public virtual object ApplyOnce(object t, Func <IAstRuleReturnScope> whichRule) { if (t == null) { return((object)null); } try { this.state = new RecognizerSharedState(); this.input = (ITreeNodeStream) new CommonTreeNodeStream(this.originalAdaptor, t); ((CommonTreeNodeStream)this.input).TokenStream = this.originalTokenStream; this.BacktrackingLevel = 1; IAstRuleReturnScope astRuleReturnScope = whichRule(); this.BacktrackingLevel = 0; if (this.Failed) { return(t); } if (this.showTransformations && astRuleReturnScope != null && (!t.Equals(astRuleReturnScope.Tree) && astRuleReturnScope.Tree != null)) { this.ReportTransformation(t, astRuleReturnScope.Tree); } if (astRuleReturnScope != null && astRuleReturnScope.Tree != null) { return(astRuleReturnScope.Tree); } return(t); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { } return(t); }
public static List<ITagSpan<IOutliningRegionTag>> ExtractOutliningRegions(IAstRuleReturnScope parseResult, ReadOnlyCollection<IToken> tokens, AlloyOutliningTaggerProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot) { BufferedTreeNodeStream input = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(parseResult.Tree); AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker walker = new AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker(input, tokens, provider, snapshot); walker.compilationUnit(); return walker._outliningRegions; }
public static List<IEditorNavigationTarget> ExtractNavigationTargets(IAstRuleReturnScope parseResult, ReadOnlyCollection<IToken> tokens, AlloyAtnEditorNavigationSourceProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot) { BufferedTreeNodeStream input = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(parseResult.Tree); AlloyEditorNavigationSourceWalker walker = new AlloyEditorNavigationSourceWalker(input, snapshot, tokens, provider.EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService, provider.GlyphService, provider.OutputWindowService); walker.compilationUnit(); return walker._targets; }
public static List <IEditorNavigationTarget> ExtractNavigationTargets(IAstRuleReturnScope parseResult, ReadOnlyCollection <IToken> tokens, AlloyAtnEditorNavigationSourceProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot) { BufferedTreeNodeStream input = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(parseResult.Tree); AlloyEditorNavigationSourceWalker walker = new AlloyEditorNavigationSourceWalker(input, snapshot, tokens, provider.EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService, provider.GlyphService, provider.OutputWindowService); walker.compilationUnit(); return(walker._targets); }
public static List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> > ExtractOutliningRegions(IAstRuleReturnScope parseResult, ReadOnlyCollection <IToken> tokens, AlloyOutliningTaggerProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot) { BufferedTreeNodeStream input = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(parseResult.Tree); AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker walker = new AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker(input, tokens, provider, snapshot); walker.compilationUnit(); return(walker._outliningRegions); }
private bool TryHandleParseCompleteV3(object sender, ParseResultEventArgs e) { if (!object.ReferenceEquals(sender, BackgroundParser)) { return(false); } AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrArgs = e as AntlrParseResultEventArgs; if (antlrArgs == null) { this.Tokens3 = null; return(false); } var result = antlrArgs.Result; this.Snapshot = e.Snapshot; this.Tokens3 = antlrArgs.Tokens; Tree.Dispatcher.Invoke( (Action)(() => { try { this.Tree.Items.Clear(); IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = result as IAstRuleReturnScope; ITree tree = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as ITree : null; if (tree != null) { if (!tree.IsNil) { this.Tree.Items.Add(resultArgs.Tree); } else if (tree.ChildCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tree.ChildCount; i++) { this.Tree.Items.Add(tree.GetChild(i)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ErrorHandler.IsCriticalException(ex)) { throw; } } })); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate for the left-hand-side of an in expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <param name="cached">The cached result of a former call to this method</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> public bool IsLeftHandSideIn(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs, ref bool?cached) { if (cached.HasValue) { return(cached.Value); } bool result = IsLeftHandSideExpression(lhs) && (input.LA(1) == IN); cached = result; return(result); }
public Expression ParseExpression(SnapshotSpan expressionSpan) { string text = expressionSpan.GetText(); string sourceName = null; AlloyLexer lexer = new AlloyLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(text, sourceName)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); AlloyParser parser = new AlloyParser(tokens); IAstRuleReturnScope tree = parser.expr(); BufferedTreeNodeStream treeNodeStream = new BufferedTreeNodeStream(tree.Tree); AlloyExpressionWalker walker = new AlloyExpressionWalker(expressionSpan, treeNodeStream); Expression result = walker.expr(); return(result); }
private static void _Main(string[] args) { // input "x = 2*(3+3)" ICharStream input; if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0].Equals("-i")) { if (args.Length > 1) { input = new ANTLRFileStream(args[1]); } else { throw new Exception("No input file specified."); } } else { input = new ANTLRStringStream(args[0]); } } else { input = new ANTLRInputStream(Console.OpenStandardInput()); } var lex = new VecMathLexer(input); var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex); var g = new VecMathParser(tokens); IAstRuleReturnScope <CommonTree> r = g.prog(); CommonTree t = r.Tree; Console.WriteLine("Original tree: " + t.ToStringTree()); var simplify = new Simplify(new CommonTreeNodeStream(t)); t = (CommonTree)simplify.Downup(t); var reduce = new Reduce(new CommonTreeNodeStream(t)); t = (CommonTree)reduce.Downup(t); Console.WriteLine("Simplified tree: " + t.ToStringTree()); Console.ReadKey(); }
public virtual object ApplyOnce(object t, System.Func <IAstRuleReturnScope <TTree> > whichRule) { if (t == null) { return(null); } try { // share TreeParser object but not parsing-related state state = new RecognizerSharedState(); input = new CommonTreeNodeStream(originalAdaptor, t); ((CommonTreeNodeStream)input).TokenStream = originalTokenStream; BacktrackingLevel = 1; IAstRuleReturnScope <TTree> r = whichRule(); BacktrackingLevel = 0; if (Failed) { return(t); } if (typeof(CommonTree).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TTree))) { if (r != null && !t.Equals(r.Tree) && r.Tree != null) { // show any transformations Console.Out.WriteLine(((CommonTree)t).ToStringTree() + " -> " + ((CommonTree)(object)r.Tree).ToStringTree()); } } if (r != null && r.Tree != null) { return(r.Tree); } else { return(t); } } catch (RecognitionException) { } return(t); }
private void HandleBackgroundParseComplete(object sender, ParseResultEventArgs e) { AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs = e as AntlrParseResultEventArgs; List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> > outliningRegions = new List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> >(); if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; CommonTree result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null && result.Children != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } switch (child.Type) { case GoLexer.KW_IMPORT: case GoLexer.KW_TYPE: case GoLexer.KW_CONST: case GoLexer.KW_FUNC: var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); IOutliningRegionTag tag = new OutliningRegionTag(); TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> tagSpan = new TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag>(snapshotSpan, tag); outliningRegions.Add(tagSpan); break; default: continue; } } } } this._outliningRegions = outliningRegions; OnTagsChanged(new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(0, e.Snapshot.Length)))); }
public virtual object ApplyOnce(object t, System.Func <IAstRuleReturnScope> whichRule) { if (t == null) { return(null); } try { // share TreeParser object but not parsing-related state state = new RecognizerSharedState(); input = new CommonTreeNodeStream(originalAdaptor, t); ((CommonTreeNodeStream)input).TokenStream = originalTokenStream; BacktrackingLevel = 1; IAstRuleReturnScope r = whichRule(); BacktrackingLevel = 0; if (Failed) { return(t); } if (showTransformations && r != null && !t.Equals(r.Tree) && r.Tree != null) { ReportTransformation(t, r.Tree); } if (r != null && r.Tree != null) { return(r.Tree); } else { return(t); } } catch (RecognitionException) { } return(t); }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate for the left-hand-side of an assignment expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <param name="cached">The cached result of a former call to this method</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> public bool IsLeftHandSideAssign(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs, ref bool?cached) { if (cached.HasValue) { return(cached.Value); } bool result; if (IsLeftHandSideExpression(lhs)) { switch (input.LA(1)) { case ASSIGN: case MULASS: case DIVASS: case MODASS: case ADDASS: case SUBASS: case SHLASS: case SHRASS: case SHUASS: case ANDASS: case XORASS: case ORASS: result = true; break; default: result = false; break; } } else { result = false; } cached = result; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate for the left-hand-side of an assignment expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <param name="cached">The cached result of a former call to this method</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> public bool IsLeftHandSideAssign(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs, ref bool? cached) { if (cached.HasValue) { return cached.Value; } bool result; if (IsLeftHandSideExpression(lhs)) { switch (input.LA(1)) { case ASSIGN: case MULASS: case DIVASS: case MODASS: case ADDASS: case SUBASS: case SHLASS: case SHRASS: case SHUASS: case ANDASS: case XORASS: case ORASS: result = true; break; default: result = false; break; } } else { result = false; } cached = result; return result; }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate a left-hand-side expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> private bool IsLeftHandSideExpression(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs) { if (lhs.Tree == null) // e.g. during backtracking { return true; } else { switch (((ITree)lhs.Tree).Type) { // primaryExpression case THIS: case Identifier: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case DecimalLiteral: case OctalIntegerLiteral: case HexIntegerLiteral: case StringLiteral: case RegularExpressionLiteral: case ARRAY: case OBJECT: case PAREXPR: // functionExpression case FUNCTION: // newExpression case NEW: // leftHandSideExpression case CALL: case BYFIELD: case BYINDEX: return true; default: return false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate a left-hand-side expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> private bool IsLeftHandSideExpression(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs) { if (lhs.Tree == null) // e.g. during backtracking { return(true); } else { switch (((ITree)lhs.Tree).Type) { // primaryExpression case THIS: case Identifier: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case DecimalLiteral: case OctalIntegerLiteral: case HexIntegerLiteral: case StringLiteral: case RegularExpressionLiteral: case ARRAY: case OBJECT: case PAREXPR: // functionExpression case FUNCTION: // newExpression case NEW: // leftHandSideExpression case CALL: case BYFIELD: case BYINDEX: return(true); default: return(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Parses an expression in text form for later evaluation. /// </summary> /// <param name="pszCode">The expression to be parsed.</param> /// <param name="dwFlags">A combination of flags from the PARSEFLAGS enumeration that controls parsing.</param> /// <param name="nRadix">The radix to be used in parsing any numerical information in pszCode.</param> /// <param name="ppExpr">Returns the IDebugExpression2 object that represents the parsed expression, which is ready for binding and evaluation.</param> /// <param name="pbstrError">Returns the error message if the expression contains an error.</param> /// <param name="pichError">Returns the character index of the error in pszCode if the expression contains an error.</param> /// <returns>If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.</returns> /// <remarks> /// When this method is called, a debug engine (DE) should parse the expression and validate it for correctness. /// The pbstrError and pichError parameters may be filled in if the expression is invalid. /// /// Note that the expression is not evaluated, only parsed. A later call to the IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync /// or IDebugExpression2.EvaluateAsync methods evaluates the parsed expression. /// </remarks> public int ParseText(string pszCode, enum_PARSEFLAGS dwFlags, uint nRadix, out IDebugExpression2 ppExpr, out string pbstrError, out uint pichError) { if (pszCode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pszCode"); } if (pszCode.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); } // dwFlags=0 in the Immediate window if (dwFlags != enum_PARSEFLAGS.PARSE_EXPRESSION && dwFlags != 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } try { var expressionInput = new ANTLRStringStream(pszCode); var expressionUnicodeInput = new JavaUnicodeStream(expressionInput); var expressionLexer = new Java2Lexer(expressionUnicodeInput); var expressionTokens = new CommonTokenStream(expressionLexer); var expressionParser = new Java2Parser(expressionTokens); IAstRuleReturnScope <CommonTree> result = expressionParser.standaloneExpression(); ppExpr = new JavaDebugExpression(this, result.Tree, pszCode); pbstrError = null; pichError = 0; return(VSConstants.S_OK); } catch (RecognitionException e) { ppExpr = null; pbstrError = e.Message; pichError = (uint)Math.Max(0, e.Index); return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); } }
private void UpdateNavigationTargets([NotNull] AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs) { Debug.Assert(antlrParseResultArgs != null); List <IEditorNavigationTarget> navigationTargets = new List <IEditorNavigationTarget>(); if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } if (child.Text == "rule" && child.ChildCount > 0) { var ruleName = child.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } if (ruleName == "Tokens") { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(((CommonTree)child.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } else if (child.Text.StartsWith("tokens")) { foreach (CommonTree tokenChild in child.Children) { if (tokenChild.Text == "=" && tokenChild.ChildCount == 2) { var ruleName = tokenChild.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(((CommonTree)tokenChild.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } else if (tokenChild.ChildCount == 0) { var ruleName = tokenChild.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(tokenChild.Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } } } } } } this._navigationTargets = navigationTargets; OnNavigationTargetsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
private void HandleBackgroundParseComplete(object sender, ParseResultEventArgs e) { AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs = e as AntlrParseResultEventArgs; List <IEditorNavigationTarget> navigationTargets = new List <IEditorNavigationTarget>(); if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { //// add the Global Scope type //{ // var name = "Global Scope"; // var navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Types); // var span = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(0, e.Snapshot.Length)); // var seek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(0, 0)); // var glyph = GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupNamespace, StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic); // var target = new EditorNavigationTarget(name, navigationType, span, seek, glyph); // navigationTargets.Add(target); //} IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; string packageName = string.Empty; if (result != null && result.Children != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } switch (child.Type) { case GoLexer.KW_PACKAGE: { packageName = ((CommonTree)child.Children[0]).Token.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageName)) { continue; } var navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Types); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; //Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); //SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); // applies to the whole file var span = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(0, e.Snapshot.Length)); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(((CommonTree)child.Children[0]).Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupModule, StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic); navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(packageName, navigationType, span, ruleSeek, glyph)); } break; case GoLexer.KW_TYPE: // each child tree is a typeSpec, the root of which is an identifier that names the type foreach (CommonTree typeSpec in child.Children) { var typeName = typeSpec.Token.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName)) { continue; } for (ITree parent = typeSpec.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) { if (parent.Type == GoParser.TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { typeName = parent.Text + "." + typeName; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageName)) { typeName = packageName + "." + typeName; } var navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Types); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[typeSpec.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[typeSpec.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(typeSpec.Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(GetGlyphGroupForType(typeSpec), char.IsUpper(typeName[0]) ? StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic : StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPrivate); navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(typeName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); if (typeSpec.ChildCount > 0 && typeSpec.Children[0].Type == GoLexer.KW_STRUCT && typeSpec.Children[0].ChildCount > 0) { foreach (CommonTree fieldSpec in ((CommonTree)typeSpec.Children[0]).Children) { if (fieldSpec.Type != GoParser.FIELD_DECLARATION) { continue; } foreach (CommonTree fieldNameIdentifier in ((CommonTree)fieldSpec.GetFirstChildWithType(GoParser.AST_VARS)).Children) { string fieldName = fieldNameIdentifier.Text; navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Members); startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[fieldNameIdentifier.TokenStartIndex]; stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[fieldSpec.TokenStopIndex]; span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(fieldNameIdentifier.Token.StartIndex, 0)); glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupField, char.IsUpper(fieldName[0]) ? StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic : StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPrivate); navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(fieldName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } } } } break; case GoLexer.KW_CONST: case GoLexer.KW_VAR: foreach (CommonTree spec in child.Children) { CommonTree decl = (CommonTree)spec.Children[0]; foreach (CommonTree nameToken in decl.Children) { var name = nameToken.Token.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { continue; } var navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Members); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[nameToken.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[nameToken.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(nameToken.Token.StartIndex, 0)); var group = (child.Type == GoLexer.KW_CONST) ? StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupConstant : StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupVariable; var item = char.IsUpper(name[0]) ? StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic : StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPrivate; var glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(group, item); navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(name, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } } break; case GoLexer.KW_FUNC: { // the first child is either a receiver (method) or an identifier with the name of the function var token = ((CommonTree)child.Children[0]).Token; if (token.Type == GoLexer.METHOD_RECEIVER) { token = ((CommonTree)child.Children[1]).Token; } var functionName = token.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionName)) { continue; } ITree receiver = child.GetFirstChildWithType(GoParser.METHOD_RECEIVER); if (receiver != null) { string receiverName; if (receiver.ChildCount >= 2) { receiverName = receiver.GetChild(receiver.ChildCount - 2).Text; } else { receiverName = "?"; } functionName = receiverName + "." + functionName; } IEnumerable <string> args = ProcessFunctionParameters(child); string sig = string.Format("{0}({1})", functionName, string.Join(", ", args)); var navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Members); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(e.Snapshot, new Span(child.Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupMethod, char.IsUpper(functionName[0]) ? StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic : StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPrivate); navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(sig, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } break; default: continue; } } } } this._navigationTargets = navigationTargets; OnNavigationTargetsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
private void UpdateTags(AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs) { List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> > outliningRegions = new List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> >(); if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { ITextSnapshot snapshot = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot; #if false IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree; if (result != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } if (child.Text == "rule" && child.ChildCount > 0 || child.Text.StartsWith("tokens") || child.Text.StartsWith("options")) { string blockHint = "..."; if (child.Text == "rule") { string ruleName = child.Children[0].Text; // don't try to outline the artificial tokens rule if (ruleName == "Tokens") { continue; } blockHint = child.Children[0].Text + "..."; } else if (child.Text.StartsWith("tokens")) { // this is the special tokens{} block of a combined grammar blockHint = "tokens {...}"; } else if (child.Text.StartsWith("options")) { // this is the special options{} block of a grammar blockHint = "options {...}"; } var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; if (startToken.Type == ANTLRParser.DOC_COMMENT) { for (int index = child.TokenStartIndex; index <= child.TokenStopIndex; index++) { startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[index]; if (startToken.Type != ANTLRParser.DOC_COMMENT && startToken.Channel != TokenChannels.Hidden) { break; } } } Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); if (snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.Start) == snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.End)) { continue; } SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); IOutliningRegionTag tag = new OutliningRegionTag(blockHint, snapshotSpan.GetText()); TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> tagSpan = new TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag>(snapshotSpan, tag); outliningRegions.Add(tagSpan); } } } foreach (var token in antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens) { switch (token.Type) { case ANTLRParser.DOC_COMMENT: case ANTLRParser.ML_COMMENT: Span commentSpan = Span.FromBounds(token.StartIndex, token.StopIndex + 1); if (snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(commentSpan.Start) != snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(commentSpan.End)) { SnapshotSpan commentSnapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, commentSpan); IOutliningRegionTag commentTag = new OutliningRegionTag(string.Format("/*{0} ... */", token.Type == ANTLRParser.DOC_COMMENT ? "*" : string.Empty), commentSnapshotSpan.GetText()); TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> commentTagSpan = new TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag>(commentSnapshotSpan, commentTag); outliningRegions.Add(commentTagSpan); } break; default: continue; } } #endif } this._outliningRegions = outliningRegions; OnTagsChanged(new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(0, antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.Length)))); }
private void UpdateTags(AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs) { List <IEditorNavigationTarget> navigationTargets = new List <IEditorNavigationTarget>(); IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null) { ITextSnapshot snapshot = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot; string package = string.Empty; /* ^('package' qualifiedName) * * ^(CLASS_TYPE_IDENTIFIER modifiers .* ^(TYPE_BODY .* '}')) * * ^(INTERFACE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER modifiers .* ^(TYPE_BODY .* '}')) * * ^(ANNOTATION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER modifiers .* ^(TYPE_BODY .* '}')) * * ^(FIELD_DECLARATION modifiers (.* ^(VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER .*))*) * * ^(METHOD_IDENTIFIER modifiers .* ^(FORMAL_PARAMETERS .* ')') .* ^(METHOD_BODY .* '}')) */ /* STATEMENT COMPLETION (description unrelated to this file) * * IDENTIFIER ('.' IDENTIFIER)* * * ^(CALL IDENTIFIER .*) * * ^('(' ^('==' .*) ')') * */ for (CommonTreeNodeStream treeNodeStream = new CommonTreeNodeStream(result); treeNodeStream.LA(1) != CharStreamConstants.EndOfFile; treeNodeStream.Consume()) { switch (treeNodeStream.LA(1)) { case Java2Lexer.PACKAGE: // ^('package' qualifiedName) { CommonTree child = treeNodeStream.LT(1) as CommonTree; if (child != null && child.ChildCount > 0) { package = GetQualifiedIdentifier(child.GetChild(0)); } } break; case Java2Lexer.VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER: // ^(FIELD_DECLARATION (.* ^(VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER))*) { CommonTree child = treeNodeStream.LT(1) as CommonTree; if (child != null && child.HasAncestor(Java2Lexer.FIELD_DECLARATION)) { string name = child.Token.Text; IEditorNavigationType navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Members); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1)); SnapshotSpan seek = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(child.Token.StartIndex, 0)); StandardGlyphGroup glyphGroup = StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupJSharpField; StandardGlyphItem glyphItem = GetGlyphItemFromChildModifier((CommonTree)child.GetAncestor(Java2Lexer.FIELD_DECLARATION)); ImageSource glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(glyphGroup, glyphItem); NavigationTargetStyle style = NavigationTargetStyle.None; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(name, navigationType, span, seek, glyph, style)); } } break; case Java2Lexer.METHOD_IDENTIFIER: // ^(METHOD_IDENTIFIER ^(FORMAL_PARAMETERS formalParameterDecls?) ^(METHOD_BODY .* END_METHOD_BODY)) { CommonTree child = treeNodeStream.LT(1) as CommonTree; if (child != null) { string name = child.Token.Text; IEnumerable <string> args = ProcessArguments((CommonTree)child.GetFirstChildWithType(Java2Lexer.FORMAL_PARAMETERS)); string sig = string.Format("{0}({1})", name, string.Join(", ", args)); IEditorNavigationType navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Members); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1)); SnapshotSpan seek = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(child.Token.StartIndex, 0)); StandardGlyphGroup glyphGroup = StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupJSharpMethod; StandardGlyphItem glyphItem = GetGlyphItemFromChildModifier(child); ImageSource glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(glyphGroup, glyphItem); NavigationTargetStyle style = NavigationTargetStyle.None; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(sig, navigationType, span, seek, glyph, style)); } } break; case Java2Lexer.ENUM_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.ANNOTATION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.INTERFACE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.CLASS_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: { CommonTree child = treeNodeStream.LT(1) as CommonTree; if (child != null) { string name = child.Token.Text; for (ITree parent = child.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) { switch (parent.Type) { case Java2Lexer.ENUM_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.ANNOTATION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.INTERFACE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.CLASS_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: name = parent.Text + "." + name; continue; default: continue; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package)) { name = package + "." + name; } IEditorNavigationType navigationType = EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Types); var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1)); SnapshotSpan seek = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(child.Token.StartIndex, 0)); StandardGlyphGroup glyphGroup; switch (child.Type) { case Java2Lexer.ENUM_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: glyphGroup = StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupEnum; break; case Java2Lexer.ANNOTATION_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case Java2Lexer.INTERFACE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: glyphGroup = StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupJSharpInterface; break; case Java2Lexer.CLASS_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: default: glyphGroup = StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupJSharpClass; break; } StandardGlyphItem glyphItem = GetGlyphItemFromChildModifier(child); ImageSource glyph = _provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(glyphGroup, glyphItem); NavigationTargetStyle style = NavigationTargetStyle.None; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(name, navigationType, span, seek, glyph, style)); } } break; default: continue; } } } this._navigationTargets = navigationTargets; OnNavigationTargetsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
private void UpdateNavigationTargets([NotNull] PhpEditorNavigationParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs) { Debug.Assert(antlrParseResultArgs != null); List <IEditorNavigationTarget> navigationTargets = new List <IEditorNavigationTarget>(); // always add the "global scope" element { string name = "Global Scope"; IEditorNavigationType editorNavigationType = Provider.EditorNavigationTypeRegistryService.GetEditorNavigationType(PredefinedEditorNavigationTypes.Types); SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, 0, antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.Length); SnapshotSpan seek = new SnapshotSpan(span.Start, 0); ImageSource glyph = Provider.GlyphService.GetGlyph(StandardGlyphGroup.GlyphGroupNamespace, StandardGlyphItem.GlyphItemPublic); NavigationTargetStyle style = NavigationTargetStyle.None; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(name, editorNavigationType, span, seek, glyph, style)); } if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { ITextSnapshot snapshot = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot; Listener listener = new Listener(Provider, snapshot, antlrParseResultArgs, navigationTargets); foreach (var tree in antlrParseResultArgs.NavigationTrees) { ParseTreeWalkers.SingleTree.Walk(listener, tree); } #if false IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } if (child.Text == "rule" && child.ChildCount > 0) { var ruleName = child.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } if (ruleName == "Tokens") { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(((CommonTree)child.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } else if (child.Text.StartsWith("tokens")) { foreach (CommonTree tokenChild in child.Children) { if (tokenChild.Text == "=" && tokenChild.ChildCount == 2) { var ruleName = tokenChild.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(((CommonTree)tokenChild.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } else if (tokenChild.ChildCount == 0) { var ruleName = tokenChild.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } var navigationType = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleNavigationType : _parserRuleNavigationType; IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); SnapshotSpan ruleSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); SnapshotSpan ruleSeek = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(tokenChild.Token.StartIndex, 0)); var glyph = char.IsUpper(ruleName[0]) ? _lexerRuleGlyph : _parserRuleGlyph; navigationTargets.Add(new EditorNavigationTarget(ruleName, navigationType, ruleSpan, ruleSeek, glyph)); } } } } } #endif } this._navigationTargets = navigationTargets; OnNavigationTargetsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
/** Compile full template with respect to a list of formal args. */ public virtual CompiledTemplate Compile(string srcName, string name, List <FormalArgument> args, string template, IToken templateToken) { ANTLRStringStream @is = new ANTLRStringStream(template, srcName); = srcName != null ? srcName : name; TemplateLexer lexer = null; if (templateToken != null && templateToken.Type == GroupParser.BIGSTRING_NO_NL) { lexer = new TemplateLexerNoNewlines(ErrorManager, @is, templateToken, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar); } else { lexer = new TemplateLexer(ErrorManager, @is, templateToken, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar); } CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); TemplateParser p = new TemplateParser(tokens, ErrorManager, templateToken); IAstRuleReturnScope <CommonTree> r = null; try { r = p.templateAndEOF(); } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportMessageAndThrowTemplateException(tokens, templateToken, p, re); return(null); } if (p.NumberOfSyntaxErrors > 0 || r.Tree == null) { CompiledTemplate impl = new CompiledTemplate(); impl.DefineFormalArguments(args); return(impl); } //System.out.println(((CommonTree)r.getTree()).toStringTree()); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(r.Tree); nodes.TokenStream = tokens; CodeGenerator gen = new CodeGenerator(nodes, this, name, template, templateToken); CompiledTemplate impl2 = null; try { impl2 = gen.template(name, args); impl2.NativeGroup = Group; impl2.Template = template; impl2.Ast = r.Tree; impl2.Ast.SetUnknownTokenBoundaries(); impl2.Tokens = tokens; } catch (RecognitionException re) { ErrorManager.InternalError(null, "bad tree structure", re); } return(impl2); }
private void ExtractRuleSpans() { Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint> > rules = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint> >(); var antlrParseResultArgs = PreviousParseResult; if (antlrParseResultArgs != null) { #if false IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null) { foreach (CommonTree child in result.Children) { if (child == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Text)) { continue; } if (child.Text == "rule" && child.ChildCount > 0) { var ruleName = child.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } if (ruleName == "Tokens") { continue; } IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); ITrackingSpan trackingSpan = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative); ITrackingPoint trackingPoint = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(((CommonTree)child.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, PointTrackingMode.Negative); rules[ruleName] = new KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint>(trackingSpan, trackingPoint); } else if (child.Text.StartsWith("tokens")) { foreach (CommonTree tokenChild in child.Children) { if (tokenChild.Text == "=" && tokenChild.ChildCount == 2) { var ruleName = tokenChild.GetChild(0).Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); ITrackingSpan trackingSpan = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative); ITrackingPoint trackingPoint = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(((CommonTree)tokenChild.GetChild(0)).Token.StartIndex, PointTrackingMode.Negative); rules[ruleName] = new KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint>(trackingSpan, trackingPoint); } else if (tokenChild.ChildCount == 0) { var ruleName = tokenChild.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName)) { continue; } IToken startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStartIndex]; IToken stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[tokenChild.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); ITrackingSpan trackingSpan = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative); ITrackingPoint trackingPoint = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(tokenChild.Token.StartIndex, PointTrackingMode.Negative); rules[ruleName] = new KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint>(trackingSpan, trackingPoint); } } } } } #endif } RuleSpans = rules; }
/// <summary> /// Is a RuleReturnScope node candidate for the left-hand-side of an in expression? /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">The RuleReturnScope node</param> /// <param name="cached">The cached result of a former call to this method</param> /// <returns>True if so, false otherwise</returns> public bool IsLeftHandSideIn(IAstRuleReturnScope lhs, ref bool? cached) { if (cached.HasValue) { return cached.Value; } bool result = IsLeftHandSideExpression(lhs) && (input.LA(1) == IN); cached = result; return result; }
private TeasePage CreatePage(string line) { var result = new TeasePage { Comments = line }; var stream = new ANTLRStringStream(line); var lexer = new FlashTeaseScriptLexer(stream); var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); var parser = new FlashTeaseScriptParser(tokens); try { IAstRuleReturnScope <CommonTree> teaseReturn = parser.tease(); if (teaseReturn.Tree != null) { var pageNode = teaseReturn.Tree; if (pageNode.Type != FlashTeaseScriptLexer.PAGE) { pageNode = pageNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.PAGE) as CommonTree; } if (pageNode != null && pageNode.Type == FlashTeaseScriptLexer.PAGE) { var idNode = pageNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.ID) as CommonTree; if (idNode != null) { result.Id = GetPageId(idNode); } var propertiesNode = pageNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.PROPERTIES) as CommonTree; if (propertiesNode != null) { result.Text = GetText(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.TEXT) as CommonTree); var image = GetImage(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.PIC) as CommonTree); if (image != null) { result.ImageList.Add(image); } var audio = GetAudio(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.SOUND) as CommonTree); if (audio != null) { result.AudioList.Add(audio); } var delay = GetDelay(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.DELAY) as CommonTree); if (delay != null) { result.DelayList.Add(delay); } result.ButtonList.AddRange(GetButtons(propertiesNode)); result.SetFlags = GetFlags(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.SET) as CommonTree); result.UnsetFlags = GetFlags(propertiesNode.GetFirstChildWithType(FlashTeaseScriptLexer.UNSET) as CommonTree); } } } if (parser.HasError) { result.Errors = String.Format("ParserError ({0}): {1}. Please correct by hand.", parser.ErrorPosition, parser.ErrorMessage); } } catch (Exception) { result.Errors = String.Format("ParserError ({0}): {1}. Please correct by hand.", parser.ErrorPosition, parser.ErrorMessage); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Id)) { result.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); result.Errors = String.Format("This page had no id, so one is generated. {0}", result.Errors); } return(result); }
private void UpdateTags(AntlrParseResultEventArgs antlrParseResultArgs) { List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> > outliningRegions = new List <ITagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> >(); IAstRuleReturnScope resultArgs = antlrParseResultArgs.Result as IAstRuleReturnScope; var result = resultArgs != null ? resultArgs.Tree as CommonTree : null; if (result != null) { ITextSnapshot snapshot = antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot; // outline all the imports IList <ITree> children = result.Children ?? new ITree[0]; for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) { /* * ^('import' 'static'? IDENTIFIER+ '*'?) * * ^('import' 'static'? IDENTIFIER+ '*'? ';') * * ^('import' 'static'? IDENTIFIER+ '*'? ';') ^('import' 'static'? IDENTIFIER+ '*'? ';')+ * * ^('import' .* ';') ^('import' .* ';')+ */ if (children[i].Type != Java2Lexer.IMPORT) { continue; } int firstImport = i; while (i < children.Count - 1 && children[i + 1].Type == Java2Lexer.IMPORT) { i++; } int lastImport = i; // start 1 token after the first 'import' token var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[children[firstImport].TokenStartIndex + 1]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[children[lastImport].TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); if (snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.Start) == snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.End)) { continue; } SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); IOutliningRegionTag tag = new OutliningRegionTag("...", snapshotSpan.GetText()); TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> tagSpan = new TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag>(snapshotSpan, tag); outliningRegions.Add(tagSpan); } /* * ^(TYPE_BODY .* '}') * * ^(METHOD_BODY .* '}') */ // outline the type and method bodies for (CommonTreeNodeStream treeNodeStream = new CommonTreeNodeStream(result); treeNodeStream.LA(1) != CharStreamConstants.EndOfFile; treeNodeStream.Consume()) { switch (treeNodeStream.LA(1)) { case Java2Lexer.TYPE_BODY: case Java2Lexer.METHOD_BODY: CommonTree child = treeNodeStream.LT(1) as CommonTree; if (child != null) { var startToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStartIndex]; var stopToken = antlrParseResultArgs.Tokens[child.TokenStopIndex]; Span span = new Span(startToken.StartIndex, stopToken.StopIndex - startToken.StartIndex + 1); if (snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.Start) == snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.End)) { continue; } SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, span); IOutliningRegionTag tag = new OutliningRegionTag("...", snapshotSpan.GetText()); TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag> tagSpan = new TagSpan <IOutliningRegionTag>(snapshotSpan, tag); outliningRegions.Add(tagSpan); } break; default: continue; } } } this._outliningRegions = outliningRegions; OnTagsChanged(new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot, new Span(0, antlrParseResultArgs.Snapshot.Length)))); }