Esempio n. 1
        static async Task CreateDialog(ContentDialog Dialog, bool awaitPreviousDialog)
            if (ActiveDialog != null)
                if (awaitPreviousDialog)
                    switch (Info.Status)
                    case AsyncStatus.Started:

                    case AsyncStatus.Completed:

                    case AsyncStatus.Error:

                    case AsyncStatus.Canceled:
            ActiveDialog          = Dialog;
            ActiveDialog.Closing += ActiveDialog_Closing;
            Info = ActiveDialog.ShowAsync();
Esempio n. 2
 protected void CancelPreviousAndShowDialog(ContentDialog dialog)
     if (previous == null)
         previous = dialog;
     LastDialogControl = dialog.ShowAsync();
Esempio n. 3
        public AsyncInfoToObservableBridge(IAsyncInfo info, Action <IAsyncInfo, Action <IAsyncInfo, AsyncStatus> > onCompleted, Func <IAsyncInfo, TResult> getResult, Action <IAsyncInfo, Action <IAsyncInfo, TProgress> > onProgress, IProgress <TProgress> progress, bool multiValue)
            _onCompleted = onCompleted;
            _getResult   = getResult;

            _subject = new AsyncSubject <TResult>();

            if (onProgress != null)
                onProgress(info, (iai, p) =>
                    if (multiValue && getResult != null)

                    if (progress != null)

            Done(info, info.Status, true);
Esempio n. 4
 protected void CancelPreviousDialog()
     if (LastDialogControl != null)
         LastDialogControl = null;
Esempio n. 5
        public IDisposable AddPendingDialog(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
            var weakReference = new WeakReference <IAsyncInfo>(asyncInfo);


            return(new PendingDialogAwaiter(this, weakReference));
        internal void StreamOperationCompletedCallback(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, AsyncStatus unusedCompletionStatus)
                if (_callbackInvoked)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_MultipleIOCompletionCallbackInvocation);

                _callbackInvoked = true;

                // This happens in rare stress cases in Console mode and the WinRT folks said they are unlikely to fix this in Dev11.
                // Moreover, this can happen if the underlying WinRT stream has a faulty user implementation.
                // If we did not do this check, we would either get the same exception without the explaining message when dereferencing
                // completedOperation later, or we will get an InvalidOperation when processing the Op. With the check, they will be
                // aggregated and the user will know what went wrong.
                if (completedOperation == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(SR.NullReference_IOCompletionCallbackCannotProcessNullAsyncInfo);

                _completedOperation = completedOperation;

                // processCompletedOperationInCallback == false indicates that the stream is doing a blocking wait on the waitHandle of this IAsyncResult.
                // In that case calls on completedOperation may deadlock if completedOperation is not free threaded.
                // By setting processCompletedOperationInCallback to false the stream that created this IAsyncResult indicated that it
                // will call ProcessCompletedOperation after the waitHandle is signalled to fetch the results.

                if (_processCompletedOperationInCallback)
            catch (Exception ex)
                _bytesCompleted = 0;
                _errorInfo      = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);
                _completed = true;
                // From this point on, AsyncWaitHandle would create a handle that is readily set,
                // so we do not need to check if it is being produced asynchronously.
                if (_waitHandle != null)

            if (_userCompletionCallback != null)
 internal void CloseStreamOperation()
         if (_asyncStreamOperation != null)
     catch { }
     _asyncStreamOperation = null;
        internal bool CancelStreamOperation()
            if (_callbackInvoked)

            if (_asyncStreamOperation != null)
                _asyncStreamOperation = null;

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>Registers the async operation for cancellation.</summary>
        /// <param name="asyncInfo">The asynchronous operation.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The token used to request cancellation of the asynchronous operation.</param>
        internal void RegisterForCancellation(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
            Debug.Assert(asyncInfo != null);

                if (_ct.CanBeCanceled && !_completing)
                {                                                                       // benign race on m_completing... it's ok if it's not up-to-date.
                    var ctr = _ct.Register(ai => ((IAsyncInfo)ai).Cancel(), asyncInfo); // delegate cached by compiler

                    // The operation may already be completing by this time, in which case
                    // we might need to dispose of our new cancellation registration here.
                    bool disposeOfCtr = false;
                    lock (StateLock)
                        if (_completing)
                            disposeOfCtr = true;
                            _ctr = ctr;  // under lock to avoid torn writes

                    if (disposeOfCtr)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // We do not want exceptions propagating out of the AsTask / GetAwaiter calls, as the
                // Completed handler will instead store the exception into the returned Task.
                // Such exceptions should cause the Completed handler to be invoked synchronously and thus the Task should already be completed.

                if (!base.Task.IsFaulted)
                    Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("Expected base task to already be faulted but found it in state {0}", base.Task.Status));
        protected internal StreamOperationAsyncResult(IAsyncInfo asyncStreamOperation,
                                                      AsyncCallback userCompletionCallback, Object userAsyncStateInfo,
                                                      bool processCompletedOperationInCallback)
            if (asyncStreamOperation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncReadOperation");

            _userCompletionCallback = userCompletionCallback;
            _userAsyncStateInfo = userAsyncStateInfo;

            _asyncStreamOperation = asyncStreamOperation;

            _completed = false;
            _callbackInvoked = false;

            _bytesCompleted = 0;

            _errorInfo = null;

            _processCompletedOperationInCallback = processCompletedOperationInCallback;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the task with the given timeout, and interval.
        /// Once the task completes/cancels/errors or the timer pops
        /// the function will return.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The task to wait for</param>
        /// <returns>True on completion, false on cancel/error/timeout</returns>
        public bool timeTask(IAsyncInfo task)
            DateTime stopAt = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(timeoutMillisecs);

            while (stopAt > DateTime.Now)
                // check if the task has finished
                if (task.Status == AsyncStatus.Canceled ||
                    task.Status == AsyncStatus.Completed ||
                    task.Status == AsyncStatus.Error)

                // wait and try again
                                  (stopAt - DateTime.Now).Milliseconds));

            return(task.Status == AsyncStatus.Completed);
        protected internal StreamOperationAsyncResult(IAsyncInfo asyncStreamOperation,
                                                      AsyncCallback userCompletionCallback, object userAsyncStateInfo,
                                                      bool processCompletedOperationInCallback)
            if (asyncStreamOperation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncReadOperation");

            _userCompletionCallback = userCompletionCallback;
            _userAsyncStateInfo     = userAsyncStateInfo;

            _asyncStreamOperation = asyncStreamOperation;

            _completed       = false;
            _callbackInvoked = false;

            _bytesCompleted = 0;

            _errorInfo = null;

            _processCompletedOperationInCallback = processCompletedOperationInCallback;
Esempio n. 13
        internal void RegisterForCancellation(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
            Debug.Assert(asyncInfo != null);

                if (_ct.CanBeCanceled && !_completing)
                    var  ctr          = _ct.Register(ai => ((IAsyncInfo)ai).Cancel(), asyncInfo);
                    bool disposeOfCtr = false;
                    lock (this)
                        if (_completing)
                            disposeOfCtr = true;
                            _ctr = ctr;

                    if (disposeOfCtr)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!base.Task.IsFaulted)
                    Debug.Fail($"Expected base task to already be faulted but found it in state {base.Task.Status}");
 private static void rethrow(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
     throw new Exception("Error of wrapped asyncinfo.", asyncInfo.ErrorCode);
Esempio n. 15
 public static void NoWarning(this IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
     /* Do nothing */
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out Int64 bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperation<Boolean>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>Completes the task from the completed asynchronous operation.</summary>
        /// <param name="asyncInfo">The asynchronous operation.</param>
        /// <param name="getResultsFunction">A function used to retrieve the TResult from the async operation; may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="asyncStatus">The status of the asynchronous operation.</param>
        private void Complete(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo, Func <IAsyncInfo, TResult> getResultsFunction, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asyncInfo));



                Debug.Assert(asyncInfo.Status == asyncStatus,
                             "asyncInfo.Status does not match asyncStatus; are we dealing with a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation?");

                // Assuming a correct underlying implementation, the task should not have been
                // completed yet.  If it is completed, we shouldn't try to do any further work
                // with the operation or the task, as something is horked.
                bool taskAlreadyCompleted = Task.IsCompleted;

                Debug.Assert(!taskAlreadyCompleted, "Expected the task to not yet be completed.");

                if (taskAlreadyCompleted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);

                // Clean up our registration with the cancellation token, noting that we're now in the process of cleaning up.
                CancellationTokenRegistration ctr;
                lock (StateLock)
                    _completing = true;
                    ctr         = _ctr; // under lock to avoid torn reads
                    _ctr        = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
                ctr.TryDeregister(); // It's ok if we end up unregistering a not-initialized registration; it'll just be a nop.

                    // Find out how the async operation completed.  It must be in a terminal state.
                    bool terminalState = asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed ||
                                         asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Canceled ||
                                         asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Error;

                    Debug.Assert(terminalState, "The async operation should be in a terminal state.");

                    if (!terminalState)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);

                    // Retrieve the completion data from the IAsyncInfo.
                    TResult   result = default(TResult);
                    Exception error  = null;
                    if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Error)
                        error = asyncInfo.ErrorCode;

                        // Defend against a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation:
                        if (error == null)
                            Debug.Assert(false, "IAsyncInfo.Status == Error, but ErrorCode returns a null Exception (implying S_OK).");
                            error = new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);
                            error = asyncInfo.ErrorCode.AttachRestrictedErrorInfo();
                    else if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed && getResultsFunction != null)
                            result = getResultsFunction(asyncInfo);
                        catch (Exception resultsEx)
                            // According to the WinRT team, this can happen in some egde cases, such as marshalling errors in GetResults.
                            error       = resultsEx;
                            asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.Error;

                    // Nothing to retrieve for a canceled operation or for a completed operation with no result.

                    // Complete the task based on the previously retrieved results:
                    bool success = false;
                    switch (asyncStatus)
                    case AsyncStatus.Completed:
                        if (AsyncCausalitySupport.LoggingOn)
                        success = base.TrySetResult(result);

                    case AsyncStatus.Error:
                        Debug.Assert(error != null, "The error should have been retrieved previously.");
                        success = base.TrySetException(error);

                    case AsyncStatus.Canceled:
                        success = base.TrySetCanceled(_ct.IsCancellationRequested ? _ct : new CancellationToken(true));

                    Debug.Assert(success, "Expected the outcome to be successfully transfered to the task.");
                catch (Exception exc)
                    // This really shouldn't happen, but could in a variety of misuse cases
                    // such as a faulty underlying IAsyncInfo implementation.
                    Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("Unexpected exception in Complete: {0}", exc.ToString()));

                    if (AsyncCausalitySupport.LoggingOn)

                    // For these cases, store the exception into the task so that it makes its way
                    // back to the caller.  Only if something went horribly wrong and we can't store the exception
                    // do we allow it to be propagated out to the invoker of the Completed handler.
                    if (!base.TrySetException(exc))
                        Debug.Assert(false, "The task was already completed and thus the exception couldn't be stored.");
                // We may be called on an STA thread which we don't own, so make sure that the RCW is released right
                // away. Otherwise, if we leave it up to the finalizer, the apartment may already be gone.
                if (Marshal.IsComObject(asyncInfo))
        } // private void Complete(..)
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out Int64 bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperation <Boolean>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out Int64 bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperationWithProgress <UInt32, UInt32>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
Esempio n. 20
 public static IDisposable AsDisposable(this IAsyncInfo asyncInfo)
     return(Disposable.Create(asyncInfo, _ => _.Cancel()));
        internal void StreamOperationCompletedCallback(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, AsyncStatus unusedCompletionStatus)
                if (_callbackInvoked)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_MultipleIOCompletionCallbackInvocation);

                _callbackInvoked = true;

                // This happens in rare stress cases in Console mode and the WinRT folks said they are unlikely to fix this in Dev11.
                // Moreover, this can happen if the underlying WinRT stream has a faulty user implementation.
                // If we did not do this check, we would either get the same exception without the explaining message when dereferencing
                // completedOperation later, or we will get an InvalidOperation when processing the Op. With the check, they will be
                // aggregated and the user will know what went wrong.
                if (completedOperation == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(SR.NullReference_IOCompletionCallbackCannotProcessNullAsyncInfo);

                _completedOperation = completedOperation;

                // processCompletedOperationInCallback == false indicates that the stream is doing a blocking wait on the waitHandle of this IAsyncResult.
                // In that case calls on completedOperation may deadlock if completedOperation is not free threaded.
                // By setting processCompletedOperationInCallback to false the stream that created this IAsyncResult indicated that it
                // will call ProcessCompletedOperation after the waitHandle is signalled to fetch the results.

                if (_processCompletedOperationInCallback)
            catch (Exception ex)
                _bytesCompleted = 0;
                _errorInfo = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);
                _completed = true;
                // From this point on, AsyncWaitHandle would create a handle that is readily set,
                // so we do not need to check if it is being produced asynchronously.
                if (_waitHandle != null)

            if (_userCompletionCallback != null)
Esempio n. 22
 protected MulticastAsyncBase(IAsyncInfo wrapped)
     this.wrapped = wrapped ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(wrapped));
Esempio n. 23
        private void Done(IAsyncInfo info, AsyncStatus status, bool initial)
            var error  = default(Exception);
            var result = default(TResult);

            // Initial interactions with the IAsyncInfo object. Those could fail, which indicates
            // a rogue implementation. Failure is just propagated out.
            switch (status)
            case AsyncStatus.Error:
                error = info.ErrorCode;
                if (error == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The asynchronous operation failed with a null error code.");


            case AsyncStatus.Canceled:
                error = new OperationCanceledException();

            case AsyncStatus.Completed:
                if (_getResult != null)
                    result = _getResult(info);


                if (!initial)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The asynchronous operation completed unexpectedly.");

                _onCompleted(info, (iai, s) => Done(iai, s, false));

            // Close as early as possible, before running continuations which could fail. In case of
            // failure above, we don't close out the object in order to allow for debugging of the
            // rogue implementation without losing state prematurely. Notice _getResults is merely
            // an indirect call to the appropriate GetResults method, which is not supposed to throw.
            // Instead, an Error status should be returned.

            // Now we run the continuations, which could take a long time. Failure here is catastrophic
            // and under control of the upstream subscriber.
            if (error != null)
                if (_getResult != null)

Esempio n. 24
        private void Complete(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo, Func <IAsyncInfo, TResult> getResultsFunction, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asyncInfo));

            // TODO: AsyncCausality?

                Debug.Assert(asyncInfo.Status == asyncStatus, "asyncInfo.Status does not match asyncStatus; are we dealing with a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation?");
                if (Task.IsCompleted)
                    Debug.Fail("Expected the task to not yet be completed.");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The asynchronous operation could not be completed.");

                // Clean up our registration with the cancellation token, noting that we're now in the process of cleaning up.
                CancellationTokenRegistration ctr;
                lock (this)
                    _completing = true;
                    ctr         = _ctr;
                    _ctr        = default;

                    if (asyncStatus != AsyncStatus.Completed && asyncStatus != AsyncStatus.Canceled && asyncStatus != AsyncStatus.Error)
                        Debug.Fail("The async operation should be in a terminal state.");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The asynchronous operation could not be completed.");

                    TResult   result = default(TResult);
                    Exception error  = null;
                    if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Error)
                        error = asyncInfo.ErrorCode;

                        // Defend against a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation
                        if (error is null)
                            Debug.Fail("IAsyncInfo.Status == Error, but ErrorCode returns a null Exception (implying S_OK).");
                            error = new InvalidOperationException("The asynchronous operation could not be completed.");
                    else if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed && getResultsFunction != null)
                            result = getResultsFunction(asyncInfo);
                        catch (Exception resultsEx)
                            // According to the WinRT team, this can happen in some egde cases, such as marshalling errors in GetResults.
                            error       = resultsEx;
                            asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.Error;

                    // Complete the task based on the previously retrieved results:
                    bool success = false;
                    switch (asyncStatus)
                    case AsyncStatus.Completed:
                        // TODO: AsyncCausality?
                        success = base.TrySetResult(result);

                    case AsyncStatus.Error:
                        Debug.Assert(error != null, "The error should have been retrieved previously.");
                        success = base.TrySetException(error);

                    case AsyncStatus.Canceled:
                        success = base.TrySetCanceled(_ct.IsCancellationRequested ? _ct : new CancellationToken(true));

                    Debug.Assert(success, "Expected the outcome to be successfully transfered to the task.");
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Debug.Fail($"Unexpected exception in Complete: {exc}");

                    // TODO: AsyncCausality

                    if (!base.TrySetException(exc))
                        Debug.Fail("The task was already completed and thus the exception couldn't be stored.");
                // We may be called on an STA thread which we don't own, so make sure that the RCW is released right
                // away. Otherwise, if we leave it up to the finalizer, the apartment may already be gone.
                if (ComWrappersSupport.TryUnwrapObject(asyncInfo, out var objRef))
 internal abstract void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out long bytesCompleted);
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out long bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperationWithProgress <uint, uint>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
 internal abstract void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out Int64 bytesCompleted);
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out Int64 bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperationWithProgress<UInt32, UInt32>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
 internal override void ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, out long bytesCompleted)
     ProcessConcreteCompletedOperation((IAsyncOperation <bool>)completedOperation, out bytesCompleted);
 internal void CloseStreamOperation()
         if (_asyncStreamOperation != null)
     catch { }
     _asyncStreamOperation = null;