private static IASTNode MakeIdent(IASTNode source, string text)
     var ident = source.DupNode();
     ident.Type = HqlSqlWalker.IDENT;
     ident.Text = text;
     return ident;
		private static void AddImpliedFromToFromNode(IASTNode fromClause, string collectionRole, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
			SessionFactoryHelperExtensions _sessionFactoryHelper = new SessionFactoryHelperExtensions(factory);
			IQueryableCollection persister = _sessionFactoryHelper.GetCollectionPersister(collectionRole);
			IType collectionElementType = persister.ElementType;
			if (!collectionElementType.IsEntityType)
				throw new QueryException("collection of values in filter: this");

			string collectionElementEntityName = persister.ElementPersister.EntityName;

			ITreeAdaptor adaptor = new ASTTreeAdaptor();

			IASTNode fromElement = (IASTNode)adaptor.Create(HqlParser.FILTER_ENTITY, collectionElementEntityName);
			IASTNode alias = (IASTNode)adaptor.Create(HqlParser.ALIAS, "this");


			// Show the modified AST.
			if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
				log.Debug("AddImpliedFormToFromNode() : Filter - Added 'this' as a from element...");
		public void Visit(IASTNode node)
			if (predicate == null || predicate(node))
		/// <summary>
		/// Insert a new node into both the Tree and the Node Array. Add DOWN and UP nodes if needed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parent">The parent node</param>
		/// <param name="child">The child node</param>
		public void InsertChild(IASTNode parent, IASTNode child)
			if (child.ChildCount > 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently do not support adding nodes with children");

			int parentIndex = nodes.IndexOf(parent);
			int numberOfChildNodes = NumberOfChildNodes(parentIndex);
			int insertPoint;
			if (numberOfChildNodes == 0)
				insertPoint = parentIndex + 1;  // We want to insert immediately after the parent
				nodes.Insert(insertPoint, down);
				insertPoint++;  // We've just added a new node
				insertPoint = parentIndex + numberOfChildNodes;

			nodes.Insert(insertPoint, child);

			if (numberOfChildNodes == 0)
				nodes.Insert(insertPoint, up);
 public void Visit(IASTNode node)
     if (node.Type == HqlSqlWalker.FROM)
         _nodes.AddRange(node.Where(child => child.Type == HqlSqlWalker.RANGE).Select(range => range.GetChild(0)));
		protected SqlString GenerateIdInsertSelect(IQueryable persister, string tableAlias, IASTNode whereClause)
			var select = new SqlSelectBuilder(Factory);
			SelectFragment selectFragment = new SelectFragment(Factory.Dialect)
				.AddColumns(tableAlias, persister.IdentifierColumnNames, persister.IdentifierColumnNames);

			string rootTableName = persister.TableName;
			SqlString fromJoinFragment = persister.FromJoinFragment(tableAlias, true, false);
			SqlString whereJoinFragment = persister.WhereJoinFragment(tableAlias, true, false);

			select.SetFromClause(rootTableName + ' ' + tableAlias + fromJoinFragment);

			if (whereJoinFragment == null)
				whereJoinFragment = SqlString.Empty;
				whereJoinFragment = whereJoinFragment.Trim();
				if (whereJoinFragment.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("and "))
					whereJoinFragment = whereJoinFragment.Substring(4);

			SqlString userWhereClause = SqlString.Empty;
			if (whereClause.ChildCount != 0)
				// If a where clause was specified in the update/delete query, use it to limit the
				// returned ids here...
					var nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(whereClause);
					var gen = new SqlGenerator(Factory, nodes);
					userWhereClause = gen.GetSQL().Substring(7);
				catch (RecognitionException e)
					throw new HibernateException("Unable to generate id select for DML operation", e);
				if (whereJoinFragment.Length > 0)
					whereJoinFragment.Append(" and ");

			select.SetWhereClause(whereJoinFragment + userWhereClause);

			var insert = new InsertSelect();
			if (Factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
				insert.SetComment("insert-select for " + persister.EntityName + " ids");
			return insert.ToSqlString();
Esempio n. 7
		protected HqlTreeNode(int type, string text, IASTFactory factory, IEnumerable<HqlTreeNode> children)
			Factory = factory;
			_node = factory.CreateNode(type, text);
			_children = new List<HqlTreeNode>();

Esempio n. 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns the 'list' representation with some brackets around it for debugging.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="n">The tree.</param>
		/// <returns>The list representation of the tree.</returns>
		public static string GetDebugstring(IASTNode n)
			StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
			buf.Append("[ ");
			buf.Append((n == null) ? "{null}" : n.ToStringTree());
			buf.Append(" ]");
			return buf.ToString();
Esempio n. 9
		public virtual void ReplaceBy(IASTNode node)
			if (Parent != null)
				throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find a parent node to delegate");

			Parent.ReplaceChild(this, node);
Esempio n. 10
        protected HqlTreeNode(int type, string text, IASTFactory factory, params HqlTreeNode[] children)
            _node = factory.CreateNode(type, text);
            _children = new List<HqlTreeNode>();

            foreach (var child in children)
				private void AddImplementorsToMap(IASTNode querySource, string className, string[] implementors)
					if (implementors.Length == 1 && implementors[0] == className)
						// No need to change things

					         implementors.Select(implementor => MakeIdent(querySource, implementor)).ToArray());
				public Dictionary<IASTNode, IASTNode[]> Process(IASTNode tree)
					foreach (var querySource in new QuerySourceDetector(tree).LocateQuerySources())
						var className = GetClassName(querySource);
						string[] implementors = _sfi.GetImplementors(className);
						AddImplementorsToMap(querySource, className, implementors);

					return _map;
Esempio n. 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Traverse the AST tree depth first. Note that the AST passed in is not visited itself.  Visitation starts
		/// with its children.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ast">ast</param>
		public void TraverseDepthFirst(IASTNode ast)
			if (ast == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("ast");

			for (int i = 0; i < ast.ChildCount; i++)
        public Dictionary<IASTNode, IASTNode[]> Process(IASTNode tree)
            foreach (var querySource in new QuerySourceDetector(tree).LocateQuerySources())
                var className = GetClassName(querySource);
                var classType = _sessionFactoryHelper.GetImportedClass(className);

                AddImplementorsToMap(querySource, classType == null ? className : classType.FullName);

            return _map;
    	private static string GetClassName(IASTNode querySource)
            switch (querySource.Type)
                case HqlSqlWalker.IDENT:
                    return querySource.Text;
                case HqlSqlWalker.DOT:
                    return BuildPath(querySource);

            // TODO
            throw new NotSupportedException();
Esempio n. 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new AST-based query translator.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="queryIdentifier">The query-identifier (used in stats collection)</param>
        /// <param name="parsedQuery">The hql query to translate</param>
		/// <param name="enabledFilters">Currently enabled filters</param>
		/// <param name="factory">The session factory constructing this translator instance.</param>
		public QueryTranslatorImpl(
				string queryIdentifier,
				IASTNode parsedQuery,
				IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters,
				ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
			_queryIdentifier = queryIdentifier;
            _stageOneAst = parsedQuery;
			_compiled = false;
			_shallowQuery = false;
			_enabledFilters = enabledFilters;
			_factory = factory;
        private IEnumerable<IASTNode> DuplicateTree()
            var replacements = CrossJoinDictionaryArrays.PerformCrossJoin(_nodeMapping);

            var dups = new IASTNode[replacements.Count()];

            for (var i = 0; i < replacements.Count(); i++)
                dups[i] = DuplicateTree(_ast, replacements[i]);

            return dups;
Esempio n. 18
		private void VisitDepthFirst(IASTNode ast)
			if (ast == null)


			for (int i = 0; i < ast.ChildCount; i++)
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles HQL AST transformation for collection filters (which are created with <see cref="ISession.CreateFilter"/>).
		/// Adds FROM elements to implicit FROM clause.
		/// E.g., 
		/// <code>
		/// ( query ( SELECT_FROM {filter-implied FROM} ) ( where ( = X 10 ) ) )
		/// </code>
		/// gets converted to 
		/// <code>
		/// ( query ( SELECT_FROM ( FROM NHibernate.DomainModel.Many this ) ) ( where ( = X 10 ) ) )
		/// </code>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ast">The root node of HQL query</param>
		/// <param name="collectionRole">Collection that is being filtered</param>
		/// <param name="factory">Session factory</param>
		internal static void AddImpliedFromToQuery(IASTNode ast, string collectionRole, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
			if (ast.Type != HqlParser.QUERY)
				var msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
					"invalid query type for collection filtering: expected {0}, got {1}", HqlParser.tokenNames[HqlParser.QUERY], HqlParser.tokenNames[ast.Type]);
				throw new QueryException(msg);
			var selectFromClause = ast.Where(x => x.Type == HqlParser.SELECT_FROM).Single();
			var fromClause = selectFromClause.Where(x => x.Type == HqlParser.FROM).Single();
			fromClause.Text = "FROM"; // Just for prettier debug output
			AddImpliedFromToFromNode(fromClause, collectionRole, factory);
        private static void BuildPath(IASTNode node, StringBuilder sb)
            if (node.Type == HqlSqlWalker.DOT)
                BuildPath(node.GetChild(0), sb);

		public void RecursiveResolve(int level, bool impliedAtRoot, string classAlias, IASTNode parent)
			IASTNode lhs = GetFirstChild();
			int nextLevel = level + 1;
			if ( lhs != null ) 
				FromReferenceNode n = ( FromReferenceNode ) lhs;
				n.RecursiveResolve( nextLevel, impliedAtRoot, null, this );

			bool impliedJoin = !(level == RootLevel && !impliedAtRoot);

			Resolve( true, impliedJoin, classAlias, parent );
		private static void Check(IASTNode check, IASTNode first, IASTNode second)
			if (typeof(IExpectedTypeAwareNode).IsAssignableFrom(check.GetType()))
				IType expectedType = null;
				if (typeof(SqlNode).IsAssignableFrom(first.GetType()))
					expectedType = ((SqlNode)first).DataType;
				if (expectedType == null && typeof(SqlNode).IsAssignableFrom(second.GetType()))
					expectedType = ((SqlNode)second).DataType;
				((IExpectedTypeAwareNode)check).ExpectedType = expectedType;
Esempio n. 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine if a given node (test) is contained anywhere in the subtree
		/// of another given node (fixture).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fixture">The node against which to be checked for children.</param>
		/// <param name="test">The node to be tested as being a subtree child of the parent.</param>
		/// <returns>True if child is contained in the parent's collection of children.</returns>
		public static bool IsSubtreeChild(IASTNode fixture, IASTNode test)
			for (int i = 0; i < fixture.ChildCount; i++)
				IASTNode n = fixture.GetChild(i);

				if (n == test)
					return true;
				if (n.ChildCount > 0 && IsSubtreeChild(n, test))
					return true;
			return false;
        private static IASTNode DuplicateTree(IASTNode ast, IDictionary<IASTNode, IASTNode> nodeMapping)
            IASTNode candidate;

            if (nodeMapping.TryGetValue(ast, out candidate))
                return candidate;

            var dup = ast.DupNode();

            foreach (var child in ast)
                dup.AddChild(DuplicateTree(child, nodeMapping));

            return dup;
Esempio n. 25
		private static void GetPathText(StringBuilder buf, IASTNode n)
			IASTNode firstChild = n.GetChild(0);

			// If the node has a first child, recurse into the first child.
			if (firstChild != null)
				GetPathText(buf, firstChild);

			// Append the text of the current node.

			// If there is a second child (RHS), recurse into that child.
			if (firstChild != null && n.ChildCount > 1)
				GetPathText(buf, n.GetChild(1));
Esempio n. 26
	    public IASTNode Translate(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
            //if (_astNode == null)
                var requiredHqlParameters = new List<NamedParameterDescriptor>();

                // TODO - can we cache any of this? 
                var queryModel = NhRelinqQueryParser.Parse(_expression);

                ExpressionToHqlTranslationResults = QueryModelVisitor.GenerateHqlQuery(queryModel,

                ParameterDescriptors = requiredHqlParameters.AsReadOnly();
                _astNode = ExpressionToHqlTranslationResults.Statement.AstNode;

	        return _astNode;
Esempio n. 27
		public override void ResolveIndex(IASTNode parent)
			// An ident node can represent an index expression if the ident
			// represents a naked property ref
			//      *Note: this makes the assumption (which is currently the case
			//      in the hql-sql grammar) that the ident is first resolved
			//      itself (addrExpr -> resolve()).  The other option, if that
			//      changes, is to call resolve from here; but it is
			//      currently un-needed overhead.
			if (!(IsResolved && _nakedPropertyRef)) 
				throw new InvalidOperationException();

			string propertyName = OriginalText;
			if (!DataType.IsCollectionType) 
				throw new SemanticException("Collection expected; [" + propertyName + "] does not refer to a collection property");

			// TODO : most of below was taken verbatim from DotNode; should either delegate this logic or super-type it
			CollectionType type = (CollectionType) DataType;
			string role = type.Role;
			IQueryableCollection queryableCollection = SessionFactoryHelper.RequireQueryableCollection(role);

			string columnTableAlias = FromElement.TableAlias;

			FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory(
					FromElement.ToColumns(columnTableAlias, propertyName, false),

			FromElement elem = factory.CreateCollection(queryableCollection, role, JoinType.InnerJoin, false, true);
			FromElement = elem;
			Walker.AddQuerySpaces(queryableCollection.CollectionSpaces);	// Always add the collection's query spaces.
		private static void Check(IASTNode check, IASTNode first, IASTNode second)
			var expectedTypeAwareNode = check as IExpectedTypeAwareNode;
			if (expectedTypeAwareNode != null)
				IType expectedType = null;
				var firstNode = first as SqlNode;
				if (firstNode != null)
					expectedType = firstNode.DataType;
				if (expectedType == null)
					var secondNode = second as SqlNode;
					if (secondNode != null)
						expectedType = secondNode.DataType;
				expectedTypeAwareNode.ExpectedType = expectedType;
Esempio n. 29
		/// <summary>
		/// Generates the scalar column AST nodes for a given array of SQL columns
		/// </summary>
		public static void GenerateScalarColumns(IASTFactory factory, IASTNode node, string[] sqlColumns, int i)
			if (sqlColumns.Length == 1)
				GenerateSingleScalarColumn(factory, node, i);
				node.Text = sqlColumns[0]; // Use the DOT node to emit the first column name.

				// Create the column names, folled by the column aliases.
				for (int j = 0; j < sqlColumns.Length; j++)
					if (j > 0)
						node = node.AddSibling(factory.CreateNode(HqlSqlWalker.SQL_TOKEN, sqlColumns[j]));

					node = node.AddSibling(factory.CreateNode(HqlSqlWalker.SELECT_COLUMNS, " as " + NameGenerator.ScalarName(i, j)));
		static IQueryTranslator[] CreateQueryTranslators(IASTNode ast, string queryIdentifier, string collectionRole, bool shallow, IDictionary<string, IFilter> filters, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
			var polymorphicParsers = AstPolymorphicProcessor.Process(ast, factory);

			var translators = polymorphicParsers
							.Select(hql => new QueryTranslatorImpl(queryIdentifier, hql, filters, factory))

			foreach (var translator in translators)
				if (collectionRole == null)
					translator.Compile(factory.Settings.QuerySubstitutions, shallow);
					translator.Compile(collectionRole, factory.Settings.QuerySubstitutions, shallow);

			return translators;
Esempio n. 31
 void ProcessBool(IASTNode constant)
     _literalProcessor.ProcessBoolean(constant);             // Use the delegate.
        void CreateFromJoinElement(
            IASTNode path,
            IASTNode alias,
            int joinType,
            IASTNode fetchNode,
            IASTNode propertyFetch,
            IASTNode with)
            bool fetch = fetchNode != null;

            if (fetch && IsSubQuery)
                throw new QueryException("fetch not allowed in subquery from-elements");
            // The path AST should be a DotNode, and it should have been evaluated already.
            if (path.Type != DOT)
                throw new SemanticException("Path expected for join!");

            DotNode dot = ( DotNode )path;
            //JoinType hibernateJoinType = JoinProcessor.ToHibernateJoinType( joinType );
            JoinType hibernateJoinType = _impliedJoinType;

            dot.JoinType = hibernateJoinType;                   // Tell the dot node about the join type.
            dot.Fetch    = fetch;

            // Generate an explicit join for the root dot node.   The implied joins will be collected and passed up
            // to the root dot node.
            dot.Resolve(true, false, alias == null ? null : alias.Text);

            FromElement fromElement;

            if (dot.DataType != null && dot.DataType.IsComponentType)
                var factory = new FromElementFactory(CurrentFromClause, dot.GetLhs().FromElement, dot.PropertyPath, alias == null ? null : alias.Text, null, false);
                fromElement = factory.CreateComponentJoin((ComponentType)dot.DataType);
                fromElement = dot.GetImpliedJoin();
                if (fromElement == null)
                    throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid join: " + dot.Path);
                fromElement.SetAllPropertyFetch(propertyFetch != null);

                if (with != null)
                    if (fetch)
                        throw new SemanticException("with-clause not allowed on fetched associations; use filters");

                    HandleWithFragment(fromElement, with);

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("createFromJoinElement() : " + _printer.ShowAsString(fromElement, "-- join tree --"));
Esempio n. 33
        public void RecursiveResolve(int level, bool impliedAtRoot, string classAlias, IASTNode parent)
            IASTNode lhs       = GetFirstChild();
            int      nextLevel = level + 1;

            if (lhs != null)
                FromReferenceNode n = ( FromReferenceNode )lhs;
                n.RecursiveResolve(nextLevel, impliedAtRoot, null, this);

            bool impliedJoin = !(level == RootLevel && !impliedAtRoot);

            Resolve(true, impliedJoin, classAlias, parent);
Esempio n. 34
 public static IList <IASTNode> CollectChildren(IASTNode root, FilterPredicate predicate)
     return(new CollectingNodeVisitor(predicate).Collect(root));
Esempio n. 35
        public void AddWhereFragment(
            JoinFragment joinFragment,
            SqlString whereFragment,
            QueryNode query,
            FromElement fromElement,
            HqlSqlWalker hqlSqlWalker)
            if (whereFragment == null)

            if (!fromElement.UseWhereFragment && !joinFragment.HasThetaJoins)

            whereFragment = whereFragment.Trim();
            if (StringHelper.IsEmpty(whereFragment.ToString()))

            // Forcefully remove leading ands from where fragments; the grammar will
            // handle adding them
            if (whereFragment.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("and"))
                whereFragment = whereFragment.Substring(4);

            log.Debug("Using unprocessed WHERE-fragment [{0}]", whereFragment);

            SqlFragment fragment = (SqlFragment)Create(HqlSqlWalker.SQL_TOKEN, whereFragment.ToString());

            fragment.FromElement = fromElement;

            if (fromElement.IndexCollectionSelectorParamSpec != null)
                fromElement.IndexCollectionSelectorParamSpec = null;

            if (hqlSqlWalker.IsFilter())
                //if (whereFragment.IndexOfCaseInsensitive("?") >= 0)
                if (whereFragment.IndexOfOrdinal("?") >= 0)
                    IType collectionFilterKeyType = hqlSqlWalker.SessionFactoryHelper
                    CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification paramSpec = new CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification(


            log.Debug("Using processed WHERE-fragment [{0}]", fragment.Text);

            // Filter conditions need to be inserted before the HQL where condition and the
            // theta join node.  This is because org.hibernate.loader.Loader binds the filter parameters first,
            // then it binds all the HQL query parameters, see org.hibernate.loader.Loader.processFilterParameters().
            if (fragment.FromElement.IsFilter || fragment.HasFilterCondition)
                if (_filters == null)
                    // Find or create the WHERE clause
                    IASTNode where = (IASTNode)query.WhereClause;
                    // Create a new FILTERS node as a parent of all filters
                    _filters = Create(HqlSqlWalker.FILTERS, "{filter conditions}");
                    // Put the FILTERS node before the HQL condition and theta joins
                    where.InsertChild(0, _filters);

                // add the current fragment to the FILTERS node
                if (_thetaJoins == null)
                    // Find or create the WHERE clause
                    IASTNode where = (IASTNode)query.WhereClause;

                    // Create a new THETA_JOINS node as a parent of all filters
                    _thetaJoins = Create(HqlSqlWalker.THETA_JOINS, "{theta joins}");

                    // Put the THETA_JOINS node before the HQL condition, after the filters.
                    if (_filters == null)
                        where.InsertChild(0, _thetaJoins);

                // add the current fragment to the THETA_JOINS node
 private static bool IsParam(IASTNode node)
     return(node.Type == HqlSqlWalker.PARAM || node.Type == HqlSqlWalker.NAMED_PARAM);
Esempio n. 37
        public override void Resolve(bool generateJoin, bool implicitJoin, string classAlias, IASTNode parent)
            if (!IsResolved)
                if (Walker.CurrentFromClause.IsFromElementAlias(Text))
                    if (ResolveAsAlias())
                        IsResolved = true;
                        // We represent a from-clause alias
                else if (parent != null && parent.Type == HqlSqlWalker.DOT)
                    DotNode dot = (DotNode)parent;
                    if (parent.GetFirstChild() == this)
                        if (ResolveAsNakedComponentPropertyRefLhs(dot))
                            // we are the LHS of the DOT representing a naked comp-prop-ref
                            IsResolved = true;
                        if (ResolveAsNakedComponentPropertyRefRhs(dot))
                            // we are the RHS of the DOT representing a naked comp-prop-ref
                            IsResolved = true;
                    int result = ResolveAsNakedPropertyRef();
                    if (result == PropertyRef)
                        // we represent a naked (simple) prop-ref
                        IsResolved = true;
                    else if (result == ComponentRef)
                        // EARLY EXIT!!!  return so the resolve call explicitly coming from DotNode can
                        // resolve this...

                // if we are still not resolved, we might represent a constant.
                //      needed to add this here because the allowance of
                //      naked-prop-refs in the grammar collides with the
                //      definition of literals/constants ("nondeterminism").
                //      TODO: cleanup the grammar so that "processConstants" is always just handled from here
                if (!IsResolved)
                        Walker.LiteralProcessor.ProcessConstant(this, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // just ignore it for now, it'll get resolved later...
Esempio n. 38
 public override T VisitDefault(IASTNode node) => d;
 static void SetAlias(IASTNode selectExpr, IASTNode ident)
     ((ISelectExpression)selectExpr).Alias = ident.Text;
Esempio n. 40
        void PostProcessUpdate(IASTNode update)
            var updateStatement = (UpdateStatement)update;

Esempio n. 41
 void PostProcessDelete(IASTNode delete)
Esempio n. 42
 private static String ExtractAppliedAlias(IASTNode dotNode)
     return(dotNode.Text.Substring(0, dotNode.Text.IndexOf('.')));
Esempio n. 43
        static void ProcessIndex(IASTNode indexOp)
            IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode)indexOp;

            indexNode.Resolve(true, true);
Esempio n. 44
 protected void AddFunction(ASTNodeList newNodes, string functionName, IASTNode functionParameter)
     AddFunction(newNodes, functionName, new List <IASTNode> {
Esempio n. 45
 static void PrepareLogicOperator(IASTNode operatorNode)
     (( IOperatorNode )operatorNode).Initialize();
Esempio n. 46
 private void UseSelectClause(IASTNode select)
     _selectClause = (SelectClause)select;
Esempio n. 47
 public HqlSqlGenerator(IStatement ast, ISessionFactoryImplementor sfi)
     _ast = (IASTNode)ast;
     _sfi = sfi;
Esempio n. 48
        static void ProcessConstructor(IASTNode constructor)
            ConstructorNode constructorNode = (ConstructorNode)constructor;

        public AssignmentSpecification(IASTNode eq, IQueryable persister)
            if (eq.Type != HqlSqlWalker.EQ)
                throw new QueryException("assignment in set-clause not associated with equals");

            _eq      = eq;
            _factory = persister.Factory;

            // Needed to bump this up to DotNode, because that is the only thing which currently
            // knows about the property-ref path in the correct format; it is either this, or
            // recurse over the DotNodes constructing the property path just like DotNode does
            // internally
            DotNode lhs;

                lhs = (DotNode)eq.GetFirstChild();
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                throw new QueryException(
                          string.Format("Left side of assigment should be a case sensitive property or a field (depending on mapping); found '{0}'", eq.GetFirstChild()), e);
            var rhs = (SqlNode)lhs.NextSibling;


            string propertyPath = lhs.PropertyPath;
            var    temp         = new HashedSet <string>();
            // yuck!
            var usep = persister as UnionSubclassEntityPersister;

            if (usep != null)
            _tableNames = new ImmutableSet <string>(temp);

            if (rhs == null)
                _hqlParameters = new IParameterSpecification[0];
            else if (IsParam(rhs))
                _hqlParameters = new[] { ((ParameterNode)rhs).HqlParameterSpecification };
                var parameterList = ASTUtil.CollectChildren(rhs, IsParam);
                _hqlParameters = new IParameterSpecification[parameterList.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (ParameterNode parameterNode in parameterList)
                    _hqlParameters[i++] = parameterNode.HqlParameterSpecification;
Esempio n. 50
        void CreateFromJoinElement(
            IASTNode path,
            IASTNode alias,
            int joinType,
            IASTNode fetchNode,
            IASTNode propertyFetch,
            IASTNode with)
            bool fetch = fetchNode != null;

            if (fetch && IsSubQuery)
                throw new QueryException("fetch not allowed in subquery from-elements");

            // the incoming "path" can be either:
            //		1) an implicit join path (join
            //      2) an entity-join (join com.acme.User)
            // so make the proper interpretation here...
            var entityJoinReferencedPersister = ResolveEntityJoinReferencedPersister(path);

            if (entityJoinReferencedPersister != null)
                var entityJoin = CreateEntityJoin(entityJoinReferencedPersister, alias, joinType, with);
                ((FromReferenceNode)path).FromElement = entityJoin;
                SetPropertyFetch(entityJoin, propertyFetch, alias);
            // The path AST should be a DotNode, and it should have been evaluated already.
            if (path.Type != DOT)
                throw new SemanticException("Path expected for join!");

            DotNode dot = ( DotNode )path;
            //JoinType hibernateJoinType = JoinProcessor.ToHibernateJoinType( joinType );
            JoinType hibernateJoinType = _impliedJoinType;

            dot.JoinType = hibernateJoinType;                   // Tell the dot node about the join type.
            dot.Fetch    = fetch;

            // Generate an explicit join for the root dot node.   The implied joins will be collected and passed up
            // to the root dot node.
            dot.Resolve(true, false, alias == null ? null : alias.Text);

            FromElement fromElement;

            if (dot.DataType != null && dot.DataType.IsComponentType)
                var factory = new FromElementFactory(CurrentFromClause, dot.GetLhs().FromElement, dot.PropertyPath, alias == null ? null : alias.Text, null, false);
                fromElement = factory.CreateComponentJoin((ComponentType)dot.DataType);
                fromElement = dot.GetImpliedJoin();
                if (fromElement == null)
                    throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid join: " + dot.Path);
                SetPropertyFetch(fromElement, propertyFetch, alias);

                if (with != null)
                    if (fetch)
                        throw new SemanticException("with-clause not allowed on fetched associations; use filters");

                    HandleWithFragment(fromElement, with);

                if (fromElement.Parent == null)

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled())
                log.Debug("createFromJoinElement() : {0}", _printer.ShowAsString(fromElement, "-- join tree --"));
        protected SqlString GenerateIdInsertSelect(IQueryable persister, string tableAlias, IASTNode whereClause)
            var            select         = new SqlSelectBuilder(Factory);
            SelectFragment selectFragment = new SelectFragment(Factory.Dialect)
                                            .AddColumns(tableAlias, persister.IdentifierColumnNames, persister.IdentifierColumnNames);


            string    rootTableName    = persister.TableName;
            SqlString fromJoinFragment = persister.FromJoinFragment(tableAlias, true, false);

            select.SetFromClause(rootTableName + " " + tableAlias + fromJoinFragment);

            var whereJoinFragment = GetWhereJoinFragment(persister, tableAlias);

            SqlString userWhereClause = SqlString.Empty;

            if (whereClause.ChildCount != 0)
                // If a where clause was specified in the update/delete query, use it to limit the
                // returned ids here...
                    var nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(whereClause);
                    var gen   = new SqlGenerator(Factory, nodes);
                    userWhereClause = gen.GetSQL().Substring(7);
                catch (RecognitionException e)
                    throw new HibernateException("Unable to generate id select for DML operation", e);
                if (whereJoinFragment.Length > 0)
                    whereJoinFragment = whereJoinFragment.Append(" and ");

            select.SetWhereClause(whereJoinFragment + userWhereClause);

            var insert = new InsertSelect();

            if (Factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
                insert.SetComment("insert-select for " + persister.EntityName + " ids");
Esempio n. 52
        static void SetPropertyFetch(FromElement fromElement, IASTNode propertyFetch, IASTNode alias)
            if (propertyFetch == null)

            if (propertyFetch.ChildCount == 0)
                var propertyPaths = new string[propertyFetch.ChildCount / 2];
                for (var i = 1; i < propertyFetch.ChildCount; i = i + 2)
                    string propertyPath;
                    var    child = propertyFetch.GetChild(i);

                    // o.PropName
                    if (child is DotNode dotNode)
                        dotNode.JoinType     = JoinType.None;
                        dotNode.PropertyPath = GetPropertyPath(dotNode, alias);
                        propertyPath         = dotNode.PropertyPath;
                    else if (child is IdentNode identNode)
                        propertyPath = identNode.OriginalText;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to determine property path for AST node: {child.ToStringTree()}");

                    propertyPaths[(i - 1) / 2] = propertyPath;

                fromElement.FetchLazyProperties = propertyPaths;
Esempio n. 53
 public static void MakeSiblingOfParent(IASTNode parent, IASTNode child)
Esempio n. 54
 static void PrepareArithmeticOperator(IASTNode op)
 void ProcessNumericLiteral(IASTNode literal)
Esempio n. 56
        static void ProcessFunction(IASTNode functionCall, bool inSelect)
            MethodNode methodNode = (MethodNode)functionCall;

Esempio n. 57
        void PostProcessInsert(IASTNode insert)
            var insertStatement = (InsertStatement)insert;


            SelectClause selectClause = insertStatement.SelectClause;
            var          persister    = insertStatement.IntoClause.Queryable;

            if (!insertStatement.IntoClause.IsExplicitIdInsertion)
                // We need to generate ids as part of this bulk insert.
                // Note that this is only supported for sequence-style generators and
                // post-insert-style generators; basically, only in-db generators
                IIdentifierGenerator generator = persister.IdentifierGenerator;
                if (!SupportsIdGenWithBulkInsertion(generator))
                    throw new QueryException("can only generate ids as part of bulk insert with either sequence or post-insert style generators");

                IASTNode idSelectExprNode = null;

                var seqGenerator = generator as SequenceGenerator;
                if (seqGenerator != null)
                    string seqName = seqGenerator.GeneratorKey();
                    string nextval = SessionFactoryHelper.Factory.Dialect.GetSelectSequenceNextValString(seqName);
                    idSelectExprNode = ASTFactory.CreateNode(SQL_TOKEN, nextval);
                    //Don't need this, because we should never ever be selecting no columns in an insert ... select...
                    //and because it causes a bug on DB2

                    /*String idInsertString = sessionFactoryHelper.getFactory().getDialect().getIdentityInsertString();
                     * if ( idInsertString != null ) {
                     * idSelectExprNode = getASTFactory().create( HqlSqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, idInsertString );
                     * }*/

                if (idSelectExprNode != null)
                    selectClause.InsertChild(0, idSelectExprNode);


            bool includeVersionProperty = persister.IsVersioned && !insertStatement.IntoClause.IsExplicitVersionInsertion && persister.VersionPropertyInsertable;

            if (includeVersionProperty)
                // We need to seed the version value as part of this bulk insert
                IVersionType versionType = persister.VersionType;
                IASTNode     versionValueNode;

                if (SessionFactoryHelper.Factory.Dialect.SupportsParametersInInsertSelect)
                    versionValueNode = ASTFactory.CreateNode(PARAM, "?");
                    IParameterSpecification paramSpec = new VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification(versionType);
                    ((ParameterNode)versionValueNode).HqlParameterSpecification = paramSpec;
                    _parameters.Insert(0, paramSpec);
                    if (IsIntegral(versionType))
                            object seedValue = versionType.Seed(null);
                            versionValueNode = ASTFactory.CreateNode(SQL_TOKEN, seedValue.ToString());
                        catch (Exception t)
                            throw new QueryException("could not determine seed value for version on bulk insert [" + versionType + "]", t);
                    else if (IsDatabaseGeneratedTimestamp(versionType))
                        var functionName = IsUtcDatabaseGeneratedTimestamp(versionType)
                                                        ? SessionFactoryHelper.Factory.Dialect.CurrentUtcTimestampSQLFunctionName
                                                        : SessionFactoryHelper.Factory.Dialect.CurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName;
                        versionValueNode = ASTFactory.CreateNode(SQL_TOKEN, functionName);
                        throw new QueryException("cannot handle version type [" + versionType + "] on bulk inserts with dialects not supporting parameters in insert-select statements");

                selectClause.InsertChild(0, versionValueNode);


            if (insertStatement.IntoClause.IsDiscriminated)
                string   sqlValue     = insertStatement.IntoClause.Queryable.DiscriminatorSQLValue;
                IASTNode discrimValue = ASTFactory.CreateNode(SQL_TOKEN, sqlValue);
Esempio n. 58
 public abstract void Resolve(bool generateJoin, bool implicitJoin, string classAlias, IASTNode parent);
Esempio n. 59
 public abstract void ResolveIndex(IASTNode parent);
Esempio n. 60
        void ProcessQuery(IASTNode select, IASTNode query)
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled())
                log.Debug("processQuery() : {0}", query.ToStringTree());

            try {
                QueryNode qn = ( QueryNode )query;

                // Was there an explicit select expression?
                bool explicitSelect = select != null && select.ChildCount > 0;

                if (!explicitSelect)
                    // No explicit select expression; render the id and properties
                    // projection lists for every persister in the from clause into
                    // a single 'token node'.
                    //TODO: the only reason we need this stuff now is collection filters,
                    //      we should get rid of derived select clause completely!
                    // Use the explicitly declared select expression; determine the
                    // return types indicated by each select token

                // After that, process the JOINs.
                // Invoke a delegate to do the work, as this is farily complex.
                JoinProcessor          joinProcessor = new JoinProcessor(this);
                IRestrictableStatement rs            = qn;

                // Attach any mapping-defined "ORDER BY" fragments
                foreach (FromElement fromElement in qn.FromClause.GetProjectionListTyped())
                    if (fromElement.IsFetch && fromElement.QueryableCollection != null)
                        // Does the collection referenced by this FromElement
                        // specify an order-by attribute?  If so, attach it to
                        // the query's order-by
                        if (fromElement.QueryableCollection.HasOrdering)
                            string orderByFragment = fromElement
                        if (fromElement.QueryableCollection.HasManyToManyOrdering)
                            string orderByFragment = fromElement.QueryableCollection