protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string sql = ""; String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) { if (v_uids[i] != "") { //删除当前记录 sql = "delete from hyk_whzx_tpgl where id='" + v_uids[i] + "'"; db.Execute(sql); //删除投票选项表记录 sql = "delete from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where hy_tpztid='" + v_uids[i] + "'"; db.Execute(sql); //删除投票明细记录 sql = "delete from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpztid='" + v_uids[i] + "'"; db.Execute(sql); } } this.txtuids.Value = ""; //DataPlay(1); db.Close(); DataPlay(System.Int32.Parse(this.curpage.Text)); }
//保存 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); string ls_tip = "保存成功!"; //新文档时 string lscolunid = "", sql = ""; HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); if (this.txtselcolid.Value =="") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择查询的字段!');window.location.href = window.location.href;</script>"); return; } if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { //判断是否重复 string sql1 = "select * from hyt_searchconfig where hy_mudelid='" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "' and hy_tableid='" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "'"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql1); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该模块已添加,请修改!');window.location.href = window.location.href;</script>"); return; } lscolunid = Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); sql = "insert into hyt_searchconfig (ID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_sort,hy_columnshowid,hy_columnshow,hy_ifsearch,hy_xszdid,hy_xszd,hy_kckry,hy_kckryid) values ("; sql += "'" + lscolunid + "','" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "','" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "'," + float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text) + ""; sql += ",'" + this.txtselcolid.Value + "','" + this.txtselcol.Value + "','" + this.ddlifsearch.SelectedValue + "'"; sql += ",'" + this.txtselsearchid.Value + "','" + this.txtselsearch.Value + "','" + this.hy_field41_1.Value + "','" + this.hy_field43_1.Value + "')"; db.Execute(sql); } else { sql = "update hyt_searchconfig set hy_mudelid='" + this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue + "', hy_tableid='" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + "',"; sql += "hy_sort=" + float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text) + ",hy_columnshowid='" + this.txtselcolid.Value + "',hy_columnshow='" + this.txtselcol.Value + "',"; sql += " hy_ifsearch='" + this.ddlifsearch.SelectedValue + "',hy_xszdid='" + this.txtselsearchid.Value + "',hy_xszd='" + this.txtselsearch.Value + "', "; sql += " hy_kckry='" + this.hy_field41_1.Value + "',hy_kckryid='" + this.hy_field43_1.Value + "' where ID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(sql); } db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转 if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); String lssql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8000000; i++) { lssql = "insert into hyq_tb1_main (docid,hy_maindocid,hy_xm,hy_ytbrgx,hy_ytbrgx_bz) values ('" + i.ToString() + "','" + i.ToString() + "','" + i.ToString() + "','" + i.ToString() + "','" + i.ToString() +"')"; db.Execute(lssql); } this.Response.Write("插入完成!"); }
protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) { if (v_uids[i] != "") { string sql = "delete from hyt_searchconfig where ID='" + v_uids[i] + "'"; db.Execute(sql); } } db.Close(); this.txtuids.Value = ""; //DataPlay(1); DataPlay(System.Int32.Parse(this.curpage.Text)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //生成省侨办的用户及密码 HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); String lssql = "select * from hyt_user where 1=1 order by hy_userid"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql); this.Response.Write("<table border='1'>"); Random Random1 = new Random(); int i1; String lspassword = ""; String lssqlupdate = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { this.Response.Write("<tr>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); this.Response.Write("登录名"); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); this.Response.Write(dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); this.Response.Write("中文名"); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); this.Response.Write(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString()); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); this.Response.Write("密码"); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("<td>"); i1 = Random1.Next(100000, 999999); this.Response.Write(i1.ToString()); this.Response.Write("</td>"); this.Response.Write("</tr>"); lspassword = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(i1.ToString(), "MD5"); lssqlupdate = "update hyt_user set hy_pwd='" + lspassword + "' where hy_userid='" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdate); } this.Response.Write("</table>"); }
//驳回 protected void btn_bh1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //更新投票表 HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_sql = "update hyk_whzx_tpgl set hy_bhsj=getdate(),hy_gjzt='驳回投票' where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sql); db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转 string ls_tip = "投票驳回成功!"; if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit Hyoa_iplimit = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_iplimit(); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) { if (v_uids[i] != "") { //Hyoa_iplimit.ID = v_uids[i]; //Hyoa_iplimit.Delete(); string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid ='moduleqjzl' and hy_tableid='ac5e8ddd-d74c-4c9d-b0bf-5c23fc77b589' and DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'"; db.Execute(lssql); } } this.txtuids.Value = ""; //DataPlay(1); DataPlay(System.Int32.Parse(this.curpage.Text)); db.Close(); }
//添加候选项 protected void btn_add1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_sql = ""; int ls_sort = 1; //通过问卷题目ID得到最大排序号 ls_sql = "select max(hy_sort) as hy_sort,count(*) as num from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' order by hy_sort desc "; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql); if (dt.Rows[0]["num"].ToString() != "0") { ls_sort = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_sort"].ToString()) + 1; } dt.Clear(); ls_sql = "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx (id,hy_tpztid,hy_tpxxmc,hy_sort) values ("; ls_sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.hy_hxx.Value + "'," + ls_sort + ""; ls_sql += ")"; db.Execute(ls_sql); savetj("准备投票"); //处理完成后的提示及跳转(增加刷新候选项功能) Response.Write("<script>window.location='main_tpgl.aspx?op=modify&id=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&url=" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); }
//保存 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); string[] lvrow; string[] lvcol; lvrow = this.txtsubmit.Text.Split('*'); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); DataTable dt; string lssql = ""; string lssqlupdata = ""; string lssqlupdatapeo = ""; int lsvalue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lvrow.Length; i++) { lvcol = lvrow[i].Split('+'); lssql = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; dt = db.GetDataTable(lssql); //this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + lvcol[1] + "');</script>"); if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field1"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field11"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field11"].ToString()) + 1; } //票数+1 lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field11=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field7=hy_field7+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field2"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString()) + 1; } lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field12=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field8=hy_field8+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field3"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field13"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field13"].ToString()) + 1; } lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field13=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field9=hy_field9+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field4"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field14"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field14"].ToString()) + 1; } lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field14=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field17=hy_field17+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field5"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field15"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field15"].ToString()) + 1; } lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field15=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field18=hy_field18+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field6"].ToString() == lvcol[1]) { if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field16"].ToString() == "") { lsvalue = 1; } else { lsvalue = System.Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_field16"].ToString()) + 1; } lssqlupdata = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field16=" + lsvalue.ToString() + " where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdata); //记录投票人信息记录 lssqlupdatapeo = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field19=hy_field19+'+" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; db.Execute(lssqlupdatapeo); } string lsupmain = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field42=hy_field42+'+"+this.Session["hyuname"].ToString()+"' where hy_mudelid='moduletpgl' and hy_tableid='bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd' and DOCID='" + lvcol[0] + "'"; //this.txttest.Text = lsupmain; db.Execute(lsupmain); } db.Close(); this.Response.Write("<script>alert('投票成功!');window.close();</script>"); }
protected void btndcinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) { if (v_uids[i] != "") { string ls_sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field59='已导出' where DOCID = '" + v_uids[i] + "' "; db.Execute(ls_sql); } } this.txtuids.Value = ""; //DataPlay(1); db.Close(); DataPlay(System.Int32.Parse(this.curpage.Text)); }
//打开文档显示 private void DataPlay() { if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] != null) { this.txtop.Value = this.Request.QueryString["op"].ToString(); //新增还是修改 HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string sql = ""; //新文档 if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] == "add") { this.txtdocid.Value = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.txtdjr.Value = Session["hyuname"].ToString(); this.txtdjrid.Value = Session["hyuid"].ToString(); this.txtdjsj.Value = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_tpjssj.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //是投票管理员,提交按钮显示 this.btn_submit.Visible = true; //提交 this.btn_tj.Visible = true; //提交 } //旧文档 if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] == "modify") { if (this.Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { //根据id得到信息 this.txtdocid.Value = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); sql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { #region 根据id得到信息 this.txtdjr.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djr"].ToString(); this.txtdjrid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString(); this.txtdjsj.Value = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_djsj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_bt.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_bt"].ToString(); this.hy_btR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_bt"].ToString(); this.hy_tpjssj.Value = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_tpjssjR.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //this.ddlType.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tplbid"].ToString(); foreach (ListItem lt in this.ddlType.Items) { if (lt.Value == dt.Rows[0]["hy_tplbid"].ToString()) { lt.Selected = true; break; } } this.hy_tplbR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tplb"].ToString(); this.hy_xxsm.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_xxsm"].ToString(); this.hy_xxsmR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_xxsm"].ToString(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); string lssql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(lssql); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++) { string ls_xxid = dt2.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(); //根据选项ID去统计该选项有多少选票 string xxsql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpxxid='" + ls_xxid + "'"; DataTable dt3 = db.GetDataTable(xxsql); string ls_ytps = dt3.Rows.Count.ToString(); str.Append("<div style=\"height:25px\">"); str.Append(i+1+"、"+dt2.Rows[i]["hy_tpxxmc"].ToString()); str.Append(" (已投" + ls_ytps + "票)"); str.Append("</div>"); dt3.Clear(); } } dt2.Clear(); this.hy_hxxR.Text = str.ToString(); if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktxx"].ToString() == "单选") { hy_rdi1.Checked = true; } else { hy_rdi2.Checked = true; } this.hy_ktxxR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktxx"].ToString(); this.hy_kydz.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktpz"].ToString(); this.hy_kydzid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktpzid"].ToString(); this.hy_kydzR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktpz"].ToString(); this.hy_kcktpjg.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_kcktpjg"].ToString(); this.hy_kcktpjgid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_kcktpjgid"].ToString(); this.hy_kcktpjgR.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_kcktpjg"].ToString(); //投票状态 this.txthy_gjzt.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_gjzt"].ToString(); //判断该投票是否已经过期============== if (System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != "1900-01-01" && Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) > Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) { //将该文档设为“结束投票” string ls_sql = "update hyk_whzx_tpgl set hy_jssj=getdate(),hy_gjzt='结束投票' where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sql); //发送待办事宜给审阅人员 string ls_dburl = "/ekp/whzx/list_tpgl_tpjg.aspx?fid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&mid=" + this.txtmudelid.Value + "&pop=1"; string ls_body = "[" + this.hy_bt.Text + "]的投票已结束,请查看"; //部分可查看结果人员 string[] lv_kydzid = this.hy_kcktpjgid.Value.Split('+'); string[] lv_kydzname = this.hy_kcktpjgR.Text.Split('+'); for (int ii = 0; ii < lv_kydzid.Length; ii++) { Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_kydzid[ii], lv_kydzname[ii], this.txtdjrid.Value, this.txtdjr.Value, ls_dburl, "待阅", this.txtmudelid.Value, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请阅读", 0, "", ""); } } #endregion } dt.Clear(); //-----隐藏控制 s------- //结果可以查看人员的权限 //Response.Write(this.hy_kcktpjgid.Value); if (this.hy_kcktpjgid.Value.IndexOf(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString()) > 0) { this.btn_jg.Visible = true; } if (this.txtdjrid.Value == Session["hyuid"].ToString()) { #region 如果当前用户是登记人员 if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "准备投票" || this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "驳回投票" || this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "撤销投票") { //未提交审核,则显示保存按钮和提交按钮 this.btn_submit.Visible = true; this.btn_tj.Visible = true; } else if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "投票中") { //已提交投票就不能修改字段了 NoEdit(); this.btn_js.Visible = true; } else if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "待审投票") { } else { NoEdit(); } //else //{ // //已提交投票就不能修改字段了 // NoEdit(); //} #endregion } if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Role_ekp004", this.Session["hyuid"].ToString())) { #region 如果当前用户是审核人员 //待审时,则显示发布、驳回按钮 if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "待审投票") { this.btn_fb.Visible = true; this.btn_bh.Visible = true; } //发布时,则显示撤稿按钮 if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "投票中") { this.btn_cg.Visible = true; } //撤稿时,则显示发布按钮 if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "撤销投票") { this.btn_fb.Visible = true; } #endregion } if (this.txthy_gjzt.Value == "结束投票") { #region 如果稿件状态是结束投票 NoEdit(); #endregion } //-----隐藏控制 e------- } } db.Close(); } }
//打开文档显示 private void DataPlay() { if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] != null) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); this.txtop.Value = this.Request.QueryString["op"].ToString(); //我要投票还是查看投票 this.txtdocid.Value = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); //文档ID //我要投票 if (this.Request.QueryString["op"] == "add") { //判断是否已经投票过 string issql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_tprid ='" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'"; DataTable isdt = db.GetDataTable(issql); if (isdt.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('您已经投票了!');window.location='list_tpgl_wytp.aspx'</script>"); } //显示我要投票 this.btn_submit.Visible = true; } //根据id得到信息 string sql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { #region 根据id得到信息 this.txtdjr.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djr"].ToString(); this.txtdjrid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString(); this.hy_lbl1.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_djsj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_lbl2.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tplb"].ToString(); this.hy_lbl3.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpkssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_lbl4.Text = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["hy_tpjssj"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hy_lbl5.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_xxsm"].ToString(); this.hy_lbl6.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_bt"].ToString(); //判断该投票是否已经过期 if (Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) > Convert.ToDateTime(this.hy_lbl4.Text)) { //将该文档设为“结束投票” string ls_sql = "update hyk_whzx_tpgl set hy_jssj=getdate(),hy_gjzt='结束投票' where id='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sql); Response.Write("<script>alert('对不起,该投票已经结束!');window.location='list_tpgl_wytp.aspx'</script>"); return; } //根据单选或多选得到选项 this.hy_tpfs.Value = dt.Rows[0]["hy_ktxx"].ToString(); //单选还是多选 string lssql = "select * from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where hy_tpztid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(lssql); if (this.hy_tpfs.Value == "多选") { this.GridView1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataSource = dt2; GridView2.DataBind(); } else { this.GridView2.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt2; GridView1.DataBind(); } dt2.Clear(); #endregion } dt.Clear(); db.Close(); } }
//删除 protected void Button_Del_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(lssql); string lssqldbsy = "delete from hyt_dbsy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(lssqldbsy); db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转(增加刷新附件功能) string ls_tip = "删除成功!"; if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>window.opener.location.reload();window.opener=null;'','_self');window.close();</script>"); } //效能办公日志记录 hyXnxtSaveLogs("", "删除一条记录", "删除"); }
private void dg1_UpdateCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { string ls_ids = e.Item.Cells[0].Text; string ls_sort = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[1].Controls[0]).Text; string ls_hxx = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text; HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_sqlgx = "update hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx set hy_sort="+System.Int32.Parse(ls_sort)+", hy_tpxxmc='" + ls_hxx + "' where id ='" + ls_ids + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sqlgx); dg1.EditItemIndex = -1; this.DataBindHxx(); //重新协调绑定 }
//发布投票add by fy 2014-02-23 protected void Button_Pub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //发布投票时发送邮件给参与投票人 HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user(); string ls_yqmlists = ""; if (this.hy_field43.Text == "") { //从人员库中读取人员 DataTable dt = Hyoa_user.GetusersOrderbydeptsortandusersort(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string ls_jsrid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString(); string ls_jsrname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(); string ls_yqm = ""; string ls_yqms = GetRandom3(); if (ls_jsrid == "admin") { ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms; } else { ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms; //获得6位数字的随机数 } //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入</a>"; String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + ls_jsrname + "','" + this.hy_field23.Text + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') "; db.Execute(ls_sql); //将邀请码 if (ls_yqmlists == "") { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm; } else { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm; } } } } else { string ls_jsrid = this.hy_field43.Text; string ls_jsrname = this.hy_field41.Text; string[] lv_jsrid = ls_jsrid.Split('+'); string[] lv_jsrname = ls_jsrname.Split('+'); for (var i = 0; i < lv_jsrid.Length; i++) { if (lv_jsrid[i] != "") { string ls_yqm = ""; string ls_yqms = GetRandom3(); if (lv_jsrid[i] == "admin") { ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms; } else { ls_yqm = lv_jsrid[i].Substring(lv_jsrid[i].Length - 3) + ls_yqms; //获得6位数字的随机数 } ////发送待办 //string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); //string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,请您参与"; //Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_jsrid[i].ToString(), lv_jsrname[i].ToString(), // this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), ls_dburl, "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请参与", 0, "", ""); //给参与的人发送邮件 //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入</a>"; String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + lv_jsrid[i].ToString() + "','','" + lv_jsrname[i].ToString() + "','" + this.hy_field23.Text + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') "; db.Execute(ls_sql); //将邀请码 if (ls_yqmlists == "") { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm; } else { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm; } } } } //更新表 string sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field30='" + ls_yqmlists + "',hy_field100=1 where docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(sql); db.Close(); db.Dispose(); Response.Write("<script>alert('发布投票成功!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); }
//保存 protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("../../login.aspx"); string ls_tip = "保存成功!"; HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string sql = ""; if (this.hy_field2.Value == "") { this.hy_field2.Value = "1"; } //新文档时 if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { sql += "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tplb (id,hy_tplbmc,hy_sort) values ("; sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.hy_field1.Value + "'," + int.Parse(this.hy_field2.Value) + ")"; db.Execute(sql); } else { sql += "update hyk_whzx_tpgl_tplb set hy_tplbmc='" + this.hy_field1.Value + "',hy_sort=" + int.Parse(this.hy_field2.Value) + " where id='" + this.hy_id.Value + "'"; db.Execute(sql); } //处理完成后的提示及跳转 if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Text + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } db.Close(); }
//保存 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); string ls_tip = "保存成功!"; HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield(); //新文档时 if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { Hyoa_flowfield.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tableid = this.txttableid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_mudelid = this.txtmudelid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_flowid = this.txtflowid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldid = this.txtfieldid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldname = this.txtfieldname.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldtype = this.ddlfieldtype.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifreadonly = this.ddlifreadonly.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvaluetype = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddldefaultvaluetype.SelectedValue); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvalue = this.txtdefaultvalue.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_optiontype = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddloptiontype.SelectedValue); if (ddloptiontype.SelectedValue == "1" && ddlwhichtable.SelectedIndex != 0) { if(this.ddlwhichtable.SelectedIndex==0) Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = this.txtoptions.Text; else Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = this.txtoptions.Text + " from hyp_flowmain where hy_tableid='" + ddlwhichtable.SelectedValue + "' order by " + this.txtsortby.Text + " " + this.ddlsorttype.SelectedValue; } else { Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = this.txtoptions.Text; } Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onclick = this.txtonclick.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ondblclick = this.txtondblclick.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onchange = this.txtonchange.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeydown = this.txtonkeydown.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeyup = this.txtonkeyup.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sqlfield = this.ddlsqlfield.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_class = this.txtclass.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_width = this.txtwidth.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_height = this.txtheight.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tdnums = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddltdnums.SelectedValue); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_config = ""; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sort = float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_wordlimit = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtwordlimit.Text); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_required = this.ddlrequired.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_align = this.ddlalign.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifhiddle = this.ddlifhiddle.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.Insert(); } else { Hyoa_flowfield.ID = this.txtdocid.Value; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tableid = this.txttableid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_mudelid = this.txtmudelid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_flowid = this.txtflowid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldid = this.txtfieldid.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldname = this.txtfieldname.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldtype = this.ddlfieldtype.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifreadonly = this.ddlifreadonly.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvaluetype = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddldefaultvaluetype.SelectedValue); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvalue = this.txtdefaultvalue.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_optiontype = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddloptiontype.SelectedValue); if (ddloptiontype.SelectedValue == "1" && ddlwhichtable.SelectedIndex != 0) Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = this.txtoptions.Text + " from hyp_flowmain where hy_tableid='" + ddlwhichtable.SelectedValue + "' order by " + this.txtsortby.Text + " " + this.ddlsorttype.SelectedValue; else Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = this.txtoptions.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onclick = this.txtonclick.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ondblclick = this.txtondblclick.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onchange = this.txtonchange.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeydown = this.txtonkeydown.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeyup = this.txtonkeyup.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sqlfield = this.ddlsqlfield.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_class = this.txtclass.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_width = this.txtwidth.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_height = this.txtheight.Text; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tdnums = System.Int32.Parse(this.ddltdnums.SelectedValue); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_config = ""; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sort = float.Parse(this.txtsort.Text); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_wordlimit = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtwordlimit.Text); Hyoa_flowfield.hy_required = this.ddlrequired.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_align = this.ddlalign.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifhiddle = this.ddlifhiddle.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowfield.Update(); string lsupdate = "update hyt_flowfield set hy_flowid = '" + this.txtflowid.Text + "' where ID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; HyoaClass.DAO dbupdate = new HyoaClass.DAO(); dbupdate.Execute(lsupdate); dbupdate.Close(); } //处理完成后的提示及跳转 if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
//保存 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); string ls_tip = "保存成功!"; //新文档时 HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig(); string lstableid=""; HyoaClass.Hyoa_detail Hyoa_detail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_detail();//主表单显示的列数 if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { ////先判断这个模块编号是否已经存在 //DataTable dt = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTablesbymudelid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue); //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // Response.Write("<script>alert('该模块的表单配置已存在,请重新填写!');history.back();</script>"); // return; //} //else //{ lstableid = Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); Hyoa_tableconfig.ID = lstableid; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue.ToString(); Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_name = this.txtname.Value; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_onload = this.txthy_onload.Value; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_sort = float.Parse(this.txtsort.Value); Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifflowdoc = this.ddlifflowdoc.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifdisplayall = this.ddlifdisplayall.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ispuballByflowYB = this.ddlispuballByflowYB.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_tablerole = this.ddltablerole.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.Insert(); //新文档时增加主表显示列数 Hyoa_detail.hy_fatherid = lstableid; Hyoa_detail.hy_colnum = int.Parse(this.ddldisplaycol.SelectedValue); Hyoa_detail.hy_field1 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field2 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field3 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field4 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field5 = ""; Hyoa_detail.Insert(); //} } else { Hyoa_tableconfig.ID = this.txtdocid.Value; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_name = this.txtname.Value; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_onload = this.txthy_onload.Value; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_sort = float.Parse(this.txtsort.Value); Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifflowdoc = this.ddlifflowdoc.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifdisplayall = this.ddlifdisplayall.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ispuballByflowYB = this.ddlispuballByflowYB.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_tablerole = this.ddltablerole.SelectedValue; Hyoa_tableconfig.Update(); //更新文档时更新主表显示列数 Hyoa_detail.hy_fatherid = this.txtdocid.Value; Hyoa_detail.hy_colnum = int.Parse(this.ddldisplaycol.SelectedValue); Hyoa_detail.hy_field1 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field2 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field3 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field4 = ""; Hyoa_detail.hy_field5 = ""; DataTable dt2 = Hyoa_detail.Getdetail(this.txtdocid.Value); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { Hyoa_detail.Update(); } else { Hyoa_detail.Insert(); } //修改时,保存完成后同时更新对应的字段中FLOWID值(如果非流程则置为空,如果是流程则置为值) HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string sql_field = ""; if (this.ddlifflowdoc.SelectedValue == "是") { HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor Hyoa_flowinfor = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor(); DataTable dt_flow = Hyoa_flowinfor.Getflowinforbymudelid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue); if (dt_flow.Rows.Count > 0) { sql_field = "update hyt_flowfield set hy_flowid='" + dt_flow.Rows[0]["hy_flowid"].ToString() + "' where hy_tableid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; } } else { sql_field = "update hyt_flowfield set hy_flowid='' where hy_tableid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; } db.Execute(sql_field); db.Close(); } //处理完成后的提示及跳转 if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
//保存时的特殊处理 private void hylcbctscl(HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain) { ////新建投票时发送邮件给参与投票人 //if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduletpgl" && this.txtop.Value == "add") //{ // HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); // HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail(); // HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); // HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user(); // string ls_yqms = ""; // if (this.hy_field43.Text == "") // { // //从人员库中读取人员 // DataTable dt = Hyoa_user.GetusersOrderbydeptsortandusersort(); // if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) // { // for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // { // string ls_yqm = ""; //获得6位数字的随机数 // string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); // string ls_body = "投票提醒:"+this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href='" + ls_dburl + "' target=\"_blank\">请点击投票。</a>"; // String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; // ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件',@hy_foldername,@hy_fsrid,@hy_fsrname,@hy_jsrid,@hy_wbjsrid,@hy_jsrname,@hy_title,'" + ls_body + "',@hy_datetime,@hy_ifsavetofjx,@hy_yxj,@hy_yjbg,@hy_zycd,@hy_hz,@hy_wbjszh) "; // db.Execute(ls_sql); // //将邀请码 // if (ls_yqms == "") // { // ls_yqms = ls_yqm; // } // else // { // ls_yqms = ls_yqms + "+" + ls_yqm; // } // } // } // } // else // { // string ls_jsrid = this.hy_field43.Text; // string ls_jsrname = this.hy_field41.Text; // string[] lv_jsrid = ls_jsrid.Split('+'); // string[] lv_jsrname = ls_jsrname.Split('+'); // for (var i = 0; i < lv_jsrid.Length; i++) // { // if (lv_jsrid[i] != "") // { // ////发送待办 // //string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); // //string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,请您参与"; // //Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_jsrid[i].ToString(), lv_jsrname[i].ToString(), // // this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), ls_dburl, "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请参与", 0, "", ""); // //给参与的人发送邮件 // //Hyoa_mail.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); // //Hyoa_mail.DOCID = this.txtdocid.Value; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_type = "收件"; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_foldername = "收件箱"; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_fsrid = this.lblhy_fsrid.Text; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_fsrname = this.lblhy_fsrname.Text; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_jsrid = lv_jsrid[i].ToString(); // //Hyoa_mail.hy_wbjsrid = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_jsrname = lv_jsrname[i].ToString(); // //Hyoa_mail.hy_title = this.txthy_title.Text; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_body = this.hy_content1.Value; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_datetime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); // //Hyoa_mail.hy_ifsavetofjx = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_yxj = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_yjbg = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_zycd = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_hz = ""; // //Hyoa_mail.hy_wbjszh = ""; // string ls_yqm = ""; //获得6位数字的随机数 // string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); // string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,您的投票邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href='" + ls_dburl + "' target=\"_blank\">请点击投票。</a>"; // String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; // ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件',@hy_foldername,@hy_fsrid,@hy_fsrname,@hy_jsrid,@hy_wbjsrid,@hy_jsrname,@hy_title,'" + ls_body + "',@hy_datetime,@hy_ifsavetofjx,@hy_yxj,@hy_yjbg,@hy_zycd,@hy_hz,@hy_wbjszh) "; // db.Execute(ls_sql); // //将邀请码 // if (ls_yqms == "") // { // ls_yqms = ls_yqm; // } // else // { // ls_yqms = ls_yqms + "+" + ls_yqm; // } // } // } // } // //更新表 // Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field30 = ls_yqms; //} //个人日程安排保存后重置hy_field60为空 start if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "grrcap" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "7eb2998d-1c69-4cea-896c-76e641a0511e") { Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field60 = ""; } //接待管理总费用 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "jdgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "30cecb42-bdec-4ed8-9392-b7c682e16b3f") { double ldsum = 0.0; ; if (this.hy_field13.Text != "") ldsum += System.Convert.ToDouble(this.hy_field13.Text); if (this.hy_field22.Text != "") ldsum += System.Convert.ToDouble(this.hy_field22.Text); if (this.hy_field24.Text != "" && this.hy_field25.Text != "") ldsum += System.Convert.ToDouble(this.hy_field24.Text) * System.Convert.ToDouble(this.hy_field25.Text); Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field26 = ldsum.ToString("0.00"); } //个人日程安排保存后重置hy_field60为空 end //物品维护保存后重置hy_field60为空 start if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "bgyply" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46") { Hyoa_flowmain.hy_field60 = ""; } //物品维护保存后重置hy_field60为空 end //提交时更新流水号 if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string lssql = ""; //物品采购自动读取流水号 格式:CG2014000001 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "bgypcg" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "26e9b719-3ded-4fd2-a43b-6a45e30ccd1e" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001") { lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field37=hy_field37+1 where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='物品采购' and hy_field4='启用' "; db.Execute(lssql); } //维修管理自动读取流水号 格式:WX2014000001 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "modulewxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b6938f55-5042-4c22-bd26-78fcded8cfbf" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001") { lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field37=hy_field37+1 where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='维修管理' and hy_field4='启用' "; db.Execute(lssql); } } }
//旧文档OPEN时的特殊处理 private void hywebopen_olddoc() { //办公系统效能分析添加 add by wjs at 20150604 hyXnxtSaveLogs("", "阅读一篇文章", "阅读"); // hyXnxtFlowLogs("从" + this.hy_curtachename.Text + "环节提交到环节" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "", "提交"); //如果是车辆管理,显示打印按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl") { this.td_print_clsq.Visible = true; } if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0006") { string lssqlclgl = " select * from hyp_flowmain where not(docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "') and hy_mudelid = 'clgl' and hy_tableid='8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb' and hy_field5='" + this.hy_field5.Text + "' and hy_curtacheid='**' order by hy_field31,hy_field33 desc"; HyoaClass.DAO dbclgl = new HyoaClass.DAO(); DataTable dtclgl = dbclgl.GetDataTable(lssqlclgl); if (dtclgl.Rows.Count > 0) { this.hy_field11.Text = dtclgl.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString(); } else { this.hy_field11.Text = "0"; } } //发布投票 //if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduletpgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd") //{ // HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); // if (Hyoa_global.isHaveRole("Rolefbtp", Session["hyuid"].ToString())) // { // //未核对时显示发布投票按钮 // if (this.hy_field100.Text == "0") // { // this.td_pub.Visible = true; //发布投票 // } // } // else // { // this.td_pub.Visible = false; //发布投票 // } //} ////////群教评论s 只要是旧文档且是群教评论填写评论 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleqjpl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "7e41913d-c365-4edb-bb42-b0a8a50738cb") { this.tb_qjpltitle.Visible = true; this.tb_qjplbody.Visible = true; this.tr_qjpl.Visible = true; //得到已经评论内容 HyoaClass.Hyoa_bcyj Hyoa_qjpl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_bcyj(); DataTable dt_qjpl = Hyoa_qjpl.GetdocsByfatherid(this.txtdocid.Value); if (dt_qjpl.Rows.Count > 0) { //输出评论记录 this.lblbody_qjpl.Text = ""; for (var i = 0; i < dt_qjpl.Rows.Count; i++) { this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcbody"].ToString() + "<br> "; this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += "(评论人:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcusername"].ToString() + " 所在部门:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bcdeptname"].ToString(); this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += " 评论时间:" + dt_qjpl.Rows[i]["hy_bctime"].ToString(); //+ " IP:" + dt_bcyj.Rows[i]["hy_bcip"].ToString(); this.lblbody_qjpl.Text += ")<br><hr height=1 color=#DEEEFE></hr>"; } } } ////////群教评论e //如果是信息管理,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "xxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "1a564b74-3d94-4cef-bb94-f0c0342ae8dd") this.td_returnmail.Visible = true; //如果是公告批示,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleggps" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "bb523c42-d9ae-40cd-9bba-c3a99c2e1d54") this.td_returnmail_ggps.Visible = true; //如果是群教专栏,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleqjzl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "ac5e8ddd-d74c-4c9d-b0bf-5c23fc77b589") this.td_returnmail_qjzl.Visible = true; //如果是重要材料上报,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhbsh" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "7d03c313-186d-4859-9efa-acde27f4eff2") this.td_returnmail_zyclsb.Visible = true; //如果是iso900,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "moduleiso" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "c8246158-511f-4ce9-b7b9-3b7edf136a87") this.td_returnmail_iso.Visible = true; //知识管理,打开增加点击数 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "zsgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "3b5a9b5a-d1a3-4f85-b560-ef8c38a031cf") { HyoaClass.DAO db_djs = new HyoaClass.DAO(); db_djs.Execute("update hyp_flowmain set hy_field36=hy_field36+1 where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"); db_djs.Close(); } //工作月汇报,输出WORD按钮隐藏/显示 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhb" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b04d9f4a-e5af-4813-888b-c46f58cc3ad3") { this.td_inputword.Visible = true; } //工作月汇报,输出WORD按钮隐藏/显示 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "djgz" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "0e5efe98-49a5-4ccd-9532-8cac74ab328d") { this.td_inputword_dj.Visible = true; } }
//取消 protected void Button_Qx_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string lssql = "delete from hyp_flowmain where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(lssql); string lssqldbsy = "delete from hyt_dbsy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"; db.Execute(lssqldbsy); db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转(增加刷新附件功能) string ls_tip = "取消成功!"; if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>window.opener.location.reload();self.close();</script>"); } }
private void dg1_DeleteCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { string ls_id = e.Item.Cells[0].Text; HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_sql = ""; ls_sql = "delete from hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpxx where id ='" + ls_id + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sql); this.DataBindHxx(); //重新协调绑定 }
//流程提交时的特殊处理 private void hylctjtscl(HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain) { //办公效率智能分析增加 add by wjs at 20150603 hyXnxtFlowLogs("从" + this.hy_curtachename.Text + "环节提交到环节" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "", "提交"); //办公效率智能分析系统增加 add by wjs at 20150604 if (this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "1a564b74-3d94-4cef-bb94-f0c0342ae8dd" && this.txtop.Value == "add") { string strAuthor = ""; string strAuthorDept = ""; if (this.hy_field2.Text != "") { strAuthor += this.hy_field2.Text + ","; } if (this.hy_field3.Text != "") { strAuthorDept += this.hy_field3.Text + ","; } if (this.hy_field4.Text != "") { strAuthor += this.hy_field4.Text + ","; } if (this.hy_field5.Text != "") { strAuthorDept += this.hy_field5.Text + ","; } if (this.hy_field6.Text != "") { strAuthor += this.hy_field6.Text + ","; } if (this.hy_field7.Text != "") { strAuthorDept += this.hy_field7.Text + ","; } hyXnxtMessageLogs("撰写", "撰写一篇信息文章", strAuthor, strAuthorDept); } if (this.txtifpop.Value == "1") { this.Response.Write("<script>window.opener.location.reload();</script>"); } //提交时更新流水号 HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); DataTable dt; string lssql = ""; //物品采购自动读取流水号 格式:CG2014000001 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "bgypcg" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "26e9b719-3ded-4fd2-a43b-6a45e30ccd1e" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001") { lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field37=hy_field37+1 where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='物品采购' and hy_field4='启用' "; db.Execute(lssql); } //维修管理自动读取流水号 格式:WX2014000001 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "modulewxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b6938f55-5042-4c22-bd26-78fcded8cfbf" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001") { lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field37=hy_field37+1 where hy_mudelid='Mudellsh' and hy_field1='维修管理' and hy_field4='启用' "; db.Execute(lssql); } }
private void DataPlay() { if (this.Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { this.txtid.Value = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail(); DataTable dt = Hyoa_mail.Getmail(this.txtid.Value); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.txtdocid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["DOCID"].ToString(); this.txtid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); this.lblhy_fsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrid"].ToString(); this.txtfsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrid"].ToString(); this.lblhy_fsrname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrname"].ToString(); this.txtfrsname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrname"].ToString(); this.lblhy_datetime.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_datetime"].ToString(); this.txthy_jsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_jsrid"].ToString(); this.lblhy_title.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_title"].ToString(); //附件 HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt(); DataTable dt_fileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(this.txtdocid.Value); if (dt_fileatt.Rows.Count > 0) { string ls_temp = ""; for (var i = 0; i < dt_fileatt.Rows.Count; i++) { ls_temp += (i + 1).ToString() + "、<a href='/" + dt_fileatt.Rows[i]["hy_filepath"].ToString() + "' target='_blank'>" + dt_fileatt.Rows[i]["hy_filename"].ToString() + "</a><br />"; } this.lblhy_field2.Text = ls_temp; } this.lblhy_content1.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_body"].ToString(); } //20120210 start string sccksj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string sql = ""; if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_type"].ToString() == "收件" & dt.Rows[0]["hy_sccksj"].ToString() == "") { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); sql = "update hyt_mail set hy_sccksj = '" + sccksj + "' where ID='" + this.txtid.Value + "' "; db.Execute(sql); } //20120210 end }
private void hywply(string ls_docid) { ////ls_docid物品领用的主表ID ////物品领用后,相应的物品数量要减少 //办公用品领用:hy_field36 物品维护:hy_field38 //HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain(); //DataTable dtwply = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(ls_docid); //string ls_dl; //string ls_xl; //ls_dl = dtwply.Rows[0]["hy_field1"].ToString(); //物品类别 //ls_xl = dtwply.Rows[0]["hy_field4"].ToString();//物品名称 //Int32 li_sl; //li_sl = System.Convert.ToInt32(dtwply.Rows[0]["hy_field36"].ToString()); //得到领用物品的数量 ////类别表单的数量改变 //HyoaClass.DAO dbwply = new HyoaClass.DAO(); //string lssqlwply; //lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + li_sl + " where hy_field3='" + ls_dl + "' and hy_field1='" + ls_xl + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; ////this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_dl + "');</script>"); ////this.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_xl + "');</script>"); //dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //dbwply.Close(); //物品领用后,相应的数量减少 string lssqlwply; HyoaClass.DAO dbwply = new HyoaClass.DAO(); //物品一 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field36.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field1.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field4.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品二 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field38.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field11.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field12.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品三 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field39.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field21.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field22.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品四 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field76.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field17.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field24.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品五 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field77.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field18.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field25.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品六 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field78.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field19.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field26.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品七 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field79.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field20.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field27.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); //物品八 lssqlwply = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field38=hy_field38-" + System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_field80.Text) + " where hy_field3='" + this.hy_field23.Text + "' and hy_field1='" + this.hy_field28.Text + "' and hy_mudelid='bgyply' and hy_tableid='11c63ede-707c-4804-a2fb-49c51a415c46'"; dbwply.Execute(lssqlwply); }
//保存 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); string ls_tip = "保存成功!"; //新文档时 HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor Hyoa_flowinfor = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor(); if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { //先判断是否已经存在 DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowinfor.Getflowinfor(this.txtid.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该流程已存在,请重新填写!');history.back();</script>"); return; } else { Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowid = this.txtid.Text; Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowname = this.txtname.Value; Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtsort.Value); Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowinfor.Insert(); } } else { Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowid = this.txtid.Text; Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowname = this.txtname.Value; Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtsort.Value); Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_mudelid = this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue; Hyoa_flowinfor.Update(); } //保存时更新选中的模块对应的流程字段(hy_flowid) HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string sql; sql = "select from hyt_flowfield a,hyt_tableconfig b where a.hy_tableid=b.ID and b.hy_ifflowdoc='是' and a.hy_mudelid='"+this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue+"'"; DataTable dt_update = db.GetDataTable(sql); if (dt_update.Rows.Count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < dt_update.Rows.Count; i++) { sql = "update hyt_flowfield set hy_flowid='" + this.txtid.Text + "' where id='" + dt_update.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()+"'"; db.Execute(sql); } } db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转 if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
protected void btntbbz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string lssql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field3='已备注' where hy_mudelid = 'kqgl' and hy_tableid = '74e7e280-4fc5-4ccb-be3d-0f995ac2c934' and hy_field4!='' and hy_field3='是'"; db.Execute(lssql); db.Close(); this.lblReturnInformation.Text = "同步成功!"; }
//旧文档OPEN时的特殊处理 private void hywebopen_olddoc() { //如果是车辆管理,显示打印按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl") { this.td_print_clsq.Visible = true; } if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "clgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb" && this.hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0006") { string lssqlclgl = " select * from hyp_flowmain where not(docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "') and hy_mudelid = 'clgl' and hy_tableid='8b10b316-98d6-4a50-bc15-52745bb119bb' and hy_field5='" + this.hy_field5.Text + "' and hy_curtacheid='**' order by hy_field31,hy_field33 desc"; HyoaClass.DAO dbclgl = new HyoaClass.DAO(); DataTable dtclgl = dbclgl.GetDataTable(lssqlclgl); if (dtclgl.Rows.Count > 0) { this.hy_field11.Text = dtclgl.Rows[0]["hy_field12"].ToString(); } else { this.hy_field11.Text = "0"; } } //如果是信息管理,显示转邮件按钮 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "xxgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text=="1a564b74-3d94-4cef-bb94-f0c0342ae8dd") this.td_returnmail.Visible = true; //知识管理,打开增加点击数 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "zsgl" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "3b5a9b5a-d1a3-4f85-b560-ef8c38a031cf") { HyoaClass.DAO db_djs = new HyoaClass.DAO(); db_djs.Execute("update hyp_flowmain set hy_field36=hy_field36+1 where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'"); db_djs.Close(); } //工作月汇报,输出WORD按钮隐藏/显示 if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "gzyhb" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "b04d9f4a-e5af-4813-888b-c46f58cc3ad3") { this.td_inputword.Visible = true; } }
//保存 protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "") this.Response.Redirect("../../login.aspx"); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_ids = this.hy_xztpxx.Value; //Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('选项ID:" + ls_ids + "');</script>"); //生成投票日志,便于统计投票结果 if (this.txtop.Value == "add") { if (this.hy_tpfs.Value == "多选") { string[] lv_id = ls_ids.Split('+'); for (int i = 0; i < lv_id.Length; i++) { string ls_sql = "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx (id,hy_tpztid,hy_tpxxid,hy_tpr,hy_tprid,hy_tpip,hy_tpsj) values ("; ls_sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + lv_id[i] + "'"; ls_sql += ",'" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + IPAddress() + "',getdate()"; ls_sql += ")"; db.Execute(ls_sql); } } else { string sql = "insert into hyk_whzx_tpgl_tpmx (id,hy_tpztid,hy_tpxxid,hy_tpr,hy_tprid,hy_tpip,hy_tpsj) values ("; sql += "'" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + ls_ids + "'"; sql += ",'" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + IPAddress() + "',getdate()"; sql += ")"; db.Execute(sql); } } ////参与投票积分日志 //InsertScoresLogs(this.txtmudelid.Value, this.txtdocid.Value, Session["hyuname"].ToString(), Session["hyuid"].ToString(), // Session["hydeptname"].ToString(), Session["hydeptid"].ToString(), "投票积分", System.Int32.Parse(this.hy_cssz2.Value), "参与投票", "0"); //将待办事宜置为已办事宜 string ls_sqlAA = "update hyt_dbsy set hy_ifyb='1' where hy_mudelid ='" + this.txtmudelid.Value + "' and docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_dbrid='" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'"; db.Execute(ls_sqlAA); db.Close(); //处理完成后的提示及跳转 string ls_tip = "投票成功!"; if (this.txtifpop.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>"); } }
//发布 protected void btnpubinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //判断选中的投票项目是否一致 HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain(); HyoaClass.DAO db = new HyoaClass.DAO(); string ls_tplb = "", ls_cyr = ""; String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); //通过ID得到信息 DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(v_uids[0]); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ls_tplb = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field20"].ToString(); ls_cyr = dt.Rows[0]["hy_field41"].ToString(); if (ls_cyr != "" && ls_cyr.IndexOf('+') < 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('多个可投票人员需要用加号分割,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); return; } } //判断该投票类别是否已经发布过 string ls_sql22 = "select * from hyp_flowmain where hy_field20='" + ls_tplb + "' and hy_field100=1 "; DataTable dtlb = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql22); if (dtlb.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该投票类别已发布,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); return; } //for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) //{ // //通过ID得到信息 // DataTable dt1 = Hyoa_flowmain.Getflowmain(v_uids[i]); // if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) // { // if (ls_tpxm != dt1.Rows[0]["hy_field10"].ToString()) // { // Response.Write("<script>alert('选择的投票项目不一致,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); // return; // } // if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_field100"].ToString() == "1") // { // Response.Write("<script>alert('选择的投票项目已发布,发布投票失败!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); // return; // } // } //} //Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tpxm + "');</script>"); //return; //发布投票时发送邮件给参与投票人 HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global(); HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user(); string ls_yqmlists = ""; if (ls_cyr == "") { //从人员库中读取人员 string sql2 = "select * from hyt_user order by hy_sort"; DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable(sql2); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++) { string ls_jsrid = dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString(); string ls_jsrname = dt2.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(); string ls_yqm = ""; string ls_yqms = GetRandom3(); if (ls_jsrid == "admin") { ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms; } else { ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms; //获得6位数字的随机数 } //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_title = "[投票管理]-请参与" + ls_tplb + "的投票"; string ls_body = "您投票的邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入投票页面!</a>"; String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','admin','管理员','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + ls_jsrname + "','" + ls_title + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') "; db.Execute(ls_sql); //将邀请码 if (ls_yqmlists == "") { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm; } else { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm; } } } } else { string ls_jsrname = ls_cyr; string[] lv_jsrname = ls_jsrname.Split('+'); for (var i = 0; i < lv_jsrname.Length; i++) { if (lv_jsrname[i] != "") { string ls_jsrid = ""; string sqluser = "******" + lv_jsrname[i] + "'"; DataTable dtuser = db.GetDataTable(sqluser); if (dtuser.Rows.Count > 0) { ls_jsrid = dtuser.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString(); } string ls_yqm = ""; string ls_yqms = GetRandom3(); if (lv_jsrname[i] == "管理员") { ls_yqm = "000" + ls_yqms; } else { //Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_jsrid + "')</script>"); //return; if (ls_jsrid != "" && ls_jsrid.Length - 3 > 0) { ls_yqm = ls_jsrid.Substring(ls_jsrid.Length - 3) + ls_yqms; //获得6位数字的随机数 } } ////发送待办 //string ls_dburl = "wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); //string ls_body = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "发起投票,请您参与"; //Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_jsrid[i].ToString(), lv_jsrname[i].ToString(), // this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), ls_dburl, "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", ls_body, "请参与", 0, "", ""); //给参与的人发送邮件 //string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?yqm=" + ls_yqm + "&rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_dburl = "/wstp.aspx?rnd=" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom(); string ls_title = "[投票管理]-请参与" + ls_tplb + "的投票"; string ls_body = "您投票的邀请码为:" + ls_yqm + "。<a href=" + ls_dburl + " target=\"_blank\">请点击进入投票页面!</a>"; String ls_sql = "insert into hyt_mail(ID,DOCID,hy_type,hy_foldername,hy_fsrid,hy_fsrname,hy_jsrid,hy_wbjsrid,hy_jsrname,hy_title,hy_body,hy_datetime,hy_ifsavetofjx,hy_yxj,hy_yjbg,hy_zycd,hy_hz,hy_wbjszh) values "; ls_sql += "('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','收件','收件箱','admin','管理员','" + ls_jsrid + "','','" + lv_jsrname[i].ToString() + "','" + ls_title + "','" + ls_body + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','','','','','','') "; db.Execute(ls_sql); //将邀请码 if (ls_yqmlists == "") { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqm; } else { ls_yqmlists = ls_yqmlists + "+" + ls_yqm; } } } } //更新表 string sql = "update hyp_flowmain set hy_field30='" + ls_yqmlists + "',hy_field100=1 where hy_field20='" + ls_tplb + "'"; db.Execute(sql); db.Close(); db.Dispose(); this.txtuids.Value = ""; //DataPlay(System.Int32.Parse(this.curpage.Text)); Response.Write("<script>alert('发布投票成功!');window.location = '/list_tpgl.aspx?mid=moduletpgl&tableid=bb4c4ac0-53b4-4c7f-89a6-4bde425c24fd';</script>"); }