine("open: " +; Console.WriteLine("high: " + timeseries.high); Console.WriteLine("low: " + timeseries.low); Console.WriteLine("close: " + timeseries.close); Console.WriteLine("volume: " + timeseries.volume); Console.WriteLine("DateTime: " + timeseries.DateTime); Console.WriteLine("Dividend: " + timeseries.dividendamount); Console.WriteLine("========================"); tempDailyStockRecord.Symbol = data.MetaData.Symbol; tempDailyStockRecord.Open = Convert.ToDecimal(; tempDailyStockRecord.High = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.high); tempDailyStockRecord.Low = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.low); tempDailyStockRecord.Close = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.close); tempDailyStockRecord.Volume = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.volume); tempDailyStockRecord.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(timeseries.DateTime); tempDailyStockRecord.Dividend = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.dividendamount); tempDailyStockRecord.AdjustedClose = Convert.ToDecimal(timeseries.adjustedclose); programContext.DailyRecordList.Add(tempDailyStockRecord); //tempDailyStockRecord.VolitilityRating = calculations.CalcVolitilityRating(dailyRecordList); } } }
static async Task <double> CalculateSharpeRatioForCompany(string ticker) { List <double> priceslastyear = new List <double>(); List <double> monthlyreturnpercentages = new List <double>(); // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect("7NIMRBR8G8UB7P8C"); // Get the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED query object Int_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED time_series_monthly_adjusted = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED request and get the result m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse = await time_series_monthly_adjusted.QueryPrimitiveAsync( ticker); Console.WriteLine("******** STRUCTURED DATA TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED ********"); var data = m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); return(0); } else { int counter = 0; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { //Grab 5 years worth of months data if (counter < 60) { //add raw prices to array priceslastyear.Add(double.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)); if (counter > 0) { //take pricing data and calculate percent change between each pair of months //Console.Write(((priceslastyear[counter] / priceslastyear[counter - 1]) - 1) * 100); monthlyreturnpercentages.Add(((priceslastyear[counter] / priceslastyear[counter - 1]) - 1) * 100); } counter = counter + 1; } } double HistAvgMonthlyReturn = 0; for (var i = 0; i < monthlyreturnpercentages.Count; i++) { //Console.WriteLine(monthprice); HistAvgMonthlyReturn = HistAvgMonthlyReturn + monthlyreturnpercentages[i]; } //Calculate the average monthly return HistAvgMonthlyReturn = HistAvgMonthlyReturn / monthlyreturnpercentages.Count; //Console.WriteLine(HistAvgMonthlyReturn); //Here we need to calculate the Historical Monthly standard deviation based on the Std dev // of the monthlyreturnpercentages double Summation = 0; for (var i = 0; i < monthlyreturnpercentages.Count; i++) { Summation = Summation + Math.Pow(monthlyreturnpercentages[i] - HistAvgMonthlyReturn, 2); } Summation = Summation / monthlyreturnpercentages.Count; double HistAvgMonthlyStdDev = Math.Sqrt(Summation); //Annualize our standard deviation double AnnualStdDev = HistAvgMonthlyStdDev * Math.Sqrt(12); double AnnualReturn = ((Math.Pow((100 + HistAvgMonthlyReturn), 12)) - 100); double Riskfreerate = 3; //Console.WriteLine(HistAvgMonthlyReturn); Console.WriteLine(ticker); Console.WriteLine(AnnualReturn); //Console.WriteLine(Riskfreerate); //Console.WriteLine(AnnualStdDev); //Calculate the SharpeRatio for the Company double SharpeRatioforCompany = (AnnualReturn - Riskfreerate) / AnnualStdDev; //Console.WriteLine(SharpeRatioforCompany); return(AnnualReturn); } }
public ViewResult YearlyReport(DateTime?date) { if (date == null) { date = DateTime.Now; } IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect("BXGO930UI9P053HT"); Int_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY time_series_monthly = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY(); List <Share> shares = _repo.Shares.Where(e => e.Date.Year == date.Value.Year).ToList(); List <PieChartData> data = new List <PieChartData>(); List <StockViewModel> svm = new List <StockViewModel>(); List <Stock> stocks = _stockRepo.Stocks.ToList(); Dictionary <int, IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY> stockData = new Dictionary <int, IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY>(); foreach (var stock in stocks) { try { IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY time_series_monthlyResponse = time_series_monthly.QueryPrimitive( stock.Ticker ); stockData.Add(stock.ID, time_series_monthlyResponse); var sData = time_series_monthlyResponse.Data.TimeSeries.First(); List <Share> listOfShares = shares.Where(e => e.StockID == stock.ID).ToList(); int totalShares = listOfShares.Select(e => e.NumOfShares).Sum(); svm.Add(new StockViewModel() { Stock = stock, TotalNumOfShares = totalShares, CurrentValue = Convert.ToDouble(sData.close), TotalValue = Convert.ToDouble(sData.close) * (double)totalShares }); } catch (Exception e) { } } List <LineChartData> lineData = new List <LineChartData>(); int month = 1; double currentValue = 0; while (month <= date.Value.Month) { double total = 0; foreach (var stock in stocks) { IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY time_series_monthlyResponse = stockData.GetValueOrDefault(stock.ID); var sData = time_series_monthlyResponse.Data.TimeSeries.Where(x => Convert.ToDateTime(x.DateTime).Month == month && Convert.ToDateTime(x.DateTime).Year == date.Value.Year).FirstOrDefault(); if (sData != null) { List <Share> listOfShares = shares.Where(e => e.StockID == stock.ID && (e.Date.Year < date.Value.Year || (e.Date.Year == date.Value.Year && e.Date.Month <= month))).ToList(); int totalShares = listOfShares.Select(e => e.NumOfShares).Sum(); total += Convert.ToDouble(sData.close) * (double)totalShares; } } currentValue = total; lineData.Add(new LineChartData { XData = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName(month).Substring(0, 3), YData = currentValue.ToString() }); month++; } List <int> sectors = _stockRepo.Stocks.Select(x => x.SectorID).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var sector in sectors) { List <Share> sectorShares = shares.Where(e => e.Date.Year == date.Value.Year ? (e.Date.Month <= date.Value.Month) : e.Date.Year <= date.Value.Year).ToList(); int totalShares = sectorShares.Where(e => e.Stock.SectorID == sector).Select(e => e.NumOfShares).Sum(); data.Add(new PieChartData { Category = _sectorRepo.Sectors.Where(x => x.ID == sector).FirstOrDefault().Name, Data = Convert.ToString(totalShares) }); } double amountInvested = 0; foreach (var s in shares) { amountInvested += (double)s.PurchasePrice * (double)s.NumOfShares; } List <IncomeEntry> incomes = _incomeRepo.IncomeEntries.Where(i => i.Date.Month == date.Value.Month && i.Date.Year == date.Value.Year).ToList(); int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(date.Value.Year, date.Value.Month); double sum = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= daysInMonth; j++) { sum += incomes.Where(i => i.Date.Day == j).Select(e => e.Amount).Sum(); } return(View(new StockListViewModel { Stocks = svm, Date = date.Value, PieChartData = data, LineChartData = lineData, AmountInvested = Convert.ToDecimal(shares.Select(e => e.NumOfShares * e.PurchasePrice).Sum()) })); }
public RealTimeTrending() { InitializeComponent(); var dayConfig = Mappers.Xy <DateTimePoint>() .X(dayModel => (double)dayModel.DateTime.Ticks / TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000).Ticks) .Y(dayModel => dayModel.Value); _connection.Connect("5XQ6Y6JJKEOQ7JRU"); _args = new FetchArgs { DefaultCurrency = "RSD", Symbol = "MSFT", RefreshRate = 5 }; LastHourSeries = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Configuration = dayConfig, AreaLimit = -10, //Values = GetData(), Values = new ChartValues <DateTimePoint> { new DateTimePoint { Value = 1, DateTime = DateTime.Now }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 5, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 3, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 4, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 7, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(4) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 2, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 11, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(6) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 6, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(7) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 9, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(8) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 1, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(9) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 3, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10) }, new DateTimePoint { Value = 9, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(11) }, } }, }; Step = 0; LastLecture = 0; //timer = new DispatcherTimer(); //timer.Tick += new EventHandler(SetValues); //timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, _args.RefreshRate); //timer.Start(); Task.Run(() => { ChartValues <DateTimePoint> values = new ChartValues <DateTimePoint>(); SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(4000); _backgroindWork = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { values = GetData(); }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); //Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { // if (values.Count != 0) // { // LastHourSeries[0].Values = values; // Step = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value - // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).ElementAt( // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Count - 2).Value; // if (Step > 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Green; // else if (Step < 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Red; // else // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Black; // LastLecture = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value; // } // MessageBox.Show("Refresh", "Refrash"); //}); _backgroindWork.ContinueWith(x => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) { LastHourSeries[0].Values.Add(values.Last()); LastHourSeries[0].Values.RemoveAt(0); //LastHourSeries[0].Values = values; } }, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle); Step = ((ChartValues <DateTimePoint>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value - ((ChartValues <DateTimePoint>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).ElementAt( ((ChartValues <DateTimePoint>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Count - 2).Value; if (Step > 0) { ForegroundColor = Brushes.Green; } else if (Step < 0) { ForegroundColor = Brushes.Red; } else { ForegroundColor = Brushes.Black; } LastLecture = ((ChartValues <DateTimePoint>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value; //MessageBox.Show("Refresh", "Refrash"); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); } //while (true) //{ // Thread.Sleep(5000); // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(()=> { // values = GetData(); // }), DispatcherPriority.Background); // Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { // if(values.Count != 0) // { // LastHourSeries[0].Values = values; // Step = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value - // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).ElementAt( // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Count - 2).Value; // if (Step > 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Green; // else if (Step < 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Red; // else // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Black; // LastLecture = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value; // } // }); //} }); //Task.Run(() => //{ // var r = new Random(); // while (true) // { // Thread.Sleep(5000); // //var values = GetData(); // //foreach (var temp in GetData()) // //{ // // Console.WriteLine(temp.Value + " " + temp.DateTime.ToLongTimeString()); // //} // //foreach( var temp in values) // //{ // // Thread.Sleep(1000); // // _trend = temp.Value; // // Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => // // { // // if (_trend > ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value) // // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Green; // // else if (_trend < ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value) // // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Red; // // else // // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Black; // // LastHourSeries[0].Values.Add(temp); // // LastHourSeries[0].Values.RemoveAt(0); // // SetLecture(); // // }); // //} // //Thread.Sleep(1000); // _trend += (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 1 : -1) * r.Next(0, 5); // Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => // { // //LastHourSeries[0].Values.Add(new DateModel { Value = _trend, DateTime = DateTime.Now }); // //LastHourSeries[0].Values.RemoveAt(0); // LastHourSeries[0].Values = new ChartValues<DateModel> // { // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 1 : -1) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 2 : -2) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 3 : -3) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 4 : -4) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 5 : -5) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(4)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 6 : -6) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 7 : -7) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(6)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 8 : -8) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(7)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 9 : -9) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(8)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 10 : -10) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(9)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 11 : -11) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10)}, // new DateModel{Value = (r.NextDouble() > 0.3 ? 12 : -12) * r.Next(0, 5), DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(11)}, // }; // Step = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value - // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).ElementAt( // ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Count - 2).Value; // if (_trend > 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Green; // else if (_trend < 0) // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Red; // else // ForegroundColor = Brushes.Black; // LastLecture = ((ChartValues<DateModel>)LastHourSeries[0].Values).Last().Value; // //SetLecture(); // }); // } //}); Formatter = value => new DateTime((long)(value * TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000).Ticks)).ToString("T"); //Formatter = value => new DateTime((long)value).ToString("T"); DataContext = this; }
static async Task <Tuple <double, double, List <double> > > SR_FetchPricingDataandExpectedReturn(string ticker) { //****************************************************************************************** //The purpose of this function is to do all calculations related to sharperatio that involve pricing data // for a single company. This includes STDdev, and expected return. These will be stored in a dictionary //****************************************************************************************** List <double> priceslastyear = new List <double>(); List <double> monthlyreturnpercentages = new List <double>(); // Creating the connection object IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse; // Set up the connection and pass the API_KEY provided by connection.Connect("7NIMRBR8G8UB7P8C"); // Get the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED query object Int_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED time_series_monthly_adjusted = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED(); // Perform the TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED request and get the result m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse = await time_series_monthly_adjusted.QueryPrimitiveAsync( ticker); Console.WriteLine("******** STRUCTURED DATA TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_ADJUSTED ********"); var data = m_time_series_monthly_adjustedResponse.Data; if (data.Error) { Console.WriteLine(data.ErrorMessage); return(null); } else { Console.WriteLine("PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"); int counter = 0; foreach (var timeseries in data.TimeSeries) { //Grab 5 years worth of months data if (counter < 60) { //add raw prices to array priceslastyear.Add(double.Parse(timeseries.adjustedclose, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)); if (counter > 0) { //take pricing data and calculate percent change between each pair of months //Console.Write(((priceslastyear[counter] / priceslastyear[counter - 1]) - 1) * 100); monthlyreturnpercentages.Add(((priceslastyear[counter] / priceslastyear[counter - 1]) - 1) * 100); } counter = counter + 1; } } //Setup counter to average pricing data double running_average = 0; //Calculate STDDev of data double std_dev = StdDev(monthlyreturnpercentages, true); //Sum all the values in our list for (var i = 0; i < monthlyreturnpercentages.Count(); i++) { running_average = monthlyreturnpercentages[i] + running_average; } //Finishing taking average by dividing by the number of entries running_average = running_average / monthlyreturnpercentages.Count(); //Annualize the average (multiply by 12 since monthly) running_average = running_average * 12; //Add the values to the tuple and print! Console.Write(ticker + ", "); Console.Write(std_dev + ", "); Console.Write(running_average + ", "); var pricingdata = Tuple.Create(std_dev, running_average, monthlyreturnpercentages); //Return this value return(pricingdata); } }
// dataSize must be "full" or "compact" public void RetrieveData(String dataSize) { /* * *******Init Objects for StockExchange ******** * */ IAvapiConnection connection = AvapiConnection.Instance; connection.Connect("CJ7QO45PVDJ8371Q"); Int_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED TSD = connection.GetQueryObject_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED(); //ASX IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED ASXResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^AXJO", dataSize ); this.ASX = ASXResponse.Data; //ESTOX IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED ESTOXResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^STOXX50E", dataSize ); this.ESTOX = ESTOXResponse.Data; //FTSE IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED FTSEResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^FTSE", dataSize ); this.FTSE = FTSEResponse.Data; //SP500 IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED SP500Response = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^GSPC", dataSize ); this.SP500 = SP500Response.Data; //N225 IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED N225Response = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^N225", dataSize ); this.N225 = N225Response.Data; //HANG IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED HangResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "^HSI", dataSize ); this.HANG = HangResponse.Data; /* * ******* CurrencyExchange ******** * * Possible to request only 1 value, see currency_exchange_rate */ //EURUSD IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED EURUSDResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "EURUSD=X", dataSize ); this.EURUSD = EURUSDResponse.Data; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED EURGBPResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "EURGBP=X", dataSize ); this.EURGBP = EURGBPResponse.Data; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED EURJPYResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "EURJPY=X", dataSize ); this.EURJPY = EURJPYResponse.Data; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED AUDUSDResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "AUDUSD=X", dataSize ); this.AUDUSD = AUDUSDResponse.Data; IAvapiResponse_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED USDHKDResponse = TSD.QueryPrimitive( "USDHKD=X", dataSize ); this.USDHKD = USDHKDResponse.Data; }