Esempio n. 1
 public EvolutionaryAlgorithmBuilderContinuousMO(
     Population population,
     DecisionSpace decisionSpace,
     HyperParameterManager hyperParameters,
     IParentSelectionOperator parentSelector,
     IRecombinationOperator recombinationOperator,
     IMutationOperator mutationOperator,
     IReinsertionOperator reinsertionOperator)
     this.decisionSpace = decisionSpace;
     this.population            = population;
     this.parentSelector        = parentSelector;
     this.recombinationOperator = recombinationOperator;
     this.mutationOperator      = mutationOperator;
     this.reinsertionOperator   = reinsertionOperator;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Инструмент обучения.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSet">Обучающая выборка.</param>
        /// <param name="trainType">Тип обучения.</param>
        /// <param name="hyperParameters">Гиперпараметры.</param>
        /// <param name="topology">Топология сети.</param>
        public TrainUtil(DataSet dataSet, TrainType trainType,
                         HyperParameters hyperParameters, Topology topology)
            if (!trainType.Equals(TrainType.Backpropagation))
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (!topology.IsClosed)
                throw new Exception("Топология сети не замкнута! Обучение невозможно!");

            _trainType       = trainType;
            _dataSet         = dataSet;
            _hyperParameters = hyperParameters;
            _topology        = topology;
Esempio n. 3
 private static void dumpHyperParameters(HyperParameters hyperParameters)
     Console.WriteLine("                   Hyper Parameters");
     Console.WriteLine("                          Epochs: " + hyperParameters.Epochs);
     Console.WriteLine("                 Mini Batch Size: " + hyperParameters.MiniBatchSize);
     Console.WriteLine("                   Cost Function: " + hyperParameters.CostFunctionName);
     Console.WriteLine("                   Learning Rate: " + hyperParameters.LearningRate);
     Console.WriteLine("                    Use Dropouts: " + hyperParameters.UseDropouts);
     Console.WriteLine("Hidden Layer Dropout Probability: " + hyperParameters.HiddenLayerDropoutProbability);
     Console.WriteLine(" Input Layer Dropout Probability: " + hyperParameters.InputLayerDropoutProbability);
     Console.WriteLine("               Regulation Lambda: " + hyperParameters.RegulationLambda);
     Console.WriteLine("                       Test Size: " + hyperParameters.TestSize);
     Console.WriteLine("                       Auto-save: " + hyperParameters.AutoSave);
     Console.WriteLine("             Auto-save Threshold: " + hyperParameters.AutoSaveThreshold);
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string dataRoot = @"C:\HaishiRooster\Data\MINST";

            //Load training data
            var trainingImages = MINSTDataLoader.LoadImages(Path.Combine(dataRoot, "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"));
            var trainingLabels = MINSTDataLoader.LoadLabels(Path.Combine(dataRoot, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"));
            var trainingSet    = MINSTDataLoader.CombineImagesAndLabels(trainingImages, trainingLabels);

            //Load test data
            var testingImages = MINSTDataLoader.LoadImages(Path.Combine(dataRoot, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"));
            var testingLabels = MINSTDataLoader.LoadLabels(Path.Combine(dataRoot, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"));
            var testingSet    = MINSTDataLoader.CombineImagesAndLabels(testingImages, testingLabels);

            //Print training set information and a sample image
            Console.WriteLine("Training set size: " + trainingSet.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Testing set size: " + testingSet.Count);
            int index = mRand.Next(trainingSet.Count);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Here's a random picture from the training set: #{0} ({1})", index, convertToByte(trainingSet[index].Label)));
            MINSTDataVisualizer.PrintImage(trainingSet[index].Image, 28);

            Network network;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(args[0])))
                    network = Network.Load(reader);
                Console.WriteLine("\nNetwork is loaded!");
                //HyperParameters hyperParameters = new HyperParameters { CostFunctionName = "QuadraticCost", Epochs = 30, MiniBatchSize = 10, LearningRate = 3, TestSize = 10, AutoSave = true, AutoSaveThreshold = 0.951 };
                //network = new Network(hyperParameters, 784, 30, 10);

                //HyperParameters hyperParameters = new HyperParameters { CostFunctionName = "CrossEntropyCost", Epochs = 30, MiniBatchSize = 10, LearningRate = 0.5, TestSize = testingSet.Count, AutoSave = true, AutoSaveThreshold = 0.967 };
                //network = new Network(hyperParameters, 784, 100, 10);

                ////Cross-entropy with regulation
                //HyperParameters hyperParameters = new HyperParameters { CostFunctionName = "CrossEntropyCost", Epochs = 60, MiniBatchSize = 10, LearningRate = 0.1,  RegulationLambda = 5.0, TestSize = testingSet.Count, AutoSave = true, AutoSaveThreshold = 0.98 };
                //network = new Network(hyperParameters, 784, 100, 10);

                ////Cross-entropy with regulation - 120 epochs
                //HyperParameters hyperParameters = new HyperParameters { CostFunctionName = "CrossEntropyCost", Epochs = 120, MiniBatchSize = 10, LearningRate = 0.1,  RegulationLambda = 5.0, TestSize = testingSet.Count, AutoSave = true, AutoSaveThreshold = 0.98 };
                //network = new Network(hyperParameters, 784, 100, 10);

                ////Cross-entropy with regulation - 120 epochs - with dropouts
                HyperParameters hyperParameters = new HyperParameters {
                    CostFunctionName = "CrossEntropyCost", Epochs = 240, MiniBatchSize = 10, LearningRate = 1, RegulationLambda = 5.0, TestSize = testingSet.Count, AutoSave = true, AutoSaveThreshold = 0.98, UseDropouts = true
                network = new Network(hyperParameters, 784, 100, 10);


                //Train the network
                network.Train(trainingSet, (actual, expected) =>
                    return(convertToByte(actual) == convertToByte(expected));
                }, testingSet);

                Console.WriteLine("\nNetwork is trained!");

            //Now validate

            while (true)
                Console.Write(string.Format("\nPlease enter a test image index [0 - {0}]. Enter '-1' to evaluate all test images. Enter '-2' to exit:", testingSet.Count - 1));
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out index))
                    if (index == -1)
                        int count = 0;
                        Console.Write(string.Format("Detecting {0} pictures", testingSet.Count));
                        for (int i = 0; i < testingSet.Count; i++)
                            var detection = network.Detect(testingSet[i].Image);
                            if (convertToByte(detection) == convertToByte(testingSet[i].Label))
                        Console.WriteLine("\nDetected {0} out of {1} pictures, correct rate is: {2:0.0%}", count, testingSet.Count, count * 1.0 / testingSet.Count);
                    else if (index >= 0 && index < testingSet.Count)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Test image: #{0} ({1})", index, convertToByte(testingSet[index].Label)));
                        MINSTDataVisualizer.PrintImage(testingSet[index].Image, 28);
                        var detection = network.Detect(testingSet[index].Image);
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nDetected number: {0} - {1}", detection, convertToByte(detection) == convertToByte(testingSet[index].Label) ? "SUCCESS!" : "FAIL!"));
                    else if (index == -2)
                    else if (index == -3)
                        Console.Write("Please enter file name: ");
                        string fileName = Console.ReadLine();
                        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(fileName)))
Esempio n. 5
 public abstract void Train(NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork, Matrix <double> trainingSet, Matrix <double> crossValidationSet, Matrix <double> trainingSetOutput, Matrix <double> crossValidationSetOutput, HyperParameters hyperParameters = null);
 private void _train(NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork, Matrix <double> trainingSet,
                     Matrix <double> crossValidationSet, Matrix <double> trainingSetOutput, Matrix <double> crossValidationSetOutput, HyperParameters hyperParamters = null)
     TrainingAlgorithm.Train(neuralNetwork, trainingSet, crossValidationSet, trainingSetOutput,
                             crossValidationSetOutput, hyperParamters);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Обновить ячейку с помощтю карт входа/выхода.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Ячейка.</param>
        /// <param name="inputMap">Входная карта.</param>
        /// <param name="outputMap">Выходная карта.</param>
        /// <param name="filterMatrixSize">Размер матрицы фильтра.</param>
        /// <param name="hyperParameters">Гиперпараметры.</param>
        public static void UpdateCellByIOMaps(this ModifiedCell cell, FigureMap inputMap,
                                              FigureMap outputMap, int filterMatrixSize, HyperParameters hyperParameters)
            var xEndPoint = cell.X + filterMatrixSize;
            var yEndPoint = cell.Y + filterMatrixSize;

            var gradient = 0d;

            var x = 0;

            for (var xStartPoint = cell.X; xStartPoint < xEndPoint; ++xStartPoint)
                var y = 0;
                for (var yStartPoint = cell.Y; yStartPoint < yEndPoint; ++yStartPoint)
                    var cellFromInputMap = inputMap.Cells
                                           .Find(c => c.X.Equals(xStartPoint) && c.Y.Equals(yStartPoint));

                    var cellFromOutputMap = outputMap.Cells.Find(c => c.X.Equals(x) && c.Y.Equals(y));
                    gradient += cellFromInputMap.Value * cellFromOutputMap.Value;



            var deltaValue = hyperParameters.Epsilon * gradient + hyperParameters.Alpha * cell.LastValueDelta;


            var newValue = cell.Value + deltaValue;

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Выполнить обучение.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToSettings">Путь до сохранённого файла настроек.</param>
        private static void DoTrain(out string pathToSettings)
            ConsoleExtensions.WriteWithColors(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Green,
                                              "Вас приветствует обучение!\nУкажите директорию обучающей выборки " +
                                              "(enter для директории по-умолчанию):");

            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (input.Equals(string.Empty))
                input = PathHelper.GetResourcesPath();

            if (!Directory.Exists(input))
                throw new Exception($"Указанная директория не существует!\nДиректория: {input}");

            var directories      = Directory.GetDirectories(input).ToList();
            var matrixDictionary = new Dictionary <int, List <double[, ]> >();

            var key = 0;

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(directory).ToList();

                if (!files.Any())
                    throw new Exception($"Файлы не найдены!\nДиректория: {directory}");

                var images        = PathToImageConverter.LoadImages(files);
                var resizedImages = NormilizeUtil.ResizeImages(images, 6, 6);

                var normilizedMatrixies = NormilizeUtil.GetNormilizedMatrixesFromImages(resizedImages);
                matrixDictionary.Add(key, normilizedMatrixies);


            var hyperParameters = new HyperParameters
                EpochCount = 1,
                Epsilon    = 0.75,
                Alpha      = 0.001

            var topology = new Topology();

            topology.Add(2, 2, LayerType.Convolution);
            topology.Add(3, 2, LayerType.Subsampling);
            topology.Add(4, 2, LayerType.Hidden, true);

            if (!topology.IsClosed)
                throw new Exception("Не удалось замкнуть топологию.");

            var dataSet = new DataSet(DataSetType.ForNumberRecognizing);

            if (!matrixDictionary.Count.Equals(dataSet.MaxCountInDataSet()))
                throw new Exception("Не соответсвие количества выборок для распознавания чисел!");

            foreach (var pair in matrixDictionary)

            var trainUtil = new TrainUtil(dataSet, TrainType.Backpropagation, hyperParameters, topology);

            trainUtil.Start(3, 2, out var error, out pathToSettings);

            var errorString = $"{Math.Round(error * 100, 2)}%";

            ConsoleExtensions.WriteWithColors(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Yellow,
                                              $"\nОшибка: {errorString}");

            if (pathToSettings.Equals(string.Empty))
                ConsoleExtensions.WriteWithColors(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red,
                                                  "\nДанные не были сохранены!");
                ConsoleExtensions.WriteWithColors(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Blue,
                                                  $"\nДанные сохранены!\nДиректория: {pathToSettings}");
        public void Train(NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork, Matrix <double> inputs, Matrix <double> outputs, HyperParameters hyperParamters = null)
            if (TrainingAlgorithm is LevenbergAlgorithm)
                _isLeven = true;
                _isLeven = false;
            var temp = Divider.Divide(inputs, outputs);

            _train(neuralNetwork, temp.Item1, temp.Item3, temp.Item2, temp.Item4, hyperParamters);
        public override void Train(NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork, Matrix <double> trainingSet, Matrix <double> crossValidationSet, Matrix <double> trainingSetOutput, Matrix <double> crossValidationSetOutput, HyperParameters hyperParameters = null)
            double maxError = 0.01, error = 5, momentum = 0.9;
            int    maxEpochs = 1000, epochs = 0;

            if (hyperParameters != null)
                if (maxEpochs <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Max Epochs cannot be negative");
                if (maxError > 2 || maxError < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Max error cannot be negative or very large");
                maxError  = hyperParameters.MaxError;
                maxEpochs = hyperParameters.MaxEpochs;
                momentum  = hyperParameters.Momentum;

            TrainingErrorMessage message = new TrainingErrorMessage()
                NeuralNetwork = neuralNetwork, TrainingSet = trainingSet, CrossValidationSet = crossValidationSet, TrainingSetOutput = trainingSetOutput, CrossValidationSetOutput = crossValidationSetOutput
            var layers  = neuralNetwork.Layers;
            var weights = neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights;

            //for momentum
            List <Matrix <double> > prevDeltaW = new List <Matrix <double> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < weights.Count; ++i)
                prevDeltaW.Add(Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(layers[i + 1].NeuronsNumber, layers[i].NeuronsNumber + 1));
            //epochs++ => ++epochs
            while (error >= maxError && ++epochs <= maxEpochs)
                prevDeltaW.ForEach(e => e.Clear());
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.RowCount; i++)
                    Vector <double> input  = trainingSet.Row(i),
                                    output = trainingSetOutput.Column(i);
                    var temp = neuralNetwork.ForwardInput(input);
                    IList <Vector <double> > acs = temp.Item1, gs = temp.Item2;
                    var D      = (output - acs[acs.Count - 1]).PointwiseMultiply(gs[gs.Count - 1]).ToColumnMatrix(); // n(output) * 1
                    var deltaW = D * acs[acs.Count - 2].ToRowMatrix() * layers[layers.Count - 1].LearningRate;       // (n(output) * 1) * ((n(output-1)+1) * 1)' = n(output) * (n(output-1)+1)
                    //for momentum
                    deltaW += computeAdditionalTerms(prevDeltaW[weights.Count - 1], momentum);
                    prevDeltaW[weights.Count - 1] = deltaW;
                    neuralNetwork.UpdateWeightsAt(deltaW, weights.Count - 1);
                    for (int j = layers.Count - 2; j > 0; j--)
                        D      = (weights[j].Transpose() * D).RemoveRow(0).PointwiseMultiply(gs[j - 1].ToColumnMatrix()); // (n(j+1) * (n(j)+1))' * (n(j+1) * 1) = (n(j)+1) * 1, then => (n(j) * 1) .* (n(j) * 1)
                        deltaW = D * acs[j - 1].ToRowMatrix() * layers[j].LearningRate;                                   // (n(j) * 1) * ((n(j-1)+1) * 1)' = n(j) * (n(j-1)+1)
                        //for momentum
                        deltaW           += computeAdditionalTerms(prevDeltaW[j - 1], momentum);
                        prevDeltaW[j - 1] = deltaW;
                        neuralNetwork.UpdateWeightsAt(deltaW, j - 1);
                message.Epochs = epochs;
                error = message.Error;
        public override void Train(NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork, Matrix <double> trainingSet,
                                   Matrix <double> crossValidationSet, Matrix <double> trainingSetOutput, Matrix <double> crossValidationSetOutput,
                                   HyperParameters hyperParameters = null)
            //Func<Math.IActivatorFunction, IActivationFunction> to = (fun) =>
            //    if (fun is Math.SigmoidFunction)
            //        return new SigmoidFunction();
            //    if (fun is Math.IdentityFunction)
            //        return new IdentityFunction();
            //    return new SigmoidFunction();
            //IList<ActivationLayer> layers = new List<ActivationLayer>();
            //layers.Add(new ActivationLayer(neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights[0].RowCount, trainingSet.ColumnCount, to(neuralNetwork.Layers[0].Applier.ActivatorFunction)));
            //for (int i = 1; i < neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights.Count; i++)
            //    layers.Add(new ActivationLayer(neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights[i - 1].RowCount, trainingSet.ColumnCount, to(neuralNetwork.Layers[i].Applier.ActivatorFunction)));
            double maxError = 0.01, error = 5, lr = 0.01;
            int    maxEpochs = 1000, epochs = 0;

            if (hyperParameters != null)
                if (maxEpochs <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Max Epochs cannot be negative");
                if (maxError > 2 || maxError < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Max error cannot be negative or very large");
                maxError  = hyperParameters.MaxError;
                maxEpochs = hyperParameters.MaxEpochs;
                lr        = hyperParameters.Lr;
            ActivationNetwork          network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(2), trainingSet.ColumnCount, neuralNetwork.Layers.Select(x => x.NeuronsNumber).ToArray());
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network, true)
                LearningRate = lr
            TrainingErrorMessage message       = new TrainingErrorMessage()
                NeuralNetwork            = neuralNetwork,
                TrainingSet              = trainingSet,
                CrossValidationSet       = crossValidationSet,
                TrainingSetOutput        = trainingSetOutput,
                CrossValidationSetOutput = crossValidationSetOutput
            int iterations = 1;

            double[][] inputs = new double[trainingSet.RowCount][],
            crossInputs  = new double[crossValidationSet.RowCount][],
            outputs      = new double[trainingSetOutput.RowCount][],
            crossOutputs = new double[crossValidationSetOutput.RowCount][];
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.RowCount; i++)
                inputs[i] = new double[trainingSet.ColumnCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet.ColumnCount; j++)
                    inputs[i][j] = trainingSet[i, j];
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSetOutput.RowCount; i++)
                outputs[i] = new double[trainingSetOutput.ColumnCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet.ColumnCount; j++)
                    outputs[i][j] = trainingSetOutput[i, j];
            for (int i = 0; i < crossValidationSet.RowCount; i++)
                crossInputs[i] = new double[crossValidationSet.ColumnCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < crossValidationSet.ColumnCount; j++)
                    crossInputs[i][j] = crossValidationSet[i, j];
            for (int i = 0; i < crossValidationSetOutput.RowCount; i++)
                crossOutputs[i] = new double[crossValidationSetOutput.ColumnCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < crossValidationSetOutput.ColumnCount; j++)
                    crossOutputs[i][j] = crossValidationSetOutput[i, j];
            while (error > maxError && iterations++ <= maxEpochs)
                message.Epochs     = iterations;
                error              = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);
                message.TrainError = error;
                message.CrossError = teacher.ComputeError(crossInputs, crossOutputs);

            //double mue = 0.001, mue_adj = 10, max_mue = 1e10;


            //double currentError = message.Error;
            //while (currentError >= maxError && epochs++ < maxEpochs)
            //    message.Epochs = epochs;

            //    var temp = HissienAndGragient(neuralNetwork, trainingSet, trainingSetOutput);
            //    var hessien = temp.Item1;
            //    var gradient = temp.Item2;
            //    Matrix<double> blendingMatrix = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseDiagonal(hessien.RowCount, hessien.ColumnCount);
            //    var prevW = neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights.ToList();
            //    //Console.WriteLine("prev :");
            //    //prevW.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
            //    double nextError = 100000;
            //    while (true)
            //    {
            //        var term = hessien + mue*blendingMatrix;
            //        var det = term.Determinant();

            //        if (System.Math.Abs(det) > 0)
            //        {
            //            var deltaW = term*gradient;
            //            neuralNetwork.UpdateWeightsFromVector(deltaW);
            //            //Console.WriteLine("updated :");
            //            //neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
            //            base.Notify(message);
            //            nextError = message.Error;
            //        }

            //        if (!(System.Math.Abs(det) > 0) || nextError >= currentError)
            //        {
            //            neuralNetwork.SetWeights(prevW);
            //            //Console.WriteLine("set to prev :");
            //            //neuralNetwork.HiddenWeights.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
            //            mue *= mue_adj;
            //            if (mue > max_mue)
            //            {
            //                mue = max_mue;
            //                break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            mue /= mue_adj;
            //            currentError = nextError;
            //            //Console.WriteLine("the shit is here");
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
Esempio n. 12
 public NelderMeadBuilder(DecisionSpace decisionSpace, HyperParameterManager hyperParameters)
     this.decisionSpace = decisionSpace;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Получить дельту веса.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hyperParameters">Гиперпараметры.</param>
 /// <param name="gradient">Градиент.</param>
 /// <param name="lastDeltaValue">Последние значение дельты веса.</param>
 /// <returns>Возвращает дельту веса.</returns>
 internal static double GetWeightsDelta(HyperParameters hyperParameters,
                                        double gradient, double lastDeltaValue) =>
 hyperParameters.Epsilon * gradient + hyperParameters.Alpha * lastDeltaValue;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Получить дельту веса.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hyperParameters">Гиперпараметры.</param>
 /// <param name="outputNeuron">Выходной связанные нейрон.</param>
 /// <param name="gradient">Градиент.</param>
 /// <param name="indexOfCurrentNeuron">Индекс текущего нейрона.</param>
 /// <returns>Возвращает дельту веса.</returns>
 internal static double GetWeightsDelta(HyperParameters hyperParameters, Neuron outputNeuron,
                                        double gradient, int indexOfCurrentNeuron) =>
 hyperParameters.Epsilon * gradient +
 hyperParameters.Alpha *
Esempio n. 15
 public GeneticSpecimen(string file)
     FilePath        = file;
     hyperParameters = new HyperParameters(FilePath);
Esempio n. 16
 public HyperParameters GetHyperParameters()