// Use this for initialization void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); target = hub.player.transform; transform.position = target.transform.position - offset; transform.LookAt(target.position); }
public void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find ("hub").GetComponent<Hub> (); latice = hub.latice; turnZones = new List<List<Quaternion>> (); zoneController = hub.zoneController; }
public void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); line = GetComponent<LineRenderer>(); qTo = goTarget.transform.localRotation; goTarget = GameObject.Find("Player").gameObject; }
public bool DeleteHub(Hub hub) { if (hub == null) return false; _unitOfWork.HubRepository.Delete(hub); _unitOfWork.Save(); return true; }
public void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); if (hub.latice.Active) { hub.latice.AddObjectToLatice (this.gameObject); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { using (var hub = new Hub("com.example.hello-myo")) { Console.WriteLine("Attempting to find a Myo..."); IMyo myo = hub.WaitForMyo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if (myo == null) throw new TimeoutException("Unable to find a Myo!"); Console.WriteLine("Connected to a Myo armband!\n"); hub.MyoUnpaired += OnUnpair; myo.PoseChanged += OnPoseChanged; myo.OrientationDataAcquired += OnOrientationData; myo.RecognizedArm += OnRecognizedArm; myo.LostArm += OnLostArm; while (true) { hub.Run(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 / 20)); PrintDisplay( ); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; if(transform.gameObject.name == "ImprovedFlame(Clone)") { health = 50; maxhealth = 50; damage = 0.25f; } else if (transform.gameObject.name == "GreaterFlame(Clone)") { health = 100; maxhealth = 100; damage = 0.5f; } else { health = 5; maxhealth = 5; damage = 0.25f; } FindChild("FlameBody").transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, 60); StartCoroutine("DamageBuilding"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); Asteroids = new List<GameObject>(); if(!square){ for (int x = 0; x < Num_Asteroids; x++) { Asteroids.Add(SpawnAsteroid(x.ToString())); } }else{ Num_Asteroids*=2; Num_Asteroids++; int arenaSize = hub.latice.ArenaSize; int spaceing = (int)(2*arenaSize/Num_Asteroids+1); for(int i = 3 ; i < Num_Asteroids-2;i++){ for(int j = 3 ; j < Num_Asteroids-2;j++){ for(int k = 3 ; k < Num_Asteroids-2;k++){ if(i!=0 && k!=0&&j!=0){ GameObject cube = Instantiate(hub.asteroid) as GameObject; cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(AsteroidSize,AsteroidSize,AsteroidSize); //cube.rigidbody.mass=AsteroidSize*10; cube.rigidbody.mass=AsteroidSize; cube.name = "Asteroid"+i+j; cube.transform.position = new Vector3(-arenaSize + spaceing*i,-arenaSize + spaceing*k,-arenaSize + spaceing*j)*0.9f; } } } } } }
public void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); MasterZoneList = new List<List<Quaternion>>(); for(int i = 0; i<= latice._max_Iterations;i++){ MasterZoneList.Add(new List<Quaternion>()); MasterFreshness.Add (0); } for(int x = -latice._max_Iterations; x <= latice._max_Iterations; x++){ for(int y = -latice._max_Iterations; y <= latice._max_Iterations; y++){ for(int z = -latice._max_Iterations; z <= latice._max_Iterations; z++){ if(Mathf.Max (Mathf.Abs (x),Mathf.Abs (y),Mathf.Abs (z)) > 0){ MasterZoneList[Mathf.Max (Mathf.Abs (x),Mathf.Abs (y),Mathf.Abs (z))].Add (new Quaternion(x,y,z,(Mathf.Max (Mathf.Abs (x),Mathf.Abs (y),Mathf.Abs (z))))); } } } } for(int i = 1 ; i < MasterZoneList.Count;i++){ MasterFreshness[i]=Time.frameCount; MasterZoneList[i] = MasterZoneList[i].OrderBy(x=> Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(x.x,x.y,x.z), hub.LaticeBox.transform.InverseTransformDirection(transform.forward))).ToList(); } }
void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); Looper = GetComponent<Looper>(); startZone = hub.player.GetComponent<Looper>().LoopCounter; GameObject Projection = new GameObject (); Clone_Props = Projection.AddComponent<CloneProperties>(); Projection.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> (); Projection.renderer.material = renderer.material; Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh; Projection.AddComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh = mesh; renderer.enabled=false;; Projection.transform.localScale = transform.localScale; Projection.name = this.gameObject.name + "_Projection"; Clone_Props.Original = transform; Clone_Props.self = Projection; renderer.enabled=false; Vector3 loop = Looper.LoopCounter; if(Clone_Props!=null){ Vector3 Offset = loop - (hub.player.GetComponent<Looper>().LoopCounter-startZone); Clone_Props.self.transform.position = hub.LaticeBox.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint (Offset + hub.LaticeBox.transform.InverseTransformPoint (transform.position)); } }
/*****************************************/ // Use this for initialization void Start() { agent = gameObject.GetComponent<PerceptionInterface>(); hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); _firefighters = new List<GameObject>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; StartCoroutine(test(2f)); }
void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); if (hub.latice.Active) { } Destroy (gameObject, 60f); audio.Play(); }
public void When_updating_existing_topic() { var topicUrl = "http://localhost/topic1"; var hub = new Hub(new FakeSubscriptionVerifier(true), new FakeFeedProvider(null)); hub.NewSubscriberSynchronous(topicUrl, "", "verifytoken"); hub.Update(topicUrl); }
public bool Initialize(IGenesisApplication app) { if (_hub == null) _hub = new Hub(); _hub.RegisterApplication(app); return true; }
public Factory(Settings.IProvider settingsProvider, Hub.Authentication.IProvider hubAuthenticationProvider, Hub.Endpoint.IFactory endpointFactory, Messages.IFactory messageFactory, Messages.IMediator messageMediator, IAsyncHelper asyncHelper) { _settingsProvider = settingsProvider; _hubAuthenticationProvider = hubAuthenticationProvider; _endpointFactory = endpointFactory; _messageFactory = messageFactory; _messageMediator = messageMediator; _asyncHelper = asyncHelper; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); completed = 0; building = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefab/building_placeholder"), new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y-32.0f, transform.position.z), transform.rotation) as GameObject; building.transform.parent = transform; building.transform.Rotate(building.transform.right, -90, Space.World); building.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>().enabled = false; }
public Endpoint(Hub.IFactory hubFactory, Registration.IFactory registrationFactory) { _debug = new ObservableStreamWriter(); _hubFactory = hubFactory; _registrationFactory = registrationFactory; _registrations = new Registration.Collection(); }
public void When_a_publisher_registers_a_new_topic() { var hubTopic = "http://localhost:8080/topic1"; //the url of the topic var hub = new Hub(new FakeSubscriptionVerifier(true), new FakeFeedProvider(null)); hub.NewTopic(hubTopic); Assert.That(hub.GetTopics(), Has.Count.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(hub.GetTopics(), Contains.Item(hubTopic)); }
void Start() { prefabSimple = Resources.Load("Prefab/Flame") as GameObject; prefabImproved = Resources.Load("Prefab/ImprovedFlame") as GameObject; prefabGreater = Resources.Load("Prefab/GreaterFlame") as GameObject; hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; int randomizer = Random.Range(300/gameSpeed, 600/gameSpeed); Invoke("generateFires", randomizer); }
public void When_client_subscribes_for_a_non_existant_topic() { var topicUrl = "http://localhost:8080/topic1"; var callBackUrl = "http://host/callback"; var verifyToken = "verifytoken"; var hub = new Hub(new FakeSubscriptionVerifier(true), new FakeFeedProvider(null)); hub.NewTopic(topicUrl); Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => hub.NewSubscriberSynchronous("wrongtopic", callBackUrl, verifyToken)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { speed = 0.25f; hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; if (!File.Exists("Report.txt")) { Debug.Log("Creating File"); File.Create("Report.txt"); } }
public void Publishes_to_simple_subscriber() { var aggregator = new Hub(); var handled = false; aggregator.Subscribe<StringEvent>(se => { handled = true; }); var sent = aggregator.Publish(new StringEvent("Foo")); Assert.IsTrue(sent); Assert.IsTrue(handled); }
void Start() { hub = GameObject.Find ("hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); if(transform.parent!=null) target= transform.parent; thisTransform = transform; if (useMainCamera) cam = Camera.main; else cam = cameraToUse; camTransform = cam.transform; }
/****************************************/ public void Start() { //Initialize some objects barrelEnd = FindChild("BarrelEnd"); buildingJetprefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefab/Build Jet"); hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; buildJetLifeTime = buildingJetprefab.particleSystem.startLifetime; move = GetComponent<BuilderMove>(); }
public void Publishes_to_handler() { var aggregator = new Hub(); var handler = new StringEventHandler(); aggregator.Subscribe(handler); var sent = aggregator.Publish(new StringEvent("Foo")); Assert.IsTrue(sent); Assert.IsTrue(handler.Handled); }
public void When_client_subscribes_for_the_first_time() { var topicUrl = "http://localhost:8080/topic1"; var callBackUrl = "http://host/callback"; var verifyToken = "verifytoken"; var hub = new Hub(new FakeSubscriptionVerifier(true), new FakeFeedProvider(null)); hub.NewTopic(topicUrl); hub.NewSubscriberSynchronous(topicUrl, callBackUrl, verifyToken); CollectionAssert.Contains(hub.Subscribers(), new Subscriber(callBackUrl, true)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; if (transform.parent.tag == "Builder") { agent = transform.parent.GetComponent<Builder>(); } else if (transform.parent.tag == "FireFighter") { agent = transform.parent.GetComponent<PerceptionInterface>(); } }
public Guid CreateAccount(Hub.Models.User user) { user.Password = CreateMD5HashCode(user.Password); user.RegisterTime = DateTime.Now; user.Status = 1; using (var db = new ExtensionFrameworkContext()) { db.Users.Add(user); db.SaveChanges(); } return user.UserID; }
/****************************************/ void Start() { //Initialize some objects barrelEnd = FindChild("BarrelEnd"); waterJetprefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefab/Water Jet"); hub = GameObject.FindWithTag("Hub").GetComponent<Hub>(); gameSpeed = hub.gameSpeed; waterJetLifeTime = waterJetprefab.particleSystem.startLifetime; move = GetComponent<ReactiveFireFighterMove>(); fireParticipants = new List<ReactiveFireFighter>(); }
public static void OnReconnected(Hub hub) { string[] groups; _groups.TryGetValue(hub.Context.ConnectionId, out groups); if (groups != null) { foreach (var key in groups) { hub.Groups.Add(hub.Context.ConnectionId, key); } } }
public void OpenMap() { Hub.Publish(EventConstants.OPEN_MAP); }
public void Shoot() { Hub.Publish(EventConstants.FIRE); }
public void Kaboom() { Hub.Publish(EventConstants.KABOOM); }
// Token: 0x060025D3 RID: 9683 RVA: 0x000BA89E File Offset: 0x000B8C9E private void Rejoined(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage methodCall) { this.messages.Add(string.Format("{0} reconnected at {1}", methodCall.Arguments[0], methodCall.Arguments[1])); }
// Token: 0x060025D4 RID: 9684 RVA: 0x000BA8C5 File Offset: 0x000B8CC5 private void Left(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage methodCall) { this.messages.Add(string.Format("{0} left at {1}", methodCall.Arguments[0], methodCall.Arguments[1])); }
// Token: 0x060025D5 RID: 9685 RVA: 0x000BA8EC File Offset: 0x000B8CEC private void Invoked(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage methodCall) { this.messages.Add(string.Format("{0} invoked hub method at {1}", methodCall.Arguments[0], methodCall.Arguments[1])); }
public void Pause() { Hub.Publish(EventConstants.PAUSE); }