public ActionResult <PaginatedDTO <FlightHistoryDTO> > GetStationFlightHistory([Required, FromQuery] Guid stationId, [FromQuery, DefaultValue(0)] int startFrom, [FromQuery, DefaultValue(15)] int paginationLimit)
     if (stationId == Guid.Empty)
         HttpResponseDTO response = new()
             ResponseType  = Constants.RESPONSE_TYPE_FAILURE,
             Message       = "Invalid Id!",
             FailureReason = "Id must be an actual UUID!"
     if (startFrom < 0)
         HttpResponseDTO response = new()
             ResponseType  = Constants.RESPONSE_TYPE_FAILURE,
             Message       = "Invalid start point.",
             FailureReason = "Can't start retrieving data from negative records!"
     if (paginationLimit < 1)
         HttpResponseDTO response = new()
             ResponseType  = Constants.RESPONSE_TYPE_FAILURE,
             Message       = "Invalid pagination limit!",
             FailureReason = "Can't fetch less than one item per page."
         return(airportService.GetStationHistory(stationId, startFrom, paginationLimit));
     catch (KeyNotFoundException e)
         HttpResponseDTO response = new()
             ResponseType  = Constants.RESPONSE_TYPE_FAILURE,
             Message       = "No station with the given ID was found.",
             FailureReason = e.Message
     catch (Exception e)
         HttpResponseDTO response = new()
             ResponseType  = Constants.RESPONSE_TYPE_FAILURE,
             Message       = Constants.UNKNOWN_ERROR_MSG,
             FailureReason = e.Message
         return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, response));