Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Capacitive soil moisture sensor object with the especified AnalogInputPort.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="analogPort"></param>
        public Capacitive(
            IAnalogInputPort analogPort,
            float minimumVoltageCalibration = 0f,
            float maximumVoltageCalibration = 3.3f)
            AnalogInputPort           = analogPort;
            MinimumVoltageCalibration = minimumVoltageCalibration;
            MaximumVoltageCalibration = maximumVoltageCalibration;

            // wire up our observable
            // have to convert from voltage to temp units for our consumers
            // this is where the magic is: this allows us to extend the IObservable
            // pattern through the sensor driver
                new FilterableChangeObserver <FloatChangeResult, float>(
                    h => {
                var newMoisture = VoltageToMoisture(h.New);
                var oldMoisture = VoltageToMoisture(h.Old);
                Moisture        = newMoisture;  // save state
                RaiseChangedAndNotify(new FloatChangeResult(
Esempio n. 2
        public AnalogWaterLevel(IAnalogInputPort analogInputPort,
                                Calibration calibration = null)
            AnalogInputPort = analogInputPort;

            //  If the calibration object is null use the defaults for TMP35.
            LevelCalibration = calibration;
            if (LevelCalibration == null)
                LevelCalibration = new Calibration();

            // wire up our observable
                new FilterableChangeObserver <FloatChangeResult, float>(
                    h => {
                var newWaterLevel = VoltageToWaterLevel(h.New);
                var oldWaterLevel = VoltageToWaterLevel(h.Old);
                WaterLevel        = newWaterLevel;  // save state

                    new FloatChangeResult(newWaterLevel, oldWaterLevel)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new ADXL337 sensor object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Analog pin connected to the X axis output from the ADXL377 sensor.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Analog pin connected to the Y axis output from the ADXL377 sensor.</param>
        /// <param name="z">Analog pin connected to the Z axis output from the ADXL377 sensor.</param>
        /// <param name="updateInterval">Update interval for the sensor, set to 0 to put the sensor in polling mode.</param>
        /// <<param name="accelerationChangeNotificationThreshold">Acceleration change threshold.</param>
        public Adxl377(IIODevice device, IPin x, IPin y, IPin z, ushort updateInterval = 100,
                       double accelerationChangeNotificationThreshold = 0.1F)
            if ((updateInterval != 0) && (updateInterval < MinimumPollingPeriod))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(updateInterval),
                                                      "Update interval should be 0 or greater than " + MinimumPollingPeriod);

            _xPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(x);
            _yPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(y);
            _zPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(z);
            //  Now set the default calibration data.
            XVoltsPerG    = 0.00825;
            YVoltsPerG    = 0.00825;
            ZVoltsPerG    = 0.00825;
            SupplyVoltage = 3.3;

            if (updateInterval > 0)
                var t = StartUpdating();
Esempio n. 4
 public AnalogReadApp()
     Console.WriteLine("Starting App");
     _a00 = Device.CreateAnalogInputPort(Device.Pins.A00);
     _a01 = Device.CreateAnalogInputPort(Device.Pins.A01);
     Console.WriteLine("Analog port created");
 public void ConfigurePorts()
     Console.WriteLine("Creating Outputs...");
     _orangeLed              = Device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(Device.Pins.D10);
     _speaker                = new PiezoSpeaker(Device.CreatePwmPort(Device.Pins.D11));
     _photoResistor          = Device.CreateAnalogInputPort(Device.Pins.A00);
     _photoResistor.Changed += _photoResistor_Changed;
        public AnalogTemperature(IAnalogInputPort analogInputPort,
                                 KnownSensorType sensorType,
                                 Calibration calibration = null)
            AnalogInputPort = analogInputPort;

            //  If the calibration object is null use the defaults for TMP35.
            if (calibration == null) { calibration = new Calibration(); }

            switch (sensorType)
                case KnownSensorType.TMP35:
                case KnownSensorType.LM35:
                case KnownSensorType.LM45:
                    _yIntercept = 0;
                    _millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade = 10;
                case KnownSensorType.LM50:
                case KnownSensorType.TMP36:
                    _yIntercept = 500;
                    _millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade = 10;
                case KnownSensorType.TMP37:
                    _yIntercept = 0;
                    _millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade = 20;
                case KnownSensorType.Custom:
                    _yIntercept = calibration.MillivoltsAtSampleReading - (calibration.SampleReading * calibration.MillivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade);
                    _millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade = calibration.MillivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown sensor type", nameof(sensorType));

            // wire up our observable
            // have to convert from voltage to temp units for our consumers
            // this is where the magic is: this allows us to extend the IObservable
            // pattern through the sensor driver
                new FilterableObserver<FloatChangeResult, float>(
                    h => {
                        var newTemp = VoltageToTemperature(h.New);
                        var oldTemp = VoltageToTemperature(h.Old);
                        Temperature = newTemp; // save state
                            new AtmosphericConditionChangeResult(
                                new AtmosphericConditions(newTemp, 0, 0),
                                new AtmosphericConditions(oldTemp, 0, 0)
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a FC28 soil moisture sensor object with the especified analog pin and digital pin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="analogPort"></param>
 /// <param name="digitalPort"></param>
 public Fc28(
     IAnalogInputPort analogPort,
     IDigitalOutputPort digitalPort,
     float minimumVoltageCalibration = 0f,
     float maximumVoltageCalibration = 3.3f)
     AnalogInputPort           = analogPort;
     DigitalPort               = digitalPort;
     MinimumVoltageCalibration = minimumVoltageCalibration;
     MaximumVoltageCalibration = maximumVoltageCalibration;
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new ADXL337 sensor object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xPin">Analog pin connected to the X axis output from the ADXL337 sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="yPin">Analog pin connected to the Y axis output from the ADXL337 sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="zPin">Analog pin connected to the Z axis output from the ADXL337 sensor.</param>
 public Adxl337(IIODevice device, IPin xPin, IPin yPin, IPin zPin)
     _xPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(xPin);
     _yPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(yPin);
     _zPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(zPin);
     //  Now set the default calibration data.
     XVoltsPerG    = 0.325f;
     YVoltsPerG    = 0.325f;
     ZVoltsPerG    = 0.550f;
     SupplyVoltage = 3.3f;
Esempio n. 9
        public AnalogJoystick(IAnalogInputPort horizontalInputPort, IAnalogInputPort verticalInputPort, JoystickCalibration calibration = null)
            this.HorizontalInputPort = horizontalInputPort;
            this.VerticalInputPort   = verticalInputPort;

            if (calibration == null)
                this.Calibration = new JoystickCalibration();
                this.Calibration = calibration;
Esempio n. 10
        public Ky038(IAnalogInputPort analogPort, IDigitalInputPort digitalInputPort)
            this.analogPort       = analogPort;
            this.digitalInputPort = digitalInputPort;

            digitalInputPort.Changed += DigitalInputPort_Changed;


            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine($"Analog: {analogPort.Voltage}");
Esempio n. 11
        public AnalogJoystick(IAnalogInputPort horizontalInputPort, IAnalogInputPort verticalInputPort,
                              JoystickCalibration calibration = null, bool isInverted = false)
            HorizontalInputPort = horizontalInputPort;
            VerticalInputPort   = verticalInputPort;
            IsInverted          = isInverted;

            if (calibration == null)
                Calibration = new JoystickCalibration(3.3f);
                Calibration = calibration;

        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initializing hardware...");

            //==== create our analog input port
            analogIn = Device.CreateAnalogInputPort(Device.Pins.A00);

            //==== Classic .NET Events
            analogIn.Updated += (s, result) => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Analog event, new voltage: {result.New.Volts:N2}V, old: {result.Old?.Volts:N2}V");

            //==== Filterable Observable
            var observer = IAnalogInputPort.CreateObserver(
                handler: result => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Analog observer triggered; new: {result.New.Volts:n2}V, old: {result.Old?.Volts:n2}V");
                // filter is optional. in this case, we're only notifying if the
                // voltage changes by at least `0.1V`.
                filter: result => {
                if (result.Old is { } oldValue)
                    return((result.New - oldValue).Abs().Volts > 0.1);
Esempio n. 13
 public TMP36(IIODevice device, IPin pin)
     analogPort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pin);
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a Capacitive soil moisture sensor object with the especified AnalogInputPort.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="analogPort"></param>
 public Capacitive(IAnalogInputPort analogPort)
     AnalogPort = analogPort;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a FC28 soil moisture sensor object with the especified analog pin and digital pin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="analogPort"></param>
 /// <param name="digitalPort"></param>
 public FC28(IAnalogInputPort analogPort, IDigitalOutputPort digitalPort)
     AnalogPort  = analogPort;
     DigitalPort = digitalPort;
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new `WindVane` on the specified input port. Optionally,
 /// with a custom voltage to azimuth lookup.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputPort">The analog input.</param>
 /// <param name="azimuthVoltages">Optional. Supply if you have custom azimuth voltages.</param>
 public WindVane(IAnalogInputPort inputPort, IDictionary <float, Azimuth> azimuthVoltages = null)
     this.AzimuthVoltages = azimuthVoltages;
     this.inputPort       = inputPort;
Esempio n. 17
 public Gp2D12(IIODevice device, IPin analogInputPin)
     analogInputPort          = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(analogInputPin);
     analogInputPort.Changed += AnalogInputPort_Changed;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new light sensor object using a static reference voltage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pin">AnalogChannel connected to the sensor.</param>
 public Temt6000(IIODevice device, IPin pin)
     sensor = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pin);
 public void InitializeIO()
     _analogIn = Device.CreateAnalogInputPort(Device.Pins.A00);
     Console.WriteLine("Analog port created");
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new light sensor object using a dynaic reference voltage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pin">Analog channel connected to the sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="referenceVoltagePin">Analog channel connected to the reference voltage souce.</param>
 public ALSPT19315C(IIODevice device, IPin pin, IPin referenceVoltagePin)
     _sensor = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pin);
     _referenceVoltagePort = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(referenceVoltagePin);
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new light sensor object using a static reference voltage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pin">AnalogChannel connected to the sensor.</param>
 /// <param name="referenceVoltage">Reference voltage.</param>
 public ALSPT19315C(IIODevice device, IPin pin, double referenceVoltage)
     _sensor = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pin);
     _referenceVoltagePort = null;
     _referenceVoltage     = referenceVoltage;
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a new light sensor object using a static reference voltage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pin">AnalogChannel connected to the sensor.</param>
 public Alspt19315C(IIODevice device, IPin pin)
     sensor = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pin);
Esempio n. 23
 public CapacitiveTouchScreen(IIODevice device, IPin pinXPos, IPin pinXNeg, IPin pinYPos, IPin pinYNeg)
     portXNeg = device.CreateAnalogInputPort(pinXNeg);
Esempio n. 24
        public AnalogTemperature(IAnalogInputPort analogInputPort,
                                 KnownSensorType sensorType,
                                 Calibration calibration = null)
            AnalogInputPort = analogInputPort;

            switch (sensorType)
            case KnownSensorType.TMP35:
            case KnownSensorType.LM35:
            case KnownSensorType.LM45:
                calibration = new Calibration(
                    degreesCelciusSampleReading: 25,
                    millivoltsAtSampleReading: 250,
                    millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade: 10);

            case KnownSensorType.LM50:
            case KnownSensorType.TMP36:
                calibration = new Calibration(
                    degreesCelciusSampleReading: 25,
                    millivoltsAtSampleReading: 750,
                    millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade: 10);

            case KnownSensorType.TMP37:
                calibration = new Calibration(
                    degreesCelciusSampleReading: 25,
                    millivoltsAtSampleReading: 750,
                    millivoltsPerDegreeCentigrade: 10);

            case KnownSensorType.Custom:
                //user provided calibration

                calibration = new Calibration();

            SensorCalibration = calibration;

            // wire up our observable
            // have to convert from voltage to temp units for our consumers
            // this is where the magic is: this allows us to extend the IObservable
            // pattern through the sensor driver
                new FilterableChangeObserver <FloatChangeResult, float>(
                    h => {
                var newTemp = VoltageToTemperature(h.New);
                var oldTemp = VoltageToTemperature(h.Old);
                Temperature = newTemp;         // save state
                    new AtmosphericConditionChangeResult(
                        new AtmosphericConditions(newTemp, null, null),
                        new AtmosphericConditions(oldTemp, null, null)