Esempio n. 1
        public TEntity Find(Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > predicate, bool includeDetails = true)
            var query = GetMongoQueryable();

Esempio n. 2
        private Variable GetVariable(int variableCode)
            var collection = _dbContext.GetCollection <Variable>("variables");
            var variable   = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault((from v in collection.AsQueryable()
                                                                          where v.Code == variableCode
                                                                          select v));

Esempio n. 3
        private Confederation GetConfederation(double confederationCode)
            var collection    = _dbContext.GetCollection <Confederation>("confederaciones");
            var confederation = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault((from c in collection.AsQueryable()
                                                                             where c.Code == confederationCode
                                                                             select c));

Esempio n. 4
        private Station GetStation(string stationId)
            var collection = _dbContext.GetCollection <Station>("estaciones");
            var station    = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault((from s in collection.AsQueryable()
                                                                          where s.StationId == stationId
                                                                          select s));

            if (station == null)

            /* Add station class to the postEvent */
            station.Confederation = GetConfederation(station.ConfederationCode);
Esempio n. 5
        public PostEvent GetPostEvent(string eventId)
            var collection = _dbContext.GetCollection <PostEvent>("postEventos");
            var postEvent  = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault((from p in collection.AsQueryable()
                                                                          where p.EventId == eventId
                                                                          select p));

            /* Add station class to the postEvent */
            postEvent.Station = GetStation(postEvent.StationId);

            /* Add variable classes to each measure */
            var distinctVariables = postEvent.Measures
                                    .Select(m => new { m.VariableCode })

            var variables = distinctVariables.Select(m => GetVariable(m.VariableCode)).ToList();

            foreach (var measure in postEvent.Measures)
                measure.Variable = variables.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Code == measure.VariableCode);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task <List <ProductDto> > MapRange(ImportSource importSourceProducts)
            var directory      = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "App_Data", "Import");
            var productQty     = 0;
            var updatedProduct = 0;

            foreach (var sourceProduct in importSourceProducts.ProductDto)
                var queryProduct = from c in _productRepository.Table
                                   where c.VendorCode == sourceProduct.Article ||
                                   c.Price == sourceProduct.Price &&
                                   c.FullDescription == sourceProduct.Description &&
                                   c.Name == sourceProduct.Name
                                   select c;
                var productResult    = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryProduct);
                var isExistedProduct = productResult != null;

                if (isExistedProduct)
                    if (productResult.Length == 0 && sourceProduct.Length != 0)
                        productResult.Length = sourceProduct.Length;

                    await _productRepository.UpdateAsync(productResult);



                var product = new ProductDto {
                    LWHMeasure               = sourceProduct.LWHMeasure,
                    WeightMeasure            = sourceProduct.WeightMeasure,
                    Name                     = sourceProduct.Name,
                    Width                    = sourceProduct.Width,
                    Height                   = Convert.ToDecimal(sourceProduct.Height),
                    Weight                   = Convert.ToDecimal(sourceProduct.Weight),
                    SeName                   = sourceProduct.Name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower().Unidecode(),
                    VendorCode               = sourceProduct.Article,
                    FullDescription          = sourceProduct.Description,
                    ShortDescription         = sourceProduct.Description,
                    Price                    = sourceProduct.Price,
                    Published                = true,
                    DisplayStockAvailability = true,
                    DisplayStockQuantity     = true,
                    VisibleIndividually      = true,
                    OrderMinimumQuantity     = 1,
                    OrderMaximumQuantity     = 10000,
                    ProductTemplateId        = "5f74eb009eb59f4650635823",
                    StockQuantity            = sourceProduct.Mark == 1 ? 10000 : 0,
                    Gibkiy                   = sourceProduct.Gibkiy == 1,
                    Obrazci                  = sourceProduct.Obrazci,
                    MarkAsNew                = sourceProduct.IsNew,
                    Podsvetka                = sourceProduct.Podsvetka == 1,
                    QuantityInBox            = sourceProduct.QuantityInBox,
                    Material                 = sourceProduct.Material,
                    Mark                     = sourceProduct.Mark,
                    Collection               = sourceProduct.Collection,
                    Razdel                   = sourceProduct.Razdel,
                    UseWith                  = sourceProduct.UseWith,
                    Analogs                  = sourceProduct.Analogs

                var queryCategory = from c in _categoryRepository.Table
                                    where c.Name == sourceProduct.Category
                                    select c;

                var isExistedCategory = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategory) != null;
                var categoryDto       = new CategoryDto();

                if (!isExistedCategory)
                    categoryDto = await _mediator.Send(new AddCategoryCommand {
                        Model = new CategoryDto {
                            Name               = sourceProduct.Category,
                            Published          = true,
                            HideOnCatalog      = false,
                            ShowOnSearchBox    = false,
                            ShowOnHomePage     = true,
                            CategoryTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957d",
                            ParentCategoryId   = "5f8c210ea1bd7e55c439472b"

                    product.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto {
                        CategoryId = categoryDto.Id
                    var categoryId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategory).Id;
                    categoryDto.Id = categoryId;
                    product.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto {
                        CategoryId = categoryId

                var pictureDtos = new List <PictureDto>();

                foreach (var image in sourceProduct.Image)
                    if (image == "")
                    var binary = Path.Combine(directory, "images", image).ToBytes();

                    if (binary == null)

                    pictureDtos.Add(await _mediator.Send(new AddPictureCommand {
                        PictureDto = new PictureDto {
                            SeoFilename   = image,
                            MimeType      = ("." + image.Split(".")[1]).ToMimeType(),
                            PictureBinary = binary

                var queryManufacturer = from c in _manufacturerRepository.Table
                                        where c.Name == sourceProduct.Brand
                                        select c;

                var isExistedManufacturer = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryManufacturer) != null;

                var manufacturerDto = new ManufacturerDto();

                if (!isExistedManufacturer)
                    manufacturerDto = await _mediator.Send(new AddManufacturerCommand {
                        Model = new ManufacturerDto {
                            Name      = sourceProduct.Brand,
                            Published = true,
                            ManufacturerTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957e"

                    product.Manufacturers.Add(new ProductManufacturerDto {
                        ManufacturerId = manufacturerDto.Id
                    var manufacturerId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryManufacturer).Id;
                    manufacturerDto.Id = manufacturerId;
                    product.Manufacturers.Add(new ProductManufacturerDto {
                        ManufacturerId = manufacturerId

                var productDto = await _mediator.Send(
                    new AddProductCommand {
                    Model = product

                await _categoryService.InsertProductCategory(new ProductCategory {
                    CategoryId        = categoryDto.Id,
                    ProductId         = productDto.Id,
                    IsFeaturedProduct = true

                var productDtoExample = new ProductDto();
                var productExample    = new ProductDto();
                if (product.Obrazci > 0)
                    productExample = (ProductDto)product.Clone();
                    var exampleCategoryName  = "Образцы";
                    var queryCategoryExample = from c in _categoryRepository.Table
                                               where c.Name == exampleCategoryName
                                               select c;

                    var isExistedCategoryExample =
                        IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategoryExample) != null;
                    var categoryDtoExample = new CategoryDto();

                    if (!isExistedCategoryExample)
                        categoryDtoExample = await _mediator.Send(new AddCategoryCommand {
                            Model = new CategoryDto {
                                Name               = exampleCategoryName,
                                Published          = true,
                                HideOnCatalog      = true,
                                ShowOnSearchBox    = false,
                                ShowOnHomePage     = false,
                                CategoryTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957d",
                                ParentCategoryId   = "5f8c210ea1bd7e55c439472b"

                        var categoryForDelete = productExample.Categories.FirstOrDefault(
                            x => x.CategoryId == categoryDto.Id);
                        productExample.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto {
                            CategoryId = categoryDtoExample.Id
                        var categoryId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategoryExample).Id;
                        categoryDtoExample.Id = categoryId;
                        productExample.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto {
                            CategoryId = categoryId

                    productDtoExample = await _mediator.Send(
                        new AddProductCommand {
                        Model = productExample

                    await _categoryService.InsertProductCategory(new ProductCategory {
                        CategoryId        = categoryDtoExample.Id,
                        ProductId         = productDtoExample.Id,
                        IsFeaturedProduct = true

                await _manufacturerService.InsertProductManufacturer(new ProductManufacturer {
                    ManufacturerId    = manufacturerDto.Id,
                    ProductId         = productDto.Id,
                    IsFeaturedProduct = true

                foreach (var item in pictureDtos)
                    product.Pictures.Add(new ProductPictureDto {
                        MimeType  = item.MimeType,
                        PictureId = item.Id

                    await _productService.InsertProductPicture(new ProductPicture {
                        PictureId = item.Id,
                        ProductId = productDto.Id

                    if (product.Obrazci > 0)
                        productExample.Pictures.Add(new ProductPictureDto {
                            MimeType  = item.MimeType,
                            PictureId = item.Id

                        await _productService.InsertProductPicture(new ProductPicture {
                            PictureId = item.Id,
                            ProductId = productDtoExample.Id



                await _logger.InsertLog(LogLevel.Information, $"Добавлен товар №{productQty}");


            await _logger.InsertLog(LogLevel.Information, updatedProduct.ToString());
