public string SendData(string method, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, string serializedData)
                var uri = GetUri(method, connectionInfo);

                Log.DebugFormat("Invoking \"{0}\" with : {1}", method, serializedData);
                AuditLog(Direction.Sent, Source.InstrumentedApp, uri);
                AuditLog(Direction.Sent, Source.InstrumentedApp, serializedData);

                var requestPayload = GetRequestPayload(serializedData);
                var request        = BuildRequest(uri, connectionInfo, requestPayload);

                // Check serializedData length < MaxPayloadSizeInBytes before sending
                // if > silently drop the payload for now, ideally want to be able split the data
                // into chunks to send
                if (requestPayload.Data.Length > _configuration.CollectorMaxPayloadSizeInBytes)
                    // Log that the payload is being dropped.
                    Log.ErrorFormat("Dropped large payload: size: {0}, max_payload_size_bytes={1}", requestPayload.Data.Length, _configuration.CollectorMaxPayloadSizeInBytes);
                    return("{}"); // mimics what is sent by NoOpCollectorWire

                var response = SendRequest(request, requestPayload.Data);

                Log.DebugFormat("Received : {0}", response);
                AuditLog(Direction.Received, Source.Collector, response);

            catch (WebException ex)
                var httpWebResponse = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (httpWebResponse != null)
                    ThrowExceptionFromHttpWebResponse(serializedData, httpWebResponse);

                if (_diagnoseConnectionError)
