public void NoUrlSupplied()
            HttpContentToSend content     = new HttpContentToSend();
            HttpRequestInfo   requestInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(string.Empty, RequestType.Get, content);

        [Test] public void ExecutesAPlainTextTest()
            var server = new Server {
                Request = "fitLibrary.DoFixture\n"
            var runner = new HttpRunner(server);

            runner.Run(null, new TypeDictionary(), null);
            Assert.AreEqual("test@<br /><div><table><tr><td><span class=\"fit_interpreter\">fitLibrary.DoFixture</span></td> </tr></table></div>", server.Reply);
        [Test] public void DoesntExecuteAnExitCommand()
            var server = new Server {
                Request = "exit"
            var runner = new HttpRunner(server);

            runner.Run(null, new TypeDictionary(), null);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bye", server.Reply);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of all the devices and their information from Device42
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Json string of all the devices and their information</returns>
        /// <exception cref="RequestFailedException">The http request failed while trying to get the device list</exception>
        public override string Execute()
            responseText = string.Empty;
            HttpRequestInfo requestData = null;

            requestData = new HttpRequestInfo(
                string.Concat(serverAddress, D42URLs.AllDevices)
                , RequestType.Get
                , authHeader

                responseText = HttpRunner.SendHttpRequest(requestData);
            }catch (Exception excep) {
                throw new RequestFailedException("Request to get all devices failed", excep);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of all the passwords and their information from Device42
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Json string of all the passwords and their information</returns>
        /// <exception cref="RequestFailedException">The http request failed while trying to get the device list</exception>
        public override string Execute()
            responseText = string.Empty;
            HttpRequestInfo requestData = null;

            requestData = new HttpRequestInfo(
                string.Concat(serverAddress, D42URLs.GetPasswords)
                , RequestType.Get
                , new HttpContentToSend(commandParameters, Encoding.UTF8, ContentType.GetForm)
                , authHeader

            // Reset commandParameters so the aren't reused
            commandParameters = string.Empty;

                responseText = HttpRunner.SendHttpRequest(requestData);
            }catch (Exception excep) {
                throw new RequestFailedException("Request to get passwords failed", excep);
