Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult CreateE(EmpViewModels model)
            IAeXMLBridgeservice webServices = new IAeXMLBridgeservice();
            NetworkCredential   creds       = new NetworkCredential()
                UserName = "******",                    // replace with your username/access account
                Password = "******"                        // replace with your password

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            webServices.Credentials     = creds;
            webServices.PreAuthenticate = true;
            webServices.Timeout         = -1;              // -1 = no timeout, else 1 sec = 1000ms

            webServices.Url = "";

            string empID = model.EmpID;
            // we are using employee with ID "1234" and are going to add

            TAeEmployeeDetail2 empDetail2 = new TAeEmployeeDetail2();

            empDetail2.FirstName               = model.EmpFName;
            empDetail2.LastName                = model.EmpLName;
            empDetail2.ESSPIN                  = empID;
            empDetail2.EmpID                   = empID;
            empDetail2.ActiveStatus            = 0;
            empDetail2.ActiveStatusConditionID = 1;
            // note these are not all of the fields in the structure. you can
            // update any or all fields, as well as those included in the base structures

            TAddEmpMode addEmpMode = TAddEmpMode.aemAuto;
            // setting this to auto will force the method to see if an employee
            // with the EmpID already exists

            TBadgeManagement badgeManagement = TBadgeManagement.bmAuto;

                TMaintainEmployeeResult res = webServices.maintainEmployeeDetail2(empDetail2, addEmpMode, badgeManagement);
            catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 2
        /*       [HttpPost]
         *     [AllowAnonymous]
         *     [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
         *     public async Task<ActionResult> CreateE(EmpViewModels model, string returnUrl)
         *     {
         *     }
        // GET: Emp/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            IAeXMLBridgeservice webServices = new IAeXMLBridgeservice();
            NetworkCredential   creds       = new NetworkCredential()
                UserName = "******",                    // replace with your username/access account
                Password = "******"                        // replace with your password

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            webServices.Credentials     = creds;
            webServices.PreAuthenticate = true;
            webServices.Timeout         = -1;              // -1 = no timeout, else 1 sec = 1000ms

            webServices.Url = "";

            string empID = "900";
            // we will append to employee# 1234

            TAeSchedule2 sched2 = new TAeSchedule2();

            sched2.BenefitID = 0;
            // since we are appending a Pay Designation schedule we set BenefitID to 0

            TAeBasicDataItem[] payDes = webServices.getPayDesignationsSimple();
            // retrieve a list of Pay Designations and codes

            sched2.PayDesID = payDes[0].Num;
            sched2.SchDate  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            // add the schedule 7 days from now

            sched2.SchEndTime = "18:00";

            // total time of hours in minutes

            sched2.SchHoursHund = 3.5;
            // convert SchHours to numerical representation

            sched2.SchPattID = 0;
            sched2.SchRate   = 12.50;
            // set employee rate for schedule

            sched2.SchStartTime = "08:30";
            sched2.SchStyle     = 0;
            sched2.SchType      = TSchTypeEnum.steNormal;
            // type of schedule followed

            TAeEmployeeBasic emp = webServices.getEmployeeBasicByIDNum(empID);

            // retrieve workgroup information

            sched2.SchWG1 = emp.WG1;
            sched2.SchWG2 = emp.WG2;
            sched2.SchWG3 = emp.WG3;

                webServices.appendEmployeeSchedule2ByIDNum(empID, sched2);
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Index3()
            IAeXMLBridgeservice webServices = new IAeXMLBridgeservice();
            NetworkCredential   creds       = new NetworkCredential()
                UserName = "******",                    // replace with your username/access account
                Password = "******"                        // replace with your password

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            webServices.Credentials     = creds;
            webServices.PreAuthenticate = true;
            webServices.Timeout         = -1;              // -1 = no timeout, else 1 sec = 1000ms

            webServices.Url = "";
            string[] hyperQueries = webServices.getHyperQueriesSimple();
            DateTime datesch      = new DateTime();

            TAeEmployeeBasic[] activeEmps = webServices.getActiveEmployeesList();
            List <Employeesch> schview    = new List <Employeesch>();

            foreach (TAeEmployeeBasic activeEmp in activeEmps)
                schview.Add(new Employeesch(activeEmp.EmpID, activeEmp.EmpName));
            TAeSchedule[] allSchedules = webServices.extractRangedSchedulesUsingHyperQuery(hyperQueries[32], TDateRangeEnum.drCurrWeek, "", "");
            List <string> sche         = new List <string>();
            List <string> temp         = new List <string>();
            int           xc           = 0;
            int           i            = 0;
            int           ii           = 0;

            foreach (TAeSchedule allSchedule in allSchedules)
                ii = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < schview.Count; i++)
                    if (schview[i].EmpID == allSchedule.EmpID)
                        ii = 1;
                if (ii == 1)
                    datesch = DateTime.Parse(allSchedule.SchDate);
                    int schweekday = (int)datesch.DayOfWeek;
                    switch (schweekday)
                    case 1:
                        schview[i].monstart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].monend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;

                    case 2:
                        schview[i].tuestart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].tueend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;

                    case 3:
                        schview[i].wedstart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].wedend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;

                    case 4:
                        schview[i].thustart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].thuend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;

                    case 5:
                        schview[i].fristart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].friend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;

                    case 6:
                        schview[i].satstart = allSchedule.SchStartTime;
                        schview[i].satend   = allSchedule.SchEndTime;


                sche.Add(allSchedule.EmpName + "/" + allSchedule.SchDate + "/" + allSchedule.SchStartTime + "/" + allSchedule.SchEndTime);

            ViewBag.sche    = sche;
            ViewBag.schview = schview;