public async Task PostAsync_InvalidBaseEndpoint_ThrowsArgumentException() { var httpCommunication = new HttpCommunication(); await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentException>( async() => await httpCommunication.PostAsync("invalid uri", "", new Dictionary <string, string>(), new byte[0])); }
/// <summary> /// 创建通讯模块 /// </summary> /// <param name="communicationType">通讯方式</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ICommunication CreateCommunication(CommunicationType communicationType) { ICommunication communication = null; switch (communicationType) { case CommunicationType.C8962: communication = new C8962Communication(); break; case CommunicationType.socketClient: communication = new SocketTcpClientCommunication(); break; case CommunicationType.Http: communication = new HttpCommunication(); break; case CommunicationType.HongDian: throw new NotImplementedException("CommunicationType.HongDian 通讯方式暂时未实现"); //break; case CommunicationType.MAS: throw new NotImplementedException("CommunicationType.MAS 通讯方式暂时未实现"); //break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("未知通讯方式"); //break; } return(communication); }
/* Timer elapsed definitions */ private void Timer_loopRegister_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProgramData.LoginSuccess) { if (radio_register.Checked) { string opcode = ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList[ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx].ToString(); HttpCommunication.AddRegister(opcode, out string msg); if (ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx + 1 == ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList.Count) { _timerLoopRegister.Stop(); btn_readySelCoursesList.Enabled = true; radio_register.Enabled = radio_selection.Enabled = true; checkBox_OnSchedule.Enabled = true; group_TimePicker.Enabled = checkBox_OnSchedule.Checked; btn_StartReg.Enabled = true; } else { ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx += 1; } AddLog(msg); } } }
public async Task PostAsync_NullData_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { var httpCommunication = new HttpCommunication(); await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentNullException>( async() => await httpCommunication.PostAsync("http://localhost", "", new Dictionary <string, string>(), null)); }
private void timer_tryToLogin_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " - Trying to login"); if (!HttpCommunication.Init(out ProgramData.SecureRandom)) { if (CMode.Equals(ConnectionMode.Unknown)) { CMode = ConnectionMode.Offline; radio_register.Enabled = radio_selection.Enabled = true; radio_selection.Checked = true; } else if (CMode.Equals(ConnectionMode.Offline)) { slb_LoginAs.Text = "嘗試連接到伺服器(離線模式)"; } } else { slb_LoginAs.Text = "伺服器連線成功,嘗試登入使用者"; CMode = ConnectionMode.Online; } if (CMode.Equals(ConnectionMode.Online)) { ProgramData.EncryptPw = Crypto.GetEncrypt(ProgramData.LoginPw, ProgramData.LoginId, ProgramData.SecureRandom); if (!HttpCommunication.Login(ProgramData.LoginId, ProgramData.EncryptPw, out string msg)) { AddLog(msg); ProgramData.LoginSuccess = false; slb_LoginAs.Text = "登入失敗"; loginToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; cancelLoginToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } else { AddLog(msg); slb_LoginAs.Text = "登入為 " + ProgramData.LoginId; ProgramData.LoginSuccess = true; loginToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; cancelLoginToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; logoutToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; myCourseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; searchCourseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; if (!_timerLoopSelect.Enabled) { radio_register.Enabled = radio_selection.Enabled = true; radio_register.Checked = true; } } _timerTryToLogin.Stop(); } }
public ActionResult Display() { HttpCommunication <Category> obj = new HttpCommunication <Category>("http://localhost:1309/api/"); obj.ServiceAddress = "Products"; var result = obj.GetRecords(); ViewBag.res = result; return(View()); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // To control whether send query or not ProgramData.AcceptToConnect = false; ProgramData.LoginSuccess = false; CMode = ConnectionMode.Unknown; slb_LoginAs.Visible = true; slb_LoginAs.Text = "尚未登入"; // Try to check connection if (!HttpCommunication.CheckServerConnect()) { AddLog("無法建立與選課伺服器的連接,請檢查連線。"); loginToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } // Default visible btn_StartReg.Visible = true; btn_StartSel.Visible = btn_Cancel.Visible = false; // Default enabled btn_StartReg.Enabled = false; radio_register.Enabled = radio_selection.Enabled = false; btn_readySelCoursesList.Enabled = true; btn_readyDelCoursesList.Enabled = false; checkBox_OnSchedule.Enabled = false; group_TimePicker.Enabled = false; // Default checked checkBox_OnHook.Checked = true; // Default value ProgramData.CurrentNetworkTime = DateTime.Now; dateTimePicker_OnSchedule.Value = ProgramData.CurrentNetworkTime; // Time timers start _timerSyncNetworkTime.Start(); _timerCurrentTime.Start(); // Keep connection alive timer start _timerKeepConnectAlive.Start(); // MainForm closing event (do logout) FormClosing += Main_FormClosing; // For Debugger Debug.Print("Main(UI) thread : " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); }
private void Timer_loopSelect_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProgramData.LoginSuccess) { if (radio_selection.Checked) { string opcode = ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList[ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx].ToString(); if (HttpCommunication.AddSelection(opcode, out string msg)) { ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList.Remove(ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx); ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx -= 1; } if (ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList.Count == 0) { _timerLoopSelect.Stop(); AddLog("全部加選完畢。"); btn_readySelCoursesList.Enabled = true; radio_register.Enabled = radio_selection.Enabled = true; checkBox_OnSchedule.Enabled = true; group_TimePicker.Enabled = checkBox_OnSchedule.Checked; btn_Cancel.Visible = false; btn_StartSel.Visible = true; } else if (ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx + 1 == ProgramData.ReadyToSelectCoursesList.Count) { ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx = 0; // If reach end of list, return to start of list } else { ProgramData.CurrentSelectCourseIdx += 1; // Default, retrieve list one by one } if (msg.Contains("未知")) // If lost connect { AddLog("等待登入成功後將自動進行嘗試加選。"); LostConnect(); } else { AddLog(msg); // Normal status } } } }
private void CourseStudentListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LastSearchIndex = -1; if (HttpCommunication.GetCourseStudents(OpCode, out dynamic datas, out string msg)) { listView_Students.Items.Clear(); if (datas != null) { foreach (var data in datas) { listView_Students.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { data.idcode })); } } } statusLabel.Text = msg; }
private void RefreshAppendList() { if (HttpCommunication.GetAllMyCoursesAppend(ProgramData.LoginId, out dynamic datas, out string msg)) { listView_Appends.Items.Clear(); if (datas != null) { foreach (var data in datas) { listView_Appends.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { data.ord, data.op_type, data.op_code, data.cname, data.teacher })); } } } statusLabel.Text = msg; btn_delAppend.Enabled = false; }
private void timer_keepConnectAlive_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProgramData.LoginSuccess) { // If action not finish yet, do not block network source. if (!(_timerLoopRegister.Enabled || _timerLoopSelect.Enabled)) { if (!HttpCommunication.GetAllMyCourses(ProgramData.LoginId, out _, out _)) { AddLog("已由伺服器端離線。"); LostConnect(); } else { Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " - Keep connection alive."); } } } }
private void timer_loopDelete_Elapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProgramData.LoginSuccess) { if (checkBox_DelCourseFirst.Checked) { string opCode = ProgramData.ReadyToDeleteCoursesList[ProgramData.CurrentDeleteCourseIdx].ToString(); HttpCommunication.DeleteSelection(opCode, out string msg); if (ProgramData.CurrentDeleteCourseIdx + 1 == ProgramData.ReadyToDeleteCoursesList.Count) { _timerLoopDelete.Stop(); } else { ProgramData.CurrentDeleteCourseIdx += 1; } AddLog(msg); } } }
private void btn_delAppend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string seletedItemString = listView_Appends.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text + "(" + listView_Appends.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text + ")"; string opcode = listView_Appends.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text; string msg = null; if (MessageBox.Show( "您確定要取消遞補 [" + seletedItemString + "] 嗎", "確認取消遞補", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (HttpCommunication.DeleteAppend(opcode, out msg)) { MessageBox.Show(msg, "取消遞補成功", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg, "取消遞補失敗", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } RefreshAppendList(); }
private void btn_delSelection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string seletedItemString = listView_Courses.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text + "(" + listView_Courses.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text + ")"; string opcode = listView_Courses.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; string msg = null; if (MessageBox.Show( "您確定要退選 [" + seletedItemString + "] 嗎", "確認退選", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (HttpCommunication.DeleteSelection(opcode, out msg)) { MessageBox.Show(msg, "退選成功", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg, "退選失敗", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } RefreshCourseList(); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <int> > GetBestStoriesIdsAsync() { var url = $"{apiVersion}/beststories.json"; return(await HttpCommunication.GetAsync <IEnumerable <int> >(url)); }
public async Task <Story> GetStoryDetailAsync(int id) { var url = $"{apiVersion}/item/{id}.json"; return(await HttpCommunication.GetAsync <Story>(url)); }
/// <exception cref="ArgParserException"><c>--socket_ip</c> passed without specifying <c>--socket_port</c> or vice-versa</exception> public void ParseArguments(string[] args, Func <byte[]> takeScreenshotCallback) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { // For some reason sometimes visual studio will pass this to us on the commandline. it makes no sense. if (args[i] == ">") { i++; var stdout = args[i]; Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(stdout)); continue; } var arg = args[i].ToLower(); if (arg.StartsWith("--load-slot=")) { cmdLoadSlot = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } if (arg.StartsWith("--load-state=")) { cmdLoadState = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } if (arg.StartsWith("--config=")) { cmdConfigFile = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--movie=")) { cmdMovie = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-type=")) { cmdDumpType = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-frames=")) { string list = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); string[] items = list.Split(','); _currAviWriterFrameList = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (string item in items) { _currAviWriterFrameList.Add(int.Parse(item)); } // automatically set dump length to maximum frame _autoDumpLength = _currAviWriterFrameList.OrderBy(x => x).Last(); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--version")) { printVersion = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-name=")) { cmdDumpName = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-length=")) { int.TryParse(arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1), out _autoDumpLength); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-close")) { _autoCloseOnDump = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--chromeless")) { _chromeless = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--fullscreen")) { startFullscreen = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--lua=")) { luaScript = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); luaConsole = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--luaconsole")) { luaConsole = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--socket_port=")) { int.TryParse(arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1), out socket_port); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--socket_ip=")) { socket_ip = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--mmf=")) { mmf_filename = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--url_get=")) { URL_get = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--url_post=")) { URL_post = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--audiosync=")) { audiosync = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1) == "true"; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--open-ext-tool-dll=")) { // the first ext. tool from ExternalToolManager.ToolStripMenu which satisfies both of these will be opened: // - available (no load errors, correct system/rom, etc.) // - dll path matches given string; or dll filename matches given string with or without `.dll` openExtToolDll = args[i].Substring(20); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--network_debug=")) { networkDebug = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1) == "true"; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--network_debug_rom=")) { networkRomPath = args[i].Substring(args[i].IndexOf('=') + 1); } else { cmdRom = args[i]; } } httpCommunication = URL_get == null && URL_post == null ? null // don't bother : new HttpCommunication(takeScreenshotCallback, URL_get, URL_post); memoryMappedFiles = mmf_filename == null ? null // don't bother : new MemoryMappedFiles(takeScreenshotCallback, mmf_filename); if (socket_ip == null && socket_port <= 0) { socketServer = null; // don't bother } else if (socket_ip == null || socket_port <= 0) { throw new ArgParserException("Socket server needs both --socket_ip and --socket_port. Socket server was not started"); } else { socketServer = new SocketServer(takeScreenshotCallback, socket_ip, socket_port); } }