Esempio n. 1
 internal void RegisterApplicationUserProvider(IApplicationUserProvider resolver)
     lock (m_ConfigLock)
         m_ApplicationUserProvider = resolver;
Esempio n. 2
        private void ResolveApplicationUser(IApplicationUserProvider resolver, IUserPacket packet)
            var userName = packet.Principal?.Identity?.Name;

            //if we don't have a user name at all then there's nothing to do
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))

            if (m_ApplicationUsers.TryFindUserName(userName, out var applicationUser) == false)
                //prevent infinite recursion
                if (t_ThreadMustNotResolveApplicationUser)

                //since we have a miss we want to give our resolver a shot..
                    t_ThreadMustNotResolveApplicationUser = true;

                    //we use lazy initialization to avoid the expense of stamping, etc. if they
                    //aren't going to use it.  Even better would be to lazy this object too.
                    var lazyApplicationUser = new Lazy <ApplicationUser>(delegate
                        var userPacket = new ApplicationUserPacket {
                            FullyQualifiedUserName = userName
                        StampPacket(userPacket, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                        return(new ApplicationUser(userPacket));
                    }, true);

                    if (resolver.TryGetApplicationUser(packet.Principal, lazyApplicationUser) &&
                        //cache this so we don't keep going after it.
                        applicationUser = m_ApplicationUsers.TrySetValue(lazyApplicationUser.Value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //we can't log this because that would create an infinite loop (ignoring our protection for same)
                    t_ThreadMustNotResolveApplicationUser = false;

            if (applicationUser != null)
                packet.UserPacket = applicationUser.Packet;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new publisher
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The publisher is a very central class; generally there should be only one per process.
        /// More specifically, there should be a one to one relationship between publisher, packet cache, and
        /// messengers to ensure integrity of the message output.</remarks>
        internal Publisher(string sessionName, AgentConfiguration configuration, SessionSummary sessionSummary, IPrincipalResolver principalResolver, IApplicationUserProvider userProvider)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionName));

            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));

            if (sessionSummary == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionSummary));

            //store off all our input
            m_SessionName    = sessionName;
            m_SessionSummary = sessionSummary;
            m_Configuration  = configuration;

            var serverConfig = Log.Configuration.Server;

            if (serverConfig.AutoSendOnError && serverConfig.AutoSendSessions && serverConfig.Enabled)
                m_AutoSendOnError = true;

            //create our queue, cache, and messenger objects
            m_MessageQueue         = new Queue <PacketEnvelope>(50); //a more or less arbitrary initial queue size.
            m_MessageOverflowQueue = new Queue <PacketEnvelope>(50); //a more or less arbitrary initial queue size.
            m_CachedTypes          = new PacketDefinitionList();
            m_PacketCache          = new PacketCache();
            m_Messengers           = new List <IMessenger>();
            m_Filters = new List <ILoupeFilter>();

            m_MessageQueueMaxLength = Math.Max(configuration.Publisher.MaxQueueLength, 1); //make sure there's no way to get it below 1.

            m_PrincipalResolver       = principalResolver;
            m_ApplicationUserProvider = userProvider;

            //create the thread we use for dispatching messages