Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <List <Stack> > ListStacks(string cfTarget, string accessToken)
            // trust any certificate
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
                (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return(true); };

            var uri = new UriBuilder(cfTarget)
                Path = ListStacksPath,

            HypertextReference firstPageHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = uri.ToString()

            return(await GetRemainingPagesForType(firstPageHref, accessToken, new List <Stack>()));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively requests all pages of results for spaces under the org specified by <paramref name="orgGuid"/>.
        /// <para>
        /// Exceptions:
        /// <para>
        /// Throws any exceptions encountered while creating/issuing request or deserializing response.
        /// </para>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfApiAddress"></param>
        /// <param name="accessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="orgGuid"></param>
        /// <returns>List of <see cref="Space"/>s.</returns>
        public async Task <List <Space> > ListSpacesForOrg(string cfApiAddress, string accessToken, string orgGuid)
            // trust any certificate
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
                (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return(true); };

            var uri = new UriBuilder(cfApiAddress)
                Path  = ListSpacesPath,
                Query = $"organization_guids={orgGuid}",

            HypertextReference firstPageHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = uri.ToString()

            return(await GetRemainingPagesForType(firstPageHref, accessToken, new List <Space>()));
Esempio n. 3
        public FakeRoutesResponse(string apiAddress, int pageNum, int totalResults, int totalPages, int resultsPerPage) : base()
            bool isFirstPage = pageNum == 1;
            bool isLastPage  = pageNum == totalPages;

            var firstHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListRoutesPath}?page=1&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var lastHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListRoutesPath}?page={totalPages}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var nextHref = isLastPage ? null : new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListRoutesPath}?page={pageNum + 1}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var previousHref = isFirstPage ? null : new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListRoutesPath}?page={pageNum - 1}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"

            Pagination = new Pagination
                Total_results = totalResults,
                Total_pages   = totalPages,
                First         = firstHref,
                Last          = lastHref,
                Next          = nextHref,
                Previous      = previousHref,

            Route[] routes;
            if (isLastPage)
                int numResourcesInLastPage = totalResults % resultsPerPage;
                routes = new Route[numResourcesInLastPage];

                for (int i = 0; i < numResourcesInLastPage; i++)
                    routes[i] = new Route
                        Guid = $"fakeRouteId-{i + 1}",
                routes = new Route[resultsPerPage];

                for (int i = 0; i < resultsPerPage; i++)
                    routes[i] = new Route
                        Guid = $"fakeRouteId-{i + 1}",

            Routes = routes;
Esempio n. 4
        public FakeBuildpacksResponse(string apiAddress, int pageNum, int totalResults, int totalPages, int resultsPerPage)
            bool isFirstPage = pageNum == 1;
            bool isLastPage  = pageNum == totalPages;

            var firstHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListBuildpacksPath}?page=1&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var lastHref = new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListBuildpacksPath}?page={totalPages}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var nextHref = isLastPage ? null : new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListBuildpacksPath}?page={pageNum + 1}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"
            var previousHref = isFirstPage ? null : new HypertextReference()
                Href = $"{apiAddress}{CfApiClient.ListBuildpacksPath}?page={pageNum - 1}&per_page={resultsPerPage}"

            Pagination = new Pagination
                Total_results = totalResults,
                Total_pages   = totalPages,
                First         = firstHref,
                Last          = lastHref,
                Next          = nextHref,
                Previous      = previousHref,

            Buildpack[] buildpacks;

            var numPreviousResults        = (pageNum - 1) * resultsPerPage;
            int numStackTypesPerBuildpack = 3;

            /* INTENTION: assign Buildpacks prop to contain a list like this:
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack1, bp.Stack = fakeStack1
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack1, bp.Stack = fakeStack2
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack1, bp.Stack = fakeStack3
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack2, bp.Stack = fakeStack1
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack2, bp.Stack = fakeStack2
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack2, bp.Stack = fakeStack3
             * bp.Name = fakeBuildpack3, bp.Stack = fakeStack1
             * ...

            if (isLastPage)
                int numResourcesInLastPage = totalResults % resultsPerPage;
                buildpacks = new Buildpack[numResourcesInLastPage];

                for (int i = 0; i < numResourcesInLastPage; i++)
                    int buildpackId = i / numStackTypesPerBuildpack + 1 + numPreviousResults;
                    int stackTypeId = i % numStackTypesPerBuildpack + 1 + numPreviousResults;

                    buildpacks[i] = new Buildpack
                        Name  = $"fakeBuildpack{buildpackId}",
                        Stack = $"fakeStack{stackTypeId}",
                buildpacks = new Buildpack[resultsPerPage];

                for (int i = 0; i < resultsPerPage; i++)
                    int buildpackId = i / numStackTypesPerBuildpack + 1 + numPreviousResults;
                    int stackTypeId = i % numStackTypesPerBuildpack + 1 + numPreviousResults;

                    buildpacks[i] = new Buildpack
                        Name  = $"fakeBuildpack{buildpackId}",
                        Stack = $"fakeStack{stackTypeId}",

            Buildpacks = buildpacks;
Esempio n. 5
        private async Task <List <TResourceType> > GetRemainingPagesForType <TResourceType>(HypertextReference pageAddress, string accessToken, List <TResourceType> resultsSoFar)
            if (pageAddress == null)

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, pageAddress.Href);

            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);

            var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);

            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new Exception($"Response from GET `{pageAddress}` was {response.StatusCode}");

            string resultContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            HypertextReference nextPageHref;

            if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(Org))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OrgsResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Orgs.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
            else if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(Space))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpacesResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Spaces.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
            else if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(App))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppsResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Apps.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
            else if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(Buildpack))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BuildpacksResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Buildpacks.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
            else if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(Stack))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StacksResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Stacks.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
            else if (typeof(TResourceType) == typeof(Route))
                var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RoutesResponse>(resultContent);
                resultsSoFar.AddRange((IEnumerable <TResourceType>)results.Routes.ToList());

                nextPageHref = results.Pagination.Next;
                throw new Exception($"ResourceType unknown: {typeof(TResourceType).Name}");

            return(await GetRemainingPagesForType(nextPageHref, accessToken, resultsSoFar));