Esempio n. 1
        private void buttonRecomputeCoeficients_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //          Performance perf = new Performance();
            string fn = FileUtility.GetTempFileName(".csv");

            xls.SaveSheetToCsv(xls.ActiveSheetName, fn);
            xls.Save(); // must save to get back to *.xls from *.csv
            eq = new ForecastEquation(fn);

            var cache = new HydrometDataCache();

                      new DateTime(eq.StartYear - 1, 10, 1),
                      new DateTime(eq.EndYear, 9, 30));

            HydrometMonthlySeries.Cache = cache;

            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.textBoxExcelFileName.Text);

                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                R = new CoefficientCalculator();
                var newCoefficients = R.ComputeCoefficients(eq, Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath));

                var dlg = new RegressionResults();
                dlg.CompareToHistoryClicked += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dlg_CompareToHistoryClicked);
                dlg.Output               = R.Output;
                dlg.DataFile             = R.dataFile;
                dlg.CoeficientsExisting  = CoefficientCalculator.FormatCoefficients(eq.coefficients);
                dlg.CoefficientsComputed = CoefficientCalculator.FormatCoefficients(newCoefficients);

                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // save
                    // save back to excel.
                    xls.UpdateCoeficients(xls.ActiveSheetName, newCoefficients);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void SetupHydrometData(int StartYear,
                                             int EndYear,
                                             string[] cbttPcodeList, DateTime t, bool cacheAverage, bool allYears = false)
            if (UseSQLite())

            var cache = new HydrometDataCache();

            if (allYears)
                          new DateTime(StartYear - 1, 1, 1),
                          new DateTime(EndYear, 12, 31));
                Logger.WriteLine("Caching Hydromet Data for a year ");
                          new DateTime(t.Year - 1, 1, 1),
                          new DateTime(t.Year, 12, 31), s_server);
            //if (cacheAverage) // get average values (special water year 9999 )
            //    // TO DO... change pcode to average pcode....
            //    var avgCodes = new List<string>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < cbttPcodeList.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        string[] tokens = cbttPcodeList[i].Split();
            //        var pc = HydrometMonthlySeries.LookupAveargePcode(tokens[1]);
            //        if( pc.Trim() != "")
            //           avgCodes.Add(tokens[0] + " " + pc);
            //    }

            //    Logger.WriteLine("Caching Hydromet Data for average years");
            //    cache.Add(avgCodes.ToArray(),
            //                       new DateTime(9998, 10, 1),
            //                       new DateTime(9999, 9, 30), HydrometHost.PN);

            HydrometMonthlySeries.Cache = cache;

            // Anderson forecast without cache  8 seconds.
            //                     with  cache  4 seconds
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 5 && args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("HydrometForecast.exe basin.csv date level look-ahead output");
                Console.WriteLine("Where: ");
                Console.WriteLine("        basin.csv      -- name of csv input file");
                Console.WriteLine("        date           -- date to run forecaset 2017-01-01");
                Console.WriteLine("        level          -- subsequent conditions  1.0 normal  0.8 for 80%, etc... ");
                Console.WriteLine("        look-ahead     -- perfect forecast 0 or 1");
                Console.WriteLine("        output         -- filename for output");
                Console.WriteLine("Example:  HydrometForecast  heise.csv 2016-1-1 1.0 0 output.txt");

                Console.WriteLine("HydrometForecast.exe basin.csv output.csv");


            var filename = args[0];

            ForecastEquation eq = new ForecastEquation(filename);

            if (args.Length == 2)
                var cache = new HydrometDataCache();

                          new DateTime(eq.StartYear - 1, 10, 1),
                          new DateTime(eq.EndYear, 9, 30));

                HydrometMonthlySeries.Cache = cache;

                var tbl = eq.ComputeHistoricalCoefficients(eq.StartYear, eq.EndYear);
                CsvFile.WriteToCSV(tbl, args[1], false);
                DateTime t              = DateTime.Parse(args[1]);
                double   level          = double.Parse(args[2]);
                int      lookAhead      = int.Parse(args[3]);
                string   outputFileName = args[4];

                ForecastResult result = eq.Evaluate(t, lookAhead == 1, level);
                File.WriteAllLines(outputFileName, result.Details.ToArray());
Esempio n. 4
        public static void PreloadInstantHydrometData(AlarmDataSet.alarm_definitionDataTable alarmdef, DateTime t)
            // find all instant data, and largest hours_back, to make a single cache of data
            var cbttPcodes = (from row in alarmdef.AsEnumerable()
                              where row.database.ToLower() == "i" // instant hydromet data
                              select row.cbtt.ToLower() + " " + row.pcode.ToLower()).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (cbttPcodes.Length == 0)

            // TO DO.  throw error if mixing quality and 'regular' data.
            //if (MixedQualityData(cbttPcodes))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Error: quality and Mixing qual");

            var hours_back = (from row in alarmdef.AsEnumerable()
                              where row.database.ToLower() == "i"
                              select row.hours_back).Max();

            DateTime t1 = t.AddHours(-hours_back);
            DateTime t2 = t;
            // HydrometInstantSeries.KeepFlaggedData = true;

            HydrometHost h = Utility.GetHydrometServer();

            var cache = new HydrometDataCache();

            cache.Add(String.Join(",", cbttPcodes).Split(','), t1, t2,
                      h, Reclamation.TimeSeries.TimeInterval.Irregular, 0);

            HydrometInstantSeries.Cache = cache;
Esempio n. 5
        private static string Get(string CPstr, DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
            string border = "==== ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =========";
            string labels = "";

            if ((t2 - t1).TotalDays == 4)
                int wy = t2.Year;
                if (t2.Month >= 10)
                    wy = t2.Year + 1;
                labels = "WY      STATION   PARAMETER " + t1.ToString("ddd MMMdd") + " " + t1.AddDays(1).ToString("ddd MMMdd")
                         + " " + t1.AddDays(2).ToString("ddd MMMdd") + " " + t1.AddDays(3).ToString("ddd MMMdd")
                         + " " + t1.AddDays(4).ToString("ddd MMMdd");
                string[] ID    = CPstr.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var      cache = new HydrometDataCache();
                cache.Add(ID, t1, t2, HydrometHost.PNLinux, Reclamation.TimeSeries.TimeInterval.Irregular);
                HydrometDailySeries.Cache = cache;
                for (int j = 0; j < ID.Length; j++)
                    var c = ID[j].Split(' ')[0];
                    var p = ID[j].Split(' ')[1];
                    HydrometDailySeries ts = new HydrometDailySeries(c, p);
                    ts.Read(t1, t2);
                    string t = wy + "," + c + "," + p + "," +
                               ts[t1].Value + "," + ts[t1.AddDays(1)].Value + "," +
                               ts[t1.AddDays(2)].Value + "," + ts[t1.AddDays(3)].Value + "," +
            return(CPstr = "");
Esempio n. 6
        public void GraphData(bool showFlows = false)
            linkLabelReport.Visible = false;
            if (comboBoxSite.Text.ToString() == "" || this.comboBoxSite.SelectedItem.ToString().IndexOf("--") != -1)
                optionalPercents = ParseOptionalPercentages();
                Series     alternateRequiredContent = new Series();
                Series     alternateActualContent   = new Series();
                Series     actualContent            = new Series();
                Series     requiredContent          = new Series();
                SeriesList targets           = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList hmList            = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList hmList2           = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList ruleCurves        = new SeriesList();
                var        cache             = new HydrometDataCache();
                var        cbttList          = new List <string>();
                var        cbttListAlternate = new List <string>();
                var        labelDates        = new List <DateTime>();
                bool       showRuleCurve     = true;
                Reclamation.TimeSeries.Hydromet.HydrometHost svr;
                var hydSvr = UserPreference.Lookup("HydrometServer");
                if (hydSvr.ToLower() == "greatplains")
                    svr = HydrometHost.GreatPlains;
                    svr = HydrometHost.PNLinux;

                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                FloodControlPoint pt = new FloodControlPoint(this.comboBoxSite.Text.ToString());

                if (compilePublic)
                    pt.StationFC      = "NA";
                    pt.StationQU      = "NA";
                    pt.RequiredLegend = "Full Storage";
                    showRuleCurve     = false;

                if (pt.DailyStationQU == "NA")
                if (showFlows)
                    this.pcodeInitial.Text = (pt.ResOpsInflow + "," + pt.ResOpsOutflow).ToLower();
                    hydrometChart1.SetRightLabels("Flows (cfs)");

                checkBoxDashed.Visible = pt.StationFC.ToLower() == "heii";

                residForecast        = new ResidualForecast(pt, checkBoxDashed.Checked);
                residForecastCompare = new ResidualForecast(pt, checkBoxDashed.Checked);

                DateRange requiredRange  = GetRequiredRange();
                DateRange curveRange     = GetRuleCurveRange();
                DateRange alternateRange = GetComparisonRange();

                //setup cache for required
                if (this.pcodeInitial.Text.Length >= 1 && this.textBoxWaterYear.Text.Length >= 1)
                cache.Add(cbttList.ToArray(), requiredRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), requiredRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), svr, TimeInterval.Daily);
                cache.Add(residForecast.MonthlyCbttPcodeList(), requiredRange.DateTime1, requiredRange.DateTime2, svr, TimeInterval.Monthly);

                // setup cache for alternate range
                if (alternateRange.IsValid)
                    if (this.pcodeComparison.Text.Length >= 1)
                    cache.Add(cbttListAlternate.ToArray(), alternateRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), alternateRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), svr, TimeInterval.Daily);
                    cache.Add(residForecast.MonthlyCbttPcodeList(), alternateRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), alternateRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), svr, TimeInterval.Monthly);

                //add cache
                HydrometDailySeries.Cache   = cache;
                HydrometMonthlySeries.Cache = cache;

                //compute residual forecast
                residForecast.Compute(requiredRange.DateTime1, requiredRange.DateTime2, svr);
                requiredContent      = -residForecast.SpaceRequired + pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace;
                actualContent        = residForecast.TotalContent;
                requiredContent.Name = this.textBoxWaterYear.Text;
                actualContent.Name   = this.textBoxWaterYear.Text + " Actual";

                if (this.pcodeInitial.Text.Length >= 1)
                    hmList = ReadHydrometOptionalData(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text), this.pcodeInitial.Text, requiredRange);

                //compute comparison year residual forecast
                if (alternateRange.IsValid)
                    residForecastCompare.Compute(alternateRange.DateTime1, alternateRange.DateTime2, svr);
                    alternateRequiredContent      = -residForecastCompare.SpaceRequired + pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace;
                    alternateRequiredContent.Name = this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text;
                    alternateActualContent        = residForecastCompare.TotalContent;
                    alternateActualContent.Name   = this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text + " Actual";
                    if (this.pcodeComparison.Text.Length >= 1)
                        hmList2 = ReadHydrometOptionalData(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text), this.pcodeComparison.Text, alternateRange);

                if (showGreenLines.Checked == true && !compilePublic) // display flood rule curves for various forecast levels
                    showRuleCurve = true;
                    // Green lines
                    if (residForecast.RuleCurve.FillType == FillType.Fixed)
                        ruleCurves = residForecast.RuleCurve.CalculateFixedRuleCurve(curveRange.DateTime1, curveRange.DateTime2, pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace);
                        ruleCurves = residForecast.RuleCurve.CalculateVariableRuleCurves(curveRange.DateTime1, curveRange.DateTime2, pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace, pt.PercentSpace / 100.0);
                    showRuleCurve = false;
                hydrometChart1.SetLabels(pt.Name, "Storage Content (acre-feet)");

                bool dashedLines = checkBoxDashed.Checked && pt.StationFC.ToLower() == "heii";

                // DEFAULT - Plots daily storage content data
                if (!checkBoxShowInstantAF.Checked && !checkBoxShowElevation.Checked)
                    hydrometChart1.Fcplot(residForecast.TotalContent, requiredContent, alternateRequiredContent,
                                          alternateActualContent, ruleCurves, labelDates.ToArray(), pt.RequiredLegend, hmList, showRuleCurve,

                    //compute the targets
                    if (pt.FillType == FillType.Variable && (showTarget.Checked == true || checkBoxOverrideFcast.Checked == true))
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text) == DateTime.Now.WaterYear())
                            var startPt = actualContent[actualContent.Count - 1];
                            targets = FloodOperation.ComputeTargets(pt, Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text), startPt,
                                                                    optionalPercents, checkBoxDashed.Checked, this.checkBoxOverrideFcast.Checked, this.textBoxOverrideFcast.Text);
                            var aColors = new Color[] { Color.Black, Color.Maroon, Color.Indigo, Color.DarkSlateGray, Color.SaddleBrown };
                            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
                                var s = targets[i];
                                var c = Color.Black;
                                if (i < aColors.Length)
                                    c = aColors[i];
                                hydrometChart1.CreateTarget(c, s.Name, s, "left");
                                // Add target to datatable
                    string leftPcode = "af";;
                    if (this.checkBoxShowElevation.Checked)
                        leftPcode = "fb";
                        hydrometChart1.SetLabels(pt.Name, "Water Level Elevation (feet)");

                        if (alternateRange.IsValid)
                            var sAlternate = new Series();
                            if (checkBoxShowInstantAF.Checked)
                                sAlternate = new HydrometInstantSeries(pt.UpstreamReservoirs[0], leftPcode, svr);
                                sAlternate = new HydrometDailySeries(pt.UpstreamReservoirs[0], leftPcode, svr);
                            sAlternate.Read(alternateRange.DateTime1, alternateRange.DateTime2);
                            sAlternate.Name        = this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text + " Actual";
                            sAlternate.Units       = residForecast.TotalContent.Units;
                            alternateActualContent = sAlternate;

                    if (pt.UpstreamReservoirs.Length == 1)
                        var s = new Series();
                        if (checkBoxShowInstantAF.Checked)
                            var sInstant = new HydrometInstantSeries(pt.UpstreamReservoirs[0], leftPcode, svr);
                            s = sInstant;
                            var sDaily = new HydrometDailySeries(pt.UpstreamReservoirs[0], leftPcode, svr);
                            s = sDaily;
                        s.Read(residForecast.TotalContent.MinDateTime, residForecast.TotalContent.MaxDateTime.AddDays(1));
                        s.Name  = residForecast.TotalContent.Name;
                        s.Units = residForecast.TotalContent.Units;

                        hydrometChart1.Fcplot(s, requiredContent, alternateRequiredContent,
                                              alternateActualContent, ruleCurves, labelDates.ToArray(), pt.RequiredLegend, hmList, showRuleCurve,
                                              dashedLines, checkBoxShowElevation.Checked);

                linkLabelReport.Visible  = true;
                labelFlagLegend.Text     = pt.FlagLegend;
                dataGridView1.DataSource = residForecast.ReportTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Esempio n. 7
        private void GraphData()
            linkLabelReport.Visible = false;
            if (comboBoxSite.Text.ToString() == "")
                optionalPercents = ParseOptionalPercentages();
                Series     alternateRequiredContent = new Series();
                Series     alternateActualContent   = new Series();
                Series     actualContent            = new Series();
                Series     requiredContent          = new Series();
                SeriesList targets           = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList hmList            = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList hmList2           = new SeriesList();
                SeriesList ruleCurves        = new SeriesList();
                var        cache             = new HydrometDataCache();
                var        cbttList          = new List <string>();
                var        cbttListAlternate = new List <string>();
                var        labelDates        = new List <DateTime>();
                bool       showRuleCurve     = true;

                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                FloodControlPoint pt = new FloodControlPoint(this.comboBoxSite.Text.ToString());
                checkBoxDashed.Visible = pt.StationFC.ToLower() == "heii";

                residForecast        = new ResidualForecast(pt, checkBoxDashed.Checked);
                residForecastCompare = new ResidualForecast(pt, checkBoxDashed.Checked);

                DateRange requiredRange  = GetRequiredRange();
                DateRange curveRange     = GetRuleCurveRange();
                DateRange alternateRange = GetComparisonRange();

                //setup cache for required
                if (this.pcodeInitial.Text.Length >= 1 && this.textBoxWaterYear.Text.Length >= 1)
                cache.Add(cbttList.ToArray(), requiredRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), requiredRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), HydrometHost.PNLinux, TimeInterval.Daily);
                cache.Add(residForecast.MonthlyCbttPcodeList(), requiredRange.DateTime1, requiredRange.DateTime2, HydrometHost.PNLinux, TimeInterval.Monthly);

                // setup cache for alternate range
                if (alternateRange.IsValid)
                    if (this.pcodeComparison.Text.Length >= 1)
                    cache.Add(cbttListAlternate.ToArray(), alternateRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), alternateRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), HydrometHost.PNLinux, TimeInterval.Daily);
                    cache.Add(residForecast.MonthlyCbttPcodeList(), alternateRange.DateTime1.AddDays(-1), alternateRange.DateTime2.AddDays(1), HydrometHost.PNLinux, TimeInterval.Monthly);

                //add cache
                HydrometDailySeries.Cache   = cache;
                HydrometMonthlySeries.Cache = cache;

                //compute residual forecast
                residForecast.Compute(requiredRange.DateTime1, requiredRange.DateTime2);
                requiredContent      = -residForecast.SpaceRequired + pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace;
                actualContent        = residForecast.TotalContent;
                requiredContent.Name = this.textBoxWaterYear.Text;
                actualContent.Name   = this.textBoxWaterYear.Text + " Actual";

                if (this.pcodeInitial.Text.Length >= 1)
                    hmList = ReadHydrometOptionalData(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text), this.pcodeInitial.Text, requiredRange);

                //compute comparison year residual forecast
                if (alternateRange.IsValid)
                    residForecastCompare.Compute(alternateRange.DateTime1, alternateRange.DateTime2);
                    alternateRequiredContent      = -residForecastCompare.SpaceRequired + pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace;
                    alternateRequiredContent.Name = this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text;
                    alternateActualContent        = residForecastCompare.TotalContent;
                    alternateActualContent.Name   = this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text + " Actual";
                    if (this.pcodeComparison.Text.Length >= 1)
                        hmList2 = ReadHydrometOptionalData(Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxAlternateWaterYear.Text), this.pcodeComparison.Text, alternateRange);

                if (showGreenLines.Checked == true) // display flood rule curves for various forecast levels
                    showRuleCurve = true;
                    // Green lines

                    if (residForecast.RuleCurve.FillType == FillType.Fixed)
                        ruleCurves = residForecast.RuleCurve.CalculateFixedRuleCurve(curveRange.DateTime1, curveRange.DateTime2, pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace);
                        ruleCurves = residForecast.RuleCurve.CalculateVariableRuleCurves(curveRange.DateTime1, curveRange.DateTime2, pt.TotalUpstreamActiveSpace, pt.PercentSpace / 100.0);
                    showRuleCurve = false;
                hydrometChart1.SetLabels(pt.Name, "Content");

                bool dashedLines = checkBoxDashed.Checked && pt.StationFC.ToLower() == "heii";

                hydrometChart1.Fcplot(residForecast.TotalContent, requiredContent, alternateRequiredContent,
                                      alternateActualContent, ruleCurves, labelDates.ToArray(), pt.RequiredLegend, hmList, showRuleCurve,
                //compute the targets
                if (pt.FillType == FillType.Variable && (showTarget.Checked == true || checkBoxOverrideFcast.Checked == true))
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text) == DateTime.Now.WaterYear())
                        var startPt = actualContent[actualContent.Count - 1];
                        targets = FloodOperation.ComputeTargets(pt, Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxWaterYear.Text), startPt,
                                                                optionalPercents, checkBoxDashed.Checked, this.checkBoxOverrideFcast.Checked, this.textBoxOverrideFcast.Text);
                        var aColors = new Color[] { Color.Black, Color.Maroon, Color.Indigo, Color.DarkSlateGray, Color.SaddleBrown };
                        for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
                            var s = targets[i];
                            var c = Color.Black;
                            if (i < aColors.Length)
                                c = aColors[i];
                            hydrometChart1.CreateTarget(c, s.Name, s, "left");

                linkLabelReport.Visible  = true;
                labelFlagLegend.Text     = pt.FlagLegend;
                dataGridView1.DataSource = residForecast.ReportTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Daily and Summary Crop Reports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbttList">list of cbtt to create charts for</param>
        /// <param name="year">year used to filter database of crop dates</param>
        /// <param name="date">terminate date (or if null use etr terminate date)</param>
        public static void CreateCropReports(int year, string outputDirectory)
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable cropTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();

            cropTable = CropDatesDataSet.GetCropDataTable(year, false);

            var cbttList = (from row in cropTable.AsEnumerable() // get list of cbtt
                            select row.cbtt).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (cbttList.Length > 1)
            {// for performance query hydromet only once.
                var cache = new HydrometDataCache();
                // boii, abei
                // boii et, abei et
                var      s         = String.Join(" ETRS,", cbttList) + " ETRS";
                var      cbttPcode = s.Split(',');
                DateTime t1        = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                DateTime t2        = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                if (t2 > DateTime.Now.Date)
                    t2 = DateTime.Now.Date;

                cache.Add(cbttPcode, t1, t2, HydrometHost.PN, TimeSeries.TimeInterval.Daily);
                HydrometDailySeries.Cache = cache;;

            DateTime t = DateTime.Now.Date;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbttList.Length; i++)
                var cropDates = cropTable.Where(x => x.cbtt == cbttList[i] &&
                                                !x.IsterminatedateNull() &&
                                                !x.IsstartdateNull() &&

                if (cropDates.Length == 0)

                ValidateCropDates(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                var terminateDate = TerminateDate(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                if (terminateDate < DateTime.Now)
                    t = terminateDate.AddDays(1);
                    t = DateTime.Now.Date;

                // Generates Daily and Summary Crop Charts
                var dailyChart = CreateDailyReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);
                var sumChart   = CreateSummaryReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);

                //string header = "AgriMet is excited to announce a partnership with Washington State University to icorporate AgriMet data into WSU's Irrigation Scheduler. To customize crop consumptive water use specific to your field or fields, visit";

                var fnDaily = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + "ch.txt");
                var fnSum   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + t.Year.ToString().Substring(2) + "et.txt");

                WriteCropFile(dailyChart, fnDaily);
                WriteCropFile(sumChart, fnSum);
            Console.WriteLine(" Daily and Summary Crop Charts Saved for " + cbttList.Length + " sites");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns the report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Create(DateTime t, int year1 = 0, int year2 = 0) // default 8am.
            string rval = GetTemplate();
            //13-OCT-2016  09:12:35
            var fmt = "dd-MMM-yyyy  HH:mm:ss";

            rval = rval.Replace(fmt, t.ToString(fmt));
            rval = rval.Replace("HH:mm", t.ToString("HH:mm"));

            res_af  = Array.ConvertAll(res_af, x => x = double.MinValue);
            res_af2 = Array.ConvertAll(res_af, x => x = double.MinValue);
            res_q   = Array.ConvertAll(res_af, x => x = double.MinValue);

            DateTime          t1 = t.AddDays(-1);
            DateTime          t2 = t;
            HydrometDataCache c  = new HydrometDataCache();

            HydrometInstantSeries.Cache.Add(this.yakima_data, t1, t2, HydrometHost.Yakima, TimeInterval.Irregular);

            foreach (var cbtt in resList)
                rval = ProcessParameter(rval, t, cbtt, "fb");
                rval = ProcessParameter(rval, t, cbtt, "af");
                rval = ProcessParameter(rval, t, cbtt, "q");

            rval = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%total_af", total_af);
            double total_pct = total_af / totalCapacity * 100.0;

            rval = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%total_pct", total_pct);
            rval = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%total_q", reservoir_total_release);

            // compute inflows.
            for (int i = 0; i < resList.Length; i++)
                if (resList[i] == "clr")
                    continue; // no contents
                var qu = (res_af[i] - res_af2[i]) / 1.9835 + res_q[i];
                rval      = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%" + resList[i] + "_in", qu);
                total_in += qu;
            rval = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%total_in", total_in);
            foreach (var canal in DataSubset("qc"))
                var cbtt = canal.Substring(0, canal.IndexOf(" "));
                rval = ProcessParameter(rval, t, cbtt, "qc");

            double others = ComputeOthersAboveParker(t1);

            rval             = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%major_qc", major_qc_total);
            rval             = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%other_qc", others);
            above_parker_qc += others + major_qc_total;
            rval             = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%parker_qc", above_parker_qc);

            foreach (var river in DataSubset("q"))
                var cbtt = river.Substring(0, river.IndexOf(" "));
                if (!resList.Contains(cbtt)) // reservoir allready processed
                    rval = ProcessParameter(rval, t, cbtt, "q");

            // unregulated tributary and return flows above parker.
            var above_parker = trib_qc_total + others + parw_q - reservoir_total_release;

            rval = ReplaceSymbol(rval, "%trib_parw", above_parker);

            rval = rval + "\r\nOPERATIONAL COMMENTS:  ";
            if (year1 > 0 && year2 > 0)
                var t1a = new DateTime(year1 - 1, 10, 1);
                var t2a = new DateTime(year2, 9, 30);

                double avgPct = MultiYearAvg(t1, t1a, t2a);

                rval = rval + " Storage is " + avgPct.ToString("F1") + "% of average (" + year1
                       + ", " + year2 + ")."
                       + "\r\n---------------------";

Esempio n. 10
        //try to take the code from above and make it into here for the show cmd
        private static string Get(string s, DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
            string[] cbtt  = { "" };
            string[] pcode = { "" };
            string   Id    = "";
            string   value = "";
            string   pc    = "";
            var      cfg   = new Config(s, t1, t2);

            if (s.Trim().ToLower()[0] == 'g')
                cbtt = cfg.cbtt;
                for (int i = 0; i < cbtt.Length; i++)
                    Id = LoopCBTT(cbtt[i]);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Id) == true)
                        Console.WriteLine("%W-Dayfile, no data found for get request:" + cbtt[i]);

                        string[] ID = Id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        //improving the speed of the program
                        var cache = new HydrometDataCache();
                        cache.Add(ID, t1, t2, HydrometHost.PNLinux, Reclamation.TimeSeries.TimeInterval.Irregular);
                        HydrometInstantSeries.Cache           = cache;
                        HydrometInstantSeries.KeepFlaggedData = true;

                        if (cfg.IsGetAll)
                            HydrometInstantSeries ts = new HydrometInstantSeries(ID[0].Split(' ')[0], ID[0].Split(' ')[1]);
                            ts.Read(t1, t2);
                            var count = (ts.MaxDateTime - ts.MinDateTime).TotalMinutes;
                            for (int t = 0; t <= count / 15; t++)
                                pc = cbtt[i].ToUpper() + " " + t1.AddMinutes(t * 15).ToString("yyMMMdd");
                                for (int j = 0; j < ID.Length; j++)
                                    var c = ID[j].Split(' ')[0];
                                    var p = ID[j].Split(' ')[1];
                                    HydrometInstantSeries.KeepFlaggedData = true;
                                    ts = new HydrometInstantSeries(c, p);
                                    ts.Read(t1, t2);
                                    pc = pc + " " + p.ToUpper();
                                    if (j == 0)
                                        value = " " + ts.MinDateTime.AddMinutes(t * 15).TimeOfDay + " " + ts[ts.MinDateTime.AddMinutes(t * 15)].Value;
                                        value = value + " " + ts[ts.MinDateTime.AddMinutes(t * 15)].Value;
                                if (ts.MinDateTime.AddMinutes(t * 15).TimeOfDay.TotalHours == 0 || ts.MinDateTime.AddMinutes(t * 15).TimeOfDay.TotalHours == 12)

                        if (cfg.IsGet || (cfg.IsGetAll == false && cfg.IsGetPcode))
                            if (cfg.IsGetAll == false && cfg.IsGetPcode)
                                pcode = cfg.pcode;
                                Id    = "";
                                for (int j = 0; j < pcode.Length; j++)
                                    Id = Id + cbtt[i] + " " + pcode[j] + ",";
                                ID = Id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            var count = (t2 - t1).TotalDays;
                            for (int t = 0; t <= count; t++)
                                pc = cbtt[i].ToUpper() + " " + t1.AddDays(t).ToString("yyMMMdd");
                                for (int j = 0; j < ID.Length; j++)
                                    var c = ID[j].Split(' ')[0];
                                    var p = ID[j].Split(' ')[1];
                                    HydrometInstantSeries.KeepFlaggedData = true;
                                    HydrometInstantSeries ts = new HydrometInstantSeries(c, p);
                                    ts.Read(t1, t2);
                                    pc = pc + " " + p.ToUpper();
                                    if (j == 0)
                                        value = " " + ts.MaxDateTime.AddDays(-count + t).TimeOfDay + " " + ts[ts.MaxDateTime.AddDays(-count + t)].Value;
                                        value = value + " " + ts[ts.MaxDateTime.AddDays(-count + t)].Value;