public static void RemoveAccount() { Console.Write("Type the customer's account number: "); uint acctnum = 0; try { acctnum = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { var originalForeground = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = originalForeground; } if (HsCustomers.Remove(FindCustomer(acctnum))) { Console.WriteLine("Customer was successfully removed"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Customer was not found"); } }
private static bool AddNewCustomer(ref Customer newCustomer) { if (HsCustomers.Add(newCustomer)) { Console.WriteLine(@"'{0}' added successfully", newCustomer); } else { Console.WriteLine("Customer could not be added"); return(false); } return(true); }
public static Customer FindCustomerByName(string[] cname) { using (var look = HsCustomers.GetEnumerator()) { while (look.MoveNext()) { if (look.Current.FirstName != cname[0] && look.Current.LastName != cname[1]) { return(look.Current); } } } var originalForeground = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Customer not found. \n{0}"); Console.ForegroundColor = originalForeground; return(null); }
private static Customer FindCustomer(uint accountNumber) { using (var lookup = HsCustomers.GetEnumerator()) { if (lookup.MoveNext() == false) { return(null); } do { if (lookup.Current.CheckingAccountNumber.Equals(accountNumber) || lookup.Current.SavingsAccountNumber.Equals(accountNumber)) { return(lookup.Current); } } while (lookup.MoveNext()); } Console.WriteLine("Customer not found.\n"); return(null); }