Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Trains the classifier in an online manner
 /// </summary>
 protected override void TrainMoreBinary(IArrayView <Example> binaryExamples)
     foreach (var example in binaryExamples)
         this.DoTrainingStep(example, 1.0);
Esempio n. 2
 public TestProvider(IArrayView <string> presentation, RandomizedQueue <StudyTestPair> stp,
                     TestSettings settings)
     this.presentation = presentation;
     this.stp          = stp;
     this.settings     = settings;
Esempio n. 3
 private static void CheckBounds <T>(this IArrayView <T> array, int index)
     if (index < 0 || index >= array.Count)
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(index.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes the listen action
 /// </summary>
 public void Listen(IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> data)
     if (this.onListen != null)
         this.invoker.BeginInvoke(this.onListen, new object[] { data });
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the examples to the set of possible neighbor examples
 /// </summary>
 public void TrainMore(IArrayView<Example> labeledExamples)
     if (this.IsTrained)
Esempio n. 6
        private IArrayView <int> SelectFeatures(IArrayView <Example> binaryExamples, int round)
            switch (this.WeakLearnerTrainingMode)
            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.AllFeatures:

            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomSubset:
                       .SubView(0, this.rand.Next(1, binaryExamples[0].Features.Count)));

            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomFeature:

            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.SequentialFeature:
                return((round % binaryExamples[0].Features.Count).NCopies(1));

            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomTimeBin:
                int bin   = this.rand.Next(binaryExamples[0].Features.Count / Channels.Values.Count),
                    start = Channels.Values.Count * bin,
                    count = Channels.Values.Count;
                if (start + count > binaryExamples[0].Features.Count)
                    count = binaryExamples[0].Features.Count - start;
                return(Arrays.Range(start, 1, count));

            case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.SequentialTimeBin:
                return(Arrays.Range((Channels.Values.Count * round) % binaryExamples[0].Features.Count, 1, Channels.Values.Count));

            throw new Exception("Training mode not supported!");
Esempio n. 7
        public UserCtrlProvider(IArrayView <string> presentation, IArrayView <string> comp, IArrayView <string> class1,
                                IArrayView <string> class2, RandomizedQueue <StudyTestPair> stp,
                                UserCtrlSettings settings)//, IEEGDataSource dataSource)
            this.presentation = presentation;
            this.comp         = comp;
            this.class1       = class1;
            this.class2       = class2;
            this.stp          = stp;
            this.settings     = settings;

            blocks = new RandomizedQueue <string> [settings.NumBlocks * 2];
            int limit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.NumBlocks * 2; i += 2)
                blocks[i]     = new RandomizedQueue <string>();
                blocks[i + 1] = new RandomizedQueue <string>();

                for (int j = 0 + limit * settings.BlockSize; j < (limit + 1) * settings.BlockSize; j++)
                    blocks[i + 1].Add(this.class2[j]);
Esempio n. 8
        private Example GetExample(IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> trial)
            int marker = trial.FirstItem().Marker;

            var means = Channels.Values.Select(ch => trial.Channel(ch).Average()).ToArray();

            IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> trimmedTrial = trial.DownSample(this.Settings.BinWidthMillis);

            if (trial.Count > this.minFeatures)
                trimmedTrial = trial.SubView(0, this.minFeatures);
            else if (trial.Count < this.minFeatures)
                var defaultEntry = new EEGDataEntry(marker, 0, 0, means);
                trimmedTrial = Arrays.FromMap(i => i < trial.Count ? trial[i] : defaultEntry, this.minFeatures);

            var features = trimmedTrial
                           .SelectMany(e => this.Settings.SelectedChannels.Select(ch => e[ch] - means[ch.ToIndex()]));

            if (this.Settings.IncludeChannelMeans)
                features = features.Concat(this.Settings.SelectedChannels.Select(ch => means[ch.ToIndex()]));

            return(new Example(marker, features));
Esempio n. 9
        public FalseAdaptProvider(RandomizedQueue <StudyTestTuple> presentation, IArrayView <string> comp, IArrayView <string> class1,
                                  IArrayView <string> class2, IArrayView <string> study,
                                  FalseAdaptSettings settings)
            this.presentation = presentation;
            this.comp         = comp;
            this.class1       = class1;
            this.class2       = class2;
            this.settings     = settings;
          = study;
            blocks            = new RandomizedQueue <string> [settings.NumBlocks * 2];
            int limit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.NumBlocks * 2; i += 2)
                blocks[i]     = new RandomizedQueue <string>();
                blocks[i + 1] = new RandomizedQueue <string>();

                for (int j = 0 + limit * settings.BlockSize; j < (limit + 1) * settings.BlockSize; j++)
                    blocks[i + 1].Add(this.class2[j]);
Esempio n. 10
        //MATLAB REFERENCE. You must add the matlab reference via the project menu before this will work
        //MLApp.MLApp matlab;
        public AdaptiveProvider(RandomizedQueue <StudyTestPair> stp, IArrayView <string> presentation, IArrayView <string> class1, IArrayView <string> class2,
                                AdaptiveSettings settings, IEEGDataSource dataSource, IArray <ClassificationScheme> classifiers)
            this.pres         = stp;
            this.settings     = settings;
            this.dataSource   = dataSource;
            this.presentation = presentation;
            this.class1       = class1;
            this.class2       = class2;
            this.classifiers  = classifiers;
            //NOTE: It will always take the first classification scheme chosen
            //TODO: Make it so that only one classification scheme can be specified
            classifier = new ClassifierManager(classifiers[0]);
            //MATLAB REFERENCE
            //matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();

            blocks = new RandomizedQueue <string> [settings.NumBlocks * 2];
            int limit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.NumBlocks * 2; i += 2)
                blocks[i]     = new RandomizedQueue <string>();
                blocks[i + 1] = new RandomizedQueue <string>();

                for (int j = 0 + limit * settings.BlockSize; j < (limit + 1) * settings.BlockSize; j++)
                    blocks[i + 1].Add(this.class2[j]);
Esempio n. 11
 private EEGDataEntry(int marker, int timeStamp, int relativeTimeStamp, IArrayView <double> channelData)
     : this()
     this.Data              = channelData;
     this.Marker            = marker;
     this.TimeStamp         = timeStamp;
     this.RelativeTimeStamp = relativeTimeStamp;
Esempio n. 12
 public KRMonitorProvider(IArrayView <string> presentation, RandomizedQueue <StudyTestPair> stp,
                          KRMonitorSettings settings, IEEGDataSource dataSource)
     this.presentation = presentation;
     this.stp          = stp;
     this.settings     = settings;
     this.dataSource   = dataSource;
Esempio n. 13
 public void LogTrial(IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> trial)
     if (this.TrialLogger != null)
         try { this.TrialLogger.WriteLine(trial.ConcatToString(Environment.NewLine)); }
         catch (Exception) { }
Esempio n. 14
 private EEGDataEntry(int marker, int timeStamp, int relativeTimeStamp, IArrayView<double> channelData)
     : this()
     this.Data = channelData;
     this.Marker = marker;
     this.TimeStamp = timeStamp;
     this.RelativeTimeStamp = relativeTimeStamp;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a view of the specified portion of the array. Does not perform copying
        /// </summary>
        public static IArrayView <T> SubView <T>(this IArrayView <T> array, int start, int count)
            if (start == 0 && count == array.Count)

            return(new ShallowSubArrayView <T, IArrayView <T> >(array, start, count));
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a trial
        /// </summary>
        public void AddTrial(IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> trial)
            if (trial.Count <= 0)
                throw new Exception("At least one entry required");

        /// <summary>
        ///   Записывает массив в поток.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "writer">Поток.</param>
        /// <param name = "array">Массив.</param>
        /// <exception cref = "ArgumentNullException"><paramref name = "writer" /> является <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref = "ArgumentNullException"><paramref name = "array" /> является <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, IArrayView <byte> array)
            if (writer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("writer");

            if (array == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");

            writer.Write (array.Base, array.Offset, array.Length);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the examples to the set of possible neighbor examples
 /// </summary>
 public void TrainMore(IArrayView <Example> labeledExamples)
     if (this.IsTrained)
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the examples to binary and then calls TrainMoreBinary.
 /// </summary>
 public void TrainMore(IArrayView <Example> labeledExamples)
     if (this.IsTrained)
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct an experiment with the given parameters
 /// </summary>
 public ExperimentProvider(ExperimentSettings settings,
                           StimulusClass stimulusClass1,
                           StimulusClass stimulusClass2,
                           IArrayView <ClassificationScheme> classificationSchemes,
                           IEEGDataSource dataSource)
     this.Settings              = settings;
     this.StimulusClass1        = stimulusClass1;
     this.StimulusClass2        = stimulusClass2;
     this.ClassificationSchemes = classificationSchemes;
     this.DataSource            = dataSource;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the classifiers parameters are valid and calls TrainHelper. Sets IsTrained to true.
        /// </summary>
        public void Train(IArrayView <Example> labeledExamples)
            string errorMessage;

            if (!this.AreParameterValuesValid(out errorMessage))
                throw new Exception("Invalid parameter value: " + errorMessage);

            this.IsTrained = true;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a view with the specified classifier managers
        /// </summary>
        public TrainView(IArrayView <ClassifierManager> classifiers)
            : base()
            var panel = this.RegisterDisposable(new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, UseWaitCursor = true
            int count = classifiers.Count;

            this.DoOnDeploy(c =>
                foreach (int i in classifiers.Indices().Reverse())
                    var classifier = classifiers[i];

                    var label  = ("Training " + classifier.Settings.Name + "...").ToLabel(DockStyle.Top, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, false);
                    label.Font = GUIUtils.Constants.DISPLAY_FONT;

                    // perform training in a separate thread
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ignored =>
                        this.Invoke(() =>
                            label.Text = classifier.Settings.Name + " trained";

                            if (--count > 0)

                            panel.UseWaitCursor = false;
                            var continuePanel   = new Panel()
                                Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
                            this.DeploySubView(new ChoiceView("Continue".Enumerate()), continuePanel);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Text))
                    panel.Controls.Add(new Label()
                        Text = this.Text, Dock = DockStyle.Top, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Font = GUIUtils.Constants.DISPLAY_FONT
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets data from the headset
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool TryGetData(out IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> data)
            Dictionary<EdkDll.EE_DataChannel_t, double[]> rawData;
            if (!this.headset.TryGetData(out rawData))
                data = null;
                return false;

            data = this.CreateEntries(rawData).ToIArray();
            return true;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Transposes the 2-dimensional array in time proportional to one of the dimensions
        /// </summary>
        public static IArrayView <IArrayView <T> > Transposed <T>(this IArrayView <IArrayView <T> > array2d)
            if (array2d.Count == 0)
                return(Arrays.NCopies <IArrayView <T> >(null, 0));

                   .Select(i => Arrays.FromMap(j => array2d[j][i], array2d.Count))
Esempio n. 25
        static Channels()
            var chanValues      = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Channel));
            var chanValuesArray = new Channel[chanValues.Length];

            chanValues.CopyTo(chanValuesArray, 0);

            values            = chanValuesArray.ToIArray();
            channelsToIndices = values
                                .ToDictionary(d => d.Item1, d => d.Item2);
Esempio n. 26
        private bool TryGetTrialData(Runtime runtime, out IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> trial)
            // get rid of excess trials
            while (runtime.TrialDataQueue.Count > 1)
                runtime.LogLine("Found extra trial data!");

            // try to get the trial
            return(runtime.TrialDataQueue.TryDequeue(2000, out trial));
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets data from the headset
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool TryGetData(out IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> data)
            Dictionary <EdkDll.EE_DataChannel_t, double[]> rawData;

            if (!this.headset.TryGetData(out rawData))
                data = null;

            data = this.CreateEntries(rawData).ToIArray();
Esempio n. 28
        private static void TestArrayViewAccess <T>(this IArrayView <T> array)
            var list = new List <T>();

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)

            var list2 = new List <T>();

            foreach (T t in array)

            if (!list.SequenceEqual(list2))
                throw new Exception(array.GetType().Name + ": " + list.ConcatToString(',') + " != " + list2.ConcatToString(','));

            bool caught = false;
            T    item;

                item = array[-1];
            catch (Exception)
                caught = true;
            if (!caught)
                throw new Exception(array.GetType().Name + ": allowed -1 access");

            caught = false;
                item = array[array.Count];
            catch (Exception)
                caught = true;
            if (!caught)
                throw new Exception(array.GetType().Name + ": allowed Count access");
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to get data from the data source
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool TryGetData(out IArrayView <EEGDataEntry> data)
            var rand = new Random();

            data = (10)
                   .Select(i => new EEGDataEntry(this.Marker,
                                                 (DateTime.Now - baseTime).TotalMilliseconds.Rounded(),
                                                 (DateTime.Now - this.markerBaseTime).TotalMilliseconds.Rounded(),
                                                 .Select(j => 3000 + 50 * rand.NextDouble()))).ToIArray();
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the examples to have binary class values, then calls TrainBinary. The mappings from
        /// regular classes to binary classes are stored until future calls to TrainHelper.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void TrainHelper(IArrayView <Example> examples)
            var classes = examples.Select(e => e.Class).Distinct().InOrder().ToIArray();

            if (classes.Count > 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Training set has too many classes for binary classifier");
            this.classMap[classes.FirstItem()] = this.NegativeExampleValue;
            this.classMap[classes.LastItem()]  = this.PositiveExampleValue;

Esempio n. 31
        private double TrainWeakLearner(IArrayView <Example> binaryExamples,
                                        IArrayView <double> weights,
                                        int round,
                                        bool[] predictionResults)
            this.weakLearnerFeatures[round] = this.SelectFeatures(binaryExamples, round);
            this.weakLearners[round].Train(binaryExamples.SelectArray(e => e.WithFeatures(this.weakLearnerFeatures[round])), weights);
            double trainingError = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < binaryExamples.Count; i++)
                if (!(predictionResults[i] =
                          (this.weakLearners[round].Predict(binaryExamples[i].WithFeatures(this.weakLearnerFeatures[round])) == binaryExamples[i].Class)))
                    trainingError += weights[i];

Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Averages together adjacent bins in values
        /// </summary>
        public static IArrayView<double> Downsample(this IArrayView<double> values, int binWidth)
            if (binWidth <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("binWidth must be positive");

            int div = values.Count / binWidth, mod = values.Count % binWidth;
            double[] downsampled = new double[div + Math.Sign(mod)];
            int offset;
            for (int i = 0; i < div; i++)
                offset = binWidth * i;
                for (int j = 0; j < binWidth; j++)
                    downsampled[i] += values[offset + j];
                downsampled[i] /= binWidth;
            if (div < downsampled.Length)
                downsampled[div] = values.SubView(values.Count - mod, mod).Average();

            return downsampled.AsIArray();
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the regression
        /// </summary>
        protected override void TrainBinary(IArrayView <Example> binaryExamples)
            Matrix X = new Matrix(binaryExamples[0].Features.Count + 1, binaryExamples.Count), d = new Matrix(1, X.ColumnCount);
            int    i = 0, j = 0;

            foreach (var example in binaryExamples)
                d[0, i] = example.Class;
                foreach (var dataPoint in example.Features)
                    X[j++, i] = dataPoint;
                X[j, i] = 1; // pad with 1s to incorporate b

                j = 0;

            this.weights = ComputeWeights(X, d, this.Lambda, this.MinDistance, this.MaxIterations);
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Zscores the examples, returning the calculated means and standard deviations as out parameters.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IArrayView <Example> ZScored(IArrayView <Example> examples,
                                                     out IArrayView <double> means,
                                                     out IArrayView <double> standardDeviations)
            // compute means and standard deviations
            int             numFeatures = examples[0].Features.Count;
            IArray <double> meansArray = Arrays.New <double>(numFeatures), standardDeviationsArray = Arrays.New <double>(numFeatures);
            double          mean;

            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                standardDeviationsArray[i] = examples.Select(e => e.Features[i]).StandardDeviation(out mean);
                meansArray[i] = mean;
            means = meansArray;
            standardDeviations = standardDeviationsArray;

            // z-score the examples
            return(examples.Select(e => e.ZScored(meansArray, standardDeviationsArray)).ToIArray());
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a view with the specified classifier managers
        /// </summary>
        public TrainView(IArrayView<ClassifierManager> classifiers)
            : base()
            var panel = this.RegisterDisposable(new Panel() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, UseWaitCursor = true });
            int count = classifiers.Count;

            this.DoOnDeploy(c =>
                foreach (int i in classifiers.Indices().Reverse())
                    var classifier = classifiers[i];

                    var label = ("Training " + classifier.Settings.Name + "...").ToLabel(DockStyle.Top, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, false);
                    label.Font = GUIUtils.Constants.DISPLAY_FONT;

                    // perform training in a separate thread
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ignored =>
                        this.Invoke(() =>
                            label.Text = classifier.Settings.Name + " trained";

                            if (--count > 0)

                            panel.UseWaitCursor = false;
                            var continuePanel = new Panel() { Dock = DockStyle.Bottom };
                            this.DeploySubView(new ChoiceView("Continue".Enumerate()), continuePanel);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Text))
                    panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = this.Text, Dock = DockStyle.Top, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Font = GUIUtils.Constants.DISPLAY_FONT });
        private void TrainBinary(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples, IArrayView<double> weights)
            int feature = this.Feature < binaryExamples[0].Features.Count ? this.Feature : 0;
            var sortedExamples = binaryExamples.Select((e, i) => new { Example = e, Weight = weights[i] }).ToList();
            sortedExamples.Sort((e1, e2) => e1.Example.Features[feature].CompareTo(e2.Example.Features[feature]));

            // init the errors
            double negsBelowError = 0, negsAboveError = 0;
            foreach (var e in sortedExamples)
                if (e.Example.Class == this.NegativeExampleValue)
                    negsBelowError += e.Weight;
                    negsAboveError += e.Weight;

            // determine the optimal cut point
            double bestError = Math.Min(negsBelowError, negsAboveError);
            bool bestPolicy = negsBelowError < negsAboveError;
            int bestCutPoint = 0;
            for (int cutPoint = 1; cutPoint <= sortedExamples.Count; cutPoint++)
                if (sortedExamples[cutPoint - 1].Example.Class == this.NegativeExampleValue)
                    negsBelowError -= sortedExamples[cutPoint - 1].Weight;
                    negsAboveError += sortedExamples[cutPoint - 1].Weight;
                    negsBelowError += sortedExamples[cutPoint - 1].Weight;
                    negsAboveError -= sortedExamples[cutPoint - 1].Weight;

                if (negsBelowError < bestError)
                    bestError = negsBelowError;
                    bestPolicy = true;
                    bestCutPoint = cutPoint;
                if (negsAboveError < bestError)
                    bestError = negsAboveError;
                    bestPolicy = false;
                    bestCutPoint = cutPoint;

            // return
            if (bestCutPoint == sortedExamples.Count)
                this.cutPoint = sortedExamples.LastItem().Example.Features[feature] * 1.01 + double.Epsilon;
            else if (bestCutPoint == 0)
                this.cutPoint = sortedExamples[0].Example.Features[feature] * 0.99 - double.Epsilon;
                this.cutPoint = (sortedExamples[bestCutPoint - 1].Example.Features[feature] + sortedExamples[bestCutPoint].Example.Features[feature]) / 2.0;
            this.negativesBelowCutPoint = bestPolicy;
Esempio n. 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Efficiently returns an identical example except with only the features
 /// at the indices specified by the argument. No copying of features is performed.
 /// </summary>
 public Example WithFeatures(IArrayView<int> featureIndices)
     return new Example(this.Class, this.Features.Select(featureIndices));
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the classifier to predict the class of the trial
        /// </summary>
        public int Predict(IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> trial, out double confidence)
            var example = this.GetExample(trial);

            return this.Classifier.Predict(this.Settings.ZScoreFeatures ? example.ZScored(this.means, this.stddevs) : example, out confidence);
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the classifier
        /// </summary>
        private void TrainBinary(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples, IArrayView<double> weights)
            this.confidenceRange = 0;

            // We need padding, since the first weight refers to the zeros vector
            this.currentPerceptron = Arrays.New<double>(binaryExamples[0].Features.Count);

            // in each epoch
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Epochs; i++)
                // train on each example
                for (int e = 0; e < binaryExamples.Count; e++)
                    this.DoTrainingStep(binaryExamples[e], weights[e]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Trains the classifier in an online manner
 /// </summary>
 protected override void TrainBinary(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples)
     this.TrainBinary(binaryExamples, (1.0 / binaryExamples.Count).NCopies(binaryExamples.Count));
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the trial if it was enqueued but not yet processed
 /// </summary>
 public void RemoveTrial(IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> trial)
 /// <summary>
 /// Called from the reader thread in a locked context.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract bool TryGetData(out IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> data);
Esempio n. 43
        private IArrayView<int> SelectFeatures(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples, int round)
            switch (this.WeakLearnerTrainingMode)
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.AllFeatures:
                    return binaryExamples[0].Features.Indices();
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomSubset:
                    return binaryExamples[0].Features
                        .SubView(0, this.rand.Next(1, binaryExamples[0].Features.Count));
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomFeature:
                    return this.rand.Next(binaryExamples[0].Features.Count).NCopies(1);
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.SequentialFeature:
                    return (round % binaryExamples[0].Features.Count).NCopies(1);
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.RandomTimeBin:
                    int bin = this.rand.Next(binaryExamples[0].Features.Count / Channels.Values.Count),
                        start = Channels.Values.Count * bin,
                        count = Channels.Values.Count;
                    if (start + count > binaryExamples[0].Features.Count)
                        count = binaryExamples[0].Features.Count - start;
                    return Arrays.Range(start, 1, count);
                case WeakLearnerTrainingModes.SequentialTimeBin:
                    return Arrays.Range((Channels.Values.Count * round) % binaryExamples[0].Features.Count, 1, Channels.Values.Count);

            throw new Exception("Training mode not supported!");
Esempio n. 44
        private double TrainWeakLearner(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples, 
            IArrayView<double> weights, 
            int round, 
            bool[] predictionResults)
            this.weakLearnerFeatures[round] = this.SelectFeatures(binaryExamples, round);
            this.weakLearners[round].Train(binaryExamples.SelectArray(e => e.WithFeatures(this.weakLearnerFeatures[round])), weights);
            double trainingError = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < binaryExamples.Count; i++)
                if (!(predictionResults[i] =
                    (this.weakLearners[round].Predict(binaryExamples[i].WithFeatures(this.weakLearnerFeatures[round])) == binaryExamples[i].Class)))
                    trainingError += weights[i];

            return trainingError;
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// ZScores the examples, returning the calculated means and standard deviations as out parameters
 /// </summary>
 public static IArrayView<Example> ZScored(this IArrayView<Example> examples,
     out IArrayView<double> means,
     out IArrayView<double> standardDeviations)
     return Example.ZScored(examples, out means, out standardDeviations);
Esempio n. 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Zscores the examples, returning the calculated means and standard deviations as out parameters.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IArrayView<Example> ZScored(IArrayView<Example> examples, 
            out IArrayView<double> means, 
            out IArrayView<double> standardDeviations)
            // compute means and standard deviations
            int numFeatures = examples[0].Features.Count;
            IArray<double> meansArray = Arrays.New<double>(numFeatures), standardDeviationsArray = Arrays.New<double>(numFeatures);
            double mean;
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                standardDeviationsArray[i] = examples.Select(e => e.Features[i]).StandardDeviation(out mean);
                meansArray[i] = mean;
            means = meansArray;
            standardDeviations = standardDeviationsArray;

            // z-score the examples
            return examples.Select(e => e.ZScored(meansArray, standardDeviationsArray)).ToIArray();
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Efficiently returns an identical example with features that have been z-scored using means and standardDeviations.
 /// </summary>
 public Example ZScored(IArrayView<double> means, IArrayView<double> standardDeviations)
     var features = this.Features;
     return new Example(this.Class, Arrays.FromMap(i => (features[i] - means[i]) / standardDeviations[i], features.Count));
        private Example GetExample(IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> trial)
            int marker = trial.FirstItem().Marker;

            var means = Channels.Values.Select(ch => trial.Channel(ch).Average()).ToArray();

            IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> trimmedTrial = trial.DownSample(this.Settings.BinWidthMillis);
            if (trial.Count > this.minFeatures)
                trimmedTrial = trial.SubView(0, this.minFeatures);
            else if (trial.Count < this.minFeatures)
                var defaultEntry = new EEGDataEntry(marker, 0, 0, means);
                trimmedTrial = Arrays.FromMap(i => i < trial.Count ? trial[i] : defaultEntry, this.minFeatures);

            var features = trimmedTrial
                .SelectMany(e => this.Settings.SelectedChannels.Select(ch => e[ch] - means[ch.ToIndex()]));
            if (this.Settings.IncludeChannelMeans)
                features = features.Concat(this.Settings.SelectedChannels.Select(ch => means[ch.ToIndex()]));

            return new Example(marker, features);
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the classifier on all enqueued examples
        /// </summary>
        public void Train()
            IArrayView<Example> examples;
            if (!this.Classifier.IsTrained)
                this.minFeatures = this.queuedTrials.Select(t => t.Count).Min();
                this.selectedBins = this.Settings.SelectedBins.Where(i => i < this.minFeatures).ToIArray();

                examples = this.queuedTrials.Select(this.GetExample).ToIArray();
                if (this.Settings.ZScoreFeatures)
                    examples = examples.ZScored(out this.means, out this.stddevs);
                examples = this.queuedTrials.Select(this.GetExample).ToIArray();
                if (this.Settings.ZScoreFeatures)
                    examples = examples.Select(e => e.ZScored(this.means, this.stddevs)).ToIArray();

            // train
            if (this.Classifier.IsTrained)

            // don't waste memory!
Esempio n. 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the classifier on the supplied binary examples
        /// </summary>
        protected override void TrainBinary(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples)
            this.rand = new Random(unchecked(this.Rounds * binaryExamples.Count * binaryExamples[0].Features.Count));
            this.weakLearners = new IWeightedClassifier[this.Rounds];
            this.weakLearnerFeatures = new IArrayView<int>[this.Rounds];
            this.alphas = new double[this.Rounds];
            var predictionResults = new bool[binaryExamples.Count];
            var weights = (1.0 / binaryExamples.Count).NCopies(binaryExamples.Count).ToIArray();
            var factory = this.WeakLearnerTemplate.GetFactory();

            double trainingError;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Rounds; i++)
                this.weakLearners[i] = factory();
                trainingError = this.TrainWeakLearner(binaryExamples, weights, i, predictionResults);
                this.alphas[i] = this.GetAlpha(trainingError);

                // update weights ( w *= exp(-alpha * y_i * h(x_i)) )
                double expAlpha = Math.Exp(this.alphas[i]), normalizationFactor = 0;
                for (int e = 0; e < binaryExamples.Count; e++)
                    if (predictionResults[e])
                        normalizationFactor += (weights[e] /= expAlpha);
                        normalizationFactor += (weights[e] *= expAlpha);

                // normalize weights
                for (int e = 0; e < binaryExamples.Count; e++)
                    weights[e] /= normalizationFactor;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to get data from the data source
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool TryGetData(out IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> data)
            var rand = new Random();

            data = (10)
                .Select(i => new EEGDataEntry(this.Marker,
                        (DateTime.Now - baseTime).TotalMilliseconds.Rounded(),
                        (DateTime.Now - this.markerBaseTime).TotalMilliseconds.Rounded(),
                            .Select(j => 3000 + 50 * rand.NextDouble()))).ToIArray();
            return true;
Esempio n. 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Trains the classifier
 /// </summary>
 protected override void TrainHelper(IArrayView<Example> labeledExamples)
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes the listen action
 /// </summary>
 public void Listen(IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> data)
     if (this.onListen != null)
         this.invoker.BeginInvoke(this.onListen, new object[] { data });
Esempio n. 54
        static Channels()
            var chanValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Channel));
            var chanValuesArray = new Channel[chanValues.Length];
            chanValues.CopyTo(chanValuesArray, 0);

            values = chanValuesArray.ToIArray();
            channelsToIndices = values
                .ToDictionary(d => d.Item1, d => d.Item2);
 /// <summary>
 /// Trains the classifier in an online manner
 /// </summary>
 protected override void TrainMoreBinary(IArrayView<Example> binaryExamples)
     foreach (var example in binaryExamples)
         this.DoTrainingStep(example, 1.0);
Esempio n. 56
 public void Init()
 { = new Array <byte> (new byte [] { 124, 224, 0, 75 });
     this.address = new IPAddress (;
 /// <summary>
 /// Trains the classifier
 /// </summary>
 public void Train(IArrayView<Example> labeledExamples, IArrayView<double> weights)
     this.TrainBinary(labeledExamples.SelectArray(this.ConvertToBinaryExample), weights);
     this.IsTrained = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a trial
        /// </summary>
        public void AddTrial(IArrayView<EEGDataEntry> trial)
            if (trial.Count <= 0)
                throw new Exception("At least one entry required");

Esempio n. 59
 public void Init()
 { = new Array <byte> (new byte [] { 11, 65, 23, 198, 0, 37 });
     this.address = new MACAddress (;
Esempio n. 60
 private Example(int cls, IArrayView<double> features)
     : this()
     this.Class = cls;
     this.Features = features;