private static void Main() { Util.Utils.ReleaseMemory(); I18N.Register(; using (Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, "Global\\" + "71981632-A427-497F-AB91-241CD227EC1F")) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { Process[] oldProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("Shadowsocks"); if (oldProcesses.Length > 0) { Process oldProcess = oldProcesses[0]; } MessageBox.Show("Shadowsocks is already running.\n\nFind Shadowsocks icon in your notify tray."); return; } Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Application.StartupPath); #if !DEBUG Logging.OpenLogFile(); #endif ShadowsocksController controller = new ShadowsocksController(); MenuViewController viewController = new MenuViewController(controller); //开始运行 controller.Start(); Application.Run(); } }
protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); I18N.Register(); }
protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); I18N.Register(); }
public static string GetMessageId(this IPropertyValidator propVal, bool includePropName = false) { var propValType = propVal.GetType(); #region NotNullValidator if (propValType == typeof(NotNullValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is required.") : I18N.Register("Is required.")); } #endregion #region EmailValidator if (propValType == typeof(EmailValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not a valid email address.") : I18N.Register("Is not a valid email address.")); } #endregion #region NotEmptyValidator if (propValType == typeof(NotEmptyValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' should not be empty.") : I18N.Register("Should not be empty.")); } #endregion #region EqualValidator if (propValType == typeof(EqualValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' should be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Should be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region ExclusiveBetweenValidator if (propValType == typeof(ExclusiveBetweenValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {From} and {To} (exclusive).") : I18N.Register("Must be between {From} and {To} (exclusive).")); } #endregion #region InclusiveBetweenValidator if (propValType == typeof(InclusiveBetweenValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {From} and {To}.") : I18N.Register("Must be between {From} and {To}.")); } #endregion #region LengthValidator if (propValType == typeof(LengthValidator)) { var val = (LengthValidator)propVal; return((val.Min > 0) ? (includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {Min} and {Max} characters.") : I18N.Register("Must be between {Min} and {Max} characters.")) : (includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be less than or equal to {Max} characters.") : I18N.Register("Must be less than or equal to {Max} characters."))); } #endregion #region NotEqualValidator if (propValType == typeof(NotEqualValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' should not be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Should not be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region RegularExpressionValidator if (propValType == typeof(RegularExpressionValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not in the correct format.") : I18N.Register("Is not in the correct format.")); } #endregion #region CreditCardValidator if (propValType == typeof(CreditCardValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not a valid credit card number.") : I18N.Register("Is not a valid credit card number.")); } #endregion #region ExactLengthValidator if (propValType == typeof(ExactLengthValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be {Max} characters in length.") : I18N.Register("Must be {Max} characters in length.")); } #endregion #region GreaterThanValidator if (propValType == typeof(GreaterThanValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be greater than '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be greater than '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region GreaterThanOrEqualValidator if (propValType == typeof(GreaterThanOrEqualValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be greater than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be greater than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region LessThanOrEqualValidator if (propValType == typeof(LessThanOrEqualValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be less than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be less than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region LessThanValidator if (propValType == typeof(LessThanValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be less than '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be less than '{ComparisonValue}'.")); } #endregion #region ScalePrecisionValidator if (propValType == typeof(ScalePrecisionValidator)) { return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must have scale '{Scale}', precision '{Precision}'.") : I18N.Register("Must have scale '{Scale}', precision '{Precision}'.")); } #endregion throw new NotSupportedException( string.Format( "Validator of type '{0}' has not a predefined localized message. Pass the localized message as parameter", propValType)); }
public static string GetMessageId(this IPropertyValidator propVal, bool includePropName = false) { switch (propVal) { case EmailValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not a valid email address.") : I18N.Register("Is not a valid email address.")); case GreaterThanOrEqualValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be greater than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be greater than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case GreaterThanValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be greater than '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be greater than '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case MinimumLengthValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("The length of '{PropertyName}' must be at least {MinLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters.") : I18N.Register("The length must be at least {MinLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters.")); case MaximumLengthValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("The length of '{PropertyName}' must be {MaxLength} characters or fewer. You entered {TotalLength} characters.") : I18N.Register("The length must be {MaxLength} characters or fewer. You entered {TotalLength} characters.")); case ExactLengthValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be {MaxLength} characters in length. You entered {TotalLength} characters.") : I18N.Register("Must be {MaxLength} characters in length. You entered {TotalLength} characters.")); case LengthValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {MinLength} and {MaxLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters.") : I18N.Register("Must be between {MinLength} and {MaxLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters.")); case LessThanOrEqualValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be less than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be less than or equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case LessThanValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be less than '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be less than '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case NotNullValidator _: case NotEmptyValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must not be empty.") : I18N.Register("Must not be empty.")); case NotEqualValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must not be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must not be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case AsyncPredicateValidator _: case PredicateValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("The specified condition was not met for '{PropertyName}'.") : I18N.Register("The specified condition was not met.")); case RegularExpressionValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not in the correct format.") : I18N.Register("Is not in the correct format.")); case EqualValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.") : I18N.Register("Must be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.")); case InclusiveBetweenValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {From} and {To}. You entered {Value}.") : I18N.Register("Must be between {From} and {To}. You entered {Value}.")); case ExclusiveBetweenValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be between {From} and {To} (exclusive). You entered {Value}.") : I18N.Register("Must be between {From} and {To} (exclusive). You entered {Value}.")); case CreditCardValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' is not a valid credit card number.") : I18N.Register("Is not a valid credit card number.")); case ScalePrecisionValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must not be more than {ExpectedPrecision} digits in total, with allowance for {ExpectedScale} decimals. {Digits} digits and {ActualScale} decimals were found.") : I18N.Register("Must not be more than {ExpectedPrecision} digits in total, with allowance for {ExpectedScale} decimals. {Digits} digits and {ActualScale} decimals were found.")); case EmptyValidator _: case NullValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' must be empty.") : I18N.Register("Must be empty.")); case EnumValidator _: return(includePropName ? I18N.Register("'{PropertyName}' has a range of values which does not include '{PropertyValue}'.") : I18N.Register("'Has a range of values which does not include '{PropertyValue}'.")); default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Validator of type '{propVal}' has not a predefined localized message. Pass the localized message as parameter"); } }