Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read all the errors in a log since a given timestamp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">         containing the <seealso cref="DistinctErrorLog"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="consumer">       to be called for each exception encountered. </param>
        /// <param name="sinceTimestamp"> for filtering errors that have been recorded since this time. </param>
        /// <returns> the number of entries that has been read. </returns>
        public static int Read(IAtomicBuffer buffer, ErrorConsumer consumer, long sinceTimestamp)
            int entries = 0;
            int offset = 0;
            int capacity = buffer.Capacity;

            while (offset < capacity)
                int length = buffer.GetIntVolatile(offset + DistinctErrorLog.LengthOffset);
                if (0 == length)

                long lastObservationTimestamp = buffer.GetLongVolatile(offset + DistinctErrorLog.LastObservationTimestampOffset);
                if (lastObservationTimestamp >= sinceTimestamp)

                        buffer.GetInt(offset + DistinctErrorLog.ObservationCountOffset), 
                        buffer.GetLong(offset + DistinctErrorLog.FirstObservationTimestampOffset), 
                        buffer.GetStringUtf8(offset + DistinctErrorLog.EncodedErrorOffset, 
                        length - DistinctErrorLog.EncodedErrorOffset));

                offset += BitUtil.Align(length, DistinctErrorLog.RecordAlignment);

            return entries;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read all the errors in a log since a given timestamp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">         containing the <seealso cref="DistinctErrorLog"/>. </param>
        /// <param name="consumer">       to be called for each exception encountered. </param>
        /// <param name="sinceTimestamp"> for filtering errors that have been recorded since this time. </param>
        /// <returns> the number of entries that has been read. </returns>
        public static int Read(IAtomicBuffer buffer, ErrorConsumer consumer, long sinceTimestamp)
            int entries  = 0;
            int offset   = 0;
            int capacity = buffer.Capacity;

            while (offset < capacity)
                int length = buffer.GetIntVolatile(offset + DistinctErrorLog.LengthOffset);
                if (0 == length)

                long lastObservationTimestamp = buffer.GetLongVolatile(offset + DistinctErrorLog.LastObservationTimestampOffset);
                if (lastObservationTimestamp >= sinceTimestamp)

                        buffer.GetInt(offset + DistinctErrorLog.ObservationCountOffset),
                        buffer.GetLong(offset + DistinctErrorLog.FirstObservationTimestampOffset),
                        buffer.GetStringWithoutLengthUtf8(offset + DistinctErrorLog.EncodedErrorOffset, length - DistinctErrorLog.EncodedErrorOffset));

                offset += BitUtil.Align(length, DistinctErrorLog.RecordAlignment);

Esempio n. 3
        public void ShouldInsertIntoEmptyBuffer()
            UnsafeBuffer packet     = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[256]);
            const int    termOffset = 0;
            const int    srcOffset  = 0;
            const int    length     = 256;

            packet.PutInt(srcOffset, length);
            A.CallTo(() => _termBuffer.GetInt(0)).Returns(length);

            TermRebuilder.Insert(_termBuffer, termOffset, packet, length);

            A.CallTo(() => _termBuffer.PutBytes(termOffset, packet, srcOffset, length)).MustHaveHappened()
            .Then(A.CallTo(() => _termBuffer.PutIntOrdered(termOffset, length)).MustHaveHappened());
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a packet of frames into the log at the appropriate termOffset as indicated by the term termOffset header.
        /// If the packet has already been inserted then this is a noop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="termBuffer"> into which the packet should be inserted. </param>
        /// <param name="termOffset"> in the term at which the packet should be inserted. </param>
        /// <param name="packet">     containing a sequence of frames. </param>
        /// <param name="length">     of the packet of frames in bytes. </param>
        public static void Insert(IAtomicBuffer termBuffer, int termOffset, UnsafeBuffer packet, int length)
            if (0 == termBuffer.GetInt(termOffset))
                termBuffer.PutBytes(termOffset + DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH, packet,
                                    DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH, length - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH);

                termBuffer.PutLong(termOffset + 24, packet.GetLong(24));
                termBuffer.PutLong(termOffset + 16, packet.GetLong(16));
                termBuffer.PutLong(termOffset + 8, packet.GetLong(8));

                termBuffer.PutLongOrdered(termOffset, packet.GetLong(0));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the maximum log position that a tracking session can reach. The get operation has volatile semantics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="counters">  to search within. </param>
        /// <param name="counterId"> for the active commit position. </param>
        /// <returns> the log position if found otherwise <see cref="Aeron.NULL_VALUE"/>. </returns>
        public static long GetMaxLogPosition(CountersReader counters, int counterId)
            IAtomicBuffer buffer = counters.MetaDataBuffer;

            if (counters.GetCounterState(counterId) == CountersReader.RECORD_ALLOCATED)
                int recordOffset = CountersReader.MetaDataOffset(counterId);

                if (buffer.GetInt(recordOffset + CountersReader.TYPE_ID_OFFSET) == COMMIT_POSITION_TYPE_ID)
                    return(buffer.GetLongVolatile(recordOffset + CountersReader.KEY_OFFSET + MAX_LOG_POSITION_OFFSET));

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the maximum log position that a tracking session can reach. The set operation has volatile semantics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="counters">  to search within. </param>
        /// <param name="counterId"> for the active commit position. </param>
        /// <param name="value">     to set for the new max position. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ClusterException"> if the counter id is not valid. </exception>
        public static void SetMaxLogPosition(CountersReader counters, int counterId, long value)
            IAtomicBuffer buffer = counters.MetaDataBuffer;

            if (counters.GetCounterState(counterId) == CountersReader.RECORD_ALLOCATED)
                int recordOffset = CountersReader.MetaDataOffset(counterId);

                if (buffer.GetInt(recordOffset + CountersReader.TYPE_ID_OFFSET) == COMMIT_POSITION_TYPE_ID)
                    buffer.PutLongVolatile(recordOffset + CountersReader.KEY_OFFSET + MAX_LOG_POSITION_OFFSET, value);

            throw new ClusterException("Counter id not valid: " + counterId);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the counter id for a type of counter in a cluster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="counters">  to search within. </param>
        /// <param name="typeId">    of the counter. </param>
        /// <param name="clusterId"> to which the allocated counter belongs. </param>
        /// <returns> the matching counter id or <seealso cref="Aeron.Aeron.NULL_VALUE"/> if not found. </returns>
        public static int Find(CountersReader counters, int typeId, int clusterId)
            IAtomicBuffer buffer = counters.MetaDataBuffer;

            for (int i = 0, size = counters.MaxCounterId; i < size; i++)
                int recordOffset = CountersReader.MetaDataOffset(i);

                if (counters.GetCounterState(i) == CountersReader.RECORD_ALLOCATED &&
                    counters.GetCounterTypeId(i) == typeId &&
                    buffer.GetInt(recordOffset + CountersReader.KEY_OFFSET) == clusterId)

Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Type of the message received.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> typeId of the message received. </returns>
 public int TypeId()
Esempio n. 9
 public static int FrameLength(IAtomicBuffer buffer, int termOffset)
Esempio n. 10
        public void ShouldGetIntFromNativeBuffer(IAtomicBuffer buffer)
            Marshal.WriteInt32(buffer.BufferPointer, Index, IntValue);

            Assert.That(buffer.GetInt(Index), Is.EqualTo(IntValue));
Esempio n. 11
        public void ShouldReceiveFirstMessageFromBuffer()
            const int length              = 8;
            var       recordLength        = length + RecordDescriptor.HeaderLength;
            var       recordLengthAligned = BitUtil.Align(recordLength, RecordDescriptor.RecordAlignment);
            long      tail         = recordLengthAligned;
            var       latestRecord = tail - recordLengthAligned;
            var       recordOffset = (int)latestRecord;

            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetLongVolatile(TailIntentCounterOffset)).Returns(tail);
            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetLongVolatile(TailCounterIndex)).Returns(tail);
            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetInt(RecordDescriptor.GetLengthOffset(recordOffset))).Returns(recordLength);
            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetInt(RecordDescriptor.GetTypeOffset(recordOffset))).Returns(MsgTypeID);

            Assert.AreEqual(MsgTypeID, _broadcastReceiver.TypeId());
            Assert.AreEqual(_buffer, _broadcastReceiver.Buffer());
            Assert.AreEqual(RecordDescriptor.GetMsgOffset(recordOffset), _broadcastReceiver.Offset());
            Assert.AreEqual(length, _broadcastReceiver.Length());


            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetLongVolatile(TailCounterIndex)).MustHaveHappened();
            A.CallTo(() => _buffer.GetLongVolatile(TailIntentCounterOffset)).MustHaveHappened();
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the length of a frame from the header.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">     containing the frame. </param>
 /// <param name="termOffset"> at which a frame begins. </param>
 /// <returns> the value for the frame length. </returns>
 public static int FrameLength(IAtomicBuffer buffer, int termOffset)
     return buffer.GetInt(termOffset);