Esempio n. 1
        public static IAgVORefCrdnAngle DisplayAngle(string angleName, IAgStkObject stkObject, Color vectorColor)
            IAgAircraft _aircraft = stkObject as IAgAircraft;
            IAgCrdn     _angleVGT = stkObject.Vgt.Angles[angleName] as IAgCrdn;

            IAgVORefCrdnCollection refCrdns = GetRefCrdns(stkObject); //_aircraft.VO.Vector.RefCrdns;

            List <string> displayVectors = new List <string>();

            foreach (IAgVORefCrdn item in refCrdns)

            IAgVORefCrdnAngle _angleVO;

            if (displayVectors.Contains(_angleVGT.QualifiedPath))
                _angleVO = refCrdns.GetCrdnByName(
                    AgEGeometricElemType.eAngleElem, _angleVGT.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnAngle;
                _angleVO = refCrdns.Add(
                    AgEGeometricElemType.eAngleElem, _angleVGT.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnAngle;

            _angleVO.AngleValueVisible = true;
            _angleVO.Color             = vectorColor;
            _angleVO.LabelVisible      = true;

Esempio n. 2
        private void DisplayElement(AgEGeometricElemType type, IAgCrdn element, Color color)
            IAgVOVector  vectorGraphics = m_selectedObject.VO.Vector;
            IAgVORefCrdn elementGraphics;

            // If element exists, get by name. otherwise add it.
                elementGraphics = vectorGraphics.RefCrdns.GetCrdnByName(type, element.QualifiedPath);
                elementGraphics = vectorGraphics.RefCrdns.Add(type, element.QualifiedPath);

            elementGraphics.Visible      = true;
            elementGraphics.LabelVisible = true;
            elementGraphics.Color        = color;

                ((IAgVORefCrdnAngle)elementGraphics).AngleValueVisible = true;
                // element is not an angle
Esempio n. 3
        public static void VectorChangeColor(string vectorName, IAgStkObject stkObject, Color SelectedColor)
            IAgAircraft        _aircraft  = stkObject as IAgAircraft;
            IAgCrdn            _vectorVGT = stkObject.Vgt.Vectors[vectorName] as IAgCrdn;
            IAgVORefCrdnVector _vectorVO  = _aircraft.VO.Vector.RefCrdns.Add(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, _vectorVGT.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnVector;

            _vectorVO.Color = SelectedColor;
Esempio n. 4
        private void cbStkObjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string simpleName;
            string className;

            //Change options in Events box
            StringCollection objectPaths = m_stkObjectsLibrary.GetObjectPathListFromInstanceNamesXml(CommonData.StkRoot.AllInstanceNamesToXML(), "");

            simpleName = cbStkObjects.Text;

            foreach (string path in objectPaths)
                string objectName = m_stkObjectsLibrary.ObjectName(path);
                className = m_stkObjectsLibrary.ClassNameFromObjectPath(path);
                if (objectName == simpleName && className != "Scenario")
                    className = m_stkObjectsLibrary.ClassNameFromObjectPath(path);
                    string       objectPath = className + "/" + simpleName;
                    IAgStkObject obj        = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(objectPath);

                    events = obj.Vgt.Events;
                    int eventCount = obj.Vgt.Events.Count;

                    for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                        IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)events[i];
            if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains("Access"))
                IAgScenario scenario = CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;
                Array       accesses = scenario.GetExistingAccesses();

                int numAccesses = accesses.GetLength(0);
                for (int i = 0; i < numAccesses; i++)
                    string object1      = accesses.GetValue(i, 0).ToString();
                    string shortobject1 = object1.Substring(object1.IndexOf('/') + 1);
                    string object2      = accesses.GetValue(i, 1).ToString();
                    string shortobject2 = object2.Substring(object2.IndexOf('/') + 1);

                    if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains(shortobject1) && cbStkObjects.Text.Contains(shortobject2))
                        IAgStkAccess access = scenario.GetAccessBetweenObjectsByPath(object1, object2);
                        accessEvents = access.Vgt.Events;
                        for (int j = 0; j < accessEvents.Count; j++)
                            IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)accessEvents[j];
        //Get all events in scenario
        public static List <IAgCrdn> GetAllEventInstances()
            StkObjectsLibrary m_stkObjectsLibrary = new StkObjectsLibrary();
            List <IAgCrdn>    events = new List <IAgCrdn>();

            IAgScenario scenario = CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;

            //Get all access events available in scenario
            Array accesses    = scenario.GetExistingAccesses();
            int   numAccesses = accesses.GetLength(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < numAccesses; i++)
                string object1      = accesses.GetValue(i, 0).ToString();
                string shortobject1 = object1.Substring(object1.IndexOf('/') + 1);
                string object2      = accesses.GetValue(i, 1).ToString();
                string shortobject2 = object2.Substring(object2.IndexOf('/') + 1);

                IAgStkAccess      access       = scenario.GetAccessBetweenObjectsByPath(object1, object2);
                IAgCrdnEventGroup accessEvents = access.Vgt.Events;
                for (int j = 0; j < accessEvents.Count; j++)
                    IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)accessEvents[j];
            //Get all object events available in scenario
            string simpleName;
            string className;

            foreach (string path in CommonData.objectPaths)
                int instanceNameStartPos = path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                simpleName = path.Substring(instanceNameStartPos);
                className  = m_stkObjectsLibrary.ClassNameFromObjectPath(path);
                string       objectPath = className + "/" + simpleName;
                IAgStkObject obj        = null;
                    obj = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(objectPath);
                    IAgCrdnEventGroup eventGroup = obj.Vgt.Events;
                    int eventCount = obj.Vgt.Events.Count;

                    for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                        IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)eventGroup[i];
                catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 6
 public static void VectorChangeSize(string vectorName, double ScaleValue, IAgStkObject stkObject)
     if (stkObject.ClassName == "Aircraft")
         IAgAircraft _aircraft = stkObject as IAgAircraft;
         IAgCrdn     vector    = stkObject.Vgt.Vectors[vectorName] as IAgCrdn;
         IAgVOVector vectorVO  = _aircraft.VO.Vector;
         vectorVO.ScaleRelativeToModel = true;
         vectorVO.VectorSizeScale      = ScaleValue;
Esempio n. 7
        public static void DisplayAxes(string axesName, IAgCrdnPoint displayOrigin, IAgStkObject stkObject, Color axesColor)
            IAgCrdn axesVGT = stkObject.Vgt.Axes[axesName] as IAgCrdn;
            string  cmd     = "VO " + stkObject.Path + " SetVectorGeometry Add \""
                              + axesVGT.QualifiedPath + "\" Show On"
                              + " Color " + axesColor.Name
                              + " ShowLabel On"
                              + " OriginPointDef \"" + (displayOrigin as IAgCrdn).QualifiedPath.Replace(" Point", "") + "\"";
            string cmdResult;

            TryConnect(cmd, out cmdResult);
Esempio n. 8
        public static void VectorChangePoint(string vectorName, string OriginPointName, IAgStkObject stkObject)
            string VectorDisplayOrigin = OriginPointName;

            //IAgAircraft _aircraft = stkObject as IAgAircraft;
            IAgCrdn vector = stkObject.Vgt.Vectors[vectorName] as IAgCrdn;
            IAgCrdn point  = stkObject.Vgt.Points[OriginPointName] as IAgCrdn;
            IAgVORefCrdnCollection refCrdns = GetRefCrdns(stkObject);
            IAgVORefCrdnVector     vectorVO = refCrdns.GetCrdnByName(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, vector.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnVector;

            vectorVO.DrawAtPoint = true;
            vectorVO.Point       = point.QualifiedPath;
Esempio n. 9
        void PopulateComboBox()
            // Add all vectors on object to both lists
            IAgCrdnVectorGroup vectors = m_selectedObject.Vgt.Vectors;

            foreach (IAgCrdnVector vector in vectors)
                // All vectors implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
                // information about the vector instance and its type.
                IAgCrdn crdn = vector as IAgCrdn;

Esempio n. 10
        private void Link_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Events.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select Time Instance");
                CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].isLinked = true;
                string linkedText;
                string line1 = "BEGIN SMARTEPOCH \n";
                string line2 = "BEGIN EVENT \n";
                string line3 = "Type EVENT_LINKTO \n";
                string line4 = null;
                string line5 = null;
                linkedText = line1 + line2 + line3;

                if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains("Access"))
                    IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)accessEvents[Events.SelectedIndex];
                    string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                    CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].linkTimeInstanceName = eventName;
                    string pathStr = currentEvent.Path;
                    line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                    line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                    IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)events[Events.SelectedIndex];
                    string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                    CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].linkTimeInstanceName = eventName;
                    string pathStr = currentEvent.Path;
                    line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                    line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                string line6 = "END EVENT" + " \n";
                string line7 = "END SMARTEPOCH" + " \n";

                linkedText = linkedText + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
                CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].linkString = linkedText;
Esempio n. 11
        public static IAgVORefCrdnVector DisplayVector(string vectorName, IAgStkObject stkObject, Color vectorColor)
            if (!stkObject.Vgt.Vectors.Contains(vectorName))

            IAgCrdn _vectorVGT = stkObject.Vgt.Vectors[vectorName] as IAgCrdn;

            IAgVORefCrdnCollection refCrdns = GetRefCrdns(stkObject);

            List <string> displayVectors = new List <string>();

            foreach (IAgVORefCrdn item in refCrdns)

            IAgVORefCrdnVector _vectorVO;

            if (displayVectors.Contains(_vectorVGT.QualifiedPath))
                _vectorVO = refCrdns.GetCrdnByName(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, _vectorVGT.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnVector;
                _vectorVO = refCrdns.Add(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, _vectorVGT.QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnVector;

            _vectorVO.Visible          = true;
            _vectorVO.Color            = vectorColor;
            _vectorVO.ArrowType        = AgEArrowType.e3D;
            _vectorVO.LabelVisible     = true;
            _vectorVO.MagnitudeVisible = true;
            //_vectorVO.MagnitudeUnitAbrv = "nm";
Esempio n. 12
        private void Link_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IncrementCheck.Checked && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IncrementStepValue.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("IncrementStep Value Required");
            else if (Events.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select Interval List");
                int index = Events.SelectedIndex;
                IAgCrdnEventIntervalList currentList;
                List <string>            startTimes = new List <string>();
                List <string>            stopTimes  = new List <string>();
                string listName;

                if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains("Access"))
                    currentList = accessEventIntervalsCollections[index];
                    IAgCrdn currentListRe = accessEventIntervalsCollections[index] as IAgCrdn;
                    listName = currentListRe.Name;
                    currentList = eventIntervalsCollections[index];
                    IAgCrdn currentListRe = eventIntervalsCollections[index] as IAgCrdn;
                    listName = currentListRe.Name;
                IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = currentList.FindIntervals();
                int numIntervals = intervals.Intervals.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numIntervals; i++)
                    IAgCrdnInterval interval = intervals.Intervals[i];
                    string          startStr = interval.Start.ToString();
                    string          stopStr  = interval.Stop.ToString();
                CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].linkedToList = true;
                string linkedText;
                string line1 = "BEGIN SMARTEPOCH \n";
                string line2 = "BEGIN EVENT \n";
                string line3 = "Type EVENT_LINKTO \n";
                string line4 = null;
                string line5 = null;
                linkedText = line1 + line2 + line3;

                if (typeEnum == 0)
                    if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains("Access"))
                        for (int i = 0; i < startTimes.Count; i++)
                            string name = "ArticCreatorList_" + listName + "_" + "StartTime" + i.ToString();
                            IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = null;
                            if (access.Vgt.Events.Contains(name))
                                foreach (IAgCrdnEvent @event in access.Vgt.Events)
                                    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
                                    // information about the event instance and its type.
                                    IAgCrdn crdn = @event as IAgCrdn;
                                    if (crdn.Name == name)
                                        timeEvent = @event;
                                timeEvent = access.Vgt.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch(name, "Description");
                            IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch;
                            asEpoch.Epoch = startTimes[i];
                            IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)timeEvent;
                            string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                            string  pathStr      = currentEvent.Path;
                            line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                            line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                            string line6 = "END EVENT" + " \n";
                            string line7 = "END SMARTEPOCH" + " \n";

                            string linkedTextFinal = linkedText + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
                        for (int i = 0; i < startTimes.Count; i++)
                            string name = "ArticCreatorList_" + listName + "_" + "StartTime" + i.ToString();
                            IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = null;
                            if (obj.Vgt.Events.Contains(name))
                                foreach (IAgCrdnEvent @event in obj.Vgt.Events)
                                    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
                                    // information about the event instance and its type.
                                    IAgCrdn crdn = @event as IAgCrdn;
                                    if (crdn.Name == name)
                                        timeEvent = @event;
                                timeEvent = obj.Vgt.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch(name, "Description");

                            IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch;
                            asEpoch.Epoch = startTimes[i];

                            IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)timeEvent;
                            string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                            string  pathStr      = currentEvent.Path;
                            line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                            line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                            string line6 = "END EVENT" + " \n";
                            string line7 = "END SMARTEPOCH" + " \n";

                            string linkedTextFinal = linkedText + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
                else if (typeEnum == 1)
                    if (cbStkObjects.Text.Contains("Access"))
                        for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.Count; i++)
                            string name = "ArticCreatorList_" + listName + "_" + "StopTime" + i.ToString();
                            IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = null;
                            if (access.Vgt.Events.Contains(name))
                                foreach (IAgCrdnEvent @event in access.Vgt.Events)
                                    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
                                    // information about the event instance and its type.
                                    IAgCrdn crdn = @event as IAgCrdn;
                                    if (crdn.Name == name)
                                        timeEvent = @event;
                                timeEvent = access.Vgt.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch(name, "Description");
                            IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch;
                            asEpoch.Epoch = stopTimes[i];

                            IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)timeEvent;
                            string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                            string  pathStr      = currentEvent.Path;
                            line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                            line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                            string line6 = "END EVENT" + " \n";
                            string line7 = "END SMARTEPOCH" + " \n";

                            string linkedTextFinal = linkedText + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
                        for (int i = 0; i < startTimes.Count; i++)
                            string name = "ArticCreatorList_" + listName + "_" + "StopTime" + i.ToString();
                            IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = null;
                            if (obj.Vgt.Events.Contains(name))
                                foreach (IAgCrdnEvent @event in obj.Vgt.Events)
                                    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
                                    // information about the event instance and its type.
                                    IAgCrdn crdn = @event as IAgCrdn;
                                    if (crdn.Name == name)
                                        timeEvent = @event;
                                timeEvent = obj.Vgt.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch(name, "Description");
                            IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch;
                            asEpoch.Epoch = stopTimes[i];
                            IAgCrdn currentEvent = (IAgCrdn)timeEvent;
                            string  eventName    = currentEvent.Name;
                            string  pathStr      = currentEvent.Path;
                            line4 = "Name " + eventName + " \n";
                            line5 = "RelativePath " + pathStr.Substring(0, pathStr.IndexOf(" ")) + " \n";
                            string line6 = "END EVENT" + " \n";
                            string line7 = "END SMARTEPOCH" + " \n";

                            string linkedTextFinal = linkedText + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
                if (IncrementCheck.Checked)
                    CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].isIncremented = true;
                    int    numSections     = intervals.Intervals.Count;
                    double startValueOG    = Convert.ToDouble(CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].startValue);
                    double stepValueDouble = Convert.ToDouble(IncrementStepValue.Text);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
                        LinkedListSection current = new LinkedListSection();

                        current.startValue = Convert.ToString((startValueOG + i * stepValueDouble));
                        current.endValue   = Convert.ToString((startValueOG + (i + 1) * stepValueDouble));

                        current.startTimeValue = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].startTimeValue;
                        current.durationValue  = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].durationValue;
                        current.deadbandValue  = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].deadbandValue;
                        current.accelValue     = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].accelValue;
                        current.dutyValue      = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].dutyValue;
                        current.decelValue     = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].decelValue;
                        current.periodValue    = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].periodValue;
                        current.sectionName    = CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].sectionName;
                        string section = ArticFunctions.CreateSection(CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].objectName, CommonData.sectionList[CommonData.selectedArtic].articName, current.startTimeValue, current.durationValue, current.startValue, current.endValue, current.deadbandValue, current.accelValue, current.decelValue, current.dutyValue, current.periodValue, current.sectionName);
                        current.sectionText = section;
