public void setTownActionInfo(HumanTownController town) { partialFeed.text = "Kill " + town.populationPartialLoss + " to restore " + town.partialFeedAmt + " hunger " + "(" + town.partialFeedThreat + " Threat)"; fullFeed.text = "Kill " + town.populationFullLoss + " to restore " + town.fullFeedAmt + " hunger " + "(" + town.fullFeedThreat + " Threat)"; convert.text = "Convert 1 human to a unit (" + town.convertThreat + " - " + (town.convertThreat + 10) + ")"; }
// Show description of selected object, remove description box if no item is selected public void SetObjText() { if (selectedObj != null) { selectedObjectPanel.SetActive(true); if (selectedObj.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Resource")) { ResourceController resource = selectedObj.GetComponentInChildren <ResourceController>(); actionButtonInfo.setResourceActionInfo(resource); selectedObjText.text = selectedObj.tag + "\n" + resource.currentResourceAmt + " " + selectedObj.tag + " available" + "\n" + "Respawns after " + resource.timeToRespawn / Timer._instance.secondsInFullDay + " days"; } if (selectedObj.tag == "HumanTown") { HumanTownController humanTown = selectedObj.GetComponent <HumanTownController>(); actionButtonInfo.setTownActionInfo(humanTown); if (humanTown.beingSubjugated) { Debug.Log("Town selected, yes subjugation"); selectedObjText.text = "Human Town" + "\n" + "Population: " + (int)humanTown.population + "\n" + "<b>Can feed to restore hunger or kidnap and convert a human. All actions increase threat level</b>" + "\n" + "Subjugation level: " + humanTown.subjugationLevel + "/" + humanTown.subjugationLimit; } else if (humanTown.subjugationFinished) { Debug.Log("Town selected, yes subjugation"); selectedObjText.text = "Human Town" + "\n" + "Population: " + (int)humanTown.population + "\n" + "<b>Can feed to restore hunger or kidnap and convert a human. All actions increase threat level</b>" + "\n" + "<b>Subjugated: provides small regeneration to your hunger</b>"; } else if (!humanTown.subjugationFinished) { Debug.Log("Town selected, no subjugation"); selectedObjText.text = "Human Town" + "\n" + "Population: " + (int)humanTown.population + "\n" + "<b>Can feed to restore hunger or kidnap and convert a human. All actions increase threat level</b>"; } } if (selectedObj.tag == "HumanBase") { selectedObjText.text = "Main Human Base" + "\n" + "Will send out attacks against you based on your level of threat" + "\n" + "<b>Can be subjugated after all towns are subjugated</b>" + "\n" + "<b>Base repair cost: 3 wood and 3 stone per health point</b>"; } if (selectedObj.tag == "Base") { actionButtonInfo.setRepairActionInfo(); selectedObjText.text = "Main Base" + "\n" + "Health: " + + "\n" + "Attack level: " + BaseController._instance.attack + "\n" + "Defense level: " + BaseController._instance.defense + "\n"; } if (selectedObj.tag == "Enemy") { EnemyController enemy = selectedObj.GetComponent <EnemyController>(); selectedObjText.text = "Enemy" + "\n" + "Health: " + + "\n" + "Attack level: " + enemy.attack; } } else { selectedObjText.text = ""; selectedObjectPanel.SetActive(false); Debug.Log("remove text"); } }
// Brings up action buttons based on what object is selected public void SetActionButton() { if (selectedObj != null) { if (selectedObj.tag == "HumanTown") { HumanTownController town = selectedObj.GetComponent <HumanTownController>(); if (!SceneController.Instance.togglePause) { foreach (Button btn in townActionBtns) { btn.interactable = (town.population > 0); } } else { foreach (Button btn in townActionBtns) { btn.interactable = false; } } if (town.population <= 0) { PopupController._instance.SetPopupText("No population to perform actions on"); } resourceActionBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); repairActionsContainer.SetActive(false); mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); townActionsContainer.SetActive(true); if (!SceneController.Instance.togglePause) { if (!Subjugation._instance.researched) { townActionBtns[3].interactable = false; } else if (Subjugation._instance.researched && !town.subjugationFinished) { townActionBtns[3].interactable = true; } else if (Subjugation._instance.researched && town.subjugationFinished) { townActionBtns[3].interactable = false; } } else { townActionBtns[3].interactable = false; } //BaseController._instance.HideCanvas(); } else if (selectedObj.tag == "HumanBase") { Debug.Log("blah"); townActionsContainer.SetActive(false); resourceActionBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); repairActionsContainer.SetActive(false); mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (!SceneController.Instance.togglePause) { mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.interactable = (subjugatedHumanTowns == totalHumanTowns); } else { mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.interactable = false; } } else if (selectedObj.tag == "Base") { townActionsContainer.SetActive(false); resourceActionBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); repairActionsContainer.SetActive(true); if (!SceneController.Instance.togglePause) { foreach (Button btn in repairActionBtns) { btn.interactable = (!selectedObj.GetComponent <BaseController>().IsFullHealth() && (ResourceStorage._instance.wood >= 3 && ResourceStorage._instance.stone >= 3)); } } else { foreach (Button btn in repairActionBtns) { btn.interactable = false; } } mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); //BaseController._instance.ShowCanvas(); } else if (selectedObj.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Resource")) { townActionsContainer.SetActive(false); repairActionsContainer.SetActive(false); resourceActionBtn.gameObject.SetActive(true); mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (!SceneController.Instance.togglePause) { resourceActionBtn.interactable = true; } else { resourceActionBtn.interactable = false; } //BaseController._instance.HideCanvas(); } } else { townActionsContainer.SetActive(false); repairActionsContainer.SetActive(false); resourceActionBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); mainHumanBaseSubjugateBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); //BaseController._instance.HideCanvas(); } }